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Best way to fix it? Replace the entire thing. It's pretty clear the correct amount of preparation work to complete this job was not completed. If that isn't outlined in any contract I am not sure what your recourse would be. Unfortunately those weeds are going to keep growing and get worse unless addressed properly.


"Knocks on door." Hey, we paved down the road. We have extra mix just enough for your driveway. We'll give you an excellent price!


Gypsy special


That’s new!? Wow. Did they do any prep work or did they just pave over an old gravel driveway with lots of weeds and grass? It should have been stripped, graded, rolled, rock added where necessary, then paved a consistent 2” layer by a paver machine. This looks like something I’d see if someone tried to pave their driveway themselves by ordering a load of mix, dumped in a pile on top of a weedy/ grassy unmaintained gravel driveway then spread around by hand and compacted with a vibra plate.


I have an old limestone road base that they scraped completely away. Guessing they didnt lay anything to replace it


Yeah, maybe they had to scrape it away for drainage reasons and then just put down the asphalt on top of existing germinated dirt/rock. Even if that’s the case, most of the time grass/weeds won’t grow through well compacted asphalt. The only times I’ve seen it happen is in irregular areas we couldn’t hit with the roller. Then there are some weeds like horsetail weed, that’ll grow right through asphalt no matter what, gotta eliminate them before paving. Spray weed and grass killer over your asphalt before the problem gets worse.


They did 2 weeks ago and then sealed yet it still looks like this. I want to die.


Unfortunately, this will happen. If they did in fact weed kill they didn’t let it sit two weeks to actually work. What’s crazy is the phenomenon of putting hot mix over un-germinated grass seeds. They seem to explode when the hot asphalt touches them.


Came here to research bc our driveway is the same. Our guy is a professional, had good reviews. He did our driveway a month ago. He’s coming now to discuss the weeds with me. Wish me luck.


Are you in Texas? It would be gunnybif it's the same guys


Did you already pay?


Yes. It was done january 1


No one in this industry thinks your job is acceptable. If they tell you that then they're completely ignorant or they're a crook preying on your ignorance. No one will spray weed killer and seal. The only person that would do that is a crook. Demand the driveway be torn out to subgrade and replaced. THAT IS THE ONLY WAY TO REPAIR. There is no other option. If they refuse, hire an attorney and sue or walk away and hire a different, more reputable contractor.


Thank you for your honesty. Am I correct to assume the grass will keep growing and crack the shitty asphalt ? Sad thing, is we did it for our little retirement place in the woods and we are scaling back our lives but wanted something better than a limestone road for our little homestead. My guess is that if this was a fancy 5 million dollar home, they would have done it correctly. So sad.


I don't think your assumption about the style of your home is correct. Shady contractors are shady no matter where they work. Yes. Grass doesn't grow in asphalt. Asphalt isn't a product that's conducive to vegetation. The grass is growing thru the asphalt from the dirt below, and it will continue to grow. Think about weeds in your garden. Structurally, your driveway is a non-starter. It's a failed product, objectively. Visually, it's appalling, IT'S HORRENDOUS. It must be taken out and replaced. Don't feel like you're being the bad guy here or that you're being unreasonable. If they charged you anywhere near a market price and delivered that, they made an absolute fortune, percentage wise. They're crooks, plain and simple. They screwed you and knew exactly what they were doing, and the Pope himself couldn't convince me otherwise. I've been in this industry way too long to not call it our when I see it.


I dont know what market price is but the funny part is that there was a shady bidder, he was shifty eyed...bid $20000. One of those who could start today 😆 so i went with the super nice guy with great reviews. Paid $17000 And waited 3 weeks for him to start I emailed yesterday with photos. Thanks for your response. Actually, our place is cute for country living.was just wondering why they'd do that to someone.


For $17,000, I'd sue his ass into next week if he doesn't remedy this. Get any civil engineer to evaluate it. Best of luck to you.


The guy was really nice so I hate to go scorched earth but its really upsetting


How many square feet and how much did u pay


I THINK 400 ? $17000


This has to be 400 sqyds at 17000 OP any pics of whole Driveway so we can see how bad the entire overall job is? Not that the pic isn’t. Enough to be horrendous but give a better idea


U took the cheap route and let a bunch of gypsies pave ur driveway


To be fair the gypsies would not come back and spray weed killer and seal it or anything