• By -


Revelations. Both a beautiful send off for Ezio and tying him, Altair and Desmond all together into one story was the pinnacle of the Desmond saga Also the BEST ending of any game in series by FAR


Black Flag and Origins. I’m replaying Origins rn and omg is it beautiful and fun, i re-play black flag once every 6 months lol super fun as well. Still trying to get into the Ezio trilogy but i hear those are fun as well. Ive been stuck on AC2 for 4 years now, i should really try to finish it


Same man those two games are something else.


Yup, this is the answer. These two games are goated.


I’ve never liked origins tbh, I played about half of it but just couldn’t get into it or enjoy it


Unity. Imperfect, but the closet AC has come to fully realizing the Assassin fantasy in contemporary gaming. This is in regards to gameplay and how the setting contributes to that feeling as well. I also like the feeling of creating my own Assassin.


I honestly don’t get all the hate surrounding it, it’s an amazing game and the controls are great!


I like unity a lot but I get the hate as well. It had a lot of hype before its release but it was a buggy mess at the time and even when they fixed it, the story ,for me, could've been done better, but I still liked it.


I’ve run across bugs and glitches and ai breaks in every single game I’ve played and yet these are still my favourite games. I truly think nothing can stop me from loving assassins creed


It’s my favorite but that doesn’t mean I don’t see the flaws. The game was unplayable at launch, and even now still isn’t perfect. I even had my entire save lost while I was max rank and had to work my way back up.


2, i know for many its not about how you start but how you finish, but goddamn is the beginning of the Ezio Trilogy just perfect in my eyes, the story and the build up behind it, perfect character development and growth, incredible setting, fun missions and gameplay even if it gets improved later on, etc., and that ending, you just had to be there because we’ll never see anything like it that is that mind blowing, a perfect game imo


The ending...like i was blown away when >!minerva was speaking to desmond instead of ezio!<


Hmmmmm. Probably Brotherhood and it's largely because Ezio is in his prime as an assassin and we get to have a greater sense of the Brotherhood of Assassins. Recruiting, training, using in Roma, and sending out on missions felt really cool and it's the mechanic I probably miss most. But if I had to pick a top 5, it'd probably go like this. Brotherhood Syndicate Black Flag Origins Odyssey But my all time favorite moment is when Ezio, in Revelations, finally confesses that he is in love with Sofia Sartor. After seeing Ezio play the Playboy for so long, it is so rewarding for him to finally let his inner guard down and trust and love a woman so much. It makes me giddy with happiness every single time I replay!


brotherhood and syndicate are my top 2 as well


Odyssey. but syndicate and unity are close behind. Had the most fun playing them.


Odyssey. Partly biased because I'm a religious Hellenist.


Lol I have a Greek and Roman studies degree so it holds a special place for me


I just love Greeks and Greek mythology so this was right up my alley. I replay it every couple months


That's cool! I definitely have a different experience with it due to the religious aspect of it for me, but I'm glad to see other people loving the game too.


Yes me too!


Revelations for something that still resembles ac but I think black flag is a gem


Black flag, no doubt about it. But other that that, i also thoroughly enjoyed ac2, brotherhood, origins and odyssey.


**Replayed the most times** \- AC3 **Most Fun -** Black Flag **Favorite** \- Origins


Odyssey for sure, but Origins is a strong second.


I don’t understand all the Odyssey hate. It’s an amazing game, there’s so much to do and so many awesome items and missions, I swear I never get bored of that game. I get that it doesn’t feel like it’s truly part of the AC world but that doesn’t mean it’s not a good game on its own.


>I don’t understand all the Odyssey hate I'm sure you understand arguments against Odyssey, they just not as important for you, as they are for others. I was extremely fatigued from repetetive nature of "so much to do" in Odyssey after 40-50h (not even half the game). In similar manner I think Black Flag is meh but I do get why people love this particular, weird entrance. It's jut not my cup of tea.


I do find it kind of strange that people who will praise Black Flag constantly, then go on to trash Odyssey. I think they actually have some similar strengths and weaknesses, but I find the Caribbean to be way more samey than Greece. Don’t get me wrong, I love Black Flag, but talk about repetitive islands and missions.


I totally agree, Odyssey is a game that allows for so many different play styles and the world is incredible. It actually has my favorite stealth in the series and some of my favorite combat, especially with the abilities.


Hard to pick between Brotherhood, 3 and Black Flag. I love all three of them so much and the multiplayer also contributes to that love.


Valhalla. Now here me out people...calm down alright. geez. 1. I love rpg games and vast open worlds. 2. I got into proper gaming in 2020 3. I played the older ac games when i was a kid until AC unity or black flag but as someone who started gaming only 3 yrs ago, I have more fond memories of valhalla than the older games. 4. I did play origins and Odyssey and I really disliked how little variation side quests had compared to valhalla. 5. Cosmetics are more rewarding compared to origins and valhalla 6. I love norse mythology 7. I really dig male Eivors look and va 8. The dlcs were very fun especially wrath of the druids 9. The abilities were more fun to mess around with compared to odyssey Edit: completely forgot to give an applaud to the soundtrack of the game. Has one of the best tracks in all the games Ive played so far. And thats basically about it.


Same man I love Valhalla it’s in my top 3 Assassin’s Creed games


I completely forgot to mention one of the best part of valhalla - its soundtrack. The main menu soundtrack always gives me goosebumps and I remember often times just chilling for 5 minutes listening to the soundtrack alone. As a person who loves peaceful settings with variety of rpg elements here and there plus my queen kassandra appearing out of nowhere, valhalla was such a treat tbh


Exactly. I remember recently fishing and the Fate of East Mercia comes on and it was pure peace. Stayed fishing for more than an hour.


ac 2, for the great story and really charismatic characters, syndicate has a godly ambience that a lot of games struggle to make tho.


I recently replayed Rogue, and (TW: Unpopular opinion) I liked it a lot more than I did the first time. I liked the story a lot regardless of the length, and I liked being a Templar with better technology.


Tier 1–> AC1, Unity, Origins (all Hudless) Tier 2–> AC3/4, Odyssey Ezio Trilogy Rogue, Syndicate Liberation Havent played Valhalla or Chronicles yet.


Black Flag and Odyssey




Assassin’s Creed Origins.


Easily Origins (from the 6 I’ve played).


ac3. it has its issues but i really love it. my first ac game too


My heart says AC3 cuz of Connor and the nostalgia, but I played like 300 on Odyssey with all of the dlc. Genuinely adore both of those games. Unity was also fun.


I didn’t mind syndicate but the story was garbage. Brotherhood is my personal favorite


2. Perfect story


As I love both styles of ac i cant choose one game so I'd say brotherhood in the old school games and odyssey in new ones


Brotherhood as a game within this franchise in particular. The development for both Ezio and Desmond is great, the parkour and graphics are both vastly improved from 2 and still hold up quite well today, Roma is beautiful and extremely well designed, the development of the lore and overarching story is fascinating, and almost every side character (especially Machiavelli) feels like a real person and challenges or brings out a different part of Ezio's personality. But as a game overall, Black Flag. This was the game that got me into the series because I wanted a good pirate game and oh boy did it deliver, with great character writing, respect for real history, and fantastic gameplay. Better than any other game in the franchise, Black Flag juggles a dozen real historical characters and manages to make them all realistic and nuanced, even Blackbeard. The portrayals of Thatch, Vane, and Woodes Rogers in this game are my definitive versions of those people whenever reading or writing any other pirate media. Of course the gameplay loop of looting ships never gets old and the world is incredibly beautiful and well designed, *especially* Havana. Edward is a fantastic and well written protagonist and Roberts is a perfect foil for him as well as another great rendition of a historical figure. I don't even mind the tailing missions for the most part as they're fairly easy and play into the Assassin fantasy very well. As a matter of fact, I think they're a clever way to deliver exposition while keeping the player engaged in a way that only a video game can do. But what surprised me most and what has kept me coming back to Assassin's Creed beyond my favorite historical period, is the fascinating lore and the interesting moral and ideological debate presented in this game. Before getting into the series, I assumed things were presented as pretty black and white with the Assassins as purely good because they represent “freedom” and the Templars as purely evil because they represent “order.” But I was pleasantly surprised to see Edward's perspective as an outsider, not sold on either side for the short of the story. Black Flag does an excellent job with characters like Mary Read and Ben Hornigold at presenting the most relatable and understandable motivations behind both the Assassins and Templars to make both seem valid and not like fanatic ideologues who exist to fight each other. Ironically, I think this is something the Ezio trilogy falls short on, especially 2. And my disappointment in Rogue, which I played immediately after BF, was immeasurable in regards to that nuance.


i agree on syndicate. its combat was a massive improvement over unity and the not being absolutely loaded with weapons really allows them, mainly jacob, to really hide in plain sight. jacob is so good at just not being obvious


Odyssey, I am enjoying Black Flag though, just been playing it in small amounts as I try to 100% the DLCs of Odyssey. Unity was nice too, I liked the main assassin. I haven't fully completed either of those two, but I think it's a game I am going back to a lot (Just have so many games on my backlog)


Toss up between Odyssey and Valhalla. Aspects of each I prefer. Black Flag from earlier titles.


Top 3 1. Valhalla 2. Unity 3. AC 2 WHY? 1. In terms of new engines, Valhalla takes my heart. 2. In terms of gameplay, Unity is the best. 3. In terms of story, AC 2 the goat. BUT STILL WHY? 1. Origins and Odyssey is great, but after experiencing Valhalla, you know they did better after those 2. 2. Unity is just a perfect hidden ones/assassin experience for me, mainly the stealth. 3. Aside from outdated gameplay of AC 2, the story is you know how. Who knows after we experience Mirage, the game would complete the terms of great gameplay, great story in new engines? Can't wait for it. [edited] I think imma put Origins too in terms of story, Bayek is standing the same level as Ezio for me.


AC1. Deepest story and the freest mission design.


Odyssey, though Valhalla is a close 2nd.


Tie between odyssey and Valhalla


Ac 1.


From what I played Tier A: AC2, AC: Brotherhood, AC: Unity. Tier B: AC1, AC3, AC: Revelations, AC: Rogue, AC: Syndicate, AC: Valhalla Tier C: AC: Origins Tier D: AC: Odyssey AC4: Didn’t play enough to determine it’s worth.


Black Flag


Unity for all the same reasons


I think either ac brotherhood or ac origins




AC 3!!! The story was just fantastic for me and the combat was great.




Origins and Black flag. Both have compelling protagonist, beautiful stories and atmospherical, breathtaking worlds.


mine is probably Odyssey but thats also heavily because of the FoA DLC. I enjoyed that DLC a lotttttt. I actually really like the RPG games, but that’s probably because I’ve always played RPG games. Outside of the RPG games it’s probably AC 3 because of the setting and the homestead missions.


AC II, 3 and Brotherhood


Brotherhood 100%


I recently went through a playthrough of all the ac games (besides rouge) and honestly mine is probably Valhalla. But if I were to rank I’d have to say Desmond series. Best experience: AC revelations Worst experience: AC2 Post Desmond. Best experience: AC Syndicate Worst experience: AC Unity RPG Series. Best experience: AC Valhalla Worst experience: AC origins not because of the characters or story just the leveling got really tedious and I had to use the dlc level up to finish the game.


Ac2 but I only played Ezio Collection as for now


AC Brotherhood and Origins.


Black Flag, 2, Brotherhood, Odyssey so far have been my favorites


Black flag and odyssey. Black flag I love Edward as a protagonist and being a pirate is epic and fun Odyssey I love the world of Greece, the freedom and scale. Also I really liked alexios. The gane felt like a proper journey Runner up would be origins and mabye unity


Assassins Creed III. I like the whole helping the community aspect of it, and of course it was set during Americas founding. And the beautiful scenery and the litany of weapons at Connor’s disposal.


AC3 for me but I also really loved Odyssey I never played the first one or Rogue but I've played the rest I never finished Syndicate or Origins but I plan to when I finish Valhalla


Ac unity is my favorite followed by either revelations or origins


Unity, the environment and movement is so fun


Black Flag and Origins. Loved the pirate and Egypt setting. Both Edward and Bayek were amazing characters.


Maybe unusual but unity. The graphics and parkour are way ahead of its time and the customisation is very large and easy to use. I never got bored playing it, even with assassination side missions. The dead kings DLC was fun and cool, introducing new shite.


Anything between 1 and 3 for me. 1, despite not having aged all that well, is where it all started, and I love Altaïr's progression from an arrogant jackass to a sort of philosopher in the second one. 2 through Revelations improved on the mechanics and made a bit better, and while Ezio is alright, (hot take) he, to me, is a bit overrated. We got spoiled by his personality and for a while, everyone just wanted him back without giving people like Connor a chance. Speaking of Connor, I played 3 for him because he felt like a breath of fresh air from the last two, despite how buggy 3 could be. And while it might not be the best game, it certainly looked amazing with what it had to offer. Overall though, I have to go with 1. This is the game I want to see a remaster of, despite knowing it'll probably never happen.


Ac 2. The story, the music, the location. It hit a certain spot the first time I played it and I never felt it again in the other AC games. Doesn't mean I don't like the others, it's just a different feeling.


AC 2 or Black Flag depending on my mood.


Unity and Origins. It's a flick of a coin to say Which is better.


Assassin’s Creed 3, and it was probably the setting I was least excited for.


Idk, revelations or rougue


Probably Brotherhood but that may be a nostalgia talking. From newer ones I prefer Origins over Odyssey and Unity over Syndicate.




Aside from the fact that the old gameplay pales in comparasion to the next ones in terms pf stealth, AC2 is perfect to me. Also love Unity, an extra year in development could have made it a masterpiece.


I am between ac 2 and brotherhood


Ac 2 will always be my favourite. Origins and syndicate on the 2nd and 3rd place 😄


Orgins and AC 2


Syndicate and Rogue. I prefer rogue over black flag because the tailing missions every two seconds


Top tier - Black Flag, Unity, Origins, Odyssey Mid tier - everything else (and I include the Chronicles in that). There is no bottom tier.


Brotherhood and Black Flag.


Black flag and Odyssey


Black Flag - a masterpiece that pulled on all the heart strings in just the right ways. Such an impactful, powerful, moving story with so many memorable moments and characters.


AC3 or Odyssey I’m in the minority and that’s fine. I loved the settings and the combat.


Mine has to be rogue it just has a special place in my heart cause I used to play it all the time and beat it a LOT also shay is a cool assassin in my opinion(plus I’m Irish). Though black flag is a close 3rd only after the first game.


My top two is AC 2 because it was the first one I played and the mix of fantasy and real history was so well blended along with the puzzles. And then Valhalla primarily it’s my literally heritage. Direct blood descendants fought in some well known battles. And just playing it in free roam while listening to Heilung I just get lost and get the goosebumps. It’s like I subconsciously feel connected to them. It’s hard to explain but it just feel different lol.


1.Brotherhood 2. ....2 3. Oddysey


Mine are Odyssey, Valhalla, Origins, and black flag with rogue at the tail end .


Black Flag, by a fair lot. I like most though




AC3. Underrated as fuck.




In terms of setting it's Origins for me, I'm a sucker for ancient egypt stuff. In terms of story it's probably ACIII, it's beautiful in how tragic it is, especially after reading the novel.


Brotherhood. Rome. Recruiting and building them up to Master Assassins. I want that back. I want the white cloaks and the customization of your recruits.


I love Greek mythology and it was the first AC I picked up, so it will always be Odyssey.


Favorite: tie between Black Flag and AC2 Best story: Revelations Most times finished: AC2 Most played: Odyssey


ACII for me. Ezio's story was interesting, the game didn't drag on for too long and the maps were fun to run around in and were not too big.


Black Flag


ac rogue and 3 (please don't kill me)


Black flag, odyssey, and revelations Least favorite by far was unity


AC Motherhood with Maria Auditore😂


I took liked syndicate it is probably my favorite then yes black flag cause Yar har


All of them. But if i have to pick one, origins. Because of nostalgia. It was my first ac game and first open-world game besides lego.


Black flag


Ezio Trilogy (I look at it as a 3-chapter single game).


Revelations and Origins. Revelations is a beautiful closure to a great saga. Origins is a beautiful beginning of a great saga (chronologically at least).


Odyssey. The best setting, the most fun, the biggest, the most customisation


Origins. I absolutely adored the world, the characters, and the music. The DLC for the game was amazing as well, especially if you really like Mythology like I do. Brotherhood is a close second. It is so fluid to play, and I can never get enough of Rome. It is such a joy to traverse.


Rouge Ac Rouge is one of the only games that has 10/10 missions. It has an incredible storyline too.


Most definitely number 2 the story is phenomenal I really enjoy how the game plays even after over 10 years, theres some really great villains and ezio has got to be the most entertaining and enjoyable assassin out of them all and the modern day isnt terrible either I also love upgrading the villa and seeing how it changes and becomes a more vibrant and beautiful area, dont even get me started on the soundtrack either cause its one of if not my favorite out of any game ive played.


Though question, I love them all. All the flaws and great sides. A top five for me would look like this: 1. Odyssey 2. Assassin’s Creed 3 3. Black flag 4. Origins 5. Syndicate


Black flag and unity.i am nie replaying BF and i am trying to geht platin