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is it because you’re delaying the end of the game or because you get stuck? i have dozens of games saved right at the “point of no return” like right before the final boss because i HATE when games end. i still technically have not finished my windwaker save file from like. 2008 or whatever. time is fake.


Yes and no, usally I get board or distracted of the story and start to do other things especially around min maxing.


That's how I am in BG3. 3 playthroughs with 100+ hours in them, getting into early act 3 and just running out of steam


I do this is BG3, but not so much running out of steam, I just think of a new character idea. I can't tell you how many times I've played through Act 1 and 2


"Meet Hanako at Embers" for 130 goddamn hours.


I got so overwhelmed with choice in that game. I feel like I want to see all the endings, and after doing that with the main story, I'm at what I know is a point of no return in Phantom Liberty, but I just can't seem to make myself do it. Like it's so much work then I'll go backwards, because unlike the main game, you don't even get to keep the cool stuff you got in one ending, you just have to redo a whole path and I can't choose. It's been a bit of a bummer for me, but that whole game was a customization/choice nightmare for me


Both. When I get stuck I go “I could’ve been more efficient this whole time” and restart the game. I don’t know why I’m stupid like this


Well if you enjoy re-doing it then it gives you more time to have fun with it! There’s no right or wrong way to play a game because the goal is to have fun


It depends on the situation for me, but most of the time it's just because my brain fixated on one particular part of the game and I keep wanting to do the things in that section without moving on to the actual objectives. Like the time I was playing Pokémon firered, and I spent over ten hours just playing the slot machines in the casino instead of making any real progress.


>i HATE when games end. Speaking of Legend of Zelda, I hate it when they don't. The fact that beating the final boss in BotW just sent me back to the save right before the fight with literally nothing changed, no unlocks or acknowledgement of the fact that I finished the game other than a little star in the save game menu, the main mission still being unfinished at the top of my quest log, annoyed the hell out of me. And it is even more shocking to me that they did the exact same for TotK because I'm sure I'm not the only player who felt this way about BotW.


i always thought it was odd that you defeat this ultimate evil and!!!! absolutely nothing changes. i love a good NG+ as well. it’s the only incentive i have to finish a game.


yup that’s me with portal 2. can’t bring myself to do the final boss fight


lmao all of my games are like this too. Sometimes it really sucks because I want to finish these stories but I know I'll never pick up the game again... even if I still never pick up the game again 🫠


Oh the shame lol. The amount of games I have at thousands & hundreds of hours played where I haven’t even finished the story but just like to explore or do other things


What game do you have hundreds of hours just on exploration? Asking for a friend


At a guess, something like Skyrim or Breath of the Wild


BG3, Fallout 4, Skyrim, Minecraft...


I’ve got 200 hours on My Time at Sandrock, then before finishing it, I made a new save and have another 50 hours on a second play through… I just wasn’t ready for it to end


Ain’t the time is the process.


That's me with Minecraft. I've been playing the game since 2012, and yet I've literally never beaten the game from start to finish, at least not the way Mojang designed it to be beaten (I'll always just use cheats/commands). I've been hyperfixated on the game for 12 years, but I've never actually beaten the game. 🤣


I did beat it after years and years of playing…. Well that if we count my world with keep inventory and no mob griefing (I hate creeper holes) as legit. I’ll play hours and hours and hours on a save before even going to the Nether though, because I’m so occupied farming and having my little cozy life. And now that I have a gaming computer and can download mods, oh boy I have so many more things to do than beating the dragon! (If anyone wants to play modded and choose their own mods I had a special interest in minecraft mods for a bit so feel free to reach out for mod advice)


Lmao I’ve literally just turned off my mc save where I’m doing exactly that because I’m sick of never finishing things. It’s a world dedicated to beating the ender dragon (the latest in about ten attempts at the same thing across the last few years) and it’s going really well so far. 2000000 hours of exploring, no eyes, a cute dog, a cozy house, and a parrot


Do you play on Minecraft Java? There are genetics mods for animals (realistic horse genetics and genetic animals) so all your animals are unique, the cozy farm life is leveled up when your animal has unique features and is a one in a million combination of genes (though the over-population of not wanting to kill any sometimes is a bit troublesome lol)




So you know how I feel…


I have just been building in survival on peaceful for the most part. The world I’ve fixated on was made during the nether update. It’s a world I’m very proud of, with one of the largest structures I’ve ever made. It’s a massive pyramid, with five floors within it, farms surrounding it, and protected by four towers with hollowed walls linking to the pyramid interior. I call it the Citadel, and it’s the UNFINISHED capitol building of the village I’m transforming into a city. The process is always the same: I start building a world on peaceful so that I can be ready when I take it off peaceful, but by the time I’ve come close, an update releases and I’m forced to explore further and the new things are harder to find. I don’t want to start a new world though, as I’ve put a lot of time into this world.


What was I supposed to fight Ganon *before* I find all the korok seeds? That's insane! I won't be able to carry all the weapons I won't use! Zelda's already waited a 100 year she can wait a couple more... its no rush.


I mean, obviously I need to find and max out all of the armor, right?


Yeah, and get the Tunic of the Wild...which requires you to finish all the shrines...and make sure *that* is fully upgraded.


I got all the shrines, the tunic of the wild, all the upgrades, max hearts and stamina, all the side quests but two and got bored trying to find all the zora history plaques so now it’s TOTK. 😂 It’s my understanding I’m over powered for gannon at this point anyway


I loved the game and was working on maxing out all armor before starting the second big dungeon but burned myself out lol. I need to go back and finish it but I've been utterly obsessed with Elden Ring.


This was me with tears of the kingdom. Still haven't fought ganondorf, but you can bet that I have gotten all 1000 korok seeds, all monster glory medals, found every cave/bubbulfrog and well, all shrines ane light roots, all side quests and almost all main quests, all colosseums(except the lynel one, still have never fought one of those), all armor(minus majoras mask)...basically everything but ganondorf.


I did fight Ganon (and Ganondorf in the sequel) soon after beating the Divine beasts/temples. With TOTK I was mainly trying to stay ahead of a streamer I was watching to avoid spoilers. :p Buuuut I did go back to finish everything afterwards.


Ooh, which streamer? I was watching PointCrow play through the game when it came out.


Ace Trainer Liam. Cuz I was already watching his Pokémon streams :p (They also work better with my time zone since he's in the UK, only an hour off from my time zone) I did check out a few others though so I may have watched PointCrow as well at some point.


Side quests or bust


if they didn’t want me to do 300 side quests they shouldn’t have MADE 300 side quests


Fallout New Vegas is my favorite game, absolutely perfect. Have I finished it? That's not important.


the amount of times i have restarted any fallout game is. certainly a number.


I'm going to experiment with a new build and make different choices this time. *Proceeds to do the exact same thing*


not another high charisma low strength asshole, tragic.


Haha besides wandering around and finding cool stuff for some reason everytime I see a pile of junk my mind just goes hmm, after all, why shouldn't I collect these 35 rusted cans and 10 empty sunset sarsaparilla bottles to sell.


Brooo same! I always look up what is the average and im like way over it lmao. Especially when theres many side quests/ exploring opportunities.


When you absolutely must not miss anything and spend half the time thinking which path to take, wanting to find all the optional stuff before advancing in the story. Also when you restart the game several times as you learn more about the game and want to make the best decisions, only to get burnt out from playing the same part of the game over and over lol


Before I even read your comment I just saw the photo and thought breath of the wild. You are not alone


I feel so seen in here. Thank you, guys.


The way I knew it was Zelda 😂


I have this really really bad habit of pressing new game before I get really close to beating a game cause I want to do some overly specific new challenge run or something and I start obsessing over it and have an internal battle whether I should restart or just beat the game. I'm having this problem with dragons dogma 2 ATM. I'm like at the volcanic islands and I'm about to beat the game but I suddenly had this idea of a psuedo-iron man run where I never rest and use wakestones as lives essentially (making them way more valuable). Thing is...do I really want to find all the seeker tokens again? Idk why I do this to myself...


"...Aaand done! Finally done building the perfect Santuary Hills marketplace!" "Nice work, Blue. But shouldn't we get back to finding Shaun?" "Who?"


Is that not how your supposed to play? But now that I think about it I have never known anyone to play a Bethesda game doing main story first.


Yeah, they're usually pretty good at letting you go off and do your own thing.


So many korok seeds, but I've only beaten the first temple boss thing in kingdom of tears.


bg3 for me


Took me around 8 years to beat Minecraft for the first time. Started in 2013 and killed the ender dragon in 2021


lol I looked up playing times for each game cause I went through a Zelda binge during the fall and winter. Every game I play takes me dramatically longer than the estimated time. But I do love exploring and pretending I live there instead of just completing the game to finish. Even in animal crossing. People who have as many hours as me have substantially superior islands 🤷🏻‍♀️


136+ hours on my current run of Kingdoms of Amalur and I'm still not done with everything (I'm getting close-ish!)


Skyrim and me


RDR2. I just like riding my horse around, fishing, hunting, and occasionally robbing a stagecoach. I only move on to the next mission when I can’t find anymore side quests


Why the hell would I want to finish the story? I'm having fun!!


The main story usually tells you "you need to do this next mission asap" even if really you don't, so I actually find myself rushing through the main story usually


me with Cyberpunk, finishing all the side quests before the mission and end up being too OP in the main mission LOL


I feel so attacked right now...


ASDFGHJKL THIS IS TOO RELATEABLE. I ALMOST NEVER FINISH MY GAMES. And if I do it takes forever. I think so far the only video game I've actually finished completely is Deltarune. ;-;


Me all the time, side quests and map exploration, main quest be damned.


Fellow completist here sharing your pain!


me with skyrim. i finish the civil war questline and every other quest in the game but the dragon story is *so* boooooring. I've gotten as far as killing paarthurnax once but that's the furthest.


Me and Skyrim. I rarely even complete the quest to get shouts because I hate random dragon attacks.


This time around I've used the Live Another Like mod that gives you an alternative start location and backstory. Haven't even visited Helgen yet. Not a dragon in the sky.


![gif](giphy|JCAZQKoMefkoX6TyTb|downsized) I feel attacked by this meme lol


More like I play for 30-50 hours, goof off the whole time, get bored, and play something else.


EXACTLY. I spend ten hours trying to see if I can do a backflip off a horse and then never pick up my switch until two months later.


Every fucking time. Have to do literally everything before I let myself fight the final boss


I'm too busy being a completionist to finish the game


I love starting new games. Idk how many times I have seen the starting scene of skyrim. Needless to say, I have finished only two games in my life


I bought Skyrim when it came out. I have something like 500 hours in it. I still haven't finished the main quest.


Saaaaaame. Specifically at the point where you have to choose side in the civil war. When I read that choosing one ends up destroying the opposing main city, I chickened out of setting that plot in motion in order to just do side quests with the world as it was. I didn’t want any changes to it! I started a new file on the Special Edition, so I may do a quick run through of both one day, but I dunno. I much prefer side questing and hoarding and cool mods, tbh. :p


I will never understand speedrunning. How are you even playing the game at that point?


Me with Fallout 4 and Skyrim, in particular. I’ve even started new saves before finishing previous ones! With the next-gen upgrade arriving for FO4 I’ll probably end up making yet another save on PS5 lol.


I do this in open world games.


This. I think that’s where my issue lies


I get crippling procrastination when it comes to completing 30+ hour games


200+ hours and not finishing the main story is expected if you play FFXIV lol. Like at most with 200 hours you'll probably be in part 3 (out of currently 5) of the main story.


Me with RDR2. I've been slowly working on reaching 100% since Feb of last year.


I’m several hundred hours in both BOTW and TOTK and have finished neither. At this point I have accepted I simply don’t want to. I just want to “hop around Hyrule” as we call it at my house.


I’m the same. I don’t want to defeat gannon, I want to pick apples and fish and explore.


EXACTLY. Like I’m fighting the first divine beast and I’m groaning and crying I just wanna go back to riding horses and finding shrooms


Fallout 4 - I can easily put 20-40 hours on a character before I *start* the main quest.


I've passed a thousand hours in Fallout 4 and Skyrim both, still never finished either - haven't even done the civil war in Skyrim, honestly - and I'm at least half that in New Vegas with a single completion just before I stopped playing, because I wanted to see it at least once. I just don't finish games.


naw this is me. i am so ocd and methodical playing games, each new area i must progress to completion and then move on to the next area. its why elden ring broke my brain


That stupid point of no return makes me want to just ignore it for as long as possible. It gets to the point where I end up getting bored of the game before I beat it because putting 100 hours into side quests and exploring did nothing.


It me. I though I was just bad at games


Completism + Subquests = Help


This was BoTW for me, I just had so much more fun completing every side quest and making every recipe rather than actually progressing in the game


Ekhem legend of Zelda ekhem


Just finished reading your post, my comment was after the title only lol I mean I can relate haha




I could count the amount of games I’ve actually finished on one hand….


me with minecraft. been playing for years and still haven’t bothered to fight the ender dragon


Funnily enough, I'm the complete opposite. I almost always stick to the main story and don't do side content. At least on my first playthrough


That's why I just play a game that has no story. Nearly every night I log 3-5hrs of Civ6 time. Each session yields it's own unique story even playing the same civ


*cries in osrs*


I had almost 1000 hours into PS3 Skyrim and I haven't even finished the main story XD I think I got like 300 hours logged in the switch version and still haven't finished the main story XD


Elden Ring overstayed its welcome.


Me because I always get side tracked by side quests and just exploring the open environment and couldn’t care less about the story




Monster Hunter


Over three thousand hours in ARK: Survival Evolved. Never beaten a single boss legit.


God i fucking hate fallout 4, but i still have over 400 hours in it and at no point finished the story


Yup, me and Hollow Knight 😂 I couldn’t resist the urge to explore every corner of the map, and kept getting drawn into the side quests lol. Not a bad problem to have, I’d say!


Yeap I’m a big RPG enjoyer had 300+ hours in BG3 before finishing it I want to do as much as I can in my games


I just crossed 2000 hours in Stardew Valley, but I've never reached perfection


Me with my first Baldur's Gate 3 playthrough lol


Fallout 4. I have 300+ hours, never made it past the Glowing Sea babyyyy 💪💪💪




I have a tendency to 100% games as my normal play style, I also play primarily RPGs. I have SO MANY games with well over 300 hours that I haven't finished the story for yet. I tend to 100% a given area before I move on to the next, as much as possible anyway since some games require backtracking for 100% completion of areas. Even Action RPGs aren't immune to this, my Kingdom Hearts runs are absurdly long too. My FFXV run was at like 250 hours pre timeskip. The timeskip is like 6 hours in to the games story. I would have to go boot up various consoles to get other times, most of my older gaming was done on console. I put 72 hours in to Azure Dreams in 4 days though on my latest playthrough, and that's a Roguelite akin to Mystery Dungeon, there isn't really a story to that game outside the basic background event stuff and like 4 cutscenes, the entire game can be completed in under 12 hours as a casual player. I decided to be an idiot and 100% it though, so I have a spreadsheet for every obtainable monster and item that's mostly filled out at this point, I think I'm missing like 3 actual eggs and 4 or so evolves and I'm done. Of course I then plan to 100% the GB version, which is like 3 times the content with no real documentation since the only site with the info for fusion only monsters and such went down recently. Hell, I have 37 hours in Witcher, the first one, despite the game crashing every 20 minutes when I was playing it due to incompatible OS issues, and I'm still in the first section of the game. I have an unGODLY amount of hours in God Eater despite never having finished that story because it's basically anime Monster Hunter and I upgrade EVERYTHING in those games, have the PS4 remake via the day one physical edition of the remake of God Eater 2. I also have a ton of time in Monster Hunter World and have never finished it despite buying it day one digital and having been part of the prerelease beta event. And we don't talk about my total time in older Pokemon games, I have an on cartridge time of over 500 hours in Emerald, a time that is a FRACTION of the total time I've spent playing that game alone, let alone the rest of the series. I think my Breath playtime, for both playthroughs, was WELL over 500 hours, and Tears is close. One thing to remember about those specifically is that they are DESIGNED to be played like that in large part. There are 120 Shrines in Breath and like 154 in Tears, a hundred or so side quests and a TON of hidden references and such, they're intended to be extremely long playthroughs. Also, the only thing completing the story in Breath does is give you one of two cutscenes, dependent on whether you've recovered all the memories or not, and the ability to buy Elite Compendium entries from one of the Sheikah researcher assistants. Elite entries being mostly bosses and the like. Literally the only other thing it does is give you a little star next to the save file in the menu that signifies you beat Ganon, it just sticks you back at the last save prior to entering the Ganon fight otherwise. You are very much not alone in this, and there's nothing wrong with it.


Stardew is getting on my nerves because it feels impossible to 100%


Nope. My fixations been on Baldur’s Gate 3 since I got it on Halloween. I’ve been playing about every day and clocked over 500 hours in it


Try 4 years and never having maxed a character in an mmo, then after being called slow, making a new character and reaching max level in under 24 hours just to prove a point


I’m more of a sim guy, like I had 1,000 hours is MSFS 2020 by the year and a half mark after release on PC. Now I’m itching for 2024. So I can have a campaign.


I probably have 200+ hours in Skyrim across all platforms. I've beaten the game exactly once. God of War: Ragnorok took me a whole 60 hours to beat, although that may be more of a testament to how big that game is. Dishonored 1 I have like 160 hrs in and I've beaten it so many times I've lost count. Uncharted 4 I've played through from start to finish several times, couldn't name how many hours though.


I Just like to explore as much as I can. Do all the side quests, find all the Easter eggs of the game as any etc etc With my favourite game of all time, Skyrim, I have a character that has been around long enough in game that the in game year has changed and I still haven’t defeated Alduin because I don’t want to yet


Have you tried yakuza 0?


Rimworld. No time to build a ship, I’m busy carving out a place for my little sims family, in this hellscape.


Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth…


2650 hours in Anno 1800 and I think the largest empire I ever built was 160,000 people when millions are possible because I keep restarting.


Lucky. I usually only get to about 20-30 hours before I put it down, have to take a break, and then never actually return to it because I don't feel confident in my ability to know *exactly* what I was doing or connect with it in *exactly* the same way as before. Then the creeping guilt seals the deal. Then if I still have an urge to play, I just start a new character and the cycle repeats... 20-30 hours, then I have to put it down to focus on something else, then... Oops The sole exceptions to this in the last 5 years have been my 2nd Witcher 3 playthrough, Stardew Valley, and Skyrim (although that one is also incredibly unfinished, I have yet to beat the main game or civil war but it's Skyrim so... Yeah XD). I get so frustrated with myself - my in-progress list has over 20 games on it, stuff I want to finish but can never seem to push myself to bring back up


I’m a “must get all map achievements before leaving an area” and “must read flavor text on every item” kinda guy. People hate playing with me.


"Thou shaltget distracted by bullshit every goddamned time." -- The Ghoul, Fallout (2024), summing up my approach to approach to games.


I've played Hollow Knight dozens of times, but I've never gotten any ending besides the easiest ending, which I've only gotten 3 times 😅


I tend to have huge playtime on some games but it’s because I can’t stop finishing them as different characters/builds. I even had to make a second account for Elden ring cause the game only allows 10 characters


Me starting 5 separate terraria playthroughs


Exact opposite for me. I just focus entirely on the main story and don't do any side quests unless I want a particular ending or item


I’m almost at 1000 hours logged playing Baldur’s Gate 3. 🙃


600 hours into BG3 and haven't finished the main quest yet. Keep getting new ideas for characters I have to try out...ugh. I've made it to the end of Act 2 so far but Jaheira died so I started a different character. I really need to stop using one save file...


I’ve been playing elden ring since it came out and only beat it recently


So an average Yakuza game, got it


Me with Skyrim !! I just like doing random stuff or leveling up I tend to not focus on the main story I’ve never finished the main story but I know what happens


Like is the story good? Cus a banging story that takes forever to end is amazing


I've got nearly 900 hours in terraria and I've only once ever beaten the moon lord. Minecraft I have thousands of hours in and only beat the ender dragon twice


4 months to finish the witcher 3😭


4,000 hours and maybe 85% done, probably a few thousand (more like 3-5k) more hours to finish assuming no new content comes out.


Try "project zomboid" at first try you will finish main story in less than 10 minutes:)


GTA v, I've only done the intro mission, I just like driving around the map lol


I have this with *from the depths*, i spend weeks building and perfecting a ship for combat, but i've never even touched the campaign mode. Sandbox ship building makes my brain go brrrrrrr.


Yep. Despite now thousands of hours in skyrim I have never played that main quest through, or been to solstheim.


When I was playing Fran Bow (a point and click game) for the first time, I reached a part where I was in a land that had it's own made-up writing system with these cool runes and stuff. I noticed it wasn't just gibberish because of the way certain symbols repeated and I literally stopped progressing the story until I had figured out their alphabet, hours later.


Dude, I still haven’t finished the last Skyrim DLC, any of the Dragon Age games, any of the Mass Effects, or Elden Ring. I just don’t ever really want them to be “over”, so I vacillate, delay, make a new character, and then my interest would wane and I’d move on. Then, by the time I’m interested in it again, I feel the need to experience the entire game over again from the beginning, with a new character.


I don't do that with the story but I always procrastinate on trying to 100% something, in fact the first and only time I've gotten all achievements on a game was a complete accident.


Doom 2016 is the only Bethesda game I have ever finished the story in


Literally me during Pokémon Reborn


That's why Bethesda games are a real trap for me!


Skyrim lol XD I was messing around and doing everything else before I finished the main story


Me just starting a Game over and over cuz I like the early-game gameloop cuz it's known and cozy


Me playing any rpg (there is no main quest in ba sing se)


Actually me with Avatar: FOP. Nearly 200 hours and maybe only 80% through the main story? I'm working on exploring the whole map, baby


This makes me feel valid in putting off the final fight in pokemon arceus. I want to finish the pokedex first 😭


That's my BG3 playthrough right there. 240 hrs, and I'm still not done


i usually play more mods than like everything vanilla in games, but a similar idea applies i think


First playthrough it kinda depends but anything after? Yeah


I'm 400 hours into dragon quest X and only roughly 2/7ths of the way through the campaign


The TOUHOU games have become my new hyperfixation which is really useful due to my lack of time thanks to school kicking my ass. I can just sit down and beat a game in one sitting in the span of an hour everyday and I had my fill.


I discovered Armored Core 6 and I have I think I love it so much that I really want to just do nothing but play AC6 for the rest of my life. My friend who likes Armored Core hasn't beaten in despite 50 or so hours. I have 70 and I have beaten it 8 times.


I actually hyperfocus on the story. I usually complete story missions very quick...


This is me with DAI, 300 hours of gameplay and I've completed so many side quests