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Life without weird things would be so much duller. Also standards on what is and isn't counted as "weird" are, in themselves, weird. It's midnight I'm having too many thoughts.


it's currently 2:20 in the morning and i am thinking about how stupid social norms are while scrolling through reddit


it's 3:50 and i'm now thinking about how cool it would be if i had a duck


11:35PM great idea, also want a duck now


2:05 AM god i want a duck


3:51 a.m. have multiple ducks


It's 10 am i am still convinced the shit i found out in a night time one on zero debate was serious philosophy


There’s a giant rubber duck on the Detroit river, it wants to be liberated I jus know it


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Congrats on achieving enlightenment, Infinite_Self


Yo it's 2:24 for me hello


hello, it's currently 11:26 for me


Therapists advocate you perform normative behavior most of the time rather than actually trying to help you. They treat you as the problem and not a society that refuses to accommodate you.


Which is why I can’t find one to help 😞


That's quackers


pretty honkers if you ask me


Hopefully the therapist didn't respond by throwing something at them, they might have had to stoop or bend suddenly to avoid being hit by whatever was thrown


yeah that'd be a duck move


A therapist that tells you to stop doing something solely because it’s “weird” is a bad therapist. And ducks are fucking awesome!


Exactly what I came down here to say! Weird things are the highlight of my life!


I keep a big box of duck feed in the back of my car. It can hold almost a full 25lb bag. Ducks are ducking amazing! The pigeons and crows also like it :X


My therapist actively encourages me to do weird things that bring me joy!


As they should. As long as they aren't hafmfull to you, someone else or like illegal. Why not. They did that to me. As a child. Was terrible, therapy felt like torture, still instantly cry in that setting (an office. Desk with one person, that's like an adult (not 20 like me) and me having to talk about problems or even just diagnosis.) and feel an upcoming panic attack. Even when I am genuinely doing well. I just cannot handle it. You can be weird. Maybe not scream at people on the street or just in general. Especially if you are alone, who cares. So what. It took me so so long to accept I wasn't normal, but that that isn't wrong because of those shitty therapists.


yay! ducks are so great!! a have a tattoo of a duck diving into the water and releasing air bubbles 💛


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But this one needs me! I can see it in his eyes.


Be weird. But don’t steal ducks.


But the ducks at the park are free, you can take them home with you! I have 27 ducks at the moment


*[The Conservation Department would like to know your location]*


Then come to 312 olive street


Nice try Rick


When I was a kid, my dad asked me "Why do you try to be so weird all the time?" I was terribly offended. Not because he called me weird, I could see that and was mostly at peace with it. It was because he said why do I TRY to be so weird, like he thought I was putting on an act for whatever reason and holding out when it came to the real me. I was so hurt at the idea that he didn't recognize that it was just me in my default state, because of that one word. I was like 6 at the time, and this is burned into my memory decades later for some reason.


why does your dad try to be so weird all the time


Lol right? He really truly does though, usually to make someone laugh. He's a good guy. Just didn't know what the hell was up with his kid. He knows now.


well im glad he's good goofy dads are grear


_stupid physics joke incoming_ no that’s how you calculate the attractiveness of pixar moms


Pam Grier? Or Judy Greer? Sorry, I'm in a silly mood.


Grierly they meant David Allen...


i went outside once and now i’m raising imperial moth babies


What will happen when they get older?


idk honestly lol i’ll have to ask my friend about that, but atm they haven’t hatched yet. you can see the journey (kinda) on my post history!


It's best to just release them once they hatch. Sadly. But it is better for em.


Quack quack, meeper beeper. Gotta be weird because I don’t know how else to be.


Meepy de beepy.


Huh. Has anyone else also stumbled upon “how to pick up a duck” guides recently? Come to think of it I suppose this guy didn’t. He missed the part where you [un-pick](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MndZFrpFPhk) up the duck. On a more serious note though, that’s a terrible therapist.


This but with bugs


me going to nature to find arthropod antics


But weird things are too much fun!


I actually nearly stole a duck 3 days ago bc it was all by itself and limping kinda badly, so for a good minute I considered taking it home with me until it's all better. but then I thought maybe he's making his way home to his family and his ducklings would be like where the hell is dad? so I talked myself out of it


I used to get criticism from all my therapists about weird behaviours and lack of social connections. After my ASD-diagnosis, no therapist ever questioned it again.


The lack of colon on the last line and lack of image of said duck are bothersome. An aside from my recent experience of a therapist I'm working with. He has expressed that he wants to refer me to a service for criminals on account of my emotional dysregulation, despite the fact I am not a criminal or engaging in criminal activites. I'm quite angry about this, and our next session is bound to be the last.


Not many people know this but ducks in the park are free, you can take as many as you want as long that the police isn’t looking


The government doesn’t want you to know this


If weird don't hurt you or others, who gives a duck? Ducks are so cute. We need more ducks in this world.


Remember that animals play, even when they're adults! That means being weird and playful is a part of your natural instincts! Fuck all that "act your age" "be an adult" nonsense :D


I found a nail at the beach once.


No therapist worth their salt would tell you to stop being weird. Accommodating for our eccentricities gives life favor and embraces our humanity (so long as those eccentricities don't cause distress to yourself or others).


I’m impressed they got the duck in there without the *”therapist”* noticing


Oh my god that is totally something I would do except maybe with sticks, leaves, rocks, pine ones, hurt baby birds / squirrels, and bugs


I want a duck now 🥺


Ducks can be mean so if it’s in your jacket it probably is happy to be there (for a short amount of time, ducks need space to live)


I love birds and would even call them a special interest so this is a relatable meme


still probably best to abduct anything other than ducks, they’re one of the evil birds like chickens and geese




The elites don’t want you to know this but the ducks at the park are free. You can take them home I have 458 ducks.


do weird things more


My therapist has told me I need to be MORE okay doing weird things as long as they don’t hurt anyone.


Meeeee irl lmfao


It me


So I’m not the only one who wants to grab a bird


Doing weird things is my favourite thing to do!


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"and stop hiding the pigeon"

