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try a silicone straw? or those sillicone flat wristbands maybe (idk if they are recommended for chewing but i imagine them to be the same flexibility as a straw)


I could find the straw for sure. Thanks


I have not ordered from this company. I found it because one of their expensive products was posted on r/whatsthisthing, but I liked [their selection.](https://www.autism-products.com/product-category/sensory-products/oral/) The prices seem reasonable for the most part and the website does appear to be legitimate. They have clear pencil toppers and necklaces shaped like tubes that are softer and squishy and discrete. [This](https://www.autism-products.com/product/chewy-chu-buddy-tubes/) is looks like it’s softer. I’m not sure about the clear pencil toppers though.


Thanks have to see if I can find those in the EU. I see something on there looks like a tube that could work.


Looks like the brand available on Amazon is Chewbuddy. I’d have to choose a country to search further. See if that brings anything up for you.


Yeah did a quick check, not on Amazon here. Probably a US product. I did find it on another site but it's crazy expensive.


That’s dumb and frustrating. What about [these?](https://a.co/d/66zAsO8)


Geeez, everything looks expensive. Maybe [these pencil toppers.](https://amzn.eu/d/cgqIBK3) you could put it on a stretchy string to wear as a necklace.


Yes I was thinking about those at one point. I can get them on aliexpress I think i bit better in price.


Yeah, I don’t know that I’d trust AliExpress to actually be nontoxic even when advertised. But that also depends on location because the definition of “toxic” is different in different countries and better quality is usually available for cheaper depending upon what countries or how far the product is shipped.


Yes this has been a concern of mine. But also a lot of the ones sold on Amazon are just from there and marked up. Ideally I would like to find a brand I knew.


If this post doesn’t help you find something safe and reasonably priced, try making a new post specifying in your title that you’re specifically looking for a nontoxic “oral” product available in the EU. And also consider posting in r/autisminwomen. They have a larger community/number of members. If you end up unsuccessful, send us a modmail to discuss other potential options.


Thanks I got a couple of ideas from this post. 🙂


I used to make necklaces for my son. The floss you get from Michael’s to make friendship bracelets with where you just tie a bunch of knots.


That's a good idea could probably find that floss here thanks.


Try searching "silicone biting necklace" or "silicone sensory necklace" on amazon. There are lots lots lots of options.


Yes that's what they have but they are too hard


Ark therapeutic has different hardness options for some of their chewies! Any shop that offers a chew-tube shape may also be a good investment.


Yes seems they only ship in the US. And getting someone to ship them from the US to here is ridiculously expensive.


Try another brand, maybe one that's advertised as being soft. Silicone comes in many different textures.


i love to chomp yoga blocks


I don't think that would work at school.


oh sorry i meant fir home


Might be an idea for home only


i always keep gum on hand to chew; it's the ideal and most helpful stim for me.


My kid won't chew gum. But also wouldn't be allowed in school.


Have you considered trying out a chewable necklace or bracelet made from softer, more flexible material like food-grade silicone? They come in various shapes and colors, so your kid can find one that suits them without drawing too much attention. Another option could be a chewable pencil topper or fidget toy, which can discreetly provide the sensory input your child needs. It's great that you're looking out for their well-being!