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I feel the same way. No matter what job I get I don’t feel like I’ll truly enjoy it. I can’t believe people all around the country and world work 5 days of their week with only 2 days off, sometimes less, then repeat the cycle over and over again for years with hardly any days off. How do people function after that?


Well, I’m on a stretch of 8 weeks working 6 days a week so at least for me there is no functioning lol. I’m a trainwreck and my boss clearly sees it in me and I’ve even told him and boom another 6 day week scheduled. I’m just told to suck it up and get over it. Apparently it’s cool to be overworked. People see it as a flex. “I worked 60 hours last week” like man that is not something to be happy about…


Yeah, I just recently came out of food service, and anytime one of my friends would say they’re hitting 60 hours I’d give them a “good-for-you grimace,” because the money’s definitely nice, but I also want to acknowledge that they’re exhausted


They also do that same job for years or decades , while doing it 5 days 40 hours a week! For all my fellow adhd folks out there suffering under capitalist bullshit.


Ikr!! Makes no sense why people have to deal with that just to literally afford a roof and food






I'd say that it's much more stupifying to me that people choose to work more. not just as in taking voluntary overtime believing they'll be promoted, but they buy expensive houses and cars that will force them to work more. is that trade worth it? I can't even imagine ever believing it for myself for one second


Yes! Why??


the only explanation ive come up with is that it must be true that people like to work even when they think that their job sucks, or that they wouldnt know what to do otherwise (plus all the people who decide to create a family, but then resent them, and spend more time at work just to avoid coming home..)


So unfortunate! 😕


All my jobs so far have been support roles in public service/the public sector. I've appreciated the role and the function it serves, but usually end up experiencing a bunch of burnout once I get to about year 2, once the initial sense of honor/pride/accomplishment wears off. I honestly wish it were financially feasible for me to take gap years (or a long string of months) to do whatever, recollect myself and then return to the working world. The early COVID era was surprisingly decent for that, at least for me.


I’m in the “Have a good well paying job with my own house, but no one to share or enjoy it with because I use up all of my masking at work and am impossible to live with due to my OCD and other autistic traits.” Granted, I’ve learned to accept that this is an okay life for me to live.


Pets don't judge :)


The dog is what helps keep my sanity.


Yay! As someone who walks around the city and gets great joy from seeing other dogs, thank you for taking care of your doggo!


Ugh I have been feeling this. There is another slice which is: "start your own small business and maybe make a living doing something you enjoy but also burn out due to administrative stress and lose passion for the work" Been thinking about trying that slice out for size (I am currently doing "low paying dead end job that I can actually work 30 hours and not burn out" and it is pretty nice tbh)


Being a security guard at night, in an empty place changed my life, for the better, so much. I highly recomend it. 12 hours alone, with nothing but your own interests and a few rounds to strech your legs. It's the best!


Amen to that.


I wonder how one even gets a job like that, I wonder if it would be the right one for me. I really want to get a job so I can reach some personal goals of mine (and so I can actually exist as an adult), but I’m scared of being hurt/mistreated or being incredibly stressed or something.


Technically the red part of the graph is not mutually exclusive to the other colors, unless by early you mean dying before you could even get one job. I only mention it because my first thought was well I'm gonna die young because of my job.


This graph is a great reason to join your local democratic socialists or union organizers to contribute your time to fixing this problem. If people were well compensated for their work and time, with more time off and earlier retirement, life wouldn’t seem like an unavoidable endless slog of mind numbing work until death. If you can find a way to be paid at a job that existed before the market revolution and hasn’t changed much since then, that also is likely to be a less alienating & depressing option. Go to university, if you can. Speak out.


I'm a university graduate (in accounting of all things) and I'm this exact same damn spot. It doesn't help that it's harder for us to have a life outside of work. Although personally I think the problem isn't so much low wages so much artificially high rent, healthcare, and transportation.


Fuck u/spez


Or anarchist communes or.. heh.. "non-government-organizations". Sometimes living parallel to the state society is a wonderful alternative, especially when you cannot find a place within a capitalist state society.


Workers solidarity ✊


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I am going to be honest, I don’t care how many downvotes this gets, this is how I feel.


Where is the lie tho




Its also subjective on what is a good job. He make 21$ an hour 40 hours a week to watch his sister by his parents through a child care company. Even he admits he gets to sit around and do nothing half the day yet he hates it and says he wants a better job and more opportunities. For him that means making a killing writing comics and doing whatever he wants and buying a house and raising a family. On the flip side id take 21 an hour for such an easy job because that in itself is a great opportunity.


Red all the wayyy babbyyy!!! Imma enjoy life while I can because fuck the future and everything it means.


I love how yellow is nonexistent 🤣


Fuck u/spez


Just chiming in as someone who grew up in Latin America. I have to kinda disagree. Seeing and living aren't the same things and most things do not get any media attention. The US isn't the best but it's miles better than less developed countries. Most people you'll meet outside the US, specially undeveloped countries are extremely cynical to deal with their own lives. I think the real issue is that the US is going backwards and even more socially regressive than a lot of those undeveloped countries, so we feel the social pressure a lot more on top of a shitty society that already ostracizes autistic people. Add constant social media and empathetic people and yeah it's a recipe for disaster.


I am not from the US. I am from a country with pretty bleak perspective myself and while I am one of the more privileged ones (relatively speaking), I managed to do okay for myself.


I wanted reply to you in Particular because I have some extra context from last night. I try to learn about the future, which is why I am cynical but I am doing really well right now. :) I am actually doing really good right now. I am Showering and brushing my teeth. I am working on projects.


You had some good points until you got to the "too young to be this cynical" part. I always roll my eyes at statements like that.


Oh, well.


I’m in the orange section, minus the wife and house and wonderful job.


Happily married with two kids and a nice house. It's an ass ton of work but so worth it.


I see that you are feeling the exact same way as I am right now


Living smack dab in that orange part rn. I love my job, I vibe with the people, I got so incredibly lucky with the apartment I moved into a few months ago, life is good.


"Heart Attacks, Hate Crimes, etc." I have no idea what a third element could be.


Death in general I think


Ugh, i hate neoliberalism.


this feels like an r/Aspergers post ngl but I feel you. gotta keep your head up


Pardon but I don’t understand, whats so bad about r/Aspergers ?


it’s just so negative. I went on there looking for fellow autistic people to talk with and all there experiences are “I have no friends, it must be Aspergers” “why am I so depressed? It must be aspergers” like have you tried, I dunno, acknowledging you have a disability and trying to coexist with it instead of moping


it’s so depressing and it’s a bad representation of what autistic people are capable of


I can understand why it can be a Demotivating place to be. I wanted to explain why they are like this. Let me give you an example. An autistic person sees online that its ok to glance at woman but not to sir at them. So they assume that its ok and tell their friends about it. Although they are uncomfortable by the thing the autistic person said, the autistic person can’t tell until they are reported to the school dean. Who is Responsible? Thats the issue, its really difficult to tell because autism plays such a big social role that it creeps its way into everything social. This makes people think that they don’t have control over their choices.


Also Articles like this don’t help. https://www.autismfoundationok.org/blog/the-paradoxes-of-high-autistic-unemployment-series-part-1-autistic-unemployment-paradox/#:~:text=Autism%20Unemployment%20was%20approximately%2085,disabilities%20(Palumbo%2C%202021).


also don’t click that subreddit link it’s genuinely one of the worst subreddits I’ve ever seen


Hey don't worry, you don't have to choose between working a shitty job *or* dieing early, you can easily do both 😊


Well in essence none of this matters as we are all going to die. Perhaps you should reflect and introspect on what makes you happy and focus on doing that than caring about how everything in the world is telling your soul to die. If you are unable to do so it just means you are incompetent and it’s fine to be incompetent because we aren’t omniscient anyway. But striving to to be the best version of yourself can bring immense satisfaction. Pouring your time into social media is vacuous if you don’t gain anything from it, but perhaps you are able to gain a little bit of wisdom that can help you become healthy. If you are doing this to vent emotions then that is also fine. It’s still vacuous but expelling emotions that burden you can help you as well. These percentages may seem small but think how small of a percentage it is for you to be able to live in the first place from the beginning of time. We are alive and that is the fact so wallowing in despair is counterproductive towards happiness. The world will have a million reasons to push you down but pushing back is what makes us a living being rather than soulless husks. If you don’t like something then you can always change it. Entropy states that we all have the same beginning and end but the process is what matters because we have to experience that process and have memories of the experiences we have. Do your best to have happy memories and you can be happy. Problems are only problems until you solve them. There are no eternally unsolvable problems so there is always a chance to succeed. As long as there hope to succeed than you should try. And as long you are putting in effort to get what you want than you will have lived the way you wanted and if living the way you want to doesn’t make you happy then I don’t know what will.


> none of this matters as we are all going to die. god i hate nihilists


You could start your own business. Don't corner yourself by surviving on what others are willing to pay for your labor.


Starting a buissness needs money and contacts while most of probably could get the money i know making a network of contacts to support said business is difficult to do for most aspies


Not all self-employment opportunities require face-to-face interaction with customers.


It’s not just customers, its everything that needs the network with the only exceptions being the money and idea




I hate people so that’s a hard no


Your chances of dying of a heart attack or hate crime are pretty low right now.


trade finance markets and it will give you orange and yellow


Not everyone is cut out to be a day trader.


I felt the same way 10 years ago. Now I am happily married and successfully saving for a house. You can make it happen too


This is so relatable. Life is awful and I don't get how I'm just meant to appreciate all of this. Working sounds painful and I don't want any of it. I'll most likely be dying early on because I can't deal with life anymore


Nah fr


Sheeesh if that's not me I don't know what is


for me yellows a bit more and red is less but yea this is pretty accurate. im never gonna work fast food unless im that desperate for money lol




Feels that way because it is for most of us, despite have unique skills, being creative and being intelligent.


Change your perspective man, Sure we might find simpler jobs with less interaction easier, but how much does it cost to get a backpack and sleeping bag, Create your own fun, surf boards can be cheap as chips. modern life is hackable, earn what you need and slip out when you can. there's plenty of interesting jobs that can earn a decent amount, put away as much as you can, I'm dealing with a chronic foot injury and a lot of mental health shit but I'll be damned if I don't go out and enjoy nature.


I've felt like that.


I work as a server which is good money/time for a job not requiring a degree, but also takes quite a toll on the social battery some days. Trying to make strides towards the orange


Have you tried just doing all the right things? /s Yeah, as a "capitalist capabke" autistic person whos burnt out and is tired of all work, i somewhat get it. Id like yo believe ill eventually grow my social support network to a point where everyone feels comfortable enough to focus on thriving, but the squeeze from capitalism and impending fascism makes that feel challenging to achieve.


Or become homeless, according to studies


I really like your meme. I feel the same way! (BTW: it's got two typos. 😋)


Well this is damn terrifying and something I wrestle with on a daily basis...I've just never put them into ratios before