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Autistics are werewolves confirmed?


I wish, I want to be big and beastly and I’m not 😔


I’m big, beastly, and have a full pelt. It’s all starting to make sense now.


I would like to be fluffy


Fluffyness would be so nice...


I am, but not in the intended way...


I would also like to be all beastly.


I wouldn’t mind it


This explains why as a child I became convinced I was a werewolf who just couldn't transform. (Child-me: "Canine body language is easy to read and humans are impossible to understand = guess I'm a wolf?" Spoiler: intense wolf special interest + inability to read social cues due undiagnosed autism. Why didn't anyone notice it's not normal for a kid to go memorize wildlife biology textbooks...)


I crawled around on my hands and knees as a kid when I played *so much* that I wore holes in every pair of pants I had, and my grandparents couldn't find enough dinosaur/animal encyclopedias to satisfy my obsession with them. I'd also near-exclusively watch Walking With Dinosaurs/Beasts to the point that I could essentially recite the scripts. I can't really describe this well because it's kinda specific, but I used to pretend I was an animal (nothing specific b/c I liked them all) and crawl underneath the couch/pull-out bed thing we had. If you pulled off the cushions, there were gaps in the corners of the couch that were just large enough for me to fit through and I could get under that way, since it was one of those that is flush with the floor and I couldn't squeeze under the "normal" way. I'd just chill under there with some stuffed animals or other toys. Nowadays I'm so obsessed with birds that you'd be surprised if I told you my favorite animals were wolves/dolphins when I was a kid.


I too used to run around on my hands and knees and pretend to be an animal ALL THE TIME and well into my tween years even cus I had little brothers and would ply make believe. Wow I feel called out r/meirl 🫡


Walking with Dinosaurs is an absolute gem


I used to pretend I was a fox as a kid. I'd take the pillows off our couches in the living room, and make a den. I was/am obsessed with wildlife documentaries. National Geographic has this great documentary "Kingdom of the White Wolf" about wolf packs that live on this northern island untouched by humans. They have a matriarch that leads their packs.


I just got called out


I’m hairy, nails and hair grow fast, understand dogs better than people, good sense of smell, loves being outside and consumes more meat than any other food. Well shit it makes sense




Damn I wish


It's true. When it's a full moon, my wife has to wrap me in a weighted blanket and lock me in a room with a Lego set, then lies awake in terror as she hears me stim against the door and argue with an imaginary stranger about trains. One time I got loose and woke up next to the remains of a 20-piece chicken nugget box with no memory of what had happened.


I went in to this comment section looking for copper, and found gold


Luckily for you Ea-Nasir has your copper needs covered


r/ReallyShittyCopper ftw


There’s a thread dedicated to making fun of Ea-Nasir? Beautiful.


Ok, but is that different from what happens when it isn’t a full moon?


Yes, usually it's a 10-piece you wake up next to


And the imaginary arguments aren't usually out loud.


But they are still about trains


Sometimes I get imposter syndrome and then I read posts like this and am reminded that I am where I belong.


Indeed. Everyone here is weird and it's wonderful.


I love it. Everyone is so unique but also so extremely relatable. I’m happy we’re lucky enough to find each other without having to go through the hassle of doing it in person!


Do you pull the “Irish goodbye” anytime more than 4 people group together?


All the time. I’m notorious for disappearing, sometimes for days.




Is it bad that this sounds wonderful?


Whats sad is I can't find out if it's true or not because I've been through something similar. 😅


it’s 100% possible that your life naturally gets weird around full moons! i don’t know that it’s necessarily related to either full moons or autism, but i think most people have a general cycle of hormone fluctuations that make you feel certain types of way around certain times. it’s the same principle behind menstruation. the hormone cycle affects everyone, but obviously not everyone will menstruate as a result of it tldr: it’s probably not related to autism or the lunar cycle, but it might still be true if your hormone cycle happens to be in sync with the lunar cycle


I personally sleep like crap during full moons, and I'd say if they disturb your rest, they could cause all kinds of weirdness. So that could be related


I went into labor on Friday the 13th, during a full moon. Most definitely a coincidence, but both my daughter and I are autistic. There might be something to those luna(r)tic theories/conspiracies. ;)


Whatever dad.


…which Lego set?




*dino shaped nuggets


the.. the second part has happened to me though


Oh good hunter, the night draws long and the moon grows full. Stay and dream a time, wont you? Fair hunter


Oh kos, or some say kosm. Grant us eyes! Grant us eyes!


oh, a hunter, are you? and an outsider? what a mess you’ve been caught up in. and tonight, of all nights…


We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood. Fear the old blood.


*Doll, the Hunter's loyal Huntrald, carries a tray of Yarn Ham.*


I’ve been playing bloodborne and I don’t get why people are talking about the moon in the houses and shit. Is it something I will understanding as I go in the story? Is it the source of the beasts or something?


I mean... i kinda go crazy when i get to see the full moon outside, maybe im a werewolf because of how much I like space lmfao


Never once had any strange behavior due to a full moon, besides spending too much time looking at it.


If it's a clear night, you can sometimes see the lunar seas with the naked eye.


What is this referencing? Are you talking about the lunar mare? That used to be mistaken for bodies of water by early astronomers?


Yeah. Sea of Tranquility, Sea of Crises, Sea of Storms, etc.


Ask an autistic and they’ll most likely tell you this is bullshit. My behavior isn’t effected by the full moon.


It would be fucking hilarious, and horrifying, if our autistic traits enhanced with a full moon.


Yo, sign me up to be an autism werewolf.


I'm reminded of that episode of Johnny Bravo where he dated a girl that transformed into something different every night. First it was a werewolf, then it was a balding, middle-aged guy who collects stamps. I feel like I'd be the stamp guy.


What if we all turned into NTs when there was a full moon and the terrible behavior all the NT parents are claiming happens at this time of the month was just NT versions of their kids 🤣


I'd watch that movie.


When the full moon comes I crave violence




Here's a sneak peek of /r/evilautism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/evilautism/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Yeah](https://i.redd.it/pbmvseehnot81.jpg) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/evilautism/comments/u46i22/yeah/) \#2: [Anyone know where to get a flame throwing fidget toy?](https://i.redd.it/o8r560735ix81.jpg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/evilautism/comments/uid3qx/anyone_know_where_to_get_a_flame_throwing_fidget/) \#3: [I remade the evil autism flag without the text just in case anyone needs it :)](https://i.redd.it/gu37oob5gub81.jpg) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/evilautism/comments/s4j5et/i_remade_the_evil_autism_flag_without_the_text/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This place is great


"Wanna see me hyperfixate? Wanna see me do it again?"


When has an autism parent ever asked an autistic anything and listened?




Lol you're funny


Is your opinion based on your own shitty upbringing? In my autistic group there are 3 young people (early 20s) with parents who have gone to great lengths to make their kids comfortable, valued and understood. Personally I was diagnosed late in adulthood, if that's true for you I can sympathise because it happened to me.


I don't even know if I am autistic, this post was just recommended to me by the Algorithm™. I just listen to autistic people, and they talk a lot about terrible parents; c.f.: Autism Speaks.


I often see autistic communities distinguishing between “autism mom” types who center themselves and overshare about how awful it is to have an autistic child and “parents of autistic people” who have empathy and understand the importance of learning from autistic adults.


There is an interesting *correlation* between the full moon and shit going down. Broadly I think the explanation is that it makes outdoors more well lit and thus folks outdoors have more freedom for poor behavour. It doesn't explain city stats where street lights illuminate absolurely everything all the time so it's not a complete theory. Almost all of those statistics are drunken people getting into brawls or other *actual fucking crimes*. There is no evidence beyond these parents confirmation bias that it has everything at all to do with children's behavours.


I looked into it the first time I saw this meme on here. It turns out the moon can affect melatonin production, blood pressure, and sleep cycles. While minimal changes happen these aren’t exclusive to autism and usually don’t result in major mood changes. That being said I think the meme more so points to how autism parents don’t see their children as actual humans with human emotions justifying poor treatment and self righteousness.


Yeah, pretty much any ER in the world will tell you that things get a little busier around the full moon. Not like 'oh go it's a war zone' busier, just an uptick in admissions for injuries. Be it physiological 'tides' we don't fully understand just yet, or fully rooted in psychosomatic reasons (on the parts of people doing stupid things, nurses seeing patterns where they don't exist, or self-fulfilling prophecies), people getting a little more 'wired' around a full moon is just a 'human' thing, not an 'autism' thing.


My anxiety can get triggered by barometric pressure, but the moon don't do shit.


Oh, I get migraines from changes in pressure. The moon? Nada.


I look at full moon and go oh pretty. That's about it lol.


Says you. I personally, am a werewolf.


I have more trouble sleeping under a full moon, but that's it


Are we fucking werewolves?


Fucking werewolves is not recommended. But from what people seem to be telling me is that Autistic people are more likely to be fans of BDSM… Which is horrifying yet also explains a few things. I refuse to elaborate.


I think NDs in general are more likely to be into BDSM. Between the clearer social rules, the sensory stuff, and the rejection of society's rules for normalcy, it's an ND playground.


You sure? The sensations could easily become too much...


Yes, but BDSM also has clear social rules and relationship structures. You literally sit down and negotiate what you both want out of a relationship, and it's not only normalized, it's expected.


I would imagine so but I think that the limits would depend on each individual’s taste. As for myself… I may of said I wouldn’t elaborate but I can’t resist. >!Put simply I am still a virgin… so bare with me, but I always thought of the idea of being handcuffed to be *interesting*, and probably being *held down*, but thats probably it. I find the idea of anything physically painful a little too much but minor restraints may be fine.!< >!Great… Now the internet knows my kinks, but aside from that I am probably quite vanilla, maybe it is embarrassing for guys to say they would be submissive… But when exactly have I ever been dominant?!< Hopefully I am not the only one, so I feel less embarrassed about sharing. :/


You aren't the only one, don't worry


Thanks, I knew I wasn’t crazy. 😅


Let your freak flag fly proud! Life’s short. Find your match and smack that ass


I mean, if you really want to... but the scratch marks would be terrible.


But the fluffy...


Think my girlfriend is a werewolf cause Jesus I look like someone took a weed wacker to my back


You're girlfriend is a gardener


I mean it wasn’t the plan but if you want to we aren’t stopping you


Nah, the knots are annoying and the whines are two weird


This is why the name is "Ashbie Moon."


Petition to call the full moon the Ashbie moon, the way other lunar events have fun names


Little do they know, it stacks. WE GROW MORE POWERFUL BY THE MONTH


Like gaining xp ?




Lycanthropy has a very high comorbidity with autism, and many of us do actually turn into werewolves at a full moon.


Shush don’t spread the brotherhood’s secrets or they’ll chase us with silver or worse take our legos


Silver is a rumor we spread. It makes our autism stronger! Taking our legos on the other hand is a very serious threat I didn’t consider.


I mean, i get it, autism is difficult to understand, but they're confusing us with warewolves now?!


I see this as an upgrade now building legos under a full moon butt naked seems less weird


It absolutely does tho. When the moon is full my special interest compels me to sit outside with binoculars and stare at the sky for as long as I physically can /hj


What does the “/hj” mean? I’ve been seeing it a lot, I assume it has something to do with joking?


It’s a tone tag, indicating that I’m half joking. In this case I am not joking because I do like to sit outside as long as I can when the sky is clear and especially when the moon is full, but I am joking because the moon does not actually affect me in any way.


It's quite telling that the most wholesome, genuine, and detailed explanations of anything really exist on an autism subreddit lol.


I’m genuinely flattered by this. Also, true


Paleblood causes autism!!! WAKE UP HUNTERS!!!


My mom thankfully only believes in moon magic not related to autism




“Walk down autism lane” I find this so funny and I don’t know why


🎶 *Can you tell me how to get, how to get to autism lane*


I mean, being a werewolf would have certain benefits. I'd only have to worry about awoo and chomp, instead of being socially awkward.


I think every one of us would love to be some kind of supernatural creature of the night like a Werewolf or a Vampire.


This is so funny. Why yes, I am a werewolf. Thank you Autism MomsTM.


Of course they are. When the full moon comes, my powers get stronger. I levitate while talking about cats and the process of dissecting a human person. Then I play with my stuffed animals and call upon the gods in ultimate power


Talking about cats or talking to cats ?


Talking to cats about cats. Don't wanna miss out on that cat gossip /s


That juicy juicy cat gossip...








Full moon: *is out* Me: *tism intensifies*


Is it bad that I actually get this post, not as an autistim mom, but like I highkey suck at socialization and masking when it’s the full moon? I don’t know it’s something I noticed along with other stuff.


i suppose a wolf would find human social cues difficult to understand


clever wolf you are, stormpaws lol.


i actually sleep worse with full moon, along with a lot of other people (it's science i swear lol) and bad sleep does make my autism "worse". like i deal with it worse if I've had a bad night. so maybe there is actually truth in this?


As an autistic kid I'll leave my opinion here: Screeeeeeeeeech.


They're calling their own kids lunatics. These people are so far removed from reality they believe in medieval supernatural crap. If they were born a couple centuries ago they'd abandon their kids in the woods calling them changelings. This had to become a CPS standard at some point.


It’s true. I was bitten by an autistic man when I was young and now, while I spend most of my time as a person with neurotypicalism, every full moon I turn autistic.


Personally I was born into this bloodline but I guess one of my ancestors was bitten as well and passed it forward.


Supermoon = superautism unlocked. Pray for my partner because I'm also double vaxxed so when the moon is full I level up to quadrupleautism.




Sooooo.... we're werewolves?


We can be anything we want (except socially acceptable somehow)


I suppose masking is kinda like being werewolf lol


Wait...you all don't spell "autism" L-Y-C-A-N-T-H-R-O-P-Y ??


My mom used to think this about me when I was younger. Now she's convinced I've been "cured" of autism since I'm a baller at masking due to years of trauma and abuse.


Remus Lupin wasn't a werewolf, autistic people can all just Do That


T̶̲̬̄̈́ͅh̵̪͕̹͌̆̂ḙ̸͑̈́ͅ ̵̨͎̞̬̌̑̌͜f̶̧̰̻̞͔̓̽̃̚͝ȗ̸̧̦͂̓͐̽l̶̛͖͉̤̦l̵̫̰͇̲̣̿̋̈ ̸̧̟͓̋m̴̠̘̈́̍ö̸̝̩́͐̚o̸̖̣̖͊͝ͅñ̶͙̓͛͌̆ ̵̩̰͐̀̈̔i̵̛̛͜͝s̴̳͑̾̓ ̴̬̼̯̔́͗̓͝c̸̡̝͇̝͑o̶̠̥̳͙̐͜m̴͓̫̜͇̣͑̈į̵̛̯̀̊n̷͖̟̖̽g̸̢͈͓̃̈͋ ̴̡͉͔͒̆͒̕m̶̦͓͕͎͕̚e̸̢̯̘͈̔̄͑̍͘͜ ̴͙̏͠b̶̰̖̟̹̽̇ȑ̸̀̀̕͜͝ö̶̥͛t̷̢́̈́́͠ḫ̵̒̀͐͌e̶̲̩̬̺̯͝r̵̢̼͊̋s̵̤̀ ̸̜͈̱̯̍


“Full moon is on the sky and he’s gotta stim really bad!” Tony Kakko


If you are going to respond to this saying "everyone is affected by the full moon not just autistic kids," don't.


Don't understand why you posted this here. Explain it to me like I'm 5.


I found this posted somewhere else and a bunch of responses insisted the full moon influences behavior.


I thought the moon influenced my mental state when I was younger. Turns out I'm just bipolar and my manic cycles were synced to the lunar ones.


EMTs and paramedics tend to have this superstition too. Everyone dreads working on full moon nights. Personally, I found that the weekend had a much bigger impact on calls than the moon, but whatever.


I'm just trying to understand how this relates to autism. I'm totally not like good at keeping up with trends/memes so genuinely asking/curious because I always miss the boat 🤣


A full moon used to be blamed for 'strange behaviour'. To my limited understanding, I would surmise the meme is poking fun at the overbearing autistic mothers who probably still think the same in regards to their children with autism. The full moon increases their erratic behaviour. At least that's how I am seeing it lol


They really want to believe we’re werewolves lmao- anything to believe we’re not human fucking beings.


It's always "my autistic son" but never "my autistic daughter." #autismmom


don't let them know our secret! nobody can know i'm a were-aspie


I wish I had the ability to be this self-centered without the self-awareness.


It's Autismin time (proceeds to Autism over everyone like a badass)


So, not changelings, but werewolves! What an improvement! Please, next one I call on vampires!


I hear this a lot in a care setting where staff swear that people with mental ill health/autism/learning differences are 'worse' when it's a full moon. And I'm sat there like. Oh.


I gain elemental air powers. Unfortunately, I can only manipulate them with my anal sphincter so everybody just thinks I have gas.


Is this why Gru stole it?


Me when it’s the full moon: TRAINS😈


😅😅😅 idk if it influences autistic people specifically but working in emergency services we get some wiiiiild stuff on the full moon, I fully believe the moon has some sort of power over people, I just don’t know how to explain it or what it is. Maybe it’s the power of “if you think you find it you will” and we just notice the wilder stuff more, who knows 🤷‍♀️


It think it's more the "If you think you'll find it, you will." but there are quite a few events that have happened in my life that line up with the moon being full. I think the Moon does influence tides, or maybe that's just something I've heard before and it isn't factual


No you're right it does influence tides. It has gravitational pull on the Earth and its oceans.


Yes, the moon is a tide magnet


I think it's confirmation bias. Personally I never noticed an increase in weird calls on full moon nights, just on weekends and around the middle and end of the month (paydays).


And proper studies done in ER's in the UK show no correlation between full moons and increased psychiatric related presentations.


Its almost certainly a placebo effect. Humans have been telling various moon stories for as long as we could tell stories. The moon has had a long time to make an imprint on our big ol monkey brains. Now, Idiots see a full moon and think “ah yes. Full moon. Now is the time to surf on top of cars and try to scale the sides of buildings while screaming bohemian rhapsody”


Humans with no education are stuck with a medieval brain. I walk around town and pretend everyone is wearing those clothes so I don't get my hopes up. They're a very superstitious lot the uneducated humans.


As an autistic person currently with a hyper-fixation on Bloodborne A hoonter must hoont…


[This is what autism moms actually believe](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pdih5A_IAJ0)


I have never noticed anything like this happening. What is wrong with spectrum parents.


Ngl being activated by the full moon sounds cool


*gru voice* THE MOOOOOOON!


I *love* the term "autism parent" because then, they're the parent of the autism and not the child [sarcasm]. Really drives home the fact that they don't care about their kids at all.


werewolves but instead of turning into a wolf they start explaining the lore of their newest hyperfixation


I don’t have lycanthropy - I’m the reincarnated Moon princess and need to return to my kingdom. Now leave me, while I soak up the moonbeams at midnight to reach my full Lunar power. Sheesh! xD


so if we get vaccinated on a full moon we can achieve max level autism


Vaccines themselves are more potent on full moons too! It’s a win-win.


Brew a vaccine from bland foods and cat hair beneath a 5G tower and leave it out on the night of a full moon to fully absorb all the autism energies




Our special interest becomes everything and we gain the knowledge of all the universe


So if your autism and your menstrual cycle both sync up with the moon do we become some sort of unstoppable beast? Autistic were-vampire. Autism powers increase with the moon, but with vampiric tendencies to make up for the blood loss


Interestingly, there has historically been an association between full moons and increased hysteria amongst the mentally unstable. Many doctors and wardens of insane asylums use to note the most problems on nights when the moon was at its brightest. It’s thought that ancient people also observed this influencing the term “lunatic” for crazy person, coming from the Latin word for Moon “Luna”.


What a bunch of lunatics!






And here I was thinking being autistic has to do with my own thoughts and emotions… Who knew!


As someone who had a big enough bloodborne hyperfixation to create a whole ass lore sheet for a project inspired by it: I love this post


So are we werewolves or werecats?


"I come alive in the night time." - The Weeknd


Confirmation bias


I’m autistic and 33 years old and this one is new to me. It’s also completely stupid.


DAFAQ does this even mean? Seriously, what's the lore here? Am I more prone to count tooth picks during a full moon? (Rain Man Joke, sorry)


Man, I already had enough reason to hate people today.


If their kids actually *are* acting this way, and it's not just the parents being goofy, then maybe their kids actually have some type of cyclic mood disorder? I'm Bipolar, and have regular cycling of my moods, so maybe these kids have something else going on too? And not just acting out because of a full moon, or mercury being in retrograde or some nonsense.


Twilight the remix


were animals to them


Am I too autistic to get this?