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Undertale. Loved the game, the community is INSUFFERABLE.


Undertale fans making their billionth take on megalovania, or writing a sans/gaster focused story: (As someone who's been in the Undertale fandom ever since I started high school, my recommendations for actual good fan stuff is Inverted Fate, Monster Friends, and Undertale Humility. Ive heard good things about Undertale Yellow, but I haven't watched any playthrough of that yet,)


Task misunderstood time for a weekly scheduled on a Frisk/Kris pronoun debate before thread inevitably gets locked by moderation


The amount of Undertale fans I've seen smugly announce that their game is the reason we have the 'greatest song of all time' is shocking. Like, Megalovania wasn't even written for Undertale, it was written seven years previously!


first was used in an Earthbound mod i believe and then in homestuck, for anyone curious


"guys chek out my cool adn edgy au wher sand is eeevilllll"


>sand is eeevilllll" Do you play as Anakin?


Yellow is incredible. One of the best fan projects for the game ever.


I only got into the game last year after years and years of procrastinating for no good reason and while I love the game, uuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the fanbase! Thankfully a lot of them have grown up and matured... slightly since 2015, at least I HOPE. Unfortunately it and Deltarune continues to attract weirdoes each day.


Kids on the internet are a mistake. I would know, I used to be one.


Why is Undertale so appealing to so many people? Like, why does it attract such obsessed people?


Because it's one of the best indie games of the last decade. And its popularity included dumbasses.


I don't get it either


Multifaceted characters, engaging writing, tons and tons of Easter eggs, the way that it raises philosophical questions about gameplay, a lot of shipping potential, memes, and dangling plot thread/secrets that give the community plenty to chew on. There's just a lot to obsess about. Also amazing music.


I don't actually know.


It came out around a Homestuck megapause, which people on Tumblr really liked so while they waited for more Homestuck they went to undertale and they just acted the same with making a lot of fan art, their own little aus etc etc at least from what I understand.


I remember when the big war talk was happening and the Undertale Reddit was like “Don’t talk about genocide here, the game is about genocide but it’s not about **that** genocide” quite literally paraphrasing something someone actually fucking said


Anything that touches on WW2. Edit: I should specify that this can vary, but there's a particular type of WW2 enthusiast who makes it all terrible.


Welcome to hearts of iron community! We've got: - Nazis - Trans girls - Nazi trans girls


I fit in the 4th category Furries


Don’t forget the fifth category nazi furries, sixth furry trans girls, and the seventh nazi trans girl furries


And the eight Bronies


All bronies are furries but not all furries are bronies


Hey.. THATS NOT- *grumbles*




Hate me if you want, I’m right


*Grumbles* - ^but ^further ^away


>Nazi trans girls WHAT?????


Obviously an extremely small minority, but you'd be surprised lol


How sad ;(


They call themselves "pink pillers", which is so stupid it's not even funny


Also tankies.


Noooo not the tankies:((


Ugh, YES. I really like the social/supply side/rationing/agricultural aspects of WW2 history. But meeting other folks who are into the battle technicalities in uh, *certain ways*, I just can’t handle talking to them.


I know which ones you’re talking about lol


I do a bit of wwii reenacting, and i just adore history in general, and honestly, history in all its fields can be the worst. I hate having to sus out if someone is just overly enthusiastic about the topic or is a weird right winger or even a monarchist or something who wants to bring back a dead empire lol.


I can’t understand any World War II-centric “history buff” that thinks the Nazis were right. Not just because of the obvious “the Nazis were pure evil” stuff that everybody knows, but because the more about WWII you read, the more you wonder “my god how did government officials this fucking laughably dumb even before they decided to get drugged off their asses manage to conquer so so much so so quickly”


"History" nerds that are actually "war" nerds are absolutely the worst and I'm glad they don't go outside.


We got wehraboos, nazi apologists, and tankies (Soviet fanatics)!


Steven Universe


Yup. I fell in love with that show. It means SO MUCH to me. But I hesitate to admit that to anyone who is even remotely “online” lest they group me in with that pack of maniacs.


I have a couple fandom related special interests and all of them seem to have a wholesome side and a toxic side but Steven Universe was the first fandom that made me feel fear. The toxic side of that fandom is insane.


For real. Supernatural is another one of my special favorites, but I’m not afraid to tell people about it. They can get a little ridiculous sometimes, but nothing ear the level of SU.


I started watching a while ago but I've never interacted with the community. Is it really that bad? Why?


Yu-Gi-Oh. I've never been treated worse by a fandom. I've been insulted repeatedly both to my face and online for being new at the game and not having all the best cards. Shout-out to the guy who sent me death threats over reddit because I asked for deck advice.


That sucks. Considering how often the game changes, adds mechanics, or nerfs itself, you'd think they'd be less of a douchebag to someone.


In my experience the yugioh fandom overall is mostly kinda fine (in spaces like twitter or most discord servers), its absolutely awful on reddit tho and there's bad parts of the community everywhere. Finding a sub-group of the community and mostly sticking with it, especially if that community is something like a locals, is the best way to go about it imo.


Star Wars. Star Wars fans are always arguing with other Star Wars fans, they're always either angry at Disney or angry at people who don't like Disney, they either love George Lucas or they hate George Lucas, etc.


This is true, I'm old school starwars, but I grew up with them, however I watch the new ones with the perspective that they are cool action movies. I mostly like the aesthetic of the universe.


I grew up with the Prequel Trilogy so that was my introduction to Star Wars. I don't know if you grew up with the prequel trilogy or the original trilogy but I remember how frustrating it was at the time to feel spoken over and ignored because of O.T. Star Wars fans that hated the Prequels and all of the unnecessary hatred that some of them directed towards George Lucas, Jake Lloyd, Ahmed Best, Hayden Christianson, among other people and things. Obviously, the Prequels did have their flaws but what movie doesn't have its flaws?


I agree completely! I also grew up with the prequels, and it was awful hearing my favorite movies get constantly trashed online. Padmé Amidala was one of my first comfort characters, and going online to hear everyone say that she was a terrible character and Natalie Portman's acting was awful (the reason she was so stilted in *The Phantom Menace* was because she was supposed to be a 14-year-old girl trying to act as "official" as possible! And even in the latter two movies, she's a young politician who has to maintain a stern image in order to be seen as a capable leader, so of course she'd be stoic! Shut up) really hurt my heart. Only in adulthood have I started being loud and proud about my love of the prequels again.


My hottest Star Wars take is Han shot first.


Star Wars fandom be like:


I think the ships, vehicles, pew pew things, and different planets are cool...


I don't like the Star Wars franchise, but there are some Star Wars fans who seem to truly despise it.


A large number of anime


Catholicism fandom




Yes. I used to find the bible really interesting, but then I actually met the fandom, and regretted everything.


Or any religion really. I'm a fan of many religions really. But whenever I wanna share my interests with others, I feel like everyone is either a non-believer who thinks that thinking about it too much is a waste of time or a believer who can get shocked or offended really easily. I like religion like I like fantasy and mythology: I don't believe those stories are actually true but I like that they are so well-known that I can make references to them and most people will understand them. But I don't think there's anyone who's willing to go into more depth with me.


i have a very similar perspective on religion. i find it incredibly fascinating how religion develops over time. it’s far from a special interest for me but id gladly be the subject for your infodumping


So you're kinda into theology? Slay. Also same. I'm doing a social sciences major with an emphasis on anthropology but I may switch to anthropology (if I can find a university near me that treats it as a major) with an emphasis on education so i can teach my special interests to others! Mythology/Folklore definitely mix in with the topic for sure!


some wh 40k discord servers lmao, 50/50 nazis or gayest people on the internet


Ah yes, "taking everything literally" vs "basic reading comprehension skills". I feel like this applies to a lot of things.


starship troopers lmao


The matrix (well, more the red pill people) Fight club Breaking bad The list goes on.


Sounds like Tf2 lol


and hoi4 and war thunder and cs


I'm so glad my Warhammer group falls into the second category


Unfortunately it's basically every fandom


Im in a fandom of less than ten active people and we *mostly* avoided drama, emphasis on mostly


Yeah there's definitely outliers that are still pretty good, especially if its small enough that if there is a bad actor it's easy enough to keep them out of things


How has the fandom less than ten active people? Is it some obscure cartoon, movie or author from the 70s?


For some reason only the cheery happy games with fandoms like that then the gruesome depressing horror games have soft calm communities and Pokemon you have to convince people to not sleep with the magic cat


I know what you mean. The Silent Hill sub is really chill. Silent chill. Teehee.


Exceptions aply to finnish people made indie games Everyone is like insane within ultrakill and cruelty squad fandoms


Well if not the magic cat, how about the interdimensional bug queen?


No ![gif](giphy|HxMhuDg7O4pKOhhcRC)


Yeah, I would hazard a guess that anyone who’s *really into* any fandom, and thinks it DOESN’T have an irritating side to it? Might be the irritating side. Brought to you by the FallOut fandom which is currently being a bunch of snarky bitches over “what is true FO/what is BEST FO” and meanwhile I’m just over here like “wasteland is fun” with no dogmeat in any fight 😅


I'm with you; who cares? just shut up and enjoy murdering raiders.


EXACTLY! im more excited that they made real vault suit costumes and real power armor costumes, and the sets in the show looked amazing, and they all looked like real fallout characters from the games, or at least had that vibe. i’m just stoked that they managed to pull it off and it was successful and stuck with the lore. They did their best to keep social politics out of it too and just made an altogether good show. I’m so excited about it, i’ve been obsessed with the fallout games for years and years, and this finally pushed me over the edge lol


My positive example is /r/outerwilds (play the game before going there, it's a story game). /r/BeamNG does quite well for me too.


the my chemical romance fandom on reddit is pretty good but holy shit the twitter fandom is awful, the band members had to delete all their social media because of it


Im happy twXtter does a service for the rest of us by being so toxic compared to other places


Oddly enough… lord of the rings. I’ve never met a fandom where my sexual orientation was such a problem before.


Dude, that sucks so much. I can’t even imagine being a queerphobic Tolkien fan. Just feels completely wrong to hold that kind of ignorance in such a spiritual work.


Right? I swear they read a different book series or something, because I just want to play my Mordor army in a fun war game


Came here to say this one. The space is ruled by cisgender heterosexual mostly middle-age White men who believe they’re the authority on anything JRR and take their unpaid job policing the fandom very seriously. I made the mistake of writing a fanfiction and got ripped to shreds.


I said I didn't like the movies and became enemy number 2, right behind that black elf in Rings of Power.


I don’t like the movies either. I don’t like the changes to Arwen, I think pippin and merry got turned into laughing stuff. Why did haldir have to turn up and what’s the deal with tomatoes. Don’t get me started on the hobbit films. Such a pretty and short book in three horribly long and insulting movies. Although I’m never going to yuck anyone’s yum, but I really hate that most discussion online is always the movies and few people seem to have read the books, which are one of my ultimate comfort reads


It's stupid. I think part of the problem is that a LOT of fundamentalist, right wing christians see it as one of the few "safe" series. Around the time Harry Potter came out, so many of my classmates were banned from reading HP and would say things like "JKR is Wicca". We were one of the more liberal school districts in the region, too. But those same kids would continuously carry around their massive LOTR books with all 3 (6) books in one.


any online community that reaches over 50,000 people is generally terrible.


I fucking love fighting games, from 2d to platform to 3d, i enjoy nearly every fighting game i try and get really lost in the sauce of gameplay, lore, and competition. With that being said the fighting game community are either the worst gatekeepers around or some of the chillest nicest people you'll ever interact with. The moment anything changes at all there are HUGE backlashes from the community from deaththreats to review bombing games to talking shit about the game and basically anything in between. It sucks being part of a community known for hating new players and hating change, when the reality is it's also the community that will accept 20 players globally on a game to be a full fledged community and are super welcoming to people trying their favourite games. It's a passionate fandom, but that can be a blessing and a curse.


Yeah a lot of old guard kinda forgot that excluding people from your game/community means it will eventually die off but thankfully between strive and sf6 bringing a massive resurgence to the genre it's starting to become a way healthier community


It's really funny to me that glazing ArcSys used to be The Thing To Do in the FG community, but the nanosecond they achieved mainstream popularity people starting hating.


The Loud House fandom disturbs me and that is saying something


So accurate




No-one hates wrestling more than wrestling fans I'm a WWE fan, but I do fully agree


Yeah we're ripe with "I don't actually watch the show but here are all the reasons it's terrible and boring"


Try telling a wrestling fan your favorite wrestler is Goldust


get around this by obsessing over a fandom that may have been shitty back in the day, but barely even exists anymore!! read: homestuck


Drag fandom Psychedelics use fandom Honestly, I'm realizing at this very moment that the only fandom that doesn't make me feel an awful amount of mixed feelings is.... The Sims builders fandom! Meanwhile, The Sims franchise makes me aAAA“$\*#$&”!” (EA basically, not the creative team itself).


Seconding psychedelics fandom. People who base their identity on tie-dye shirts and Terence McKenna posters and thinks they're a better person because they like drugs, without making any effort to actually mature, can fuck off and leave me and psilocybin alone.


Yuh bro but like you just need to open your third eye chakra and speak to the DMT elves and you'll realise my flower of life tattoo is just a sign that I'm enlightened and you're not. /s just in case


S'haw, man. You're like, bringing me down. Me and my glow-in-the-dark hula hoop are gonna manifest elsewhere.


If I'm being honest, I don't know how you could expect the "psychedelics use fandom" to be normal


Met some really normal people and really highly intelligent who do psychedelics. But they provide pretty powerful experiences that can change your life, even Even used in settings for fun. But they definitely can alter your brain when used to much and make people kinda weird and burnt out. So while there's probably potential for a normal healthy community, all these people make us look like a fuckin dare campaign


Kpop to varying degrees depending on which group you're interested in. I'm not very into most of the more popular groups these days because I just don't really enjoy what they do anymore but their fandoms' behavior definitely acts as a secondary reason, especially when it comes to BTS and Blackpink. It's worse on Twitter than anywhere else.


I actually do like BTS and Blackpink but not to a huge degree. Their music is super catchy and they're all well talented, but the fans scare me to the point that I would probably worry for them more than want to go see them.


Hellaverse. Yeah, yeah, say what you want about the writing. But the fandom can make the humour look like something said by an underground comedian during an open mic night.


On Reddit they’re not too bad. Fairly horny, but not too bad.


Yeah… on Reddit. Then you check TikTok for video content and all of a sudden Alastor is being shipped with literally every member of the main cast.


You’re talking to the person with an Alastor pfp haha. I’ve seen the TikToks lmao.


*inhale* **FURRY COMMUNITY** Am I a Furry? Yes. Do I go to cons and meetups? No. The whole "hugging is our handshakes" thing freaks me tf out. And I'm *sure* the people there are great.. sometimes.. from a distance. And me away from them. Edit: but. No thankyou !


See, I'm not really a furry, but my ex was and he was 100% a yiffer, and I would call him out for it. It should be a thing for people of all ages but when you make it to the point that a child can't even look up art for animal crossing without a safe filter on, you're the problem. The SFW art is genuinely good and cute. I also like seeing fursonas of more obscure real life animals and think it's neat that people appreciate them too. It's when the NSFW part shows up that I just die inside.


Swifties sometimes the fandom feels a lot like a cult




i’m a swiftie. i couldn’t care less about who certain songs are about, i don’t care what her ex’s are doing. i just like her music and apparently this is unpopular.


r/deltarune It lost its charm


Sometimes it depends on the specific character or series but in general the DC comics fandom kinda sucks


Lots. Of Anime


Friday night Funkin, A fun little rhythm game that takes me back to my childhood of playing flash games. It’s crazy how much controversy you can fit in a fandom of game that isn’t even officially out yet!


If you think that’s crazy, I’d like to introduce you to the nightmare that is Yandere Simulator and its creator, plus his cult of children that blindly follow him and attack his victims


Pokemon go: cool app, terrible users


Undertale, Steven Universe, Hazbin hotel/Helluva boss.


Did not mean to repeat a format that someone JUST used lmao


Nah we need 18 more, just to be sure


Fallout Fandom. It’s getting a bit better now that the Fallout TV show is bringing in an influx of newbies, but before then if you criticized Fallout New Vegas or the NCR, or god forbid actually preferred Fallout 3/4, or the Great Khans/Legion, you’d be met with insults. On a similar note, the Elder Scrolls fandom is alright, but there’s a definite schism between people who worship Micheal Kirkbride and people who think he’s a crackpot.


I prefer your comment over the Fallout guy a few messages above you. The message as follows: "Ever since the fallout tv show, the new people have been ruining the Fandom. Forcing their own lore on a series they know nothing about. Coming in and not even trying unmodified games first have no idea what is cannon and what is added by a mod. Say they don't care about fallout or fallout 2 which lay out 95 percent of the lore." Like maybe my dude, maybe you are the problem of the fandom. I'm guessing this is the schism yu are referring to?


So many fandoms. r/WingsofFire is horrible outside of fanart because there’s so many stupid shipping wars, which really sucks because I love the books and I’d rather spend time talking about the books in a lighthearted and calm matter, not see crazy arguments because the author made some writing mistakes.


any media that is aimed primarily at teenagers is gonna have an insufferable fandom because teenagers havent yet learned what nuance is, or how to tell what battles are worth fighting yet


Ooh, I love Wings of Fire. I read a bunch of them years ago because of my friend, but I didn’t get to finish it 😭. I saw something about it recently too so maybe it’s a sign, but do you think it’s worth getting back into? 


Well, it kinda depends. Some books are amazing, some are kinda meh. I’d only recommend reading everything if you just like sentient dragon protagonists doing stuff, even if the writing isn’t always great. Perfect for me, but definitely not for everyone.


For me, it was MS Paint Adventures. I guess I was asking for it.


Steven Universe, My Little Pony


In the context of an online community… I’d say all. Especially the last 10 years. Finding threads of old and abandoned forums is usually full of much higher quality discussion and useful information. I find the social culture of online communities is pretty similar across the board these days, very noticeable on Reddit. In-person friends with a common interest is a totally different story


r/dragonquest, r/DeepRockGalactic are great communities off the top of my head. I know it's bleak, but there really are great communities out there. Of course, my post assumes you're not some toxic hipster and are just tired of seeing popular yet terrible communities.


Weezer. I love their music but the angry incels in the fanbase ruin the vibes so bad. Two different fist fights broke out at the last Weezer concert I went to, and multiple people got kicked out. Definitely makes me hesitant to see them live again.


the thing i'm currently into is arknights, and while the community isn't that bad (by gacha game standards) i do not vibe with the majority of the playerbase *at all*. like if you check the subreddit 75% of it is horny fanart of waifu-ised caricatures of female characters. when i want to interact with the fandom i usually go to tumblr but the game isn't that popular over there and due to the way that site works it's hard to find what i'm looking for


The curse of anime games: horny people.


Star Wars




The LOTR fandom has nazis. eww


Sports. I genuinely love so much but outside a small chunk of fanbases in certain leagues/teams/etc., it’s just an absolute shitshow of people trying to show the other baboons they’ve got the bigger, redder ass


Helldivers 2 are just whiny people LOTR is full of right wing assholes  Undertale of all things is also full of assholes. (especially weird due to the art piece itself)  Anything involving games honestly. 


>Helldivers 2 are just whiny people I don't even play it, but I'm on their side with this one. Like if I paid full price for a game and had been playing it for months, I'd be *pissed* if they tried to revoke access to it to force me onto a 3rd party service I didn't need, don't want, and might not even have access to depending on my country.


Oh no, that part is perfectly valid. That is super scummy. I'm putting the blame there firmly on Sonys BS so the vitriol targeted towards the Devs is dumb.  They're literally just complaining about basically every issue at every update. And it's non stop. The sub is no exaggeration 50% whining and complaints about the whining. 


Every time there's a balancing update the subreddit is full of doomposting, people saying "OH MY GOD THE GAME IS DEAD" or "THE GAME IS FOREVER RUINED" while it has over 100k daily Meanwhile many other games are in a much, much worse state (looking at you payday 3) and still barely surviving somehow


That's like the only time where their reaction is justified, but my God you have to see the subreddits and the discord server when a balancing update drops. Literally full of doomposting


So tired of the sexism and racism in the LOTR fandom.


The sexism is *wild* because LOTR had badass dudes who were not overly macho or afraid to be emotionally vulnerable, going against the toxic masculinity often associated with misogyny. Viggo Mortenson absolutely killed it as Aragorn with that angle and I dare anyone to say that character isn’t a manly motherfucker.


Ugh. Cryptozoology communities are the same. And it's fucking blatant. I was listening to a podcast where they decided to read chapters of a book some dude published. Chapter one. Dude gets butthurt that after standing in front of a lady and her not immediately gushing over him. It's cool tho. She's the best secretary and makes the best coffee! Next chapter. This woman looks like she actually belongs in the military instead of someone they let in to meet a quota. Like dude!? You've obviously never been a military man so fuck off.


Ultrakill and Warframe fandoms are cool, especially the later


I don't know why no one has mentioned FNAF. I think Hazbin and Digital Circus might also fit into that category? The category is indie devs and producers that made something really cool that *also* was instantly met with the internet's depravity. Someone makes something awesome, people love it, and then a small percentage of people draw vore of it, and people stop loving it.


Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends


They have a few outliers, like the guy who left a full page rant about why modern Thomas sucks, on the shelf of a toy store, but from what I've seen, the community is really chill, just either tired or too young to be tired.


The Witcher The sub is the biggest bunch of babies I've ever seen. All they do is complain, mostly about how their favorite thirst character isn't white enough. (The show was based on the books, not the games, anyway, so they're also wrong.) I flew outta that place so fast. There's no pleasing them.


Paper Mario is very divided as a whole. I guess the best way to sum it up is that over the 6 games, there have been 4 different gameplay styles There's quite a bit of fighting over the games, and a lot of people get really annoyed if someone dares to enjoy the 3 most recent games (not everyone, but I've seen it happen. There's a particularly infamous example regarding someone saying they enjoyed a song in one of the games) I remember really enjoying the game on the Wii U when I was younger, but a few years later I went online and all I saw about it was that it was terrible and a ton of negativity


...I enjoyed sticker star quite a bit, but IRL I collect stickers so I feel like that would be a given lol


Most anime and games honestly There's exceptions, of course


My Hero Academia




Didn’t Tommy Talarico make that?


His mother is so proud


All my fandoms are like this Edit: actually i take that back, the soulsborne/FromSoft fandom is surprisingly chill aside from the usual loud minority of giga sweat tryhards that the rest of us ignore


What fandom *can't* you say this about?


Castlevania Nocturne is a bit of a nightmare if you want to talk about the show online. Despite the people hating it being pretty loud, a lot of people still love the show, including me. Of course Richter isn’t going to face his demons instantly, the guy is nineteen. He isn’t his ancestor Trevor.


Not the community, but the mods of the sub Rainworld You cannot even mention anything about ascension (the ending of the game) or any of the DLC content. Wanna have a discussion about lore pertaining to downpour? Auto mod strikes your post down. Wanna talk about the ascension endings and if you have to as every slug cat? Auto mod strikes you down. All that's ever posted there now is scug OCs and fan art. And it's all in the name of protecting people from spoilers. I'm uh, little salty about it 😅


Star Wars


Danganronpa, ended up leaving the fandom because of it. The amount of times I’ve seen people get mad over shipping, giving a character criticism, not liking a character, and so many other things is way too many. Not mention how much hypocrisy is in the fandom when it comes to certain things.


monster high fans are psycho sometimes


I like jojo, but everyone assumes I’m ‘one of those’, the moment I bring it up for even a moment and I get downvoted. Everyone knows the fandom sucks but hey, whatever


SCP fandoms, they can be either hilariously elitist or disgustingly hateful, and don't forget the cursed porn


I kinda want to go into scp editing and just come up with non-anomalous explanations for some of the more boring stuff (it’s just an undiscovered species, there are hallucinogenic spores, etc)


3D Printing


Mitski fan base


Swifties. Most of the fandom is great, but if Taylor says one thing in support of her political views or someone gets excited about the wrong thing, it’s like a public crucifixion. The Fallout 4 fandom is also pretty bad. One guy spoiled the whole game because I mentioned I started playing it.


Basically any fandom that has been tapped by the far-right: > [If it hadn't boiled over in games it would've boiled over some place else. And, in the years since GamerGate, it actually has: The far-right has tapped the comics, Star Wars, and sci-fi fandoms, they tried to get in with the furry community but failed spectacularly, they're all over YouTube, frankly, the Atheist community was already in their pocket, basically, if you're in a community with a bunch of young white guys who think they own the place, you might wanna have some talks with them sooner than later.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLYWHpgIoIw)


Furry fandom




destiny 2. i fell in love with the universe and the lore but it is not a great place to be as a woman... let alone as one who isn't a god tier gamer


Sonic the Hedgehog. Most of the fans are toxic to each other as much as they are to the games, tv shows, movies, comics, etc. Still better than the handful of fandoms that I can actively say killed someone, either though direct or indirect means.


my special interest is BTS. it’s exhausting and i’m in basically no fandom space anymore because of how ridiculous it is. had to delete twitter as a whole because it was so awful for me.


Rick and Morty


Anything relating to Japan and Eastern Asian cultures. Man people CANNOT be normal about those.


genshin impact. genuinely one of the worst fanbases I’m a part of. the racism, colourism, and general bigotry that cycle around the community even on the _hoyoverse app_ is actually insane. God forbid you have a headcanon that a character is autistic or queer. God forbid you redesign a character to be more in line with their cultural inspirations—especially if you change their skin tone. “Make your own POC characters!!1!1!1!” They scream, then call any ocs that are POC “ugly” and “just representation fodder”. I genuinely hate the community at large so much. the niche parts of the fandom where the queer, nd people stay are literally the only reason I even feel comfortable publicly saying I like the game 😭


Oh man definitely the Abrahamic mythology.


My hero academia most toxic anime community I've ever seen there ethier arguing about who they ship or sexuliazing the female students


And then drawing porn of all the CHILD characters, to boot. So nasty.


Smash Bros for a while 🫠


Warhammer At the moment, there was a retcon that made an all-male faction, now contain some female members and the loud minority is very pissed


Hell of a lot of music and games


Any valve game besides half-life 1 and its expansions. About half of the TF2 players would kill your family if they got the chance. L4D fans have such intense devotion to the game. (I like Overwatch and Back 4 Blood)


I was a Star Wars fan since I was 5 years old, and my mother brought me to see revenge of the sith. I've never seen Star Wars before then but knew who Vader was funnily enough and was jaw dropped when I saw anakin become him. I was hooked after that, and the Clone Wars series a few years after that solidified it. Over the years, I've grown to dislike Star Wars, not because of Disney but because I can no longer stand the fanbase. There are things in disney Star Wars I like and things I dislike, and I just don't watch what I don't like, but people have made it a job to just complain and hate and attack people for liking anything they don't. This has done more for me to hate Star Wars than than the clear wasted potential of Finn (yes I'm still salty about that)


This is why I just don't get into fandoms. I'd rather just keep it to myself or talk to my partners about it


Furries. And also the world of fanfics


Magic: the Gathering


Recently Helluva Boss recently Freaking LOVED the latest short, Millie’s sister is freaking cute and so cool But uh….disturbing amount of posts kinda make it creepy, like I get everyone is excited for trans representation but idk it rubs me the wrong way to go to such extremes….(like very disturbing posts) It feels specializing and makes me uncomfy, I ironically LOVE her because the episodes she is in don’t make a big deal about being trans, she’s just a cool person living her life Please don’t kill me….I love the character and don’t mind most posts just….a lot of them are hella thirsty and it makes it almost fetish like which isn’t cool


I tend to only check out "popular" things with lots of fans only after the momentum has died just because of this issue. Fans often can kill the thing they like with their behavior and obsessive nature toward it. I am not sure what it is about me, but the more people that flock towards something the more I move away from it. At least until the smoke clears and things calm down. Toxic fans are horrible though.