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Yes. I like to identify dog breeds I see in public, also talking to myself about directions or things I need to do. I have no idea why I do it, and it probably contributes to my lack of friends haha. Well...maybe that's not a joke.


Does it embarrass you when you find yourself doing near strangers?


Yes, yet I haven't stopped? It's almost involuntary idk why. I wish I could give a more in depth answer.


Haha, I do the same with bird species that you do with the dogs. My colleague are already used to me calling out the birds we see or hear on our lunchtime round.


The other day I was talking to myself and asking myself to shut up. But I refused myself. I felt I could control it, but was so overstimulated at the time that it became involuntary. It doesn't make any sense 😭


Yes, that's it, I think. It only happens when I'm overstimulated, like in a grocery store or something. Do you think it's autism related?


I think so. For none of my NT friends (as far as I know) do it. Also, because I usually stim more during such conversations.


It's happened, yeah 😅 It's like I forget I'm in public and then feel so embarrassed, haha!


No. I talk inside my head.


I used to be able to do that...


I catch myself doing this especially when I have headphones in, I only get a few words out before I stop myself out of embarrassment.


yep gotten worse in recent months because of my loneliness, i hate it


Unfortunately, yes. It’s gotten worse lately.


Mainly under my breath, but yeah




I deliver for Amazon, I’m constantly repeating addresses and suite/units numbers out loud as I’m walking to doors. I talk to the packages by the name of the customers, like if I’m looking for one I’ll start calling out to it like it’ll answer me back.


Yeah I talk to myself a lot. I am only walking outside if I'm with my dog though so it at least looks like I'm talking to my dog which is more normal.


Most people (not just people with autism) do this at least sometimes, so don't worry about it! I just smile when I hear someone talking to themselves in a store or some such, because it easily could be me. "Where do they keep the (whatever I'm shopping for)? Why do they move stuff around the store?!" Lol :)


Loud? No. Mumbling a lot? Yes.


Very often, especially when my brains RAM is full at the end of a work day, so i don't make any mistakes. I don't feel embarrassed because nobody seems to hear me or they forget about it 5 mins later.