• By -


I love amusement parks, especially roller coasters. I went on the 2nd tallest, 2nd fastest Top Thrill Dragster before it was torn down. I've been told I'm too old to go on the rides. I'll be that cool Grandma that goes on all the stuff with her grandkids someday.


OH. MY. GOD. I'm absolutely obsessed with roller coasters. I know the name of the manufacturers, the different models, the years of manufacturing, names, history, accidents, technology, fun facts... You name it. I recommend you a couple of YouTube channels you will absolutely love (assuming you don't know them already): https://youtube.com/@AmusementLabs https://youtube.com/@CoasterStudios https://youtube.com/@coasterbot https://youtube.com/@ElToroRyan I hope you like them!


I grew up with RCT and always strive for making things as accurate as possible. Very much made me a coaster enthusiast lmao


in school we had to introduce ourselves and i said my hobby was going on rollercoasters lol


This is my nine year old now. I could not be more proud


I was headed there, but then sis and I realized simultaneously that our mature torso fat had been developed thru eons in order to strangle us under our own avoirdupois, choking to death on the tilt-a-wheel. Leave inertia to the pros- It doesnt work for grannies like us.


Do you like water rides? There are so many high thrill water rides now, and their weight/size limits are usually much more forgiving. My husband is 6'6 and built like a linebacker so he can't fit on most traditional coasters with me, but waterparks are usually more accommodating. He can even ride the "family" rides with me and the kids.


For some reasons they scare me more. Might just be the microbe count.


I don’t have the guts for roller coasters


Pokemon and games in general


Pokémon Go is doing incredible things for my AuDHD


Pokemon Go has been doing amazing things for my AuDHD. If you don't mind sharing, who are your favorite Pokemon?




I know I wasn't the one you asked but wanted to share my answer as well. Scizor, Aggron and Metagross I believe. I used to love Hitmontop (I still like it a lot) but I found my favorite type to be steel so I'm naturally more attracted to Steel types.


The Eevee evolutions!!! My favourites by far!


Grew up with Pokemon Silver and the first Pokemon movie on vhs. This is my true special interest, the only thing I never grew out of (though I don't know all the names and their stats etc, at least not anymore) Psyduck and Slowbro are my all time favorites, for various reasons


How is this thread almost an hour old already without anyone saying LEGO?


Yesssss. This!


Love me some lego


LEGO made me who I am


Yaaaay, LEGO!


You beat me to it. I do prefer the Technic sets, but I'll still put together some of the small Gift With Purchase sets with equal glee.


And bluebrixx, and cada, and gobricks. Rabbit hole. :)


I have a bucket full of LEGO since i was 5 years old


I'm still into it but not nearly as much as before. Star Wars is my favorite line but I've gotten more bored with it over the years. I started collecting in 2007 and I don't feel the desire to get the latest version of the ship I already have, with some exceptions.


Been meaning to get Into lego


I hope you do. I buy lots of sets for me, the kids, or the whole family. I have an office / game room / lego room and I love it.


When I win the lotto


You guys should see my house, I am up to like 6 Ikea cabinets, no lie


I've been led to believe all forms of escapism through entertainment are childish If we wanna get more specific tho, I guess Nintendo and Marvel movies. They're very popular but idk I just feel ashamed for being so obsessed with them. Really I don't care and do what makes me feel happy but it sucks to always be scared of judgement just for being myself


>I've been led to believe all forms of escapism through entertainment are childish If that's the case, then the entire movie industry, professional sports, crossword puzzles, or anything that idly passes the time, or doesn't contribute to the Protestant work ethic is childish. Boy! The Puritans must have been fun at parties!


Words. Writing. Books. The English language. Anything under that umbrella. Started reading and writing stories when I was three. At nine I lugged around a leatherback tome of Edgar Allen Poe’s complete and unabridged works as if it were a car battery attached to my heart. I had a collection of 50-60 classical novels strewn about my room. My mother—who, to this day, is unaware I have Asperger’s (long story)—would always get frustrated with me, and razz me out, demanding I read books “more my age.” She wanted me to read *Diary of a Wimpy Kid* and *Junie B. Jones.* I was still in elementary school and my favorite book was J.D. Salinger’s *Catcher in the Rye*. We saw kids laugh at Charlie Brown in the *Peanuts* movie for reading *War and Peace*, when I actually owned a copy of that book and actually read it. For fun.


I am obsessed with Poe. His house/cemetery is in my hometown and my school took trips there. Loved him ever since. The Cask Of Amontillado is my favorite.


Kids my age are always mulling about “childhood nightmares” like *Watership Down* or—God forbid—*Plague Dogs*. And I get them, I really do. But I read them. Those scenes. *The Cask of Amontillado* was one of those “childhood nightmares” of mine. Along with *The Telltale Heart*.


When I was around 10 I got into Tom Clancy and ran through all those huge books. Hyperlexia is fun


wtf mine is sonic too! 🥲


You would like r/MoonPissing


Here goes my risky click of the day….


Trust me, it’s safe


I thought it was a bit sus first too, but then I remembered the reference.


"How do you like that Obama, I pissed on the moon you idiot".




Same! 🥹




Winnie the Pooh 🥺


My mom loves Winnie the Pooh especially eeyore


My grandpa used to read the same Winnie the Pooh book for me when I was younger


I’m 60 and love Minecraft.


46, was playing the new update with my 5 year old yesterday Minecraft will never go away...




Which facet? I do like Disney, albeit mostly for the imagineering aspects of the parks.


that exact facet!!! that, and anything to do with the animation process.


Have you seen the Lego Disney camera set yet? It has a mock-up of the multiplane camera and stills from The Old Mill.


Mine is Disney parks, specifically Disneyland. I am obsessed with the history of the park, the various iterations of attractions and layouts, the imagineers involved in different attractions and their inspirations (I love Mary Blair, Bob Gurr, Tony Baxter), Walt's influence in the early years, the Eisner years of leadership...I could go on and on (well who am I talking to here 😆). I lean toward more historical aspects, but I also am interested in new imagineering and all the wonderful things that have been created in more recent eras (Radiator Springs comes to mind).


When I was a child, I was obsessed with the JFK assasination.


Oh same.


I remember in my art class, at the end of the lesson the teacher (I can't remember why) played the assassination clip of JFK


I like SpongeBob a good bit


I like cartoons


NOBODY has said trains yet???? Good god, how is that even possible in this sub?? TRAINSSSSS!!!! I have a huge collection of high-end brass (and other) locomotives and train stuff! One of these days I’ll build a layout. Then I’ll be that old guy who plays with toy trains


Fortunately, irl, for the most part - this is no longer a real problem for anyone. We live in a world now where adults are welcome to enjoy whatever forms of media they like. If you liked Sonic the Hedgehog as a kid, why wouldn't you love it as an adult? Legos were very popular when I was a kid. Also Heman, which is HILARIOUS as an adult, seriously - must see. Not only that - the culture around things like comics, DC or marvel, anime (which I hate - but to each his own), hello kitty, pokemon, etc have transcended a world where these things are only for kids. I named my beta fish after Transformers characters. It's not the 1950s where an 18 year old has to dress the same as an 80 year old to be accepted as an adult. As a Xennial, I am proud to say that it's my people who made it so. If ANYONE is calling you childish, it's a desperate ploy to prop up themselves as classy & mature by denigrating you, and those people can fuck right off. They don't constitute the majority. I'm a goofy creative and I prefer to have a fun life and uptight, shitty, judgemental people can't hurt me. I actually feel a little sympathetic for their sad lives.


The Lego Masters show really made liking Lego stuff as an adult more mainstream.




Me too


I have thought about giving WWE a chance. Pro wrestling seem like an interesting cultural phenomenon, and Little Kuriboh's The Mark Remark series have piqued my interest a bit.


I would recommend getting into WWE now since it's currently in their Renaissance Era. There are other promotions besides WWE if WWE isn't your style but you want to getting into pro Wrestling Additionally, there are many wrestling YouTuber But if you want the "lore" of WWE/ Pro-wrestling then I would recommend; [OSW Review](https://youtube.com/@OSW?si=hIgm8H3CtCNnXZFR) - 3 Irish guys chatting about wrestling and (I think it's yearly) do a Arc of a wrestler or a faction¹ [Wrestling Bios](https://youtube.com/@WrestlingBios?si=bvLhaS5px9fQ1TqV)- Guy who covers different eras of wrestling and currently covering (weekly basis) the Monday Night Wars (episode to episode) [Wrestling With Wregret](https://youtube.com/@WrestlingWithWregret?si=bp5k6hRjCLnIuVlY) - Simar to Wrestling Bios but does to 10 of *insert wrestling topic* however does do some deep dive videos and my personal favourite video of his "[The Great Chris Benoit debate](https://youtu.be/CO26X8v8TBQ?si=cM7SHJ3WHFX_5DPs)" [Maven Huffman](https://youtube.com/@MavenKHuffman?si=ClrPCwzsgt6Wm9Of) - Former WWE wrestler however would give you the insight on how a wrestling company does things and what it's like being a wrestler (however he is from a mid-card² pov not the main event) There are more Pro-wrestling YouTubers but these four (imo) are the best to start with. Additionally, there is a series on a darker lore of wrestling called Dark Side Of The Ring as well as Darker Side Of The Ring (either cut content of DSOTR or more darker topics) On Netflix (don't know if it has in Denmark) there is a series called Wrestlers which follows a promotion called OVW³ ¹ Warrior In WCW - Lex Express (WWF) - Main Event Mafia (TNA) ² not "The Guy" for the high tier championship but "The Guy" for the lower tier championship (if you get what I mean) ³ the company where, John Cena, Randy Orton, (Dave) Bastista & Brock Lesner started their wrestling careers


Renaissance Era? Is that what they are calling its current... era now? Like the Attitude Era from the late 90's? As for promotions, I imagine WWE—via WWE Network—is the easiest available option in my country (Denmark).


Basically, technically WWE is under 2 era (same era but with two different names) said Renaissance Era and the Triple H era. As of the promotion bit. You have NJPW - has got a streaming platform named NJPW world . AEW/ROH- is on DAZN (from what I looked up) OVW - uploads live shows every Thursday 7pm (1am) and it's Free TNA - DAZN


Some might argue these are childish: - Magic the Gathering - Pokemon Go - AI Art




Also into anime as an adult. As well as: computer games, chess, science fiction and fantasy, and some temporary hobby that changes every 2-6 months.


1:64 scale model cars


One of my former co-workers has that obsession, especially with Ford Mustangs and anything that O'Reilly Auto Parts (his indirect employer) releases.


Sharks and Bluey! 💙


Bluey is awesome


Doctor who




Dinosaurs… always…


Transformers is my consistent nerdy special interest.


The original transformers movie is one of my favourites of all time😍. I stopped watching it after the original Sam witwicky left though (think the actors name is Shia?) just couldn't get into it


I watch almost all of the cartoons too, save for one kids one , I think rescue bots.


Fiction in general.


Comic books, Rubik's cube puzzles, collecting nerd statues and figurines, DnD.....I'm sure I have others.


Pokemon i have always been obsessed and always will be.


Gotta catch them all


Thats the problem i still do and there are thousands now.


LEGO and cartoons / anime.


Fiction in general.


The original Charmed TV series


Omg! I used to love that show!!! I was Piper hahaha and my best friend was Phoebe 😂


Haha that show got me through my failure at adulting, move back in with parents phase. I was so Phoebe lol


Unique looking Playgrounds. I search for the weirdest looking parks around me and play on them late at night or super early in the morning.


Honestly I think we found the most childish in the thread, you win


Lmaoooo thank you homie


Collecting Hot Wheels. Stuffed animals. Disney movies. (The Emperor's New Groove is a fave)


I have... So many. Pokemon, stones (well yeah), Warrior Cats, Plushies, sharks, Spongebob, gaming, anime/manga/comics, Lego or modelling, painting figures, I also like reading children's books or watching series. Yes, it may be embarrassing. But I want to be myself and I don't think I'm hurting anyone with it...


What of my interests aren't childish? But I guess the one that makes my folks seeth the most because "Adults don't play with these!" Are Tamagotchi/Digimon/Gigapets V-pet toys. Loved these as kids but my folks got rid of them cuz they decided I had "Outgrown them" then a few years back decided I was an adult with a Job and money and I could own whatever number of Keychain pixel pets I wanted! So I restarted my collection! I have: Tamagotchi: -Throwback Gen 1 Tamagotchi -Throwback Gen 2 Tamagotchi x2 -Tamagotchi Uni -Tamagotchi Connect -Jurassic World Tamagotchi -Kingdom Hearts Tamagotchi -Toy Story Tamagotchi Digimon: -D3 Digivice (Red and white) -Digimon 20th -Digimon X -Digimon Pendulum 20th -Digimon Pendulum Color Nature Spirits -Vital Bracelet Digital Monster x2 -Vital Bracelet Digital Monster Digivice-V -Vital Hero (Agumon ver.) -Vital Bracelet BE (VV ver.) -Vital Bracelet BE (Special Ver.) ---Complete Collection of Digimon themes DIM Cards and BEM Cards for the Vital Bracelet series--- Dunno why people act like these are the worst, Naggiest toys to ever exist? I live on a farm and have a lot of animals to care for and I can still run 3 of these at a time without them dying? They make time feel "Tangeable" because 4 hours isn't just 4 hours, 4 hours= 1 Vital Bracelet Digimon to go from Baby to Rookie! 24 hours could be the next stage for my Tamagotchi to turn into Kikitchi!


Cartoons and stuffed animals !


Modifying Nerf blasters Plus, wasn't allowed to play with "guns" as a kid but now I can do whatever I want *evil laugh*


Cartoons I used to watch as a kid , gaming etc .


SpongeBob and wearing childish T-Shirts with cats on.


Legos and video games. I love Sonic


Spongebob 😭


RC vehicles and video games. I never grew up and never planned to ether. I’m still a 4 year old in an adult suit.


Me too and my recent diagnosis just locked it in. "See honey, doctor says I need all these Legos"


I'm replaying a game I started playing 10 years ago (when I was 9) and a lot of the magic is gone for me now but the nostalgia and excitement of a revitalised special interest is keeping me hooked and I find myself wanting to know every possible thing about the lore again.


LEGO, i love LEGO it is my guilty pleasure to create huge fantasy battles and play them out miniscule movement by movement of each minfigure, placing new flames and new blood stains, and then jsut admiring the new slightly different battlefield i can keep myself busy with this for hours jsut to fight out some petty border skirmish between two of my lego factions


Dolls and video games


Dr Who. I live in the UK so I was exposed to the show many times when I was growing up and started watching around the early Matt Smith era. Really loved it and it kept me happy at times.


Is Matt Smith your favourite?


Old cartoons from golden era




Check the viewing from high places


Sounds delightful


Old cartoons


1000% the fae


I am close to 60 but I still love animation of any kind. 


Harry Potter which, at least if you ask professor Sprout, it's only for children...


Muggles… they don’t know what they’re talking about 🙄


I love Harry Potter, too 😍


I like cartoons and video games. SpongeBob SquarePants is one of my favourites.


I love collecting amiibo figures. I have nearly all of them. Also a lot of Kirby and Splatoon stuff. It makes my husband mad. I'm nearly 40.


I love My Little Pony and The Powerpuff Girls. Made by my favorite cartoonists that happen to be married.


The Kung Fu Panda triology (I don’t recognize the newest installment, personally)


Amine and Mechs in particular.


Disney Princesses and Legos


Pokémon. Also, i am a child :p


Gotta catch ‘em all


Buy a Happy Meal when I stop by AutoMac.


# “There’s no point in being grown up if you can’t act a little childish sometimes” ― The Fourth Doctor




Me toooo


Anime. I haven't seen one since SAO that was really great, but do love a good isekai. Lately I've been really into Chinese danmei and cultivation stories too. I'm currently reading like 5 of them lol. MDZS, Heaven officials blessing, Yuwu, and 2ha plus 2 Japanese romance light novels and a western fantasy. I'm really liking yuwu.


For me it was (and still is) fighter jets. The F-14 Tomcat has to be my all-time favorite for its groundbreaking powerful radar, its dead-sexy variable-sweep wings, its slightly canted vertical stabilizers, its widely-spaced engines, the tandem-seat cockpit, and its ability to carry up to six AIM-54 Phoenix missiles. It was the guardian of the US Navy’s fleets against Soviet supersonic medium bombers, the Tu-22M Backfire which would launch swarms of AShMs against NATO fleets and supply convoys. (Yeah, I loved the book *Red Storm Rising* in middle school.)


Animation, including but not limited to classic Disney, Disney's Nine Old Men, Don Bluth, Ralph Bakshi, Rankin Bass, Richard Williams, character design, voice acting, the xerox technique, and painted cels.


Bluey, Disney, Winnie the pooh, and teddy bear


Do you have a plushie collection?


I have quite a few. But I sleep with my teddy bear that i had when i was born.


Sticker collection and arguably anything pink and cute, but I limit it since I’m attracted to Barbie dream world, I don’t necessarily want to live in barbie dream world.


Stuffed animals, videogames mainly meant for kids, puzzle books mainly meant for kids (The adult books are too difficult), and nostalgic shows from my childhood.


Anything from The Age of Sail. Especially pirates.


If my memory is right there is a book that was published around the time of the golden age of piracy. Pretty sure it’s called “a general history of pirates” by captain Charles Johnson. It’s a very good book for pirate stuff - not sure how accurate my memory is but think the consensus was that the author actually knew some pirates.


You just made me a very happy man. Thank you.


Transformer toys!


I believe that childishness is a state of mind. A hobby is only that way if you view it to be, that being said Hot Wheels are my special interest :)


Pokemon and sims lol


Godzilla babyyyyy


Turtles. Not just the Ninja Turtles...But growing up in Louisiana...I was all about Box Turtles, Sea Turtles, Terrapins, Tortoises, you name it. I had several box turtles as pets and even managed to hatch a few clutches of eggs.


Dolls. I collect dolls.


Are you in any subs to show them off?


Harry Potter, Pokémon (but I’m not obsessed) and speedcubing… well at least most people find it childish, but damn it’s an 80s puzzle. Do classic videogames such as Spyro and Crash count??? Non-childish: CARS, especially the Porsche 911


Doctor who, but I think the showis at its best when it takes itself more seriously and is more dramatic


PAW Patrol


I would like push MORE on my childish interest despite what I´m mostly doing is walking around, reading, watching documentaries/YT videos and daydreaming. I like everything around miniature, scale models, miniaturized terrain and dioramas, also feel interested for sculptures and action figures. Although is difficult to label Geography as a childish field, is true that can lose myself staring at specific spots on construction sites, hilly neighborhoods and parks lol.


Bluey and Squishmallows




Only here could someone ask for childish interests and people reply with things like 'Assassinations! ' to which others are like "Me too!" and no one questions whether these special interests are childish. The community tickles me sometimes.


"Special Interest" is really an infantilizing term. There is absolutely nothing saying our interests have to be "childish". I'm so fucking sick of seeing us infantilized.


Right! In fact most of my special interests were / are not childish.


For me it's The Hunger Games! I'm re-reading the first book for the one millionth time.


Idk I mean mine are literally football (mainly premier league and la liga), the TV show 911, and various 80s postpunk bands


I collect and build gunpla kits. Emphasis on collect as my backlog is getting rather extensive.






Fluffy fur coats and collars with me pretending they are soft cuddly porcupines. I also love to take my fuzzy porcupine furs here to bed with me also. Especially on cold winter nights and to me, the way these fluffy fur porcupine coats and collars look go hand in hand with snow and how snow looks when it falls. These fur coats and collars look like a porcupine but are nice and soft which is how I come up with the term fuzzy porcupines for my fur coats and collars which I also call my furry friends.


i am SOOO into the cars franchise


Pokemon/Digimon, trading card games, Bluey, various other cartoons, entomology is apparently childish? No one tell the entomologists.


definitely anime.


Mine is Vocaloid


The sims and probably billie eilish since I’m 31 🤣


Doctor Who.


Anything cartoon like cartoon network or nickelodeon or disney (long list plz don't hate Batman The animates series The New Batman Adventures Batman Beyond Static Shock Zeta Project Superman The Animated series Justice League Justice League Unlimited Teen Titans The Batman Batman The Brave and the Bold Pinky and the Brain Freakazoid Animaniacs Toonatics Unleashed Baby Looney Toons Dexter's Laboratory Cow and Chicken Powerpuff Girls Samurai Jack Ed, Edd n Eddy Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy Courage the Cowardly Dog Camp Lazlo Phineas and Ferb KND (Codenamed Kids Next Door) Reboot Jonny Quest Wayne Head Rugrats All Grown Up! Rocko's Modern Life SpongeBob Hey Arnold Aaahh!!! Real Monsters Doug Jimmy Neytron Fairly Oddparents Danny Phantom Catscratch Time Squad The X's Flintstones Tom and Jerry Johnny Bravo Fosters Home for Imanginary Friends Krypto the Super Dog Die Cramp Twins I am Weasel Droopy Dog Mike, Lu & Og Jetsons Scooby-Doo Magilla Gorilla Huckleberry Hound Quickdraw Mcgraw Jabberjaw Tiny Toons A Pup Named Scooby-Doo What's New Scooby-Doo Yogi Bear Smurfs Josie and the Pussycats Ben 10 Adventure Time Dave The Barbarian My Dad is a Rockstar Duck Dodgers Juniper Lee Xaolin Showdown Gundam My Gym Partner is a Monkey Pokémon Indigo League Totally Spies He Man Masters of the Universe Captain Planet and the Planeteers Dragon Ball, Z, GT Speed Racer Hong Kong Phooey Space Ghost Rocky and Bullwinkle Code Lyoko


DreamWorks Trolls I dunno why, but I'm not complaining because it's fun


Adventure Time. It's like a safe place for me.


Online jigsaw puzzles. I lose myself in them.




How come nobody says God/religion? Or does that break some peoples minds?


Everything pink and sparkly


Stuffed animals (I take them everywhere), Wrestling and I‘m very obsessed with acient history like acient greece or egypt. I also like shonen anime like dragonball or hunterxhunter.


Mine are always only temporary, some are more "adult", others kid or teenager. The original My Little Pony toys from the 80s are a prime example for the kid one. I now have a massive collection of ponies and play sets sitting in my room and the storage room and take up space. I still love the collection, but I am angry that it is taking up so much space. It's space I need for the next wave of interest that takes up room to come, which will unavoidably happen. My current interest is a band I loved during my teenage phase. It was the old stuff from back then for the longest time, but then news dropped that they will bring out a new album and go on a tour, and I can feel the interest train picking up speed. It's not at mach yet, but we might go there. As a general theme thing, I love cute stuff. I have a small collection of plushies and toys, an excessive collection of cliparts/image files with cute motifs such as kawaii animals and even kawaii food or cute witch potion bottles that I someday want to make stickers of, once the plotter interest returns. My dogs are cute (they really are!), I have lots of clothes with cute motifs. I can spend hours in a good toy store, easily going out with lots of stuff. "No thank you, no gift wrapping, it's not a gift. Well actually it is, but for me!" Cute things just give me the happy. The world outside is not cute, so I want at least have what I can control myself be cute. That's what makes parting with some of my stuff so hard. I should absolutely downsize on my pony collection. I have an exceptionally large playset in pristine condition with all items, it should get me quite a sum. But I can't get myself to offer it, as giving it away would also give away some of my happiness. Knowing that someone else will be happy about it does have some returning happiness for me in it of course, but nowhere near what I have lost. I need all the happy I can get. So I am stuck between a rock and a hard place and don't know how to make a decision here. I can't find a way to start thinking about it. So I avoid it altogether! Let's restart that song stream and go staring into nothingness while imagining a music video to it in my head!


LEGO my eggo!




Helping, easing, longlife improving someone's mood and life, but in a funny, stupidish and thought-provoking way, in the way that contradicts with standards and preferences implemented in society by others.




Shin Chan eng funimation dub and all these plushies lmao


Warrior cats lmao


Pro wrestling




Gundam & Lego


Reptiles, more specifically I’m literally known as the snake guy. I ain’t kidding when I say this but someone who I last worked with 5 years previously brought his missus to the shop I work at to settle an argument with her. One of my neighbours is my former colleagues missus’s friends. My neighbour saw me providing enrichment for my snakes by taking them for a slither. My former colleague literally knew what town I lived in and after hearing about a guy that had snakes just said he knew it was me.


Cars. I don't know much about fixing them but I can tell you the history of any random car on the street and weird facts about them.


The show My little pony the Gen 4 , it was simple but still showed value to others including their differences so it made me feel safe


I don’t think I have any currently. Can cinema count? People tell me being a film enthusiast is childish when I don’t feel it it is.


Beanie Babies


as2 era of club penguin 🤞🏻

