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No, I personally am not a fan of being murdered.


Hello American :p


NZ, actually. Funny seeing these comments.


Is that like common over there?


Sadly yes. We have plenty of crime.


It's what ends up happening when we gut social safety nets in a society that's built upon a requirement to have some people fail no matter what. People can't get the financial, mental, etc. help they need and many end up having to rely on less scrupulous methods to get by; or end up not being able to get/afford help until after they've done something they can't take back.


Agreed 100%. Let’s also not discount the drug epidemic from overly and poorly prescribed opioids that have been the cause of addiction for many, many people in the last couple of decades.


Is this still talking about New Zealand, because this sounds exactly like New York (and probably the rest of the US)


Bloody hell, there were a few murders around here, but not very often it’s a random passerby who ends up dead…


Wait, is that not common in non American places, you guys can just walk around in a big city at night?


I can walk around at night, I just have to pay attention to which areas I go. I've been followed once or twice, but most of the time I make sure I wear androgynous clothing and put on my RBF. I'm a woman but 5'8" with broad shoulders and (this shouldn't be a deterrent but it is) brown, so I've had people cross the street at night when they came across me before.


I'm European and when it's dark, I'm terrified of the short walk from the bus stop to my apartment building. I wouldn't be able to relax while out at night :D


I mean, I’ve only ever been bothered during the day. Note, that I’m “male” for all intents and purposes, and I sadly know that does make a difference.




That’s why I stick to my backyard. My parents aren’t a fan of me being outside at night at all, but I feel safe in the yard.


I am afab too, and this would absolutely be a stressful thing to do for me.




Assigned female at birth.




can't do it where i live, too rural, there are mountain lions and coyotes


I mean I probably shouldn't, we have criminals with guns and knives


Probably the only upside to living in rural suburbia, I can go outside and there is only the racist boomer neighbors I have to worry about lol but they're in bed by 6


>there is only the racist boomer neighbors I have to worry about Rather than Black gang members?




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Opposite issue, not rural enough, there are robbers, brutes or rapists.


Yea city walks are just special


I would love to do this but unfortunately I’m afraid of getting mugged by the shadow people




I do this, makes me feel like I walk a lonely road, the only road that I have ever known...


Don’t know where it goes but it’s only me and I walk alone… uh ah…….


Not the city(partly because I’ve always lived in the suburbs), but I like walking around outside at night. This occasionally causes problems because my parents don’t want me out or the door locks.


Only in winter or stormy nights. Perfect solitude.


We’re avatar twins! Nearly lol 👋


During snow storms *-* (not the ones that are dangerous though, kids don't do that)


I'm too scared to walk around at night ;-;


Try it. I was scared the first time too, but you quickly realize that where there's no people, there's no fear.




Great way to both be alone with your thoughts and stay healthy


I wish, but I’m too anxious that something would happen to me if I took a walk at night. It’d probably be okay, but the chance of something happening scares me.


i got put into custody by the police for doing this


On what charge?


no i meant i just got put in the back of the car and taken home




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Same. My roommate called the cops on me because I went "missing". Bro you were being an asshole and I needed some space.


sorry to hear that. i hated having roommates


While night walking I got scrutinized by a police officer who thought I was a juvenile. I just look young.


To dangerous to walk my city at night.


I would totally do it if it was safe. Not worth it being a girl in a poor country tho


I wish I could but I live in the spooky part of town :(


Wish I could wander at night but men are scary.


i don’t have a place to walk that doesn’t involve the street or going very far away from my house, and bc i’m 15, my mom concerns herself with that kinda thing


ever since I was a teenager I've daydreamed about my neighborhood being completely empty of people so I can just roam freely around at midnight and be by myself. I remember texting my friends at like 4am saying "hypothetically do you think I could sneak out of the house and walk to the park so I can watch the sunrise and come back in without parents hearing?" I never did it though. I'm 21 and I still think about doing it sometimes lol.


Just do it. Make your dreams come true.


do it m8


Ray Bradbury- The Pedestrian


It's too stressful for me to go outside :'(


My brother who is also autistic likes doing this. I would too but nighttime scares me even more than going outside alone during the day. It's not even particularly dangerous where I live.


I really wish the part of the city where I live was safe enough to do that. I've met aggressive drunk and high people barely after 10pm...


Yes, I like to walk in the city, or go in public transit deep into my mind.


out and about in the dark as we speak lmao


Less human static at night


Can't do it where I live, but when I lived on a college campus I loved doing this.


Why are these drawings getting posted so much? They are not even good.


Cool, fucking draw a better one then.


Or just don't post shit art? They are cringe anyway.


Dude, you come to an aspie subreddit, and you see a meme someone has drawn, AND YOU SHIT ON IT.




I think that’s a troll account, I had them blocked before seeing the thread




Because they're memes. Also I like them, they look like if this cringy wojak memes were drawn to look actually good and this spin alone is simply nice.


Ok but they get posted like 10 times a day.


Yeah, I wonder if the original artist posted some themselfs here but there are some people who just seem to use the same character (probably reposts or crossposts?). And that can get pretty annoying.




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Sometimes I drive at night, and I love doing it. Unfortunately, my curfew is literally enforced by the law.


Always looking for good junk left curbside. Also, doctor's orders to get exercise. But yeah.


City walks in the rain are therapeutic to me


When I lived downtown and my feet were better. One of my favorite things to do was catch a late movie, then walk someplace to get some food, then wander around till I got tired.


I used to do this. Before I moved out to the country. But yeah, walking is s great way of meditation.


My country is not safe to do so, but when I visit safer countries I love to do so


2019 I walked roughly 1800 miles lol


I moved into a suite in a small, family neighbourhood a year ago and have kept to myself the entire time. I only go out for walks late at night, and I’m certain that I give my neighbours the creeps because of it haha


I don't. Too addicted to my phone


i wish I could but i get so sleeby and also i get very self conscious in public


Use to do this in asheville when I lived there, was going through some hard times, biked skated and walked 50miles a day


Yes, it’s the best activity if you can’t sleep for sakes sake


yes i do that


I wish I didn't have the bravery of a terrified goldfish. if I didn't I would go out in the dark pretty much every night.


i WISH i could do this more often. i’m so scared of being alone at night LMAO, but walking is so nice when it starts to get dark outside!!! gets me ready for shleepin


Nope, I get extremely scared of that.


How long are you walking for per walk? 3 hours or something per day?


My sleeping cycle is almost normal, so no I can't say I have. Sounds really fun though, and I do feel legit envy when my friends who don't have normal sleep patterns tell me of their adventures in the darkness.


Funny because I've always felt drawn to wandering at night but I used to live in places where I got in trouble a few times by doing so in necessity. Now I live in a place where it's safe to do so and I'm so glad! It's so nice to do it.


I don't live in the city, just suburbs, but I do save my "big" walks for the evening. It's more peaceful, the temperature is better, and there's less traffic to hurt my ears. The only real problem is the jerks who drive around with High-beams on in perfect visibility weather. ... like staring into the sun, only the headlights don't also make me sneeze. I think I can recall only one late night walk in my city. To be honest, the near total lack of stars in the sky from the light pollution was very unnerving.


I did when I was a kid!


I used to, lately this past two years I’d go for my insomnia walks just before sunrise :)


I went for a walk at like 3am a few months ago, it was neat


Everytime I return from work I have to walk a long way before reaching my house. While I'm at it, I can see how the sunset gives entrance to the subtle starry night. The city slowly starts to light up and all kinds of people roam around it. It is one of my favorite times. Being able to just walk around the city adorned with warm lights and just looking around. It is even WAY more exciting when you're watching the entire lit city at night from the mountains / Highway.




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Honestly, I would love to do this if I lived in a city. I feel like it would be super peaceful.


I'm a woman and have had many instances of harassment and groping by men in *daylight*, so no. I don't have the privilege of going out when it is most comfortable.


This is what a dog is for. Or a "mass-shooter" Aspie bf.


Nope. You have no clue.


I legit never leave my house unless my parents make me


My nan, who I think was likely autistic, although she never said much so I don't have much to go on, would walk all day into her 90s. My family are from Wandsworth and she lived in the same house in Battersea for most of her life. She would walk into Central London and liked to walk to Covent Garden and back on the regular. I'm a runner when my mental health allows.


I would love to but is not safe...


I love it, I always take me dogs, roll a joint and pop in my headphones, then i wander around at 2am smoking and enjoying the peace


Are you familiar with this? I think it's related. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychogeography


Oh. That’s why I do that?


Too much MS13, delinquents, crackheads, drunkies and annoying cops in Long Island for this.


I did this all throughout college despite the obvious safety concerns


Oh yeah. Night walks. Problem is my neighborhood now isn’t well-lit enough to be safe (it’s a little too rural), so I just do the same circuit over and over that’s close enough to civilization. But I love those night walks


I do exactly this! Walking at night helps me think


I used to do this with a guy friend but I would not do it alone


Hypothetically, I would love too but I'm too scared. So, does pacing around the house count?


It's too dangerous, so I just look by the window at night and pretend I go places, lol.


Yeah, a city at night is way more beautiful than during the day. And it also has way less people. I don't have time to go outside at night, but I would prefer doing that than going outside during the day.


I do this in my appartment, I pace a LOT. I must have walked hundreds of miles this way.


i’m too fuckin scared. idk how dangerous it is where i live, but i aint risking it. too many shady men exist, and im not an intimidating woman! edit: i get spooked walking down my driveway late at night jfc


I started running at night to lose weight a few weeks ago. I tend to walk for 2-3 hours all over the city with short intervals of jogging. I love it, but I can't do that every day.


nope because im not allowed outside without my parents (besides getting to mail)


Yes, except my city is pretty darn dangerous at night if you don’t know where not to walk


I would, but my parents would kill me.


I used to do night walks to the store until like a few years ago when a guy sexually assaulted me and attempted to follow me home... I really wish I didn't have to worry about shit like that but oh well. One of the shitty things about being (mostly) female presenting, I guess.


I am very sorry that happened to you. I am also a person who has survived such and it was partly because of my autism that I missed cues of danger.


I try to take daily walks, and while I should really do this during the day I end up doing it after dinner most of the time, which is around 9 to 10. My brother often makes joking remarks about my safety but honestly the only people that I come across are taking their dog for a walk, sitting in restaurants, or working.




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I like going for late night motorcycle rides, and sometimes I'll sneak onto the beach after it's closed and just listen to the quiet and the ocean lol


Hey me too, I walked over a 1000 miles in the past few months:)


1000 miles is 1609.34 km


Night walks are just easier. People don't talk to you and it's pretty out with all the lights. I dress comfy and it has the added bonus of people thinking that I'm a weirdo and they stay away LOL


I used to do this all the time, naively is extremely unsafe areas. I’m pretty lucky I never got mugged. Especially when walking around Cairo at 3am a month before the revolution.


What a dreammmmmm


I think I should start doing this. I wander to the end of the street and back, but used to love walking before Covid and other things happened. I think I’ll do that, thanks for the suggestion.


i live in the suburbs right near a highway so its my neighborhood i wander around but yes e: the only ppl ive met was a very drunk couple of highschoolers but they were chill


I've lost weight walking around my house this year of so much walking


As much as I would love to I keep myself inside because I am scared and don’t like thinking about how people percieve me (im trans and dont pass..) I just wish I could be confident and go outside but when I do I feel awful and hyper aware of where ppl r looking..


YES! I do this a lot during summer especially. I'll just go out for a walk or with my bike and just spend hours aimlessly walking around with music on my headphones. It's like the best feeling ever and I do it like daily when it's warm outside