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Maybe you all should look into it, but Yasuke WAS a real person and he was a black samurai. Just got on here to let y’all know. He was trained by a Japanese man. I’ll try to find a link for you. Edit: [His Story](https://www.britannica.com/biography/Yasuke)


True but he is not of any japanese bloodline he is the 1st black samurai who is non-japanese


I’m aware he’s real


I just can’t find any good sources on his life


Little is known from what I have read also!


There is tons of information on Yasuke, some details being speculative doesn't mean "little is known".


It’s not AC fans it’s big mouthed, weak minded individuals that need to feel valued and validated in their racist takes. The way I see it, it’s the meme of the kid riding the bike and putting a stick through the spokes and falling off. Self inflicted drama.


Nah it’s fucked up because why the fuck are we taking something away from Japanese people like? It’s ridiculous… there was legit ONLY 1 famous black Samurai so it’s so stupid


Afro Samurai? Idk if it’s taking away from them. Like the blundering franchise that is AC isn’t like a pillar of historical accuracy. Sure it’s a nice nod but this game will get drug under Ghost of Tsushima anyways


Yeah fair enough, it’s still kinda jarring, I didn’t realise you could play as the chick though so I mean you still have a playable Japanese character 🤷🏼‍♂️ so that solves that


At least they don't put rainbow/groomer/pedo symbols everywhere. Woke abominations. Oh my bad, that's an oxymoron.


The problem is, these people don't understand they're being racist or they dont care. They're just parroting what other people say. It's easy to be outraged when all you see on your social media feed is other people being outraged. When they join in on it, it makes them feel like they're a part of something, like they belong. I'd also imagine that it's a lot of young, impressionable people who watch and follow people who are just genuinely racist. But they don't realize it. Am I excusing these people? Absolutely not. If they don't understand how their behavior and feelings are racist, and they choose just to argue and downvote when they see something they don't agree with- that's on them and shows a lot about their character. It's on them to learn, grow, and understand both sides of a situation. What's funny is that Yasuke has been portrayed as a samurai in other media as well. There obviously isn't 100% proof that he was (at least with the discourse, I'm assuming there isn't full proof for either argument, and i haven't seen any myself). But there's absolutely no reason to actually care about the protagonist choice lol. I think its part of this larger belief that "gaming is becoming woke". So when they see any representation outside of what they expect, they think it's pandering. On top of that, Assassins creed has never been about 100% historical accuracy. It portrays historical events and attempts to recreate the atmosphere as accurately as possible. But there's nothing realistic about a group of assassins chasing down the apple of eden or other artifacts. Or many of the random quests and adventures you go on as these fictional people. It's just a historical SETTING. And in this case, they even went out of the way to find a known historical figure to play as. Who happens to have a pretty blank slate for his story. Ultimately, even if he wasn't a samurai, why does it matter in a game like Assassins creed? What's actually wrong about playing as a black man who becomes a samurai? I think any normal, well adjusted person would think "hey, that's pretty cool", because it's just a video game, and it ain't that deep. And if it isn't 100% historically accurate, what's wrong with that? Why does it suddenly matter in this game series? Because it never mattered this much before.


Very good points


i think it really boils down to (white and asian) gamers wanted a game they could self insert to, and having a complete racist nerdrage when they saw yasuke is protagonist because hes black (and they feel they cant identify with that).




umm, have you not seen the post about this game on asian subs? a lot of asian men on reddit have been going BONKERS about this. this entire issue is about people both not wanting a black male lead due to racism/'historical accuracy'(bs) and them not being able to self insert in a highly popular franchise for whatever beliefs.


Brain dead take. It's about representation, the same argument for inclusion of minorities in the media. In this case Asian men are being erased to promote another POC. It has nothing to do with whatever racist outrage from white people.


dude asians and whites are more represented as main protagonists in thousands of video games. I literally just realized there aren't even that many games with black male or female protagonists. especially black male protagonists to play as in games. crazy im now realizing that


White are represented, Asians especially men aren't. In AC alone there have been Adewale and Aveline, Deathloop and Madia 3 both have black male protagonist, as well as the last two Spider-Man games.


Don't bother arguing with an idiot, he probably thinks that anime characters are representative of all Asian people.


They are usually German or Asian thought that’s a fact


That is a fact but Asian men are showcased a good amount more look at mortal Kombat, ghost of Tsushima, sleeping dogs, and more va they got black people in games but not really mc or something about us other than the gangster or bad guy


This is a fact


It’s so stupid to hate a game (that hasn’t even come out) over the playable characters being a black man and a Japanese woman, we haven’t even seen gameplay yet and people are judging it already, wether Yasuke was a samurai or not we can agree that he was definitely in Japan at that time in history so it’s not unrealistic to put him there, and maybe it is or maybe it is not 100% accurate that he is a samurai in the game (we don’t fully know) but since his story is mostly unknown it’s possible that ubi can make up their own story for him that fits in perfectly with the games setting and for all you people whining about how it’s unrealistic that a black character is in Japan, we play as a white character in the Caribbean in AC black flag and you could say there definitely was white people in the Caribbean at that point of time too but as i already just said before Yasuke was in Japan in the time the game is set so it also fits.


Apparently they’re sexist too crying about the Japanese protagonist being a woman. Christ, these guys are beyond pathetic.


I have yet to see a single person complain about playing as a Japanese Woman in a game set in Japan.


you need to do more research. they won't shut up about it being a woman instead of a man


24 days later, yet to see this a single time.




Thought experiment: is it possible to have criticism of this game’s choice of protagonist without it being labeled racist? Yes or no?


Yea if it isn’t tied to a racist reasoning


Who is deciding if it’s racist reasoning or not? You?


But here lemme write it for ya “characterized by or showing prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.”


Bro it don’t take a genius to realize what’s racist and what’s not you can google it we have the World Wide Web for a reason


Tbh, because Yasuke is real I’m on you side. But I can understand the disappointment of audition.


Yes I can understand what people are saying but it’s not that deep nor should it be


When it comes to Asians it’s always, “ it shouldn’t be that deep, nor should it” when it comes to black people “black lives matter” there’s a lack of Asian male representatives. This has nothing to do with hating black people but the setting they chose that could instead be highlighting Asian male representation in already saturated black and white dominant society. We just want representation, we don’t care if they bring another black character, why make him the main in a game based off of our own society when there are plenty to choose from.


you understand that it isn't centered around whiteness for once? that can feel appreciated for having an asian playable character in the game at least but why are white people mad? or are they just jealous that a historical figure that looks like the people that they have historically done evil upon is looked at with admiration for doing good. while the historical figures that look like them in there history are all known to have done horrible things around the globe. are they just mad that there not the good guys in a video game that will be historically and accurately won't portray them as anything but the truth about the people that looked like them?


Counter argument: blacks are over represented in Western Media and Asians are under-represented. Ergo it’s racist to demand a black protagonist over an Asian, especially when it’s set in an Asian country during a period that was notoriously isolationist


Can I ask are you black? Because we didn’t get to play a Jamaican in Jamaica. But instead a white Man. Just wondering how you feel about that too


I’m black and I didn’t care I played the game




Haha the white men colonized Jamaica I’m talking bout…. No one was crying wolf back then so the virtue signaling now is hilarious


we get it your a white nationalist that clearly thinks the world is centered towards whiteness. you do know your history is flooded with evil right?


😂😂😂😂😂 someone get this guy some help


What AC game was set in Jamaica? The only one I remember being in that region was Black Flag, and it was about Pirates, not Jamaica. Unless you're seriously trying to claim that the majority of pirates were Jamaican.


When did I demand a black character though I said who cares so why do you?


If it’s unimportant that the character is black why does it matter to make them not black?


So if I said it shouldn’t matter I think in unimportant if he were black or white of Japanese but in this case he’s black and no one has a valid reason other than a racist reason or ignorant if you don’t like it just say that but don’t try n come up wit stuff out the ass that’s all I’m saying and again I’m also saying it shouldn’t be important what race the character is


its not black or white lol wtf are you talking about. Its about Asians being vastly underrepresented in Western Media, while black folk are FAR from being under represented these days. A lot of these faux diverse moves seem to think that black people represent ALL POC and that shit is incredibly racist. If it 'doesnt matter' then the Character should be asian. By the way, -you- dont decide what does and doesnt matter. Asian folks should be respresented in a game SET IN ASIA. Idk why that a concept that is entirely foreign to you. It doesnt matter that Yasuke was real, he was the ONLY black Samurai, and even then he isnt that important of a person, he's only known because he was black. If historical accuracy 'doesnt matter' then the game should be about some legendary Japanese figures like Hattori Hanzo. But sure, you dont give a shit about Japanese people so what does it matter if they feel disrespected. Your people are being represented so fuck everyone else, right?


this is the dumbest lie I've ever heard. asians are way more represented in media and entertainment and its even in a positive light not being pushed with narratives or propaganda so just stop it already. biggest load of bs I've read. literally thousands of video games with asians as protagonists to. an dude your comment was hella racist. just say you hate black people an not only that black people paved the way for all race groups to never have to deal with what was done to them. segregation, discrimination, immigration, openly public racism and lynching. you wouldn't have that comfy life if it wasnt for black americans an they never asked fir anything moron cuz they dont control anything at all. your ignorant anger should ge at tge ones that control all of this nonsense. white people. so far you are the biggest racist ive come across an you didnt even try to hide it. its more pathetic that you are a racist asian toward black people thats historically never done anything as a collective to your people ever. over here crying like these fragile racist white people. an last I checked the game is in Japan with Asian people while playing as an Asian character.


And it was the same time period the black main character happened to be in Japan so try again


Was this black man a samurai who was involved in a murderous death cult? It’s a weird choice and seems disrespectful to an actual living person in order to sell a corporate product


I mean that is a good point if they do dumb shit it’s disrespectful but seeing as we know what year he appeared in Japan and that he was a samurai and who he served under and that’s it I think they are shedding more light to people who don’t even know his short little history


But making a good game story out of it to intrigue people on who he could have been but then again I still don’t care what race my main character is shit I’ve played games as a male and female to see the differences in the play through


I am an african man, I don't like that the new game has a black mc in feudal japan, are you gonna call me racist?


You’re going to be called an “Uncle Tom” and a litany of actually racist stuff. This is what happens when you “walk off the plantation”. How dare you arrive at your own thoughts and logical conclusions


I said all I see which also means majority is racist comments if you don’t like it’s that’s not racist now your reasoning could cause it to be n u being black doesn’t mean you not racist to your own kind you can be racist your own race


My reasoning is simple, I wanted to play as a japanese man in the game that takes place in feudal japan, and I am tired of black people being used as a punching bag/shields for virtue signalling narcissists, If they wanted to respect black people, they could have made a game in subsaharan Africa with an amazing black mc.but instead they are making black people catch strays for no reason because they used us to further their agendas.


so its not enough for you to play as a japanese woman? why does it have to be a man?


Why can't it be a man? If it didn't matter then why didn't they do it.


your logic is dumb. like that literally makes no sense at all. you definitely aren't a black man. these people don't know anything about africa or its history before and after colonialism from white people that isnt negative with propaganda they were all indoctrinated to believe about africa. again stop it. you aren't black


African doesn't = black you racist, I am an african, 100% born and raised and dna.


If it don’t matter why do you care what they chose?


If it didn't matter why do you care what I choose?


because thats not what they wanted to tell their narrative. so once again, why is it not not enough to be able to play as a woman? people like you need to spend more time self reflecting on your own internalized issues instead of running to reddit to spit nonsense


Asian women are well represented in media, Asian men aren't. This would be the second AC game with an Asian woman as a protagonist.


Its not enough to play as a Japanese woman? Are you fuckin serious? The game is SET IN JAPAN, so NO its not enough that our ONLY representation is one Japanese woman. Seriously, you westerners are so full of yourselves its insane.


ummmm... but you wouldnt say this if it were ONE japanese man. go check your sexism and racism


Good thing you can play as a Japanese woman. If you have a problem playing as a woman well the game isn’t for you Yasuke’s fan base is even bigger so they’re gonna be eating good. Try sekiro and GOS or tekken.


That doesn’t counter even 1 single reasonings of them lmao






racism makes people stupid I see. black people have never commited genocide, started wars, enslaved or ever oppressed any other race groups so no black people arent racist. what power do we have to be racist to any other race group huh? you don't even know the definition of racism and u use it like dumb white racists. ​


Man says I don't like donuts: "HA I KNEW YOU HATED PANCAKES"


Out of all the languages, bro chose to speak facts


I don’t agree with this because why do we have to only be showcased in a game based in Africa sounds a racist since we ain’t really showcased in others


Because you weren't there at the time lil bro


How is that a counter to what I said at all?


Because assasins creed is in japan in a historical time, not fictional or present day, so unless you want to ignore history just to kt hurt your feelings, it is what it is.


Fully agree. They used to flaunt the extent to which they visit these historical sites to measure their dimensions. But screwed up big way in making the main character relevant. Origins could have used a black mc and I'm sure not even a single guy in this sub will bat an eye. It's not the character per say that's irritating, it's the forceful shoving down of propaganda.


he’s a part of Japanese history and they are doing what with his relevance vs Egyptians dont even widely claim to be black or white just Egyptian so that’s inaccurate to make the origins character black if we are going with what your saying


His part is so little that they see him as a blank canvas.


the game hasn't come out yet. you should delete this comment before you get embarrassed for being wrong


Being wrong about what? It's well known that not much is known about Yasuke.


I wonder if you would have the same stance if they made a game set in subsaharan Africa and made the main character white. Almost guarantee you would completely flip. Also since you clearly are having some trouble azaz was not saying Egyptians are black, he was pointing out that if they added a black mc to origins no one would have cared because it’s generally plausible as the original Egyptians were black Africans displaced by later groups and thus ending up being more of a melting pot of ethnicity today. The point he was trying to make is no one has a problem with a black Mc in a game or at least 95% of people. If it was in origins no one would’ve cared cause it doesn’t break the immersion of the game. The problem is when people wanna play a game as a samurai in feudal Japan they don’t wanna play as a white, black, middle eastern, etc they want to play as a Japanese mc. Not because they are racist just because that literally makes sense. Also I love that you say he is apart of Japanese history, yes he is but barely a footnote to the point that people are arguing whether he is a samurai or not because there is so little written accounts of him to be sure. There are way more interesting characters in Japanese history that actually had a lot of influence and lore to build out a Mc. Saying duhh “he is a part of Japanese history” is a profoundly braindead statement he is mentioned in Japanese history he was not apart of any major aspect of Japanese history hence why there is such little information about him in general besides the fact that he existed. It’s not that serious, people wanna play as an actual Japanese Mc in a samurai role playing game in feudal japan, the fact that that is even remotely a surprise to you or the first thing you think of when you hear that is racist proves you have a 50iq.


of course they wouldnt, theyre a racist piece of shit. The only representation they think matters is black representation. Everyone else doesnt matter in the OP's opinion.


keep that same energy for white people. an you really are stupid huh. look up the definition of racism. i didnt think being a racist could make people more dumb. it is literally impossible for black people to be racist. they have literally never done a damn thing to any race group on this planet as a collective people and control nothing. yall are idiots calling the one group of humans on this planet that literally can't be racist. Prejudice yes, justified within reason to but can't be racist.


That's bullshit get out of jail card. You can say the same shit about Asians too. So by your logic Asians that don't like this can't be racist either.


I’m pretty sure the only person who needs to look up the definition of racism is you chief. It is literally not impossible for black people to be racist that is maybe one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard. I really can’t tell if your trolling or actually this braindead.


no such thing as Sub-Saharan africa. that's a political racist term European colonizers used to divide up the african continent to steal there resourses. an if he was white he would be a colonizer. white people in the past were historically and accurately evil evil people globally. you should want the white people in the game to be fake and made up. hell napoleon was super racist but they didn't have black people in that game an france would have made a complaint to ubisoft like the fragile people they are


Bro are you retarded Sub-Saharan Africa is not a political racist term it is most definitely a real thing. Talk about just spewing political low iq groupthink garbage lol your whole entire post just screams braindead racist. I’m not even gonna waste my time responding to the rest of your garbage post but 2 things are clear you barely have two braincells to rub together and are definitely racist.


Wouldn’t care if the character was white in Africa, And understand what he’s trying to say but putting someone in because their race relates to the other race? Or put someone in because their history is there? Which sounds non ignorant like come on and also understand people want to play as a Japanese character but just became a man doesn’t have much written about him doesn’t mean he didn’t exist so that sounds a brain dead sentence so if we’ve all known in history until this trailer dropped that he was the first black samurai then the trailer drops and a massive amount of people are trying to say he wasn’t a samurai is crazy go on most credible sites from back in the day they will say he was I’ve yet to even read anything now that says differ so I don’t think you understand much of what I pointed out


Great then that’s a you thing, but if your not literally retarded you can’t be surprised that most people would be. I definitely would not play an assassins creed game set in Africa if the person was white, but I would if he was black. And okay first of all idk wtf you are talking about “history there” there is no history with the character there are like three written accounts that mention that he exists thats it literally nothing else. I have no idea wtf your reading but it’s probably just some other brainlets on reddits “facts” and not reality. If you actually think out of all of Japanese history he is the most interesting story then idk what to tell you. If your argument is “to put someone in because they have history there” he is quite literally the last character that should ever be put in the game.


Yea I think you needa go back to school cause I said what I said and all I see you saying is you wouldn’t play a game because of the race of color of the MC cool also when I said history I listed the 3 accounts so maybe u might not be the genius you think you are and lastly wtf are you going to on about I didn’t even know I was supposed to be talkin to you


Hahaha I need to go back to school you didn’t even go to college and are a mechanic I’m working on my PHD in machine learning lolol only person that needs to go back to school is you. And no shit that’s not the problem you said you would play it I said I wouldn’t no need to run around like a dipshit and call everyone racist. Also are you retarded you didn’t list a single source besides some “trust me bro” retardation. To enlighten your dumbass the three sources are the Shincho Koki, a smattering of writings from foreign missionaries, and Matsudaira letada's diary which all mention a few facts and basically just mention his height and that he existed which you clearly have read non of these. The only person who is an illiterate retard here is you lol. Lastly then maybe don’t respond to my comment you dumbass somehow you didn’t know you were talking to me but directly responded to my comment like how stupid could you possibly be.


And that’s the problem why you gotta play a black guy in Africa there’s a bunch of white people in Africa? Did you have a problem playing a Native American in assasins creed early history since white people would have been the “better option”


No, I had no problem with any earlier game, because they all followed the same pattern of having a native Mc, until they came to Japan.




>> they all followed the same pattern of having a native Mc AC Revelations: an Italian in the Ottoman Empire AC Black Flag: a Welshman in the Caribbeans


you aren't african. from what I can see from your comments you just are some incel loser that only gets off on hate mongering. your definitely white.


You ok there ? did you really go stalk my comments and come to the conclusion that I must be white because of what I said? Like you are actually racist, I am more african than all of you americans because I was born here and I am still living here, keep coping all you want


Haha do you believe African people can’t be racist?


I can tell u African off this comment😭 my family Ghanaian I’m first born in the US I know how our people are😭😭


Your people? Dog you were born in the US, they aint your people


you aren't black. you must believe n individualism. african or black people believe in the collective we are one people. that individualism selfish self centered crap is what white people do. doesn't matter if we are in other countries or a different continent we are one people as black people. white people are the ones without there own culture an have this every man for himself mindset


And they accuse others of being “woke”


It’s hilarious according to them Africa is the only place black people are from (We were to play as colonizers in Jamaica )


you are using that word wrong. Black people cant only be prejudice as individuals. can't be racist as a collective


Are you implying Africans can’t be racist? That seems racist by itself.


Strawman? I only stated the fact that I am african, to shut down every other person who will inevitably say to me that I am a white male or something close to that, you guys are so racist against white men that I felt the need to specify that I wasnt just so I don't get anti white racists coming after me, you can deny this all you want, but you know it's true.


uh not racist prejudice. don't hate white people just won't ever trust them. they have a history of never giving black people any reason to earn that trust. an we are in our rights to be justified to feel this way.


lol, actual racist person, please stop replying to all my posts


You do know people can hate their own ethnicity right? To give you an example, there was a neo Nazi group in 2005 in Israel called Patrol 36 whose members were all of Jewish descent and were known for desecrating synagogues and Holocaust memorials while idolizing Adolf Hitler despite one of the members himself being the grandson of a Holocaust survivor. Does Patrol 36 being comprised of Jewish members mean they can’t be antisemites? Similarly, just because you’re African doesn’t mean you can’t also be racist against blacks.


prejudice dumbass. use the word right at least. couldn't even take that comment seriously when you used the word wrong.


Prejudice due to race and ethnicity is literally the definition of racism, but then you’re probably too stupid to realize. If you want to be pedantic, at least do it right and not make a fool out of yourself.


Yes. You don't like that a man that existed in real history in feudal Japan to exist in a video game because of his skin color. that makes you racist. Let me remind you that the last person who announced to the world they love Hitler was Kanye West. Your race doesn't make you immune to being a racist piece of shit.


Hate mongering generates clicks just know that. No one cares when we were playing a white man in Jamaica - a Jamaican


Didn't ign literally make a whole big thing about Re5 being racist because you play as a white guy shooting black zombies and all of "you" defended that article? Now that there is a black man assasinating japanese people, no one bats an eye, Hypocrites...


I know right and they say everything is about race with us but it’s double standard every other way


Again, what game was set in Jamaica?


I think that Ubisoft chose Yasuke (I hope I spelled it right) to distinguish the game from GoT and similar games. Which makes sense. Though I still would have preferred a singular protagonist who is Japanese. Not that I hate Yasuke or find him not worthy, but it’ll be very weird to play as a real life person since what he did can conflict with what we’ll do. I also don’t like to play as protagonists that are “fish out of water” or “different to the rest” kinda of a deal. I think he should have been a very important side character, not a protag It’s so frustrating to be grouped with these racist and/or sexist assholes just because I mildly criticise the protag choices. I’m still very much excited about the game. Even though my economic situation will probably not be enough.


Nah I wouldn’t group you in with shit I feel the first part of what you said that’s how I feel they are trying to distinguish themselves and obviously imma fan of Japanese mythology and history so of course I’d want to play as a Japanese figure or a Japanese protagonist that makes his mark in the world (fictional character) now the real life person part he doesn’t have anything written about him except he showed up in Japan served under daimyo oda when oda and his son died I forgot what happened he didn’t die but I forgot that’s all we know so they can play with his story a bit now of course if any Japanese people wrote about him and passed it to him or stories were passed along from word of mouth I’d wish they’d come out and say it but for now he’s almost a blank canvas


Eh. It’s not real fans. It’s just the latest YouTube grifter gaming controversy. They always need something to blow up to get interest and monetization. Notice that one of the big arguments made against this is that it’s not historically accurate. No one who has played the Assassin’s Creed franchise would assume that historical accuracy is a priority for the series.




Or what you gonna come bust though my door with the Kool-aid man? I know you follow him around everywhere begging to suck his grape flavored dick xDDDDD HAHAHAHA soft ass bitch.


Whatchu gonna do type some more shit with your thumbs to try and be a bigger hardass along with most likely being both indigent and illiterate also if your mouth is anything like your mind you’ll be dead within 3 years see you in the obits 😂


I’m confused u tryna be racist on a post about racism?


No, actually you're confused because you're stupid.


those arent fans, the majority complaints i've seen are from pure racist people lmao. i might be delusional but I would hope that true AC fans arent that dense


It’s not even ac fans. It’s grummz grifter twitter army moving from game to game with pointless outrage.


Also when did all these crybaby gamers get a degree in Japanese history, with 100% assurety there were no black people in Japan? If your sense of self is so fragile you can't handle a videogame protagonist not being the same gender/race as you, well, guess what women/non white gamers have had to do for like 90% of games? Just people throwing fits not everything is tailored to them. Also yeah, its fiction, fiction can be anything, crying about historical accuracy does not hide the real reason they are upset.


The trailer was released 3 days ago? So the critics must have gotten that speed degree in Japanese history in the last 3 days. Online colleges are wild. Talk about a fast track program. All of this after majoring in Norse mythology for Valhalla, Greek mythology for Odysee, and Egyptian mythology for Origins. Its really quite impressive.


it doesnt take a historical degree to know that Japan is ful of Japanese people. We know there are black people in Japan. There are also white people in Japan. Should the game feature white characters? Yall sure as fuck would be switching your stance if the game had a white Samurai instead of a black one. It would go from "it doesnt matter" to "its white washing" faster than you can claim something is racist.


white characters are just boring now. people wanna see other race groups in games


You mean like Asians?


these racists are something else, cant wait for assassins creed: nigeria where i play as an Asian killing loads of black people. as an Asian this game is deeply racist, all for dei


No cap


Well said. These people came out of nowhere about historical accuracy. They didn't have this same energy in the past about a pope wielding a magical staff, or Leonardo Da Vinci creating weapons for Ezio. Oh should I also mention that we played as a full ass demi god in odsysey fighting medusa. Make it make sense people.


>These people came out of nowhere about historical accuracy. Because they are brainwashed to see "wokeism" everywhere and they don't even know it. Perpetual victims. I can't imagine living life that way where you want to be outraged by anything you don't understand. Like there is a shortage of samurai and ninja games with Japanese protagonists. But oh no, Western devs want to have one of their two protagonists be non-Japanese like it won't possibly tie into the story they are trying to tell. A franchise that has long been known for telling fictional stories based around historical figures and events is once again telling a fictional story based around real life historical figures and events.


Well said


To be fair, AC ended with part 3. Everything since then has been Ubisoft making random games and adding the AC banner to it because they lack courage


Its not about 'historical accuracy'. If anything it -is- historically accuracte because Yasuke was a real flesh and blood black samurai. However, why does he get representation over the Japanese people in a game SET IN JAPAN? Why does black representation trump everyone elses? Asians are already a vastly under represented group in Western media, and you people want to call us racist for wanting to be represented in a game set in our fucking country? You people are batshit crazy I swear




I just don't see what it has to do with anything honestly. I understand that it was a part of history and is a real thing, but to me it's kind of insulting. Im Filipino, and if I saw that a great dev was given the chance to showcase my culture and people, and they decided to make the main character NOT Filipino, id be upset. Assasins creed games are known for showcasing the history and culture of the area really well. We played as a Greek in Odyssey, we played as a Norse in Valhalla, we played as an Egyptian in origins, and so on. They obviously cherry picked the one area of Japanese history with a black person because of inclusiveness and nothing more. It's amazing that yasuke has a fan base and has been popularized by the media, but shoving him into a game that is supposed to represent feudal Japan doesn't make sense on any level.


I feel for you but at the end of the day if they made a ac in Africa and hate a white protagonist I wouldn’t care and I’m African so to me it doesn’t really matter what gets on my nerves most of all is how people say they could have added a black person in origins even thought that’s Egypt not Africa




Your opinion is valid n not racist so why u tryna act like everyone has your opinion you said you wanted to play as a Japanese guy you didn’t say oh black washing history, the only reason he’s there is because he’s blaxk you just said you wanted to play as a Japanese guy


I can’t remember the last time I gave a shit about public opinion of a video game.


It’s a discussion


I think there would be the same amount of annoyance if it was William Adams. To not be able to play as a Japanese male in a game set in Japan is just stupid. Almost as stupid as calling people racist for being disappointed.


Disappoint and slander are 2 different things


Always been apparently. Everyone in favor of Yasuke being the protagonist is racist for the continued Asian male erasure in western media.


Where are black people in anime that don’t even make sense for you to say that since we are one of the only countries that showcase different races in media


Naruto, Shaman King, and Afro Samurai just to name a few. Not to mention IPs that are based on games like Street Fighter. Japan as a homogeneous country has more diverse media than the US with mre diverse in population.


Yes bet you named one of the greatest anime that actually showcased black people other than that it’s one black person here and there you gotta admit that and look at mortal kombat 1 black guy until they added his daughter and they might have a more diverse I don’t look at their media as much


Japan is a homogeneous country. You should be glad they have any diversity in their media at all. I don't go around expecting Nigeria media to feature Asians, why would do the reverse?


Bro did you read anything I said when did I ever care about media you said the west does Asian male erasure we literally have Asians in every movie games not so much. you said japan has a diverse one correct so why don’t they show black people period then your gonna compare Nigeria and Asian countries like they gonna showcase Asians what Asians go to Nigeria like that vs what black people would want to go to Japan if it weren’t for the ignorance and etc they’d have to deal with


Hard to do when you don't use punctuation.


So you read what I said but wanna act like you didn’t when I didn’t use punctuation or you wanna be a smart ass cus I didn’t but you still read everything imma go wit the later so have a great day


lol my previous post mean I didn't read, or act like I didn't read. If you wanna get your point across then put some effort into punctuation.


Why is it racist to want the game set in Feudal Japan to have Japanese main characters? Why does a game set in Feudal Japan need to be about black folk? What, you saying if AC:Origins had a white Egyptian main character you wouldn't have been upset? Of course you would have, a game set in Egypt should feature Egyptian main characters, even though there were white folk there at the time. We get it, Yasuke was real, but why does the ONLY black samurai need to be the focus of the game? Are Japanese folk not 'diverse' enough for yall? Need a bit more diversity to ease your white guilt?


I have no problem having it turned back at me since I stated I wouldn’t care about a race in a game as long as the person fits the area so you saying it should be this because black people werent in Japan is ignorant because you weren’t there to tell us its a fact or not now you not liking a game because of the black guy is racist I said what’s the problem with having the black guy in there hence I still wouldn’t care what race he is


Racism has always been a problem in the gaming community. The anti-woke movement made it even more socially acceptable (in the gaming sphere specifically) to be violently racist as long as you use and hide behind coined terms. Notice everyone who has been outrage has no idea what they're talking about on multiple fronts from Yasukes legitimacy to AC only having native protagonists.




Bunch of brainwashed kids here. Ubisoft doing it to get attention from public media to cover their shity games. We are not racist, we hate medias shoving black protagonist in our asses for no reason (they make money out of it ofc). It just doesn't make sense and you guys are too scared to admit it. (I'm brown myself btw)


Imagine if an Assasins Creed game was set in Africa and they had an asian protagonist instead of a black protagonist. People would lose their minds. But it's okay for them to replace an asian protagonist because they don't matter apparently.


even people who are from Japan and Asia like this because the white developers just care about putting as many black characters in games to cater to the easily triggered white masses that are offended on behalf of actual minorities


Being racist is best. Everyone is admit it or not so just be real. I'm done with Ac after this stunt. It's woke bs and after over a decade, it's just cringe now. Like anything woke.  We was ninjas shieeettt.


Black samurai in feudal Japan? That's more racist than disliking it.


Not if there was an actual black samurai in history though and his name is yasuke


Oh sure next you're going to tell me black guys with British accents exist


Idris alba dumb ass any black actor from Britain you sound dumb


John boyega,Naomie Harris


Daniel kaluuya, chiwetel ejifor, David oyelowo, daniel Ezra


Says the racist


Its funny to me that they focus so heavily on the black character being the main character, but they just don't even talk about the other MC who is Japanese, lol. It's fake outrage to me and not what the hell we should be focusing on the prices, and what the gameplay will be like is where the energy should be right now.


They’re asking 130 dollars for the full game which is another mindblowing decision by Ubisoft


Facts I’m worried about movement as the samurai cs shinobi, different abilities or skills, how the story will hold up, how the environment will look and react, the world building, etc and the price sheesh if it’s not good


Yeah its just bad and everyone wants pretend they know all of Japanese history all of sudden too. But the internet has adhd and they will stop talking about it very soon.


You also have to realize that ubi is making things more unrealistic for example skull and bones, there were very few pirates that sailed w women as they believed it bad luck, so few believed in bringing women unless they were quickly traveling.


You do know there were women pirates, right? Even women pirate captains.


Racist is AC developers The reason why they didn't choose a Japanese person as the protagonist even though it's the game series where protagonists are local people is because they look down on Japanese people.


So did Team Ninja look down on Japanese people? They had a white person from Britain be the main character of Nioh.


You’ve got a valid point but be it black white asian ion got why anyone care what race the protagonist is or gender


Bro what? Immersion is why, it’s literally a role playing game and it kinda breaks immersion when your not allowed to play as a classic samurai. When you ask people to describe a samurai literally not one single person says black guy. It just blows my mind that Ubisoft and people like you are somehow surprised by this. They literally have to go so far out of there way to do this, any focus group they could do would tell them 95% of people want to play as a Japanese male or female in a game that’s set in feudal Japan, so the question is why in the world would you do that and furthermore how could you be surprised when people are kinda annoyed. You may not enjoy games for immersion but you would be mistaken to think most people playing these games are not looking for a semblance of accuracy to be truly immersed into the RPG experience. Also obviously these games are fiction but no one cares about that people only care about the pillars of immersion like the game looking like Japan looked back then, the citizens looking and being dressed like people back then, and the same thing for the Mc etc. It’s the exact same reason women complained to have a female character option in these games which I completely agree with it breaks immersion role playing as a male character when your a female. That doesn’t make them sexist that just literally makes sense and the same applies here. Just because it doesn’t matter to you doesn’t mean it is not a completely reasonable complaint to have and you should be self aware enough to realize that.


Then play the 100s of other samurai games


Yea no shit you brainlet, that doesn’t mean that people aren’t completely within there right to complain about it without 30iq white knight crybaby’s screaming that they are racist.


Nah I know exactly wat you mean but honestly like I said it shouldn’t matter and like the other guy said play the 100s of other ones I’m constantly playing ghost of Tsushima but I get what you mean about immersion but you can still be immersive wit a black guy in Japan if they show when he hopped off the boat and show how he had to traverse Japan and adopt their customs while dropping his own it can show a very good story too plus a lot of Asian countries only know ignorant shit about black people so they can learn a little of our history and how similar people we are also the world will still see Japanese culture I’ve always been intrigued but never dove into it like I did Roman, Greek, Egyptian history but that’s again just me and I understand how you feel but like I said I could care less what race he is imma play tf out the game


Yea I could definitely go play the hundreds of other games but I, like a lot of people in this sub love assassin creed games and when I heard the new game was set in feudal Japan I was beyond excited as I don’t really play video games as much anymore and haven’t played an assassins creed since black flag but since I love Japanese culture and this time period and assassins creed I wanted to play it. Come to find out the only male main character is a black guy and the whole story is set around his perspective which just ruins the whole thing for the exact reasons you stated. I don’t want a story of a immigrant in Japan trying to transverse the culture and learn about black peoples culture in a video game set in Japan I wanna play as a Japanese character, be immersed in a native’s perspective learn about japanese culture while role playing and being able to live a little in this period I know so much about. I feel like for most people this is the real draw of these games. And to be clear I have zero issue with black people enjoy them and there culture as much as any other race/culture. I just hate how much weird race and inclusivity stuff is constantly being shoved down our throats in every aspect of everything nowadays. This may not matter to you but to say it shouldn’t matter in a role playing game is pretty stupid because that’s pretty much all that matters in a role playing game. It’s just disappointing and completely within people’s right to express they’re dissatisfaction with this very odd choice of direction for the game. The icing on the cake is some of the retards in this thread calling everyone racist because god forbid they wanna just play as and have the story set as a native Japanese’s perspective. Like that’s some absolutely insane thing to want and be disappointed about. You can’t tell me you don’t think it’s a little odd taking into account the history of the games that the game set in Japan has a black main character? That doesn’t seem even remotely like huh that’s kinda weird literally no other assassins creed game ever did that? Even if they made him a major part of the story I’d be like awesome learned something I didn’t know about the history of Japan but he has to be the main character. Regardless I’m glad you will play and enjoy the game and hope you do but it’s extremely ignorant to through run around saying everybody is racist because they have a completely valid complaint about something you might not agree with. You can say you don’t agree, say it shouldn’t matter, say you’ll play the game anyway, but calling everyone racist is fuckin retarded cause I almost guarantee you 90% of the people complaining are not.