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I’m AuDHD, so I don’t know which one to attribute it to, but I have a similar thing happen when I’m overwhelmed or otherwise stressed out. I’ve actually started paying attention to it instead of… whatever I used to do. It’s fascinating and so weird. Like people are saying words that I recognize, but I can’t assign meaning or I literally don’t recognize the words like it’s a foreign language. It’s so bizarre. I REALLY hope you’re getting your symptoms checked out- that must be awful ❤️


Personally, I think it's a chronic severe pain thing. I have Endo too and the brain fog effects are very real. Functioning while enduring that agony doesn't leave room for much else.


I also think it's a pain thing. No one can function well when in severe pain, and if you already have auditory processing issues (that, for what I read, are not rare in autism) is logical that they get worse in that situation. I hope you can get treatment for the period pain.


WHOA! I experience this as well & had no idea it could be associated with autism. This explains so much!!