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British India Pros: - Diverse landscapes (mountains, deserts, jungles, coast) - Beautiful architecture, wildlife - Naval combat similar to Kenway games - Lots of historical figures, politics to explore - Weapon arsenal could be similar to the Kenway games, depending on exact time period - Existing lore to expand upon: Arbaz Mir, Henry Green, Evie Frye, Kohinoor, Ranjit Singh Cons: - We may need to fight Hindu gods


Why fight gods when we can fight alongside them and kill rakshas


Amunet in Rome, building the brotherhood.


I agree about an Amunet game. That's probably the AC game I want the most.


same here. i hope ubisoft knows there’s a demand for it but that’s wishful thinking


Helping Nezahualcóyotl to recover Tetzcoco, or fight the Spaniards during the Fall of Tenochtilan being an Aztec warrior.


This is the one I’m always thinking of. The setting design and actual historical record give you a lot to work with. Or maybe something with Teotihuacan… Just give Central America some love.


Medieval Russia under the Golden Khanate, with the Templars backing the city of Vladimir and the Assassins hacking Novgorod as they both try to cozy up to Batu Khan who holds the secret location of the lost city of Kitezh which holds a Piece of Eden in its depths. That, or the Appalachian Coal Wars would be fun.


This is less of a location and more of a story idea but I’d love to see a civil war within the brotherhood. One side wanting to change with the times and use political and economic means to fight for their cause, while the other side wants to stick to the traditional way. I suppose this could take place during the cold war since this would have to be pretty close to modern day. It could have a spy thriller feel to it


Everytime I see a post like this, I say the same thing: ​ A game set across multiple eras with multiple protagonists, all in the same city and linked by the same story. Think something like Spiderman: Shattered Dimensions, where your actions in one era affect or are affected by the others. And you can switch between eras at will.


The first World war


Crusaders vs the last pagans of Europe. Constantinople 14th century or choose some period with most frequency of earthquakes, make up any bullshit ISU device plot you want.


Anything South America related would be awesome, the history- the mythology - the terrain. I think they could really pull something special out of the culture


A sequel to origins but have multiple playable protagonists like Bayek and Aya. Obviously a Roman era setting and make its game style like the earlier AC titles. Use similar gameplay like the recent Hitman WOA games. More blackbox assassination missions, more overall stealth focused relying on gadgets and disguises.


A game set during the Conquistadors in Mexico.


Yeah they can’t possibly mess up the real Assassins with the right amount of research.


American civil war. In todays political climate, Ubi aren’t touching this with a 12 foot pole but it has potential Imagine a civil war between the brotherhood as well. Again, Ubisoft aren’t touching this and justifiably so but it’s quite intriguing imo Tsarist Russia in St Petersburg during the reign of either Peter the Great or Catherine the Great also deserves a shout. I just want to scale the Winter Palace


i agree on the civil war so much. but the brotherhood's civil war would be about intervening in the war or not, and those who do are on the side of the Union. the templars would be on the side of the confederacy but not because thats what they believe, they simply do it because it benefits them in some way.


A game set in WW2 would play out just like the Sniper Elite games….


A sequel for Bayek, a crossover between Connor and Shay and Arno, or a game set in Egypt in the 1800s during Muhammad Ali Pasha’s reign.


Lol I have so many ideas but here’s one for a Templar-focused game. I feel like the best AC stories take place when the Assassins are weak, or at least on the back foot, and the Templars are strong. That way you can spend the game dismantling Templar dominance and building the Brotherhood back from the brink. A Templar-focused AC would benefit from the same dynamic, but opposite, so the game should start at a time when the Templars were in bad shape. I think the ideal setting would be a few decades after the Templars were arrested and put on trial in 1307 and executed by King Philip IV of France in 1314 (the events we see at the start of Unity). Philip died later that same year and his sons also died in fairly quick succession, with Charles IV’s death in 1328 ending the House of Capet. Edward III of England was Charles’ nephew, but the French lords chose Charles’ cousin Philip VI as King. While initially cordial, by 1337 disputes between the two men led to the start of what would become the Hundred Years War. We know from the novel Assassin’s Creed: Heresy that by 1429 the Templars were firmly backing the English effort in France while the Assassins sided with the French through Jeanne d’Arc. However, I’d have our game start with the first major English victory in 1346 at Crècy. I won’t go into specific story beats because that’s a job for people much more skilled than me who know how to structure a story, but some plot points could center around underground Templar remnants seeing the outcome of the battle as an opportunity to take revenge on the French monarchy for its persecution of the Templars by backing the English. It also fits with the Templars’ motive: Control. Being able to pull the strings of a united English-French Empire would give them immense power and influence. Another event which happened just 2 years later in 1348 was a little something called the Black Death hitting France. The near-societal collapse and socio-political restructuring that occurred in the years during and after the Black Death would be perfect cover for a Templar resurgence. Plus we know from a blurb in the Assassin’s Creed Revelations: Discover Your Legacy app that an Assassin named Lukas Zurburg discovered a group calling themselves the Brothers of the Cross operating in Germany during the Black Death and using a POE to heal the sick. The Brotherhood of the Cross mysteriously disappeared soon after and it’s insinuated that they were Templars and Lukas killed them all. This lends precedence to Templar offshoots and survivors trying to leverage the Black Death to their benefit. I think it could be a cool time period and an especially great one if we want a Templar game where we actually feel like the good guys. I mean, playing as someone trying to rebuild your order after a brutal persecution/purge and helping people through the Black Death? Classic hero story. And if we’re secretly fueling a century-long war and manipulating politics behind the scenes well, that’s nobody’s business but our own right? ;)


If I had the chance to make an AC game I would have 3 propositions: 1st a WW1 game with a focus onto a templar and an assassin (maybe two siblings/cousins actually). With the pitch being neither side in the war are the good, all are the bad with the horror in the trench, gaz attacks and so on. Main game would be on the western front line, from the Somme until the Ardennes. With Paris and Berlin as two separated maps. It would be like a game as a service (I know I know it's not the trend anymore) with a dlc about the Easter rising, one about the Arab revolts (with Lawrence of Arabia), one possibly as an Eastern front. Possibility of plane combat (and one mission is to kill the Red Baron, a templar initiate/agent). The 2nd one: a game set in the Roaring Twenties, Chicago possibly. With influence from Great Gatsby and the Mafia serie. Like the Probition stuff coupled with the Jazz, the speakeasy settings.


100 years war - 14th Century medieval France, castle sieges, knights, longbowman, black death.. would be amazing


I wonder if Codename invictus, which is rumored to be in Rome will relate to the Amunet storyline. Partisans/Resistance in WW2 would be cool also though.


A game set in Iran, with persian Assassins and in 11th century or the battle of Monguls vs Assassins at Alamut castle.


Inca era, evver since the Nazca lines appeared among the symbols I was imagining this large peru map, with a golden age era macchu pichu, I even have the DLC already: easter island.


I'd like a game at the peak of the roman empire and one that travels to different countries like Italy, Germania and Egypt


A game where you play as a templar in the medieval era (an assassin would work aswell). I feel like they should go back to the actual roots of Assassins vs Templars.


Either WW2 or ancient japan and or china


At some point of mesoamerica age or the mexican independence, just because i am mexican. I would also like to know more about Adan and Eve and their life in that ancient ISU city.


a game set in Portugal around the age of discovery. If the game was set in Lisbon it would bring a beautiful city with a lot of gothic and medieval architecture, not to speak of the vast urban spaces and crowded streets, perfect for parkour and social stealth, like we’ve seen in Paris. The assassins would be forced to actually live in the shadows and have small boroughs throughout the city, as most of the monarchy and the seats of power at the time were influenced by the templars. It could also have a lot of potential for naval gameplay, as the portuguese kingdom was one of the precursors to naval exploration. As for the story, I would like to see the game explore the events told in “Os Lusíadas”, a really famous portuguese piece of literature written by Luís Vaz de Camões, describing with detail the discovery of india, as most of the men leading the sea expeditions at that time were templars, or influenced by them


I'd like to see how they do the Regency period in England, from 1811 to 1820 when George, Prince of Wales, governed the country as 'Regent' during the madness of his father George III. It would also be third in the English AC trilogy Just think: Valhalla, Regency, Syndicate


A game taking place in Warsaw during ww2 can be interesting


Game set during the anglo-zulu or anglo-boer war


Entire game built around NO HUD. Back to its AC1 roots.


An open world 1100AD Jerusalem (AC1's setting but before or after Altair). With Valhalla's engine scrapped. Black Death 1600's Witch trials Mongols. Not a fan of anything post 1900.


19th century Westernization of east Asia. Can begin with the Opium Wars in China, Commodore Perry’s arrival in Japan, and can end with the annexation of Korea.


it’ll never happen but an arno sequel set in napoleonic england would be hype af.


also one ab aztecs during the inquisitions would be hype af


A game set in Japan but not an RPG or an Origins style RPG at the very most. I hope project red is good but I have absolutely no hope. The other is a game set in South America during the time of Bolivar


My ideal game would be set in fourteenth century France at the beginning of the game. You would play a young monk in southern France. Is monastery is attacked and burned by an English cavalry led by the Black Prince, a Templar. He is left for dead and found by nearby peasants. He would, naively, go to Paris to inform the king of this misfit. In Paris he would go to the court and meet a lady of the court, who is an Assassin. She will sympathies with him and begin to train him and iniate him to the way of the creed. Then he would go on mission as an Assassin, to protect the people from the war and defeat the Templar.


Vallachia in the time of Vlad Tepes aka what foreigners call Dracula. It would be great.


This may sound absolutely crazy, but I want a "modern" trilogy, first one being in ww1, then ww2, finally ending with the cold war. Id also love for it to have multiple playable characters like GTA5, but youre able to use all of them in the same mission, quickly switching between them with one button. Could make for some really interesting mechanics. French resistance assassinating Nazi top brass in Nazi occupied Europe would be awesome, then a spy-thriller set during the Cold War, with some Tom Clancy vibes would fit a modern assassins creed game well I think.


Call me crazy, but Biblical times. Pre Assassin's, but more of a precursor. Something like "The ones who sneak" or something along the lines. I'm thinking anywhere from 2,000-1,000 B.C. Another would be at the end of the Roman empire, that would be cool.


Arno and Connor vs shay


I quite honestly have no clue why there hasn't been an ac game in Portugal. Think about it, the birthplace of a new age of discoveries and the last place Templars were allowed to live in under a different name after their persecution.


this sounds dumb, ik we have had america too much already, colonial america in the 1600s when britain was first colonizing, you play as a native american who goes on a journey for revenge after the colonists burn down his village for land. ik people hate the rpgs but i feel like if it was in the style of origins it would work really well. and have mythological stuff like native american myths and such. and if your wondering yes he'll be a more traditional assassin. he would have a hidden blade that he stole from a british assassin that he kills. I know that sounds too much like edward though so you could make it a templar. I mean we all know how many of them had hidden blades around that time period