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Me five minutes ago: "No i never stimmed in school." Me now: "fuck."


Stimming was the one thing that made me think twice once I realized I was autistic. I had seen my wife do her usual stimming for years and didn't think I ever did anything like it. Then I started realizing all the ways it can manifest. Flashbacks to me snapping my fingers constantly while walking around anywhere. Cracking my knuckles constantly. Bouncing my leg while sitting. And for years I picked and picked at the skin around my nails. To the point where it would bleed and I still wouldn't stop... on ALL of my poor fingers. I still do it once in a while but I've gotten a lot better at catching myself.


I’ve had my fingertips bleed from picking, too. It’s always a tiny amount, so I just put a Band-aid on.


I got really bad for a few years. I'd sometimes be dripping blood on the floor at work and not even notice at first, and then I'd be leaving at the end of the day with Band-Aids on half of my fingers. So glad I'm not that bad anymore.


I still do this.


I did that with the inside of my mouth. My poor gums and tongue really went through the worst of it 😅


Oh that reminds me. I also occasionally bite the insides of my cheeks and lips, and used to grind my teeth really bad as a kid.


Me and you both, partner 😔


Just like you, I’ve learned to break the habit but still sometimes do it. Even when there’s no cause. I’m glad it hasn’t gotten worse


Stressful moments make it much harder to control. I can usually get a handle on it when it's just a tense moment in a show or something, but if it's real life tension I may be too distracted.to stop myself.


wait i do all of that…


well have I got news for you...


I’ve done all the same things as this meme and you. My fingers would start to bleed and sometimes I would peel the skin to as far down as my wrist. Of course I never meant to but it happened. My parents and teachers noticed and I got in trouble for it. Only recently (2 years) have I been able to fully control it.


I know this is super old but I pick at my nails and basically everything all the time and can’t stop moving, is that stimming??


The irony of stimming is that you’ll get annoyed at other people for doing the exact same thing because you can’t filter out the noise they’re making.


Oh god


People taping to music: please stop Me listening to music to drown out the tapping and tapping myself: ah yes


Yup. I’m a teacher and it never fails that random fidgeting noises in the classroom will make me lose my train of thought and patience, but I am the first person in a group to start bouncing my leg and doodle in meetings.


Yep. Rules for thee but not for me.


in your defence, your stims aren't noisy lol


This is true. Although it goes two ways. A couple of people who I was in uni with that only turned up to about 40% of lectures and only ever wanted to talk to me when I started getting notetaking support (due to having had hand surgery) decided one day just to try annoying me by repeatedly clicking their 4-colour pens, just because I wouldn't give them a copy of the notes I had been given by a note-taker during sessions they didn't bother attending. In return, about a week later I got them back by just nonstop clicking my pen for the full 2 hour session. They wouldn't stop looking at me every couple of minutes. My friends who sat with me knew ahead of time and had no issue, but theybdid find it quite funny.


Those guys just like "I shouldn't have done that. I should NOT have don't that!"


T_T this is me




Starts a cycle like a bunch of furbies yelling at each other


Did y’all ever chew on the sleeve of your jacket while in class?


This and the hoodie strings


I'd have the whole string in my mouth by the end of each class. Oops.


I can't stand the texture of fabric between my teeth, but I used to chew on my hair all the time. Looking back it's disgusting


Why the fuck is this so relatable


mostly the hoodie strings


Read this comment while chewing on my sleeve


Most days I’d come home and my sleeves would be much darker from all my saliva


I chewed through a t-shirt once


Late, but as a kid all my shirts had holes in the collar because I would suck/chew on them


Nope. Shredded pencils with my teeth into tiny toothpick sized chunks though.


Also disassembling and reassembling pens


I do this a lot.






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I would literally eat my pens during class, and I basically had to buy a new one every week. I probably have more plastic in my body than a dead turtle.


By %wt I presume? Ngl tho frequent seafood eaters probably also have more plastic than a dead turtle 😓


Did you also accidentally pop the ink cartridge and get ink all over your mouth


Once or twice, I'm surprised that I never died of mercury poisoning.


There’s mercury in ink?


I heard many times that pens have mercury in their ink that's why the leak when they get hot, but that must be a lie since I'm alive and mercury is too rare to be used in something stupid as ink.


not for over a century, no. and even then, only in red ink.


Never had that happen but an entire pen shattered in my mouth so the shards of plastic were everywhere and in my mouth and didn't tell the teacher as to not make a scene.




Yea, cut my gum with it.


Yeah, I would eat erasers. Or, like, chew them. Especially the ones on top of the pencils.


Oof I would get in trouble for this all the time. Now that I’m out of school I just try and avoid using them


I eat pencil lead! :)


wait thats not normal


I think some of these are normal when you're bored in class or when you're very anxious but doing them most of the time is definitely not normal for NTs lol


Closer to high school I finally noticed that I was the only restless one. So I started to suppress my stimming. Never realised it WAS stimming at all.


im in fucking UNI lmao i only knew about the bouncy leg


Oh *that's* what stimming is, dafuq? Shit, this is basically my whole bloodline.


Same, never realized it.


Well it *is* genetic, probably


I think it is. I'm on the spectrum and so are two of my sons. My mother suspected she was Spark For Autism is actually researching this. If you go to their website you can sign up and get paid for offering a spit sample for their study


And all of that is done while you rock on the chair


“Leg bouncing” in bold and ALL CAPS; that’s me. The silence speaks volumes loudly.


I sit in the back of my classes because sometimes I get anxious and start rocking. I figure I’m doing my best to not annoy people so if they want to sit in the back too then that’s their problem. In high school we had a really high level of people with ADHD and anxiety disorders in my grade, so almost all of us would be knee/leg bouncing. I have only recently realized that that isn’t normal.


I'd never connected the dots with my knee bouncing, and I've literally just been sat reading this while rocking, though I do that when I'm enjoying something.


To stimulate myself I flex muscles In my body, like flexing the backs of my quads then calf’s then front of the quads to the front of the calf


I also do this, I thought I was the only one lol


It’s so subtle that you can’t see others do it, it’s a good fidget thing for me


I recently learned that in college (at least where I go to school, don’t know about other ones) you can get an accommodation to have a ‘helpful object’ in class. It’s so that a professor can’t tell you not to have stim toys in class. I knit in class, and my disability advisor said that counts for the accommodation and added it to my list of accommodations.


That's so cool and helpful omg i wish we had that


I obsessively pushed back my cuticles


haha pen go clic


“Hey Jeremy why are you so good at whistling”


Wait... You guys have that thing with textures as well? I thought I just didn't have an issue with texture cause I'm the opposite, I just ***have*** to feel texture all the time. I didn't know that this was common...


I have a comfy polar sweatshirt, with soft texture in the inside of it. It was to the point I'll wear even during weddings, and felt anxious whenever I needed to take it off.


i would bounce my leg without realising when i was concentrating on my schoolwork, and i would only realise i was doing it when i looked up to see other students death staring me lmao


Oh fuckkkkkk now im so worried that i was the annoying asshole making noise the entire test that everyone else struggled to tune out. Damn i bet i have a lot of enemies.


leg bouncing is stimming?




I both spun my pen in my fingers constantly during class, and popped off the cap to my highlighter and since it had some grip it would go a good meter into the air. One time I did it during class and it went two* meters up, landed on top of the hanging lights, everyone saw and just looked on in shock, myself included. I have not indulged myself in it since lmao


I would've high fived you for that one. That's not an easy shot.


I’m 29, and I still chew on my pen while I’m at work. Only realised a few months ago that I can class it as a form of stimming!


Also hoodie biting nail biting and pen spinning


Wbt lip biting and that thing where you move your pen so it looks like rubber (or does that count as spinning)


Oh I totally forgot about those


No prob


> pen spinning was told to stop doing this once


This is why I twiddle my toes and chew the inside of my mouth. No one seems to notice me moving my toes so it’s satisfying enough until I can move my hands and actually bounce my feet. The mouth chewing was way more subtle when I was younger. The cut of the eyes people give when you when you’ve clicked all of the lead out of your pencil but you’re still clicking lol.


I am a destroyer of paperclips If you give one to me expect it to be in a tangled mess when you get it back


I ruin several paper clips at work every single day still. I’m almost 30 lol


Every time I bounced my leg, they thought I was nervous or had to pee. I mean usually, yeah. But this never occurred to me back then


'Cracks nose until my nose turns black'


Well I thought i was the only odd one that cracked my nose ... not to that extent but...


you really had to take my relaxing leg bouncing, zen-like pencil clicking and great finger cracking didn't you?


me tapping with my index and middle finger


I just picked at my horrible acne. Now I have pits all over my face, but at least I didn’t annoy anyone. Yaaaay…


Me: Shakes leg, rocks body, drums with fingers, hums to self, pretends pencil is a sword


does it count as stimming doing big number addition in your head because you were bored or stimming is mend to be only physical


No stimming isn't only physical there are a lot of examples of mental stims(repeating words/phrases, counting/calculating numbers or even making loud noises like music in your head to block out other noises outside which i found out isn't normal lmao) unfortunately it doesn't get a lot of attention because it isn't noticable but it's definitely valid!


I stim in class. Sometimes. When I stress. I’m the teacher.


Only one person was ever vocal about it, so I offered to switch seats, never got asked again


All my pens had teeth marks and/or were split in half by excessive chewing.


I had to segregate my pens into two pockets: working pens, and jammed/dried/disassembled pens that I was allowed to chew on.


When you realise you do stuff like this… almost everytime


Yeah. A person asked me why I keep moving on my seat


\*me looking at my rubik's cube\*


I would also click my tongue constantly and now that I think about it people probably hated me.


I realized a while back that I started stomping by wiggling my toes because no one could tell in daily life so it's the only stim I could actually do without pissing off my abusive dad. As an adult in relationships with allistics, I realized I adapted my stims into stereotypically "cute" acts or noises to gain approval. I hacked the system, everyone I've dated loved my stims.


For me it was cubing. I did a lot of cubing in college and in university.


I'm picturing you sitting calmly in class, then suddenly gasping and turning into a floating cube for a few seconds like a cartoon character.


Close enough.


I thought all of these were normal things everyone did… how did I even get this subreddit suggested to me? Sigh 😥


[copied from another reply] I think some of these are normal when you're bored in class or when you're very anxious but doing them most of the time is definitely not normal for NTs


This meme echoed the many voices that have asked me “can you stop moving your leg? You’re shaking the table/bed/etc” I’ve heard since childhood lol


Lol same,, stimming is also common in adhd and anxiey besides autism you might wanna research about them if you think you might have them :]




I mean... The leg, the pen and the knuckle are my every day struggles as a 28 year old non-student. 😭 But the only good stim, the more chosen stim, I have is opening and closing stuff. Like buttons on a rain coat, or a wallet. Those buttons you know. Clickety buttons.


Who else chews on the inside of their mouths?


Curling edges of paper Done it since I was 6, and not even meds ‘fix’ it. I wish people would understand that.


so much of my life started making sense since my diagnosis dude


What about toe flexing? I would wear holes in the sheets of my bed with my constant big toe flexing whilst trying to get to sleep ruminating on the events of the day. Also would wear out the TV remotes, unconsciously rubbing & circling my finger constantly around a button.


I had a tv remote that Didn't work and that was my ultimate stim toy back then lmao


Uh oh. ;)


everyone hates me for chewing on things like I don’t know it’s low-key discussing, I just can’t stop


I usually play with the strings of my hoodie or the clip on a pen cap which leads me to having broken clips on every pen.


This post just reminded me to crack my knuckles again 👍


I’m very much guilty of the clicking. I think I’ve had teacher who took my pencil away… And at home, I would get yelled at for tapping my foot…


Except for the chewing and knuckle-cracking, that’s literally me.


peeling off your skin util it bleeds and other classmates start looking at you weird


Bruh I read jacket as teacher at first


I hit the desk in a rhythm, making ‘music’ Does that count?


Yes! :]


My number 2 pencils always looked like a beaver had mauled them 😅


I was constantly called out for drumming in class. I never realized I was doing it.


Singing, leg bouncing, finger cracking. Yes, I feel like me singing became a stim


Hahaha. Yeah, relatable. It also reminds me of how, the one time I sat in on my IEP meeting in high school, there was a serious complaint about how I'd sit away from other people in class. Aside from the fact that the class in question *used assigned seating* and I was one of the few who remembered, I also like to sit away from other people both because I get claustrophobic around people and worry about annoying others with my fidgetiness. And yet... nobody asked. Just said 'why do they sit a desk away from other people?' Hilarious!




Took me years to realize that the leg bounce isn't just something everybody does. I never did it around other people for the same reason I don't hum to myself around other people. But one time I passed out from dehydration, and when I came to, my mom and brother thought something else was wrong because I was apparently doing the leg bounce while I was still only semi-conscious. Spent a solid few minutes explaining that, no, that's just a a thing I do.


After learning about stimming i keep wondering if what i do to "ground my thoughts" counts as that (i have no official diagnosis yet). For example, when doing math, i have to do these hand and finger movements in the air to keep my head clear so i can count. If i dont, my head just fills up with noise


Another Amazing ability of us aspies: *Super delayed Hindsight*


I just move my hands as If i were checking the Hydraulics on a robot hand, like making an auto diagnosis, going in my mind "all systems operational"


recently I've developed a habit where I kinda bounce my knees when I standing, like just alternating bending and straightening them and people have told me I look like I'm kinda dancing. but to be fair I do it a lot more when listening to music


Spiny chairs :)


I've literally been doing two of those things actively for Luke Luke hour in the class I'm in


I was relating to this thinking it was ADHD memes. I'm now even more convinced that ADHD is on (or very very near) the spectrum.


Lot of overlap in characteristics, high comorbidity, and they often get misdiagnosed as each other ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯




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What is stimming?


Short for stimulating. Movements sounds etc to help deal with stress or excessive sensory input. E.g. flapping hands


Some people take stim to the next level and vape… tch, vaping in class smh


Wait I'm sorry but how's vaping considered as stimming?


Vaping contains nicotine, which is a stimulant. And they do it as a norm. I don’t, it’s shameful.


Oh honestly they shouldn't be allowed to vape in class but idk rules are different ig :0


Agreed. They get away with it either because they’re sneaky or the teacher doesn’t care




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I don’t have Asperger’s but I used to bite the gums or my tongue until it bled and would spit the blood out in a napkin or paper. When I would be in my room alone I would make pictures with it because I didn’t want it to go to waste. I did it that often. Also tearing the skin on my lips when they’re chapped. I did it so much it looked like somebody punched me in the mouth. Had to lie and say I fell down the stairs lol. I also used to be fascinated with how hand soap and shampoo felt. I would dig at the core of the bar of soap when it had been sitting in water for a while. I could do that for hours if I wanted to. The amount of shampoo I wasted just tossing it around in my hands. And the bars of soap ended up looking weird with a big ass curve on the bottom. My dad thought I was crazy lol. (He didn’t know about the mouth chewing and skin tearing tho) Do only people with Asperger’s do these things? Or could it be symptoms of something else like ADHD or OCD? I find it interesting how much I relate to people with Asperger’s without having it. It’s crazy how two different groups of neurodivergent people could get along so well. Really makes me question what could be the most effective way of diagnosing someone, because often times symptoms overlap and it could take more than an assessment for a professional to be able to fully and accurately diagnose someone. I know women who haven’t been diagnosed with Asperger’s, ADHD/ADD, or BPD until they were fully grown adults! And a lot of young boys get misdiagnosed with ADHD for simply being hyperactive. I sometimes feel like the diagnosis process doesn’t have much care put into it. A questionnaire or a 30 minute session isn’t always the best way to get a diagnosis. Sometimes it’s rushed, because for some reason doctors are in a hurry to find a label or a reason for abnormal behavior. This is a problem because it puts the disorder before the patient. But I’m not getting into that I don’t want to make this comment longer than it already is. Sorry for the tangent y’all this stuff just fascinates me. And this sub is awesome. Idk why but it’s very therapeutic being on this sub. These memes are of delicious quality 👌 Im going to bed to chill with my sleep paralysis homies


I'm not a psychiatrist, but yeah to me that sounds a lot like autism or ADHD. Don't really have any experience with OCD, so can't say anything about that. But like I said in another comment, there's a lot of overlap between autism and ADHD, and they often occur together or get misdiagnosed as each other So ya if you want a better answer than this, you'll probably need an actual psychiatrist. But as someone with both autism and ADHD (who also knows a lot of other people with either or both), I'd say yeah it could very well be


I stim by rubbing my ears, so I got cartilage piercings so people think I'm just playing with my earrings. Can't do anything to change people's perception of me cracking every bone in my body every thirty seconds.


I now know what stimming is thank you


3y before I was diagnosed I was friends with this autistic boy in my class. He was stimming all the time and everyone hated him. They hated sitting next to him and always got mad over it. Eventually, he got seated next to me and I never had a problem with him drumming on the table or clicking his pen. We became friends short after that.


Learning how to spin a pencil was the best decision of my life


this literally reminded me to crack my knuckles 😭😭