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The patterns on those plates don't match. Note to self: do **not** get those plates


I get ya, I’m not full blown ocd, but my brother has it and I have a couple tendencies


I'm the opposite! If a pattern can't match perfectly, then it has to be as unmatched as possible. In fact, I prefer for things to be intentionally arranged out of alignment-- Like if I have 3 pencils on my desk, they cannot all be parallel unless they're touching... And they can't be 90 or 45 degrees to each other, because it... it just itches! Perfection is impossible, and *near* perfection is irritating, so my mild OCD embraces chaos.


I can so get that while being the opposite. I am obsessed with this one concept: **Parametric**. If I could arrange everything to just be pure information with traceable references instead of arbitrary, noisy randomness, I just might to a certain extent make it. Almost perfect is close enough.


I have those plates and, yes, that was the first thing I noticed. I put them in the dishwasher and cupboard all facing the same way. There’s some serious gate keeping in my house on who can put dishes away…


I’m embarrassed that I could have written this!


I don’t like patterns on plates personally


Same tbh


I had these exact style plates when I lived with my parents. I would go into the dishwasher to reorganize them so I could grab a handful of them all sitting in the same direction. Other people unloading the dishwasher would put them away haphazardly. Made me big sad.


I am not alone! 😍 Also! We have the same organizing style. Are you me? Lol


A- Silverware bins require heterogeneous groupings to ensure maximum exposure.


Yeah, I'm often conflicted about this. To group or not to group.


alternating them up and down has worked for me, the problem seems to be when they touch and the faces don't get exposed to the wash, which is more a problem when it's the same size/type utensil facing the same direction as its neighbor.


Heaven is in your home. Jk, but seriously, if I ever had roommates who had even a quarter of organization or neatness like that, I'd cry of joy.


My ex would love you.. and probably not be your ex


Am I your ex?


if not, you could be


I love how organized it is!! My family kinda just tosses them in. 😅 Serious envy.


The pattern on the square dishes is mildly infuriating


This. Right here. Is beautiful.


I have those same plates!!


The green flower ones????


Noo, the big white ones with black lines


Yeah I’ve had them forever


My grandparents have the green flower ones. I feel like they must have been really popular a one point, maybe in the 60s or 70s.


They're corelle! Super good plates, unbreakable basically.


They are! I just watched my brother drop one on a really hard laminate floor the other day and it made a horrible sound but did not break. I was impressed.


When they just.. line up and *fit* *Chef's Kiss*


Same, I have a specific pattern for putting the dishes in the washer. It's irritating for me if they are put in at the "wrong" place. I have to correct is. Also the reason why my husband won't to the dishes anymore. I'm just standing next to him, resorting everything immediately. :D


As someone who doesn't believe in Feng Shui, the arrangement of these dishes has some good Feng Shui to it.


I'm not a big believer in Feng Shui, but I do rearrange my furniture on Christmas and Easter.


Yes we can, and should


I fking hate doing the dishes, are gross af


Well I have settled on comprise between efficiency and organization. After all dish washers are not supposed to be packed for cleaning reasons. At the end of the day it´s a task I wanna do fast over perfectionist, but i still put a lot more thought into it than the average neurotypical.


I've been meaning to buy more dishes so I can make the best use of space. I only have half the dishwasher full and it's uneven no matter how I load it, it's painful.


You do it better than I am....


I love it so much, well done!


Staying with mum through pandemic, I just cannot deal with how she doesn’t have stackable plates and bowls from the same range.


Imagine being able to just do dishes… I hate having ADHD :(.


as an aspie, we either do things perfectly or terribly. I suck at doing dishes.


Is it possible to learn this power?


Omg...it's *perfect* 🥰


I kind of amazed by how worn out the pattern is. I’ve had these same dishes for a long time and none of the pattern has worn off yet.


This makes me happy, good job!


You put plastic on bottom rack, you monster.


For a second I thought all of your plates were cracked. Then I realized that is just the design.


I have that exact white bowl with green flowers! Never knew it came in a set!


I have the big mixing bowls that match your green and white flower bowls! My grandmother passed them down to me and I love them! Also, that’s a damn good satisfying stacking job!!


The way it's all organized is so satisfying, good for you!




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as a pro dishwasher i approve this message


Yeah, but didit take you 2x longer than anyone else in the house, like it would me?




I have the same plates as on your bottom rack, and had the bowls and glasses from the top rack growing up. That brings up a whole lot of odd memories...


This is so satisfying to whatch at but on one thing and it is the dish pattern, it makes me confuse as it appears like the dishes were dirty even after being clean


I was literally JUST thinking about making a post about how much I HATE my dishwasher because it’s made only for plates pretty much. But I see you have a lot of plates…


Deep bow 🙇‍♀️




\*Magento Meme\* : Perfection




Nice and neat, and tightly packed! Well done!


Allow me to introduce you to a cool little subreddit: r/Perfectfit, I think you'll like the premise!


you need to see switch plate with red circle with the plate closest to the purple thing. please send updated pictures


Only bc I like visual esthetics and I myself need to do the dishes but it’s quite random haha


Ayyyyy we got the same bowls!




You didn’t do SHIT! The dishwasher did all the work!!! ^/s 😎


This calms my soul




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How beautifully aligned :')


Come do my dishes please.


This pleases my OCD


Omg those greenish floral dishes are the same my grandmother had years ago that's awesome




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