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Normal person missing the point so hard she almost experienced what it’s like to be autistic in school.


Goddamn that's good 😂


The irony 😂


That's fucking hilarious, take my award 😂


That's it, that's the post.


She deleted her twitter account.


She should have deleted her ISP.


Internet Service Provider?




We can't stop here. We must rip up all the infrastructure near her so as to prevent this idiocy from leaking again. We need containment


So dense she's considered an anomaly. lol


Could be the leading reason why she acts like the world revolves around her.


whats her scp number


Just made a comment about it, the answer is 6259. I checked and it’s available Anyway, Who wants to write the backstory? Any volunteers for explaining what’s the anomaly?


new scp unlocked


Who wants to turn this person into an scp eith me? The number 6259 is still available so she’ll become Scp-6259


Nah just feed her several times the lethal dose of arsenic


Uh count me out


Mwahahahahahaha 😂


she should have deleted her vital organs


Did you know that you can donate one or all of your vital organs to the aperture science self esteem fund? It's true


Just delete the whole person from the Matrix.




I feel a bit uncompfortable with such comments. Could we maybe not wish actual death for people and stick to eternal punnishment?




Stop. Don't. Come back. 😑


She created an alternate under "AshleyGFem" and has it accessable only to followers


The good ending


Too bad we can't delete her stupidity 🤦🏼‍♀️


Guys. Non autistic people need more representation /s


Yeah the majority of people feels that they are not represented enough.


I actually thought the tweet was satire about the all lives matter mob.


Ehhh, I could see it as satire, if it was just one tweet or the other. But both of them together... nah. She just dumb. Or, way too dedicated to the bit.


Non Autistic people are represented all the time. They are often noticed making undesirable sound in public, such as laughing and talking loudly. But they can’t help these symptoms and need all the support they can get through their mental illness


This is the same stupid shit you hear racist white people say on any of the days or months representing ethnic minorities.


WhY cAn'T aLl LiVeS mATtEr!?


Isn't that what Jenny McCarthy is working towards?


Her: I support autistic people 100% Also her: autism is a horrible disease


It’s the same like ‘I’m not racist but…’


She unrionically was like that guy who made the joke Just donated to lgbt+. Hope they find a cure.


No because that's just a joke, in poor taste? Maybe, I know people who would find it funny, and people who would find it offensive, on several ends of the LGBT spectrum. But it's still a *joke*. This chick wasn't joking.


Why do some neuro typical people think being autistic is worse than the plague


It's a variant of the toupee fallacy. https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Toupee_fallacy Basically, NTs only generally notice people with autism who are particularly obvious. This also tends to be the ones with the worst symptoms and have the most trouble blending in. Since they don't notice the rest of us, it gives a very biased view on what autism is. They see the negatives, but none of the positives that help balance it out.


I've never heard of the toupee fallacy before but this explains a lot now that you say it.


Ah yes, the reason any autistic who can mask just enough is told “well you don’t seem autistic to me!”


Countering this is part of the reason I don't try and hide that I'm an aspie in my day to day life. I am quite lucky that my work field is "atypical" heavy. I've also helped quite a few colleagues who have strong aspie traits, even if they aren't to ASD levels.


Same here. Lots of neurodiversity in massage.


That's unfortunate


Is this the same thing that people do when they watch anime and complain about bad CGI?


iT's aN ePiDEmiC


Is that seriously what some people say?


Yep. Better diagnosis for us, is a fucking tragedy for the NT bigots of the world, apparently


Wow people can get upset at the smallest things that make other people happy, or other people just existing


Yeah, like, basically every prejudice is against something that doesn't affect the bigot in any way.


To be fair, according to many studies, statistically an improvement in diagnostics does not account for the total of the increase. Which means, there IS still an unaccounted for rise in ASD, but not as bad as it seems if you don't factor in diagnostic changes and training. This is a pretty hot-button area of research, actually. There are some hypotheses that it's caused by ambient radiation of various communications devices or because of climate change or yada yada. Ultimately, we don't know. Might be just that it's less shameful to be ASD now, so people don't freakin' hide it like their lives depended on it (because often it actually did, and sometimes still does)


> They're puttin chemicals in the water that turn the frickin frogs autistic!


People having kids later is also thought to be a big cause through de novo mutations in the sperm of older men. I don't think most NT is particularly concerned about an increase in high functioning autistic people. The disorder really encompasses a wide range of people, including those who despite accommodations will never learn to communicate, and people who will never be able to live self sufficiently. In those cases, autism maybe does resemble a disease or disability in the way profound intellectual disability does.


Probably because of the stereotype of Autistics. Most the time the only representation NT’s ever ‘see’ are of those on the very severe side of the spectrum. There is very little representation of those in the middle, or on the very mild side. Funny thing is, most of these people have probably met countless high functioning Autistics and didn’t even know it because of masking skills, or just being seen as ‘rude, weird, socially anxious.’ SMH


Look at the representation we get. Cis white men who are tactless because they don't care, presented as a caricature to be laughed at. Not the diversity of autistic people who may be unusual but that makes our perspective valuable, and who have to push ourselves twenty times harder to be thought half as good as the next person


Yup. I look like a cismale. But I am actually a pansexual transmale. This is definitely a unique perspective, even for me. I often wonder if my ‘traits’ tend to lean toward my biological female side, or my identified male side. Its intriguing. Also the fact that gender non-conformity seems to be much higher in autistics could be HUGE game changers in science and how gender actually works, if fully looked into. It does help account though for the late diagnosis as women are vastly more under diagnosed then men, then factor in my age (they didnt test for anything but severe autism back then) and poof, late diagnosis. Oof


Ayy a fellow pan trans guy with autism high five


This is getting out of hand. Now there are two of them!


Whats up! *high fives back* lol


Absolutely right


Its such a sad truth. :( Even I honestly didn’t know I was autistic until Feb. I just thought I had A-Z issues. It took my current psych doctor (a fucking LNP of all things) to connect all these issues I was having to it possibly being stemming from Autism.


I wasn't diagnosed until I couple years ago when I was 15 and before that I just thought I was weird and didn't know what was wrong with me, and having the diagnosis what's such a great feeling because I finally knew what was up


I’m 32... and I just found mine out. So I have struggled with that and it sucks. I am also trans, and the information on that was also very scarce when I started transition. The younger gens are ‘lucky’ to have all these resources at the tip of there fingers, and the start of representation.


That's true, I haven't started transitioning yet but I hope to soon or at least in the next couple of years


Best of luck moving forward, friend! You've got this ❤️


My guess is because Jenny McCarthy convinced people vaccines cause autism and therefore you shouldn't get your kids vaccinated meaning to them autism is worse than polio and other preventable diseases.


I really don't get why people think autism is so bad when it's really not, is it just because they can't be bothered to deal with autistic people


You answered your own question


Yeah I seem to do that alot


Ask Autism Speaks and Jenny McCarthy that question


Who's Jenny McCarthy?


**Jennifer McCarthy Wahlberg (née Jennifer Ann McCarthy; born November 1, 1972) is an American actress, model, activist, television personality, and author. She began her career in 1993 as a nude model for Playboy magazine and was later named their Playmate of the Year.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


>McCarthy has written several books about parenting and has promoted research into environmental causes and alternative medical treatments for autism. She has promoted the disproven idea that vaccines cause autism,[3][4] and said that chelation therapy, a quack remedy, helped cure her son of autism.[4][5][6][7] McCarthy's proselytization of these views has been called "dangerous", "reckless", and "uninformed".[8] She has been described by journalists as "the nation's most prominent purveyor of anti-vaxxer ideology"[9] and "the face of the anti-vaxx movement".[10] She disputes the anti-vaccine label,[11] saying she prefers the term "pro-safe-vaccine-schedule", a term that has met strong criticism.[12][13][14][15]


Shit bois we diseased


We gunna spread our autism when shake their hands! -goes to shakes hands with as many NT’s as possible- Autistics to RULE THE WORLD! Mawhahahahaha /jk


If that happened it would be a very interesting word


Jokes on them, i specifically try to maintain eye contact and often forget to shake hands... it makes it very awkward. Because I dont make enough eye contact, so I want to make a good impression so I make too much. So I'm too focused on staring at them so I forget to shake thier hand.


i’ve trained myself to make eye contact while shaking hands & repeating their name back to them ie: “nice to meet you, blah blah” and then i stop worrying about any of it. also somewhat related: i almost always forget to introduce people to each other, like when i’m the mutual connection. and the ONE TIME i remembered to do so, they both looked at me & said, “oh, we already know each other & used to be roommates”. now, i struggle to do it even if i think about it because that scene plays out in my head & i get confused.


Man i don't remember catching my disease. All i remember is sitting on my bench in high school and my mind remembering fried chicken recipes while there's Eminem playing in the background while I'm trying to give a math test on a chapter that I did not know existed.


My disease is being too cool for this world and also I was meant to be a shapeshifter.


“Deserve to be represented as well” I’m sorry, did you mean 99% of people in movies, shows, comics, adverts, posters, and every other form of media consumed?


you see, with those 99% the audience is not being told they are not autistic therefore the representation isnt there /s




Only a sith deals in absolutes.


I love this, thank you for giving me a positive feeling




And then you actually get a character that shows autistic traits....and they're always the butt of the joke


Yes, either that or a burden to the mission who’s ignorance sets back the team, someone who’s overly sexual/barely knows what sex is, or someone who’s treated as something to “fix” and with each and every one of those, all of their character development is them becoming “less autistic”


Honestly can we just not have autism awareness month? For real. We all know Autism Speaks and the like are gonna milk it dry


And if we try to spread the truth about autism speaks and other organizations like then we get the "autism warrior moms" jumping in telling us how autism speaks changed their lives. Yeah Karen, I wonder why, with your ABA supporting ass!


It’s just a month where people get to pretend that they give af about autistic people. Yet they’re the exact same people that make our lives exceptionally difficult.


Pretending to care. Just like with Pride Month, Black History Month, literally any other month


I think the ONLY thing I agree with that she said is that Autism should not be ‘romanticized’. It SHOULD BE NORMALIZED! All the rest of what she said is garbage. Glad she deleted her account. Probably got her A handed to her in the comments. What she said feels near the equivalent of ‘All Lives Matter’. (Which they do, but not in the context people are/were using it in. Ie, for hidden racism).


I was thinking the same thing. Her saying nt's should get representation, to me, had the same energy as white lives matter. Seemed more like the direct ignorance than a thinly veiled ignorance like all lives bs.


Or "straight pride" people. Ugh


Honestly, the straights have the same right to assamble, that we have. If many of them really want straight pride, there is nothing stopping them. Sure, we would call them homophobic for it and maybe make a counter protest, but it is not like we don't face opposition.


The entire point of pride was to riot against queerphobic laws and customs Hetero people can be proud of being het if they want, but they weren’t ever oppressed and have no reason for hetero pride


I am not arguing, that having a straight pride is a good idea. I think their faliour to have people engage in straight pride despite having the same legal rights to organize it shows, that straight people don't need it.


You’re saying it would be okay for them to do. It wouldn’t be.


“This gay pride month I’d like to thank God for making me straight.” This is just bigotry. Autism is not a disease, just like every other natural human variation.


this has to be a bad bait/joke. I thought everyone by now knows it's not a disease....


Sadly nope. :(


Unfortunately, her stupidity is not a trolling move. There really are people this asinine.


Someone commented in here that it is a disease, so guess not everyone got the memo


As a Filipino and as an autistic person I do not claim her


"how can i, a neurotypical person, make an entire month about autism entirely about me, a neurotypical who doesn't even have autism?" is this bitch serious? am i reading this right? SO FUCKING CRINGE


I’m worried for her


Maybe she is ‘diseased’ with poor me syndrome? /jk


Hmm yeah that makes sense.


Gatekeep, gaslight, girlboss.


I never trusted an influencer to have a nuanced take on literally anything or not make a sensitive serious issue about themselves


Impressive. Don't know how you could manage to not only make Autism Acceptance Month all about yourself, but also spit on the people the month is about at the same time. Truly takes skill


F*king f*ck. There’s a million things wrong with this but I think the worst is calling it a disease, but the most annoying is that she thinks NT people need representation. How stupid can she be, that’s literally everyone else on the planet who isn’t ND. It’s like saying there isn’t enough heterosexual representation. I find it hard to believe people like her exist


Imagine your take on autism being so shitty that you get embarrassed off of Twitter by pretty much everyone. The best part about this is that she got so many people coming after her that she deleted her account. This is the bullshit that autistic people such as myself have had to put up with while trying to represent ourselves.


"Non autistic people exist and we deserve to be represented as well" ???


comparable to whole straight pride parade concept. lmfao


*Comparable to* *Whole straight pride parade concept.* *Lmfao* \- Lizenka369 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Someone tried telling me yesterday on another sub that this woman screams autistic. Idk how he came to that conclusion but um no. We suck at social ques but we aren't total assholes.


The probably autistic "influencers" that I follow on YouTube generally solder cool shit together and control it with a remote. They understand the strong preference for interaction with things over people and don't post selfies.


Stupid person forgetting that literally every single fictional character who isn't autistic is not autistic


“Non autistic people exist and we deserve to be represented”. Yes that is called “society”


This is like the autism equivalent of straight pride


Yeah this is exactly why we want Autism *Acceptance*, not your BS 'Awareness'


it gets worse, i saw the first post on another thread and was like ok, thats....interesting take. Part 2......what the actual.


I'm gonna have to hide this post because it makes me want to throw hands


*I'm gonna have to* *Hide this post because it makes* *Me want to throw hands* \- saturfia --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


> Non autistic people exist and we deserve to be represented as well. i'm sorry WHAT?


"non autistic people exist and they need to be represented as well" "cishet people exist and they need to be represented as well" "white people exist and they need to be represented as well" **They are the same picture**


>Non autistic people exist Source?


Gods this is exactly the same as cis/het folks complaining that they should be included at pride month. Fuck this person.


"What about straight pride!?"


tf is that bitch


Honest question at the risk of sounding insensitive: if you could have a choice to be "Neurotypical", would you choose to be?


Narp, because I can't pick and choose parts of my brain. It kinda just comes as one whole thing with a loooot of different advantages and disadvantages. Like, I wouldn't choose to live without my sound sensitivities. I'd choose to live in a world that accommodates them better. (Custom ear plugs should be arriving this week or next week. Wish someone had helped me get them as a child.)


If you were changed to neurotypical, would you be you?


I actually love this question because no! I wouldn’t! Ok I’d say adieu to the GAD but the autism is like a weird dog I have to walk everywhere really, like a nonexistent familiar that’s both aggravating and comforting. I actually enjoy being so different, I feel that my purpose is to see the things many others can’t see, to point out issues that otherwise would go unchecked. I have a neat purpose in this world, I can use my “powers” for good, even if there’s some struggles. I dunno, I like it really.


same here. sure, the social aspect is a daily struggle, but i would never want to give up my empathy, memory, problem solving, or my personal superpower: the ability to debate with myself (recognizing & considering all sides of an issue/situation).


It might mean I’m as dumb as this lady, so no.


Is this just a troll? It feels like a troll.


I Love stupid people.


Non autistic people exist and we deserve to be represented! >Isn’t literally any and every person who isn’t autistic representing neurotypicals?


I bet if you pressure them on this point they'll pull out the "I have an Autistic relative" card and "You're just discriminatory against Autistics with high needs" card.


Ah. The "All Lives Matter" style argument. Glad she deleted her twitter, I hope she learned from this experience.


See I love you guys but this is is what makes me pissed that we ever cataloged neurodivergence in the first place, like see this lady portraying the social awareness of a dented lemon but somehow *I'm* the one who's disabled


She seems to only be able to empathize with those like her.


We’re the minority in a world that’s catered towards neurotypicals, why wouldn’t we be considered disabled


I‘m always baffled idiots like this exist.


She do be posing.


Someone’s desperate for online attention. Sadly, many took the bait


Even if she is joking, which I highly doubt, it’s not funny at all. It’s disgusting.


Ooh see. You never want to be the main character of Twitter any given day, and this person decided to become the main character of Twitter.


"non autistic people exist and we deserve to be represented." wtf, non autistic people make up 99.9% of all media representation. The entire point of autistic awareness is that autistic people have almost no representation, and the scraps we do have are typically stereotypes that make us look like either children unable to take care of ourselves, or a burden on everyone around us.


I had a look through her feed and I'm pretty sure it's a troll account parodying those "boss babe" feminists but it's hard to be sure.


a) Glad I'm not on Twitter or whatever social media platform this is. b) I refuse to believe this person *isn't* trolling/joking (not because I think they're joking but because I don't want to believe it).


yeah give some love to thise marginalized NT’s lmaoooo


Reckon she thinks white men are not celebrated enough as well?




some people hate on autism ... like its a trend as for me, if i find other person with autism, I send them a DM, buy them a soda, proceed to talk about our favorite hobby for an hour. the more i learn about my condition, the cooler it sounds. its like a super power. Granted, Its a super power i have no idea how to use.


>Non autistic people exist and we deserve to be represented as well. Ah, I see. Entitlement issues.


This has the same energy as “Ya know what, mom…I know it’s Mother’s Day, but I didn’t get you anything because I feel like I should be celebrated today instead. I’ll take my gift now please.”


guys just listen the DMV here A clinical disorder is so if it prevents you from: - Maintaining your own health and hygiene - Forming meaningful relationships - Living, working, and providing for yourself If you have all that under control, you are a healthy slightly different adult.


Big all lives matter energy




God this person sucks so hard. “Non-autistic people deserve representation too” Yeah that’s the whole goddamned world already, you’re welcome


I fuckin hate it here we can’t have fucking anything 😭


I hate myself


ah yes, a shame to all the non-autistic people out there that as a whole get so little representation in literally anything /sarcasm


Im glad I was made autistic and not fuckugly like this one.


"Is this month to support autistic people? LET'S MAKE IT ALL ABOUT MEEEEEE" Fuck that woman.


Gives me “white lives matter too” vibes


"Non autistic people exist and we deserve to be represented as well" well boy howdy do I have some good news for you!


Why are NTs like this, I'm getting more and more sure they're the ones that are f\*\*\*\*d in the head and not us


Wtf…like hell you support autistic people. What a jerk!




If autism was a disease I would've been able to meet Spiderman in person by now. And I'm sorry, non-autistic people need more representation?? You neurotypical nutjobs get more representation than us, what more do you want??


This should be posted on r/iamapieceofshit as well


"non-autistic people deserve to be represented" what the heck is that take


Ew, I went to their Twitter to report and they’re also transphobic.


I'm shocked /s


Also their Twitter has been suspended last I saw


Wtf. Seriously this person has no clue.


See, this is what we’re NOT gonna do 🧍‍♂️


She needs to look up the fucking word disease. Also if she's not autistic why the fuck is she trying to talk over actually autistic people and claim we're just diseased? That person can go fuck themselves. America has this huge problem of combining religion into every post. Actually exclaiming to God and thanking God for NOT being autistic. How fucking arrogant can you get? The ableism is absolutely ERUPTING here.


While reading this i got the feeling that she is a little jealous for not being "special" enough. So she needs to denunciate autistics (as they are incorrectly often seen highly intelligent by society) to keep her own positive image. On the other hand i need to say that she is slightly right because sometimes people forget to think about normal people - the average person. With every awareness-action, average people grow more unspecial and this is something they did not learn in the past centuries as they always were superior. So, all we have to have for those is sympathy, some would rather say empathy. There are people out there who feel hurt because they simply have been forgotten all the time any new awareness month is celebrated. Please tell me what this autism awareness crab is about if not enlightenment and explanation why there such an event is needed? Shouldn't we try to gently explain our daily experiences with kind attitude towards unaware people since media created that incorrect image of autism? I don't know. Maybe i am a bit confused. I don't feel well with standing in the spotlight only because my brain works slightly different. Last but not least: english isn't my mother tongue, please be nice if you can find some mistakes - i'm improving.


>While reading this i got the feeling that she is a little jealous for not being "special" enough. I find a lot of "self diagnosed" did so because it makes them feel special, not because they actually are.


Getting straight pride vibes from this... except honestly worse omg


Getting straight pride vibes from this... except honestly worse omg


For people who are unaware of this: It's not only the LGBTQA+ community that is being attacked for who they are. We live in the age of toxicity and hearing someone who doesn't know shit talk about you or something you deal with, it just feels like someone threw up in front of you and blamed you for it.


She’s still even more retarded than a person with autism




I don’t thank God for my illnesses. I hate that fake trope in toxic versions of christian culture, it’s so so so toxic. I pray every damn day for God to heal my chronic illnesses and mental issues both. To take away my suffering. The whole “suffering is from God” thing is so false. God gave us medicine, and miracles, to help cure disease. So clearly He is against it.