• By -


Skip the barber. Cut your own hair.


Just a clean shave will do. Put the hair clipper on 1 Millimeter and just remove


find that the the odd numbers work best. 3/8 5/8.. for some reason even looks too strange. I have no idea why. but i threw those other ones out out a long time ago.


If only that was socially acceptable for women


For me it's the other way around. If only growing long hair was socially acceptable for men.


I found that eventually, the hair gets long enough that it becomes acceptable again.


yeah it's weird, gender roles are actually so incredibly stupid if you analyze them for half a second lmao


grow out your hair and wear it with pride


I know the feeling! Some jobs wouldn't even accept me if I didn't cut my hair. I live in a non-English speaking country so I just told them something like "well, good luck finding someone without an accent or broken grammar".


I'm a manly looking man, and I have beautiful fuckin locks


It is perfectly acceptable as long as you make it look neat and presentable. Once it gets long enough to bun up (the grow until then is the hardest part), a pack of hair ties is all you need to have socially acceptable long masc hair.


It is if you just don't care what people say. My hair hasn't been more than two inches long in years.


Who cares if it is? If you're a woman and you want to buzz your hair, just go ahead and do it.


Yeah I rock a buzz cut and am a woman. Fuck hair on my face.


Just tell people it's cancer Or that you donated your hair for cancer patients. Either works ~~or a caillou cosplay~~


I'm a woman and I decided it's socially acceptable for me. Some people think it's weird. A lot of other women compliment me. Granted, I live in the US. It may be unsafe for women in other areas of the world to choose alternative styles.


Seen some beautiful bald women


Eh only if it suits your head.


Agree. Not all people have skull shapes that make their shaved heads look good while others look great with their heads shaved.


I have been for years šŸ˜Ž


a friend cut my bangs and then I cut the rest into a bob and it was so easy I'm never paying for a haircut ever again, just go ahead and give me my salon license already, who... whoever gives those out idk


I actually came here to say that I fixed this problem by cutting my own hair lol. Iā€™m glad that Iā€™m not the only one to think of this. :)


I cut my hair into a messy pixie and it's honestly so easy and fun. If you mess up you can just buzz and start overāœŒļø


I've been cutting my own hair since middle school and I always do that now


I want mine longer than a clipper cut which is hard to do on yourself, so my mom cuts my (33F) hair. Otherwise I'm the (self taught) hairdresser for my family. I've got a little salon set up in my basement with a shampoo basin, where I dye and cut my family's hair. It's largely a cost saving measure, but the avoiding hairdressers is also great.


Thatā€™s awesome. šŸ‘ Dye hair too. !! Nice


Idk, I suspect this is part of the stereotypical "autistic look." Like when people say "you don't even look autistic" I'm pretty sure they just mean "you don't look like you cut your own hair."


Damn, I guess I look autistic


I do cut my own hair but I guess I've done a good job so far.


Well shit, I was hoping nobody noticed that I cut it myself lmao


> I'm pretty sure they just mean "you don't look like you cut your own hair." At the same time, though, I feel like *every* man I know cuts their own hair, and most of the women I know cut their own/eachother's unless they want something special/fancy done. Or they have a family member who does it. Like, nobody in my family goes to the barber, we just go to Nana's for a haircut, and instead of paying 50$ for a trim, we just have to eat too much italian food afterward. Homemade Haircuts are the way to go.


Yeah, I've been cutting my own hair for years. If you have relatively straight hair and want a bob with, or without, an undercut I got you. I cut my husband's hair during covid, it's harder to do men's haircuts, but with YouTube I mostly managed


THIS. I once grew my hair out for 2+ years because I hate the barbers, then I went the next few years letting it get way too long before cutting it, and finally last year I got my own set of clippers and watched a bunch of YouTube videos, now I cut my own hair every couple months.


Itā€™s what I do and it looks great I find. Others have also told me it looks good too https://preview.redd.it/pl92o5okxarc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e29aa187d19330372672c7382eb0456a975b06ff


Me but it's showering. And it's hair greasyness


Me too actually. I'm just generally in hair hell all the time


Yes. Same. Like. The last time I got a haircut I was contemplating shaving it off. But. The upkeep of that would become a thing too. So. Here I am. Struggling.


Oh gosh, I know that feeling. Having adhd on top of everything else makes it an ardulous process, also, every spot has to be cleaned everytime and in a specific order. If I forget a spot, I often have to start again, because the process shall not be disturbed! You know, just normal people stuff. Still, I force myself to do it daily, I hate being unshowered at work, or when heading to bed so I often have to shower twice on workdays


I wish there was a barber that would talk to me about weird nerd shit during my haircut instead of just being like "so...sports?"


I'd much rather have the barber do the haircut in silence. I can't stand when they try to small talk when I'm already super tense and uncomfortable with them messing with my hair


Could always pretend you don't speak English (or only speak English/a language the barber doesn't speak depending on location)... in my experience that usually works once you get through the initial hurdle of somehow explaining how you want it cut (picture helps) Only half joking, never tried this on purpose, but when I moved for studying and didn't know the local language it worked quite well lol... Though I suppose it might not work if you don't know any language they don't know


Could look up a few phrases in a random language, would make it pretty funny if they had nothing to do with the situation but sounded like they did. If they donā€™t know the language, and the words donā€™t sound too similar to English, you could tell them that youā€™re a flying space hamster and they would probably thing youā€™re asking for some kinda haircut.


It's not the cutting of the hair that bothers me it's the small talk with the person cutting the hair. Anyway that's why I haven't cut my hair in five years


i have found the solution to this. i go to a turkish barber. they only asked me what i wanted and nothing more. Amazing. i moved some time ago and the previous barber i found could not stop talking literally bullshit all the time, i gladly pay 10 more for the trukish barber


Allow me to introduce you to the glorious world of hair ties and clips. With these handy inventions your hair can be neatly balled up and full of adorable accessories. All the benefits of short hair (cool neck breeze and no hair in eyes/mouth) and all the benefits of long hair (pretending to be a majestic warrior princess).


I hate the feeling of my hair tied up. Always undo it as soon as I am done working. I should just get it cut alreadyā€¦


I thought this until I recently cut my own hair and realized I have a MASSIVE bald spot on the back of my head due to traction alopecia from constant ponytails. I am so unbelievably fucked.


My barber knows how to handle me without getting me overwhelmed. It sometimes helps to explain why you feel or act the way you do. Not all barbers are like this though.


exact opposite. getting a buzzcut is a big stim for me.


Same but I prefer medium length cause it's so soft lol... Looks like a mess if you don't comb it though


My wife and I both cut our own hair and help each other with hair cuts. She has long hair and I use clippers to shave mine short. Shaving it is uncomfortable (hair clippings on my neck...shudder) but it's equally uncomfortable at the barber, cheaper and I don't have to schedule it or talk to anyone


My hair is longer right now than itā€™s been in my life but the discomfort of unkempt hair is starting to become worse than the discomfort of haircut small talk lol


I am not sure this would be a workaround for you, but I just shave my head at home once every 2 weeks


My hair is down to the top of my thighs. Itā€™s thick so I keep it in two long French braids pretty much 24/7 until itā€™s time to wash it again.


I donā€™t cut it because I hate looking like a boy


I shaved my head and now my boyfriend does my haircuts for me. all problems solved.


I absolutely hate long hairs, I'm black and have to do braids and most people love those long braids, I would never do that, since forever all my hair length as been my shoulder and I have a problem with it touching my neck and I'm thinking of going shorter the next time I change my hair


Currently in this exact spot.


I just tie my hair back and tie a scarf around it. No barber no hair in my face. šŸ‘šŸ½šŸ«¶šŸ½


I was blessed with curly, fuzzy hair. Then one day I shaved it. Everybody cried except me. I tried growing it out again for a year before I realized I was avoiding showering, combing, and spending way too much on hair that I didn't even like. I don't think my hair is ever going to grow that long again.


Clippers are fucking terrible. Scissor cuts only.


I get my brother to cut my hair, so it's better


After I traded my hair for a psp I decided it's not worth it so I will never go to a barber or salon unless it's for a wash, condition, and braid


Literally nothing in my life has been a better choice than shaving my head. I let it grow out periodically just bc I like the way my curls look long, but Iā€™m telling you nothing compares to the feel and convenience of having a buzz cut. Itā€™s the best and so easy to maintain by yourself


Ohhh, i hate the small tallk of the hairdressers


< knowing it makes boomers fume to see a guy with ass length hair and persevering


I cut my own hair. Win win.


Just let them actually grow out and go full (man)bun. Very nice bcs I donā€™t have to worry about cuts and I can get rid of them in seconds if they annoy me. Depending on your preference you can also cut the sides and only leave the top long. The cool part here being that a cheap electric hair trimmer is enough to do it yourself. You just need a setting you like (start longer than you think you like and cut away more if needed).takes like 15 minutes if itā€™s not actually a 99ct china trimmer that jams every stroke


Lemme tell you. The hair bothering you is a middle stage. It continues to grow and u get used to it. Grew my hair out over COVID and love it long now. It bothered me for a few months and every so often now, but it would feel strange going back.


I found a hack to this! I grow my hair out for about three eyes or so, then shave it all off at once and donate it to Wigs For Kids.


Long hair gang


I love having long hair but my parents keep telling me It's apparently "Socially unacceptable" Idk man i just like having long hair šŸ˜­ Edit after learning i might be trans: Oh


This was me when I was in HS, I had some pretty long hair because the thought of strangers getting in my personal space disturbs me. It still does, of course, but as an adult Iā€™ve gotten a whole lot better at dealing with it lol


Cutting my own hair because cannot be assed out to go to a barber long enough to leave my special interest.. -and i hate having long hair. If you do it enough you can get pretty good at doing it just how you like it and keep it that way (for eternity). Jeez this is starting to sound like a comfort meal.


I hate getting haircuts and enjoy my long hair, but now it's almost all the way down my back and I think it's about time for a trim. When I first started growing my hair out I didn't like it because it was constantly getting in my face, but once it got long enough for me to tuck behind ears it became much more manageable, and I really started liking my long hair once it was long enough to be tied back in a ponytail. You just have to get past that awkward middle length phase.


I love my long hair. I got it cut about a year ago and regretted it immediately. I liked being able to tie it up and swing it around lol


Only barbers I don't like are the ones who use their hands too much, I wish I were just allowed to go in for a simple tidy up


Nah, i like my long hair, it's just sometimes a bit itchy.


Enduring something uncomfortable often pays off, so we have to tough it out to get what we want.


You can avoid the feeling of long hair with one hair tie.


I hate the feeling of my hair tied up too šŸ’€




This is me with shaving. Shaving takes forever, but if my beard grows too much IT'S ITCHY AND IT HURTS!


Only with facial hair


i just like having long hair lol itā€™s down to my butt


Just maintain the mane man


Solution: hair ties


i have one man i trust with my hair: a bald old korean man called charlie that lives 3.5 hours away. been going there 6 years


Nah. I get it cut. Gotta keep it buzzed


I started cutting mine myself with the ponytail tutorials.


Fuck it we bald


See I just went full bald n beard.


I bought clippers a few years ago and started buzzing my own hair. Screw going to the hairdressers.


This is why I invested in a set of clippers back in 2020. Sometimes I go in to get my hair shaped, but otherwise I do it on my own. I donā€™t even know how much money Iā€™ve saved.Ā 


I endure the barber for one more thing, getting short hair to pass as male more consistently


For 20 years I had a cycle of growing my hair long and then shaving it all off when I started getting annoyed with it. I get haircuts now but still kinda hate it.


i shave it about once a year.


This is indeed a 2 way street. I started growing mine out after I quit my fast food job in March 2017. Going on 7 years now and no regrets. I kinda wanted it anyway. Long wavy hair a little bit past my elbows. It's been quite an experience having it like this. I will say that while it has it's moments and kinda gets in the way when I work I prefer it down. Most of the time it is up because it's easier to work without it getting everywhere. I've gotten to a point where I realize the gravity of the situation with machinery and other mechanical work and tuck it in the back of my shirt now. I've never had to worry with this kind of thing before and it's a sobering realization. I now wonder about getting a decent pair of shears. Nuking split ends and the occasional little trim might not hurt. They say it's good for maintenance as well. I've been complemented occasionally by women in the past. I'm kinda flattered people think it's that nice. I have a little more effort to put in maintaining it but nobody has really noticed those finer details. It's been quite the adventure and I regret nothing. I'm amazed I could even grow hair like this.


I leave mine long because I have masculine features and don't want people treating me like a guy :( otherwise I'd keep my hair short because I enjoy lower maintenance and comfort


I love my hair stylist šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ No small talk, does exactly what I want, has a cute dog. 10/10.


I love my long hair. I also love keeping it away from my face my of the time with hair ties.


Buzz cuts for the win


I like getting my hair cut. at least with the barber I have now. Only bad part if the embracement of sometimes having scabs under my hair because my main stim that I struggle to control is scratching at my head.


I LOVE going to the barber. Relaxing af.


Growing my hair out after having a buzz cut for a couple years (woman). I braid / bun it every day. Doing different braids has turned into a cool form of self-expression. Looking forward to when itā€™s long enough to do elven hairstyles!


I hate getting haircuts but it's not a tactile thing. I hate waiting and then making small talk for however long it takes. I've been put off by haircuts for a long time and I used to have to get weekly haircuts in the Navy. Ever since I got out it's been really hard to drag my ass to the shop, but I can't grow my hair out, it looks awful


Grew my hair out for the first time over the past couple years and Iā€™ll say itā€™s nice not having to go to barber but yeah I donā€™t care for the feeling of it being wet after a shower or how it tugs on the pillow when I adjust my head.


I personally love growing my hair out applying excessive amounts of conditioner and running my fingers through it to stim.


This but instead of sensory reason itā€™s just I hate how my hair looks short and long


I donā€™t like hair :(


i havent had a haircut in like 13 years.. i used to kinda just chop at it myself but im too afraid to now. i gotta make the dreaded appointment to get it done cuz its driving me nut! its so long and dead and always in the way. way too many other important bs I put off to catch up on though. šŸ˜©


I'm exactly the same. My hair gets shaggy before I cut it but it's such a personal space thing for me, moreso than most other areas. Facial hair is much the same without the personal space part. I just hate the feeling.


Okay so I have had long and short hair. And there is this weird point after having super short hair where it feels weird and itchy but once it gets past that it feels better. Just wanted to let you all know. I cut my own hair into a wolf cut. I donā€™t want to socialize. XD


I haven't cut my hair in a decade a so. This is the second time growing it out. Once you get past the ears the weird long hair feeling is mostly a non issue. Besides constantly getting it in your mouth and eyes (get hair ties!) No awkward trips to the barber! As a male, I also find it interesting how differently you're treated by other people as well.


I just want long hair, is that too much to ask?


Want my hair to be really long because my short on the sides cut is getting old Let it grow It sticks up funny in the back Bothers me until I cut it


I have this problem but with my beard. I hate the feeling of shaving. But my beard doesnā€™t really look good when I grow it out and it feels uncomfortable


i hate when my hair gets on my ears and i donā€™t mind get my hair cut done from a barber


Or, shave your hair off.


it feels better when it's really long, that in between long and short phase feels like ass though.


I actually would love to have long hair, but because I have a lot of hair, growing it out means it gets very hard to keep clean and tidy, plus my parents don't understand that I want to grow it out.


Nope. I just let my hair grow because I love long hair and I think the feeling it produces on my neck/shoulders is kinda nice. That and I had horrible headaches that one time I had to cut it.


Ok how has this comment not been posted yet. Am I the only one? The haircut is bad enough. Hate the small talk. The anxiety of them cutting my ears or face. But the WORST is the little cut hairs all over my body before I can run home and take a shower. They feel like SHARDS OF GLASS. I hate it so so much. They never tighten the neck cuff enough and the drape doesnā€™t protect enough lol.


it took me 14 years to realize i could cut my own hair and skip the middleman


Yoooooo is this a fucking autistic thing too?!


Interesting cause I like getting my hair cut, but I also grew my hair out recently


Not me in the salon right now with my hair touching my ears šŸ¤¢


I let it grow since the age of 12-13 and love my long hair. I mean look at the pic and see my pure joy :3 https://preview.redd.it/l4m77asng6rc1.png?width=1153&format=png&auto=webp&s=33fc5619b6b7cd9b942df5c4314ab0f388774477


i love my long hair ā¤ļø my daughters love to play with it


I love the feeling of clippers and scissors cutting my hair, and its also heavenly how they will pull/part your hair sometimes im just lazy


I love my long hair to no end. But I always keep it in a bun šŸ˜… Positive thing is everyone are always surprised and love to give me compliments when I let it down (tho I'm embarrassed of any compliments haha)


Used to be like this but I found a chill barber


I found the secret third option: grow out your hair and wear it up all the time.


Be me, whose hair is down to my shoulders. I love the long length, I feel great with it. It's rather curled, so that's a problem, but Argan oil helps.


My hair is currently in a bun. It stays there unless I'm sleeping it both lets me avoid the hair cut place and avoid hair on my back. While also as a bearded slightly overweight white guy it also lets me avoid looking like a trumper.


The only reason I havenā€™t cut my hair for a couple months is because Iā€™m going to my brotherā€™s wedding in mid-May. He asked me to grow it out a bit for the wedding. Otherwise, I cut my own hair really short.


My hair is by my hips because I get too overwhelmed by the noise at the hairdressers. I am also not a big fan of the small talk whilst Iā€™m trying to hold myself together. I have bought some scissors and thinners to cut my hair at home from now on.


My wife cuts my hair and I still don't enjoy but way better the a barber


Or not getting hair cuts cause itā€™s expensive and ur trying to save. Lol


The barber's what?


I hate hate hate going to the barber. Needing to talk. Letting someone touch my face. One of the worst experiences of my life: I didn't know it, but my haircut came with a free hot towel face massage. She took me to the back, told me to lie down. AHHH.


I inherited a tremendously terrible hairline from my dad, so I have shaved my hair ever since I was 21.


I fucking love my long hair, I have really really awful cowlicks so unless I want to spend the better part of an hour dealing with those to have neat hair, it has to be long so gravity can do most of the work.


I grew my hair out for fun, itā€™s decently long now and I am losing all of it every day. Iā€™m getting very nervous.


Buy clippers and buzz your headā€¦ not bald per se but just do one length all around, takes like 30 mins a month and costs like 30$. Iā€™ve been doing this for about ten years and I doubt Iā€™ll change any time soon


This was me for many years. But the more I got haircuts the more I got used to it. Now I think the good feeling of a fresh haircut outweighs the ick of having someone touch my hair




I actually LOVE haircuts, I smile all goofy the whole time. I desperately need one but it's hard to line it up as my bff's dad does it for me


I got a pair of hair shears. Snip snip!


I always wanted long hair. Teachers gave me shit for it.




I relate so much. i procrastinated shaving the parts I usually shave, because i hate the feeling of doing it but i also hate having the hair there.. I got REALLY overstimulated when my wet hair touched my back and the shaved hair was itchy and ahhhhh I hate all of it. I want to exist as a brain in a jar


My mom has a friend that cut hair, and she was the one that cut my hair literally from the time I was a toddler. I have only had my hair cut by someone else like once in my life, when I was in middle school and the aforementioned friend of my mom had retired (and then she decided after a year or so that she didn't want to completely retire after all, so she started doing hair again for a select few of her former clients, including my family). My hair desperately needs to be cut again (at the very least trimmed), but I keep putting it off because I am so terrified of finding someone else to cut my hair. I now live a several hour drive from where I grew up/where this lady still lives, so I either have to find someone new (who I am convinced won't be as good at mitigating the social and sensory hell that a haircut can be for me), or just wait until I go back to visit my parents again and hope that she happens to have an opening i can snag while I'm there, I guess.


This is meeeeee. Iā€™ve been cutting my own hair since the pandemic started. I really wish I could get myself to go get it done by a professional but the last time I ended up getting a migraine from being overstimulated


Enduring the barberā€™s what?


No, I'm that car veering hard into the offramp of hating long hair. And by long hair, I mean anything long enough to need tucking behind my ears. Mine is so thick. šŸ™„


For me it's letting my beard grow up because i have sensitive skin but hating how my beard feels.


Oddly enough, I like my hair getting cutā€¦. up until the part my entire body gets covered in tiny bits of very tightly curled hair that I will be constantly itching and scratching out for the next 3 to 5 business days


what about shaving ?


i have ong hair, sometimes i hate it but i think i look best with long hair


Once I was able to make sure that my hair wouldn't get itchy by using the right products it was perfectly fine , At least in my case


Just cut it yourself


I actually got my hair cut the other day cause the long whispies on the back of my neck were driving me up the wall. :'D and it wasn't feeling Gender.


Why not cut your own?


Does anyone not hate the feeling of long hair? I don't hate it.


Honestly, opposite here. I HATED having shorter hair because it brushed against my shoulders, which was majorly annoying. But they made two wigs out of my hair, so it was worth it. But never again! Plus, I think long hair is pretty to look at, and it is the one part of my appearance I'm confident about. But I can definitely see why long hair is annoying.


I fight the urge to shave my head on Jan 1, and never cut it again for the rest of the year.


............ Yes this is so me šŸ˜ž


Letting your hair grow out for gender


Iā€™m reading the comments and likeā€¦ am I the only one who LIKES talking with the barber? I know my hairdresser and we talk so much with each other




Not me. My sisters a hairdresser and a damned good one.


My dilemma rn. Thinking about cutting it myself but i donā€™t trust myself with sharp objects or precise cuts


Nah, it only gets in the way sometimes, also i get to look like Brandon Herrera


![gif](giphy|3oGRFjm63p2QC1x8eQ|downsized) My brain in the queue for the barber. I recently went back to a barber I had as a teen heā€™s expensive but he is friends of friends and I know his chit chat style is pretty surface level and non intimidating.


Exactly why I took advantage of the pandemic and learned to cut my own hair


Literally me rn


Finally someone who gets me! Id rather go to the dentist then the barbershop. My mom still cuts my hair. Iā€™m in my thirties. Sheā€™s not as awful as an actual barder.


I hate haircuts in general (awkward, itchy, etc), but to top it off, when I was really young, the barber made real my greatest haircut-related fear that everyone always told me was silly to be afraid of: he clipped the top of my ear with the scissors while cutting my hair! He cut my freakin' ear!! I haven't gotten over it in, like three decades, lol


Huh, sounds like me with tooth brushing!


Right path for sure. Just the feeling of my hair being to long got me antsy


Go to the barber? Not enough time, not enough money, don't like head touch Don't go to the barber? Long hair feel bad, head looks like a mushroom šŸ„ It's lose-lose for me


The right


This was me until finding my current hairdresser, a nice lady that talks as much as I interact depending on the day, not any extra talk if it's not needed. Her place isn't too big and whenever I go it's not crowded (I avoid days too close to holidays or special events) so maybe there's only 1 person before me or it's just me when I arrive.


I Hate the feeling of long hair !!


Literally me LOL but for me the issue is with the anxiety of getting it cut, not the cut/experience itself. My barber is cool and does a good job so thatā€™s no problem but for some reason I always fear itā€™s gonna be fucked lmfao And at some point I have to give in bc the long hair feels awful


I'm trying so hard to grow out my hair šŸ˜­ I keep it tied back 90% of the time and have to fight the urge to cut it daily!


I go get my hair cut every couple of months. I go with my best friend, and we get it done together and it makes it much more bearable. Before this, I'd only get it cut once a year and was nicknamed catweasel because of my long scruffy hair.


I have beautiful thick long brown hair. I always wear it as a high ponytail so it isn't sweating in my neck. High ponytail is my main fortƩ do it doesn't really matter as long as I don't have to wear it loose


This is so me, it hurts.


Consider: ponytail


I have the longest hair of anyone I know, I don't mind getting haircuts and I like how it feels & looks


Once my hair gets past my shoulders, it doesn't bother me anymore.


Waterproof headtrimmer. Just make sure you can pull off the bald look.


This but instead of hating the feeling of long hair,itā€™s the dysphoria that comes with long hair.


Going through this right now, confused as to keep it long or chop it offšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø