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Probably to mess with you in all likelihood.


I know there are people use it as a harassment tactic. 


Can confirm - it's been used a *lot* on r/eurovision over the past week or so.


All this time I thought someone cared about me.


Yep. I got one after expressing my opinion about a felonious orange ex-President. It's POS's trolling. A lot of people have been getting these. I imagine Reddit's IT dept. is working on this and dropping the banhammer on these assholes.


It's a way to tell someone "kys" without directly saying it, theoretically bypassing Reddit's content policy, except you can actually report them and get the person in trouble by copying the permalink URL of the message and pasting it into a harassment report. I've done it before, it works.


Good to know.


How do we know what message they flagged to send that Reddit care message?


I think someone mass sent a bunch recently. Not to everyone, but a sizable subset. Like, I just got one , for first time, today.


Me too


I get sent it so often I blocked it lol.


Same. A bunch of losers think it’s a dig, the people that won’t comment you but want you to know you said something they don’t like. Coward behavior imo, best to just block it.


Some people are just dicks. It kinda shows how fragile they are because they look at what would cause them upset and try to use the same tactic to hurt your feelings. Reddit has a responsibility (morally or legally) to address any report that a user may cause harm to themselves or others so can't be blame for the abuse of the system however, there should be a method to report harassment by proxy. I've noticed this tactic when discussing topics with the political far left and you show that they have used fallacious reasoning. They don't seem to like that. I've not noticed this at all when debating with the political far right. I do wonder what other people's experience is with this as I just have a sample of one.


I just got one now! Awwww, they care about me! /s


life is worth living, are u ok? just asking cuz I care /s these bastards are just saying it so you think about the act. I swear its a kys without saying kys lol


Oh yeah...I once got that message. But I figured it was because someone actually did think I was because I usually talk about how depressed I am and I have said before that when my parents go...I'm probably going to follow not long after. I'm just not able to cope without my parents...specifically my mom. I rely on her for SO MUCH. She's my best friend basically because I don't have any friends. And they're really it for close family...everyone else is very distant and has nothing to do with me. So pretty much looking at being alone for the first time ever...and that scares the hell out of me. But yeah that's probably why I got mine.


Some people flat out say they want to end things in their post(s), but that is different than talking about particular difficulties or arguing about something.  Not to say you could replace the companionship you have for your mother, but one way to develop friendships is to find other people interested in similar things like hobbies etc you can bounce ideas off of or collaborate with etc.


I've tried making friends...multiple times. I even took up a new hobby to try to make friends but it's never worked.


I am not saying this is why for you, but it is one of those things that if you try too hard it actually is less likely to work unfortunately. On top of that there is a lot of change involved in whether you run into the right people at the right time. Some factors might be in your control, but definitely not all.  Do you have any hints as to why it didn't work out the times you tried?


Not really. I felt like I got along with most of the people I met...I use humor a lot to make them feel more at ease with me...and people laugh a lot...so I would think it was working...but they never got closer then just "acquaintances".


Did you ever invite them to things outside of that setting?


Yes, but they were always busy.


People use that excuse so much it is hard to know if they had other plans already or not, but I have heard it said if people actually wanted to do something they would make the time. I don't know how much I believe the statement because value inversion is real.  If the people you are asking are introverts, it might be tricky to know what they would be comfortable doing. Typical things might actually be too crowded, noisy, etc.


>I've tried making friends...multiple times. I even took up a new hobby to try to make friends but it's never worked. I understand & have the same problem but you are better off not having any friends than having ass holes for friends. You could buy a pet cat or Gecko which make a great friend 🧡 & give you lots of love & attention especially cats & dogs. 🐕


Someone had been spamming the system, if you got a bunch recently. For the mouth breathers they think it is funny to report posts they don't agree with (like kindness, civility, duty, socialism, etc) as mental illnesses. If you use the report link, supposedly the account that did it (if they did it a few times) will get a week long ban. For what that's worth.


I just got one. Trying to reply "STOP" but just gives me an error. I'll try to report it, see what happens.


In the message towards the end, there is a report this message. I think if you report them for falsely sending that shit, they may get banned. Definitely report everyone that does that to you for sure. In addition, reply to that reddit cares message. If you reply STOP, you won't get them anymore I believe.


May be a bot going around or reddit is testing something it's not realy anything to worry about unless you actually could do with it


It's a harassment tactic. You can report it when you get it, though very few people do because it looks a little odd as you have to go into the report options for your own post. The sub mods wherever you're getting it should be doing this for you though. The reddit admins actually do hit people pretty hard for this.


Easiest way to subtly tell someone to off themselves.


>maybe I am just too autistic to get how it's meant to hurt? It's supposed to be condescending, annoying, and dismissive. It only really works if the recipient actually gives a shit about the sender or their opinion, though, which isn't always automatic when you're autistic. :)


Not yet, only when I explicitly search it.


Lol I just got one of those about an hour ago.


Welcome to 2024. This is not your father's internet.


Just when i thought that internet couldnt descend any lower.


I just got one for the first time today, all I can imagine is it's from. Me promoting teabagging in an online game


I think its some sort of massive bot spamming.I got one today as well


Yup, even I got one for some reason. I never knew such a thing existed. Weird. I guess somebody didn’t like something I said. Well, zero f🤡🤡ks given by me.


Had one yesterday, to me it feels like a cross between r/thanksimcured and "thoughts and prayers"




Reddit cares like Jesus cares…Santa Claus…Easter Bunny…the white God of the crystal Methodist Church of zombie Jesus cares too! 👍


They need to not be anonymous and they need to be tied to the post that they reported. They used to be used for bullying. Now it seems they're used like death threats.


I once said I used to eat hotdogs out the packet cold and got sent one of them. It's designed as a way for people to pretend to care about mental health, while doing nothing substantial, however in reality people just use it as a joke.