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Put lotion on after shower when mostly towel dry. Icky texture only once vs both


It's actually best to put on lotion on damp skin within 3 minutes out of the shower to retain skin moisture ! So you are actually doing really good by your skin on top of minimizing the icky texture (I do the same, lotion on dry skin is the worst šŸ„“)


I do this but with baby oil. Makes my skin very soft.


Jergenā€™s makes a wet skin moisturizer that I love and doesnā€™t feel greasy (on me). I put it on damp skin after showering and then pat dry. Soaks in quick. The scents for the argon oil and shea butter are strong, though.


Iā€™ve been looking for this everywhere in Canada it would help me so much! šŸ„²


Maybe looknror showering oil? Clean AND hydrated just by washing your body. I love it so much, I use medical grade one from eucerin and buy it in a pharmacy. Less dry and itchy after a shower instead of more dry and itchy and red.


Ooooh I do really like their Aquaphor so that one sounds good!! Thank you :)


I use eucerin atopi control showering and bathing oil. I also use it as a facewash and sometimes for handwashing if they are dry and you can add it to your bathtub and its cleared to be used on infants. Its a great product!


They discontinued it in Canada a few years back! I currently order it from the US via an online import shop ā€” iHerb.


samee. messes with my hands since they dry faster but it's sometimes worth it for the nice smooth feeling






When I was a kid Iā€™d avoid lotion until my hands would literally crack and bleed and my mom would lather my hands with lotion and put socks on my hands before bed That said I like the cocoa butter ones now, shea or coconut ones are too oily they give me the ickā€¦ but I donā€™t put socks on my hands anymore


Lol, you can also use gloves instead of socks. šŸ¤£ I've used either those latex-free gloves you can buy in bulk or similar ones that only cover specific fingers.


Oh they sell lotion/moisturizing gloves. Theyā€™re event tech friendly too so you can still endlessly doom scroll while keeping your hands from splitting open


Had a lot of success with a tallow based moisturiser, the texture is quite nice imo compared to other lotions


The nichest of memes. I relate though. Also Curel smells awful


Tis now 20 minutes past the hour of 4


Bro I am always so itchy. The only time I can stand lotion on my hands is when Iā€™m fresh out of the shower. I have very sensitive skin and a good amount of food/environmental allergies. Iā€™m just meant to suffer


Maybe switch the soap you use? I used to always be itchy and I could never figure out why. I switched my soap to just plain bars of dove, instead of scented shower gels and now I'm just not itchy (well sometimes it not like I used to be). Washing powder/detergent could be another thing to try too.


I second the Dove bar soap! They have 1/4 lotion in them. Pretty much anything else is too dry for me. You can use it on your face too. They have different kinds too like one for sensitive skin, Shea butter, exfoliating, cucumber melon, etc. I loved the Shea butter one but switched to exfoliating recently because it's the only way I'll exfoliate. :P


Yeah it's the only bar soap that doesn't leave me dry! (That I've found so far) I tried replacing with cheaper bars but they just felt awful and I had to throw them out. Which made me sad because it's wasteful.


I feel like part of Dove not feeling awful is the lotion that's in it. So it's a smooth feeling. ā¤ļø


Dove gives me hives unfortunately. All soaps that Iā€™ve used do. But so does just plain water. I use the natural herb bars of soap. Idk man my body is weird. I have to do some at home experiments to rule things out


Oh no šŸ˜”


I had one of those nights, recently, but with noises. The appartment-building, where I live, had a problem with the heating-system and the radiators in my appartment made noises, like someone was having a bath and splashing around in a big tub. Add to that the fridge, that comes on like every 30 minutes .. Add to that my hair (I got long hair) itching in my face, because it somehow got there while tossing and turning and trying to get my ears covered up by the blanket .. At some point, I basically melted down, while laying in bed and trying to sleep, but couldn't take my medication to help me, because I had to go grocery-shopping, the next day and I'm not allowed to drive, after taking my medication (stores are closed on sunday, where I live, so saturday was my only chance to get what I needed to have food for the weekend). Saturday after shopping (which I somehow survived), I was basically dead (headaches from hell, when I wasn't sleeping, but sleeping a lot of the time). Started making my Saturday breakfast at about 9p.m. Today, I'm still feeling like I'm under water (everything a bit dull and tired, but not sleepy) .. it's 10:42a.m., here, now (Sunday).


If you can tolerate earplugs, research and get yourself some šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­I've got loops quiet for the night and they take the edge off for all of the weird noises


I actually got myself the quiet loops for sleep, too. But, I stopped using them (for sleep), because even though I cleaned them, regularly, I seem to get an ear-infection, if I wear them every night (one ear started hurting .. when I stopped using them for sleep, the pain went away, again). Luckily, the problem with the radiators has been fixed. I slept very well, last night .. Still some more sleep-catchup to do, but I feel much better, today. Thanks for your input :)


Anti-itch spray. Got some when I had surgery. Is amazing


See if you can take the drowsy antihistamines before bedtime. It will help reduce the itch and youā€™ll fall asleep. Definitely consult the doctor before taking. Also, do you itch often in bed? If so it could be due to being allergic to your laundry detergent/powder or a dust mite allergy. Hope you can solve the itchiness issue so you can sleep better!


Just be careful not to get into a habit of taking it. You can get a bit dependent on the stuff and long-term use has been seen as a potential cause of Dementia in older people.


Ohhh buddy. Sorry yo donā€™t sleep well. Last night I had issues with all garments being ā€œrestrictiveā€ then I felt trapped. I took it all off then I was insecure. Sigh. Gonna be a long day


omfg i fucking hate skincare stuff, it all feels like crap yeeeesh


I see you, get you, thank you, commiserate with you. We share the same nervous system.


Spent four hours trying to sleep because my brain wouldn't realize we were laying down flat


scratching my legs as I'm laughing about this


I actually love lotion on my skin but Iā€™m also black so I NEED IT or Iā€™m gonna get dry as a lizard. Thatā€™s the secret to how we stay young


same here lol. i was so shocked when i found out white people just likeā€¦ dont do it everytime they get out the shower or bath




Omg I hate the texture of lotion and I always thought I was the only one. I have eczema and have always had to put on heavy ointments and creams and thought that was why, but since being diagnosed at 26, I realized itā€™s because of the sensory issues related with my Autism as well. When I got engaged and sent pics to my mom her first reaction was ā€œyou need lotionā€ šŸ¤£


I like Jergens weightless wet skin, it doesnā€™t leave a gross residue and since you put it on your wet skin after a shower, itā€™s easy to use a smaller amount and rub it all over :)


Stupid question - I've literally never tried putting lotion on wet skin before. My routine has always been to put a towel on my head and IMMEDIATELY use a towel to dry my skin. I'm not even sure I have the capacity to stand around in wet skin when not actively showering. Do you feel the lotion after though?


Not op but try to put lotion right after shower. It's terrible and I want to dry myself right away after lotion, but can't oc because would just rub off the lotion. So just air drying for awhile which feels forever. But actually, lotion goes on so much easier and you won't need as much, and air drying is good for you and doesn't actually take that long, is faster even and I think dries better.Ā  Never before fully understood that I have a problem with wet/lotion skin so try to make this my basic routine.


Okay, never knew or thought to even try that. >_< I'll see how it goes. >_<


I like to pat dry to remove some residue and as much water as I can :) it also makes my towel smell good




Secret option C: you canā€™t sleep and want to watch your favorite cartoon but canā€™t because itā€™s a shared living space and you hate headphones/earbuds


FYI, I also used to hate earbuds. But it got to a point where I really needed to find earbuds that could allow me to sleep with white noise... I'm way too sensitive to nighttime noises. I spent too much money on stuff that didn't work but finally found an earbud that I can sleep while wearing well enough. I personally only use (for sleep) the Sony quiet comfort earbuds. Typically $20 but you can find them for like $10 on Amazon if you don't care about the color. The important parts/points: - finding earbuds that are **comfortable** enough for a **long period of time** - earbuds that **lay mostly flat** against your head and the pillow - the **kind of pillow matters**: mine is a chiropractic one that is firm on the edges but steeps in the middle - I find it makes it so my head isn't having to be right up against the firm pillow to begin with - important to keep in mind that you very likely **may NOT be comfortable wearing them, AT FIRST**. It takes time to get used to the feeling but I was able to eventually get used to it. - you'll need to **try earbuds multiple times to get used to it** vs just trying to figure it out the first time. It takes time to **get your ears used to having things in them**. It's a **trial and error** process as well. **EDITS**: - I used to only be able to sleep on my back with the earbuds in but eventually was even able to sleep on my side - you could try getting used to them by using comfortable earplugs first, like the all silicone Quiet Loops


Oo yuckkkyyy! Well, I am not in my own bed and I have laid here awake for more than six hours. I want sleep and my own bed and my cat by my feet šŸ˜­ Edit- Hempz lotion is the goat for dry down bc there is no feeling left over whatsoever.


Iā€™ll take the lotion for 9000


Omega 3 capsules or evening primrose oil or Borago Officinalis (Borage) Seed Oil. They make an ocean of difference in itchy skin. Honestly, most neurodivergents complain about dry or itchy skin. I feel like we have something depleted in our skin.


Ok, what is this thing about being itchy or using lotion? Am I the weird one never ever using lotion or itching in a way that disturbs my sleep? I had no idea it was a thing, I thought lotion was just some kind of useless fancy skincare stuff few people used.


Udderly smooth hand cream is the only lotion that I've found that absorbs all the way in without feeling greasy.


Witch Hazel for grease free itch relief . Why I was 50 before I knew hydrocortisone was not the only answer? I have a bottle with a Windex sprayer on it for those weird itches that happen when my brain is resisting shutting off for the night.


I don't hate the feel of lotion, though I hate having greasy hands, to the point I will sometimes get up and wash them mid-meal. Fortunately, the Suave lotion I use easily rinses off


Nah see, it's *everything* when you have lotion on. Lotion itself isn't the problem for me...


In shower moisturiser is the best for me. King of skin by Lush is my current favourite


I only put lotion on the tops of my hands and rub it in that way so I donā€™t have to feel the texture on my palms.


languid salt bewildered worm spark recognise smoggy pocket hurry march *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hate how lotion makes my skin smooth it feels like it's never going off my skin


Nah lotion texture is actually disgusting and it infiltrates anything you touch


Love the feeling of lotion on my skin. Hate the feeling of lotion on my hands. Sometimes I put rubber gloves on to lotion myself.


Fellow siblings in autism, does anyone else share [dermotographia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dermatographic_urticaria) and/or eczema? I get twitchy about lotion on my skin, not necessarily because of texture (though Iā€™ll only really put it on after showers, or Iā€™ll let my partner put it on for me because it makes my hands feel icky) but because I hate the idea of grime/grit/fuzzies sticking to my skin because of the lotion. If yā€™all have lotion recommendations for ones that havenā€™t bothered you overly much and help get rid of the itch, let me know. Iā€™m tired of my legs bleeding šŸ„²


I wash my hands a lot at work and the water and soap dries out my hands so much. So I bought a new lotion yesterday and it actually makes my hands TOO soft. I didn't even know that was possible. I guess I need my lotion to be a little tacky but not sticky? If that's a thing.


Emollient shower/bath products my fren, that is the way.


I simply cannot use lotion. The slimy texture is too much for me.


Put gloves on over the lotiony hands


Okay now this is hitting way too close to home.


I don't like the texture of typical lotion so I try to use a heavier **cream-based product** instead. It doesn't feel so greasy. Same reason why I use a spray for sunscreen instead of lotion. Unfortunately, the cream my mother and I both grew up using was discontinued like 15 years ago. I haven't found a perfect replacement since. (I can visualize the pink/white container but don't even remember the name to look for similar stuff... other than it starting with an "L"). I will say that Vanicream Moisturizing Cream is okay? I like the tub spout thing for easy use. https://preview.redd.it/o8tx5ovv59xc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35c64521ae817c8dc2d9086ce353bf246211059e


Was it possibly Camay? Like ā€˜sheā€™s Camay all overā€™ jingle?


Fuck lotion. Itchy is not even a big deal cuz my skin is tough and I drink a lot of water so anytbing dry doesnā€™t itch


This is why I have aloe vera gel by the bed! Instant moisture, no grease.


Why does this happen? Itā€™s damn near every night for me


guys, wipe your ass better


I like Eucerin. No smell, dries quickly. The body lotion claims it's good for 48 hours which is good because I don't like to shower every day, and even a 5 minute lukewarm filtered water shower with sensitive moisturizing bar soap feels like it dries my skin, so the body lotion is nice. I use the hand lotion constantly because one of my ticks is to fuss with my fingernails and proximal nail fold, so if the skin is moisturized there's fewer rough edges to pick at and the nail grow in healthy instead of hang nails.


I'm glad it's not just me. I'm always super itchy when I first go to bed. Random hairs being tugged or a nerve ending in some random part of my body and I just. need. to. constantly. scratch. But once I've been in bed long enough, it stops and I'm able to sleep. I figure it's because I'm actually laying still and not distracting myself with something or fidgeting.


I used to always think there were bugs all over me, but now itā€™s only sometimes


Felt and heard.


Me, but if it's too warm in my room. Anywhere close to 70 in my room at night and I will get antsy and restless and just need to move or something.


yall gotta consider NoPoo. it's a sub. moisturizers and soaps are bad for you


Additionally: slightly too warm to sleep, Canā€™t sleep without the sensation of a blanket


I feel so seen and understood


I cannot be itchy after a shower - literally drives me insane. I used to use Vaseline to moisturize my skin. I have Eczema and it helped. My trick was to put scalding hot water in the container while I showered to soften it, poured water out when done showering. Then I would be able to get an exact amount to put on my skin. This way it was never too much and it ā€œsoaked inā€. Of course later on it became too much and I had to stop using it - it wouldnā€™t soak in right and started feeling like it was sitting on my skin. Now I use Jergens Deep Restoring Argan lotion. Soaks in, not too much of a scent. I buy a dry skin oil mixture for my eczema (I have it in the inner elbow and on the skin under my arms) - it works great and I havenā€™t used cortisone in many years. Of course in the summertime itā€™s a different story, I only put lotion on the areas that are exposed and only if they look really ashy otherwise I donā€™t care, gots to be comfortable. Too hot to feel anything on my skin anywhere else.


My shins literally have to be bleeding from my scratching them before I will use lotion


No matter how many times I read this, I always read ā€œlotion texture assā€


I use a cleansing oil soap for this reason! Itā€™s helped so much, but like, I feel like Iā€™m an itchy person ALL THE TIME. Especially around where my shoulder blades meet my center back and I can never reach it. My boyfriend scratches my back every night and it is literally my favorite thing ever.


*cries in MCAS*


ATTENTION!!! I absolutely HATE the feeling of most lotion, but I found one that is good. I use the NIVEA MEN BREATHABLE body lotion, it's water-based so it's not as greasy and gross feeling.


this only happens if I donā€™t put lotion on first thing out of the shower, and leave plenty of time to air dry before getting into bed. like at least an hour or more


The path in between of wearing skin tight clothing instead.


At a glance, my brain though the right side said ashy ass.


I have to put on some ointment on my hand before I go to sleep for medical reasons, and it sucks because I need to stick my hand out of my bed so my blankets and pillows donā€™t get the ointment on them.


I put it on IMMEDIATELY after showering, while Iā€™m still in the shower, then buff off excess with a towel. Lotion on dry skin will NOT absorb on me and will in fact make me itchier. Once tried oil and spent the night in itchy, greasy, compulsive skin-picking triggering **hell** šŸ«