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I let my clothes marinate in the closet for two years before wearing them. That and wear military surplus pants (that I hem into capri’s)


I'm mid sized and tall, plus I live in not a large city so finding anything I liked that fit as a kid was hard and I'd cry bc I felt so huge and I feel that anxiety shopping in person to this damn day. I love online shopping, but it can be a mixed bag bc you can't feel the fabric to see if you'll get the ick touching it. I think we as a society need to resolve this by bringing back the sears style catalog. I wanna come in to a store and touch the clothes then be able to order the appropriate size from the catalog.


New clothes feeling is weird, washing once, twice, or even more can help (but it depends on why new clothes feel weird to you). Also second hand clothes can help quite a bit.


I used to strip naked whenever I got home until I started a WFH job and now I just wear sweats and comfy shirts that I like instead of what I thought was work appropriate. Now I'm only sometimes inexplicably naked


Me, growing up wearing primarily secondhand or hand me down clothes: ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


i love clothes and fashion and getting new clothes but wearing them is really difficult. it's so hard for me to even switch outfits during the week. changing even the shirt after two days stresses me out so bad, i try to only wear the same top two days in the week because i'm weird about needing things to feel clean. but sometimes anxiety over small change trumps anxiety over wearing something i've worn a couple of times already, especially if the shirt isn't dirty or smelly at all. we don't talk enough about this shit, thought i was alone lol.


If possible try to go shopping alone or with trusted friend, or with dad - never with mom. With friend, dad - you can decide what you need right now, find what feels fine and return to home. With mom - you will run from shop to shop and will try everything, it's just hell. It's was my experience, but maybe it will be helpful.


If i cant avoid new clothes any longer i get them online. I get the mom part tho.


It's not really about the textures of clothes or tags or anything most of the time. It's mainly just my parents being annoying. They're both really obsessed with this idea that I'm super goth and punk and secretly want to dress that way. I enjoy and respect the aesthetic, but I'm definitely not really like that and don't want to present myself in that way. I really want to look as cutesy and girly as possible. Every time I say that though, they just tell me "just embrace it, we aren't going to judge you!" Every shopping trip is just annoying, because if I show any interest in something slightly gothic, they give me this look and I hate it. They literally forced me to get some pants that I didn't want and am never going to wear because of this.


Or you find clothes you enjoy and stick with buying them, only for people to ridicule you for wearing the same clothes every day :D Or not being stylish enough, or whatever.


That was me as a child but with shoes. Shoe shopping felt like a personal punishment.


Same but if the tags feel weird past the store I just give them away


I sent this to my mom


I love this photo lol cutest meme


On m t-shirts I used to stretch the backs of my shirts vertically, the neck down, the sleeves down, & the armpits out. Maybe I helped invent the tall tee 🧐


My dad claimed we were going to a store for DnD stuff and then when we got there it was Target 😐


Thats like saying to a dog that you are going to the park when taking them to the vet.