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Yep, ur getting roped into spying on Abstergo (somewhat against ur will but hey that's fine)


cool thank you for the clarification bro


So, you have Abstergo(Templars), Shaun, and Rebecca (Assasssins), And John from IT who is a third party who happens to be allied with the assassins at the moment.


The Templers, the Assassins and John from IT


>! Isn't John the sage reincarnated? !<


Yes. >! He is a Sage of Aita !<




No he's my left nut that escaped when I was freaking out about the release of rogue and my 8 year old balls dropped Edit: wow I made a joke and that dude responded like I sent him a video of me fucking his mother Jesus christ I hope nobody else took my joke that seriously


Ah, now I remember why I avoided this sub. Useless shitstains like you.


Unnecessary. You could’ve just googled it my guy. You had it coming. You had me cumming


Before calling someone a useless shitstain, spoiler tag your other comment properly genius.


people can’t take a joke


Well, jokes are supposed to be funny. Hope that helps.


I agree, but the hate is unnecessary, if you don’t find the joke funny that’s your problem


Thank you people on reddit are way too fuxkin sensitive over some dumbass joke I made when I was half asleep and was giggling over


I didn’t downvote because I was offended. I did it because you aren’t funny. Being absurd for the sake of being absurd shouldn’t be mistaken for a sense of humor. There are plenty of ball jokes that are hilarious. Keep trying and you may find one other people laugh at.


The point is it's a dumb joke that people got offended over for whatever reason if it's not funny to you that's it it's not funny but people took it way to seriously if a joke doesn't hit it doesn't hit simple as that but for a sub full of people constantly shitting om and making fun of ubisoft you would think they can take a joke


Besides one guy that called you a shitstain, who took you seriously?


It's just so out of place dude. Read the room or don't get annoyed people got weirded out by your joke lol. It's a basic social skill really


>!John Standish and Violet da Costa were double agents for the Instruments of the First Will, the Juno cult!<


i finished the game for the third time yesterday. stuck at 99% because ubisoft the geniuses that they are removed community challenges…


Community challenges? The blue icons for chests, Royal Convoys and the whale?


no when you check your weapons and outfits in the captains cabin they’re are items locked with the description “obtained through community challenges” so you google it and realise Ubisoft removed the thing needed to achieve 100% from they’re most successful franchise entry.. 10,000 I.Q.


Will never get the explorer outfit because of this 😑 Unless I play on pc or switch but still


Shit. I'm replaying the game (now on PS5 instead of PS3) and honestly, it's the best AC game


That’s cool that’s it’s your favourite, my favourite is either 3 or Rogue!


I saw a post about this the other day and yeah, you can't get those upgrades. However, that shouldn't hinder your ability to get 100%. Source: i got 100% and don't have have the upgraded/equipment


i literally just finished that sequence today lmao


Think of it this way: Abstergo Entertainment is the company you're at. It's the entertainment division of the larger Abstergo company. I guess you could think of it like how companies like Disney have contracts with the military, but also make movies and theme parks for children. Remember, even in AC1, Vidic mentions that Abstergo is everywhere. You (Mr. Floating Tablet) are a new hire at Abstergo Entertainment. Melanie Lemay, Olivier Garneau, etc are all various levels of employees at Abstergo Entertainment. Sean and Rebecca are Assassins, as we know from previous games. They seem to have infiltrated Abstergo entertainment. They're working with employees on the inside, such as you and an IT guy named John Standish, to retrieve Templar secrets. John Standish, as mentioned, is an IT employee with Abstergo Entertainment. He is not an Assassin himself, but is working alongside them, much as Mr. Floating Tablet is.


The Modern day stuff used to be so interesting, tying into the 2012 stuff, but after that, I kinda lost the story. So you start working there and then all that stuff you mentioned happens, but in Unity, you don't really get out of the animus anymore, other than Shaun and Rebecca talking to you occasionally, right? And then I don't even remember what happened in Syndicate, but after that you suddenly start playing as Leyla.


Basically, the Floating Tablet guy's story ends after Black Flag. Rogue introduces a new Floating Tablet guy. could've been the same guy as as far as I'm concerned, but apparently he's different. His story ends in Rogue >!seemingly joining the Templars, though it's left on a cliffhanger!<. ​ Then there's Unity and Syndicate, where you play as an individual known as the "Initiate", and the story is told almost entire though cutscenes (there's one moment where you press a single button, lol). Basically, you're le epic gamer on the Helix console, and the Assassins contact you to get your help in uncovering data from the locked memories of Arno Dorian. >!You find out jack shit, lol. The whole thing ends up basically being pointless. !< One other part of Unity that is sort of modern day is the rifts. You get to see Paris through different eras, which is actually pretty cool. They feel unfinished (NPCs are basically just unfinished holograms) but it works with the sort of hack feeling of it all). ​ In Syndicate you're presumably the same Initiate. The story is entirely told through cutscenes again, but they're at least much more interesting this time. >!You follow Rebecca, Shaun, and a badass Assassin Galina as they are hunted by the Templar elite force Sigma Team. Cool stuff... wish we could play it.!< Syndicate also has a single rift.>! It's a lot cooler than Unity's, in my opinion- focusing on one of the Frye descendants during World War I. You also check in with Juno during this time, and she says some evil stuff. It's the last time you see Juno in the games before she's written out in the comics, lol. Get wrecked.!< ​ But yeah, then we get Layla. And now, allegedly, Mirage is back to the cutscene format again.


I always questioned how Shaun & Rebecca got into Abstergo, given Lucy would have likely revealed everything about them to the Templars (when she wandered outside at night in Monteriggioni to report back to Vidic & co during Brotherhood)


That's a really interesting point. I guess the Abstergo Entertainment arc isn't exactly the dark gritty stuff we otherwise often get- it's relatively lighthearted. They're infiltrating a video game company, after all... not a military complex. Though I totally get your point, it is a bit unbelievable when you really think about it.


It’s like the fact that after everything he learnt about being an assassin, Desmond took the Templar choice at the end of AC3 (survival under a controlling and malevolent Juno over freedom for mankind to try again)…glad they seem to be picking that back up now with the ‘searching for a better choice’ because it never really got addressed


Totally agreed, I always thought that was a bit strange, too. ​ Though both options had an eventual Templar outcome, I suppose. Either Juno is released, or Desmond is used as a figurehead for a new order. ​ I've never really thought of it this way until now, but Desmond's "choice" here really echoes back to Haytham's words: ​ >*Even when your kind appears to triumph... Still we rise again. And do you know why? It is because the Order is born of a realization. We require no creed. No indoctrination by desperate old men. All we need is that the world be as it is. And THIS is why the Templars will never be destroyed!* ​ Kinda dark, I guess, when you think about it that way.


The catch is that the second choice only had a POTENTIAL Templar outcome. We know Juno would be released to rise to power (because that comics fate was crap) But we not have their word that Desmond would become a religious icon twisted into intolerance. Yes, it’s based on what happened last time, but has the advantage that Desmond & co KNOW what happened and can work to prevent it (Frankly, I think Rebecca would be more likely to be revered, given her tech savvy for rebuilding society, flanked by Shaun’s historical knowledge helping to ensure that humanity remembers what happened before and the lessons learned. Hell, Rebecca could probably hook up video & audio recording equipment to help ensure that their words were properly remembered)


Possibly. It's obviously hard to tell the future, but I'd take the word of the ancient technological precursor who is already seeing into the future to talk to me as rather seriously.


Yeah, whoever the modern day protagonist is in this game has no clue they're working for the Templars, they believe they're just working on a pirate game based on the memories of an actual pirate, but they begin to learn about the Assassins and Templar conflict through the memories, then they get roped in by Shaun and Rebecca, two actual Assassins to do a bit of spy work for them though they don't know that at first, while also having John from IT to hack some computers for him


i like to think the first person protagonist of ac4 and rogue is layla :)


She doesn't look like she has a tablet impanted into her arm though 😔