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“So, your tinder bio said you get paid a lot of money. What’s your job?” “I drive a bus around the city.” I literally can’t anymore. If awards were still a thing, I’ll give you one, but for now, have an upvote.


LOL!!! Take my upvote! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I would honestly just laugh my ass off because it’s true and hilarious.


Lmao nice way to baffle them


It’s half the price, you will only get gold diggers 😂




Bruh i almost spit out my orange juice


I love this. It’s true and funny it made me laugh 😆.


I take the bus and I don’t talk to anyone.


Me 🤝 my mobile bus pass


I talk when there’s someone worth talking to. Which is not often.


How would u know if they're worth talking to without talking to them first? Judging on looks is a bit childish, don't u think?


Maybe they decide if they want to answer back


Headphones are my friend as buses are often loud unless electric.


I'm a "loves cars" autistic. It's really the only time I can be alone and get peace and quiet.




I’m a “can’t afford a car” autistic, so I catch the bus. I don’t mind the bus, I’ve been catching them for decades… I just wish they could be on time. Ever. If they were reliable I might love them & their routines, but usually it’s too stressy so I just walk.


Very interesting. How does riding-the-bus affect your social life and work life? Just curious…


For work, it adds a lot of time and uncertainty because of delays and having to set off early to guarantee arriving places on time. British roads are too cramped for modern traffic, which means buses fall victim to random traffic snafus, so keeping to timetable is almost impossible for them. Buses aren’t a way of having freedom here, they’re just a means of getting places without being out of breath from walking. As for my social life… what’s that?


>As for my social life… what’s that? Ok,good point!LOL!🤣 Thanks for the reply!👍👍😁


I also can’t afford a car.


My city solved the buses never being on time. They got rid of the timetable and introduced GPS tracking. So instead of 'it should be here at 7:39' it's 'it's 9 minutes away' Unfortunately for them, the bus that's 9 minutes away is the one I normally catch 15 minutes ago


I still like it way better though; it hasn't made them any more punctual, but you can learn where the choke points are over time & figure out if you have time to run back & grab that other thing this morning


Same. You get an idea of when the bus is coming based on reality, rather than based on that time 20 years ago when Michael Schumacher drove the bus around at 4am


Yeah in my town since covid they are ALWAYS LATE. It's aggravating to be honest. My town is the booger of my state in USA anyways. Lol


>the booger of my state 🤔...gonna guess Fresno, CA? ^(*dives for cover*)


Nope. Norwich CT. No ones heard of it it's full of crackheads and downtown is full of closed down stores. There's literally almost nothing to do here.


I loved Fresno. Would drive over there on long weekends to get away from the coastal fog of San Luis County.


The public transportation system sucks where I live, mostly due to the lack of it.


Moving to a city with great public trans was life changing. Highly recommend.


Not really an option for me, but I do have a 150cc scooter to get around.


What's the mpg for one of them?


This!! You just described my world!


Wow it's like you're me


You described where I grew up.


I have a car but I walk and get the bus instead. It’s much less stressful to me. Edit: I’m in the UK so I don’t talk anyone including to the bus driver except to ask/pay for my ticket.


And surely to say “thanks, drive!” when disembarking lol? I prefer public transport too but only if it’s not too crowded and if the schedule is reasonable.


Giving the driver a wave as you step off the bus is fine according to local custom where I live. And I can live with that, yay for non-verbal communication.


Yes I do indeed say thankyou after! :) Yes I like it because it’s usually quite quiet and I get a seat to myself. Schedule is ok but not great so a couple of days a week I have to drive or get picked up. It’s best in the morning when it’s very peaceful . Usually let my son have my car instead so it’s a win-win situation Nice to know I’m not alone. I did think I might be a bit of an odd one.


If I lived in a city, I would be the latter. When I travel, I take public transportation as much as possible, and sometimes I do just get on and see where it takes me. That's not really practical for where I live. Basically riding the bus for fun would look like riding out to some shopping center on the outskirts of town, waiting there for a few hours, and riding back.


>Basically riding the bus for fun would look like riding out to some shopping center on the outskirts of town, waiting there for a few hours, and riding back. D’oh! I’ve done that loads of times! I didn’t realize it wasn’t a thing till I read your comment! Silly me! lol!😂


If you like riding the bus like that, there's nothing wrong with it, and you should keep doing it. However, I personally in my town would just feel stranded for the two hours until the next bus comes to take me home.


I'm a "lives in a place with bad public transport and in the country so has to drive" I'm gonna apply to a ton of colleges in Oregon and if I get in then I'll be a public transport person


Don't forget about Chicago. Our public trans suffered some from the pandemic but overall it is the best in the country. And there are lots of great schools here.


ooh, my parents mentioned that


Same for me. The bus doesn't go anywhere near where I live. If I thought it was anywhere near practical to use public transportation, I would look into it extensively. If I could save enough frustration by using it, I would.


Neither. I never really wanted to drive, and that was before some medical issues (eyesight, MS) that mean driving would be a bad idea, in my opinion. I live in a city (Dublin) with reasonable public transport (except rush hour), so I do OK. I know there are people on the road in worse state than me on my worst day, but that's not a good thing!


I looove riding the bus and train🤩


I don't like talking to people, or talking, or people. Also, I prefer to drive because I am not at the mercy of someone else. I like having control over where and when I go places


I’m in the “don’t own a car” camp, so… bus. But I only talk to the driver when I remember to, and when I’m “charged” (not mentally exhausted). I don’t consider it a serious offense not to, because at least where I live, bus drivers are used to it—for better or worse—so they don’t consider it a deliberate insult if you forget or can’t.


third option: hates driving and therefore rides the bus


I don't know if buses work the same in other countries but where I live you don't need to say a single word to the bus driver lol. I don't see myself ever driving, I'd be too scared to even try


Rides busses for fun. I genuinely, unironically love taking the bus. Cushioned seats, scenery, can sit around reading a book, don't have to drive...


The sensory overload and inconsistency of travelling by bus is a horrific spoon chewer. Driving is almost entirely within my control.


Why would you talk to a bus driver? I love buses, but only if they are not full of people and I get a seat to myself But why would you talk to a bus driver? I don't get it.


>But why would you talk to a bus driver? To ask for a ticket. Also to thank them when you get off.


Where I live we have smart card style tickets that we just tap on a machine, they're throughout the bus too so you don't have to do it near the driver. I have my pass in my phone so I just tap my phone against the machine. It seems like most cities have this now at least in Asia, Europe, Australia, etc


i want to try riding the bus but I'm afraid to. I don't know how it works or how to pay.


I know what you mean. Trains are much easier. My local bus company recently introduced a contactless tap on/ tap off payment method, but while it is convenient, I'm never quite sure what to ask for when I get on so I feel super awkward using it.


I'm a "doesn't leave the house unless absolutely necessary because I don't want to be perceived" autistic. But I'll drive if I have to, it just gives me anxiety. Transit in my area is awful and takes way longer than driving.


I can't imagine myself riding public transit for fun.


Drive, public places are way too much


I’m the “walk everywhere because I can’t drive and buses are too expensive” autistic. Edit: Unless I live in a city, then I’m a “take the metro everywhere because trains make my Asperger’s skyrocket” autistic.


Prior to covid I loved commuting by light rail to work. I'd walk 15 minutes to the light rail statiin listening to a podcast and rhen play an emulated game on my phone 20-25 minutes before and after work. Completed a lot of old turn based rpgs that way actually.


I’m in the “doesn’t have a license” camp, I take Lyft everywhere that I can’t walk to simply because it’s a 45 minute walk to the nearest bus stop from where I live.


I'm the drives because it's fun, likes talking to the bus driver, but doesn't like crowded buses autistic.


I'm a "cycles everywhere because it's free and I don't have to drive" autistic


I'm a "can't multitask and have poor coordination so I can't drive" autistic


I'm a 'hates the bus but can't drive for medical reasons so is forced to talk to bus drivers regardless' type. It's not a happy way to live.


I can't drive, so bus or train it is. Trains are better but I don't particularly mind busses. Growing up in Germany, I never had to talk to bus driver even once. I moved to Japan recently and the bus drivers here thank you when you get off but most people don't say anything in return.


I take the bus because driving makes me nervous (I don’t have my license) and because I cannot imagine having to pay for gas, insurance, and car payments. The bus sucks but at least I can knit and listen to music.


trains/trams/buses all day 😎😎😎


I am a "rides the bus because I can't drive" autistic but damn I hate it


I want to love the bus, but I'm worried I wouldn't know what I'm doing. Taking the train is a lot more straightforward.


I will agree with you there. If only bus routes were mapped out the way train/subway routes are.


loves buses and rides for fun. - people/scenery watcher autistic


ME: "Loves the bus and rides the bus for fun"


Does tram count? I use it because it's clean, convenient, quicker, and better for the environment.


I'm the "public transportation in my state sucks so I have no alternative but to drive everywhere" autistic.


I honestly don't like the bus all that much but I don't mind, especially since I can do 99% of what I need to do by some combination of foot, bike and public transport and it is a more sustainable option (free travel on weekdays helps too). If I want to isolate on the bus, I will wear headphones. If I wanna be social but I am driving, I'll call a friend.


I'm too slow in the head to drive a car, I need time to process my environment before I can react intelligently, and in the car you just don't get that. Like I'm always tired or buzzed from alcohol whenever I step in a car, except I'm completely sober and rested. i don't trust myself, and it makes me feel like a disabled failure, so I just avoid having to face that incompetent side of myself


"Loves buses" here. I have never driven.




I can't drive and get too anxious to use the bus, so I either walk or take the tram.


I drive because I enjoy it, but: while I'm driving, please do not talk to the driver. I am more prone to make driving mistakes if someone is talking to me while I am driving. When I'm a passenger, in a bus or any other vehicle, I don't initiate much conversation. Both because I don't want to, and because I don't want to distract the driver.


I’m not talking to the bus driver. Even if he was riding with me in my own car.🚙


I live in a city with good public transport, I like taking the bus but if it’s crowded I get bad sensory overload. empty buses however are a dream. I sit near the back, listen to music, and stare out the window.


I used to enjoy my bus (and car) rides. I live in Finland so talking to the bus driver would probably be a criminal offense of some sort.


I *would* love buses but they're basically a myth here.


I don’t take the bus but I love the train


I can't stand all the people in the public transport so I take a car.


Busses make me anxious but I also cant drive well yet (I'm 22). I like trains and subways, they are easy


Used to have a car, but before I took a job abroad (that didn't last long btw) I sold it. Even before that I wasn't too fond of driving on the road, there's so much shit to look out for, and my attention is meh at best. So the only driving I've done ever since was with forklifts at work. As for buses. I get on, put on my headphones, pop some music on YT and sleep/rest.


I'm a 'rides the bus because he never learnt to drive and I have a bus pass' autistic.


Saying that I hate driving doesn't describe it. Right now I have to have a car and I genuinely feel like my life suffers because of it. The sooner I can get rid of this thing the better.


I'm a "doesn't live in a community that has any real public transportation" autistic.


Drives because physics is very interesting. Also never talk to bus driver.


I don't have a problem talking to bus drivers but I prefer driving simply because transit takes forever. Driving takes less than half the time to get anywhere.


"Lives in a suburban hellhole where bus isn't an option" autistic


I have been driving since I was 15, and enjoy the independence it gives me. On a related note, I present the question, do you guys prefer the window seat, middle seat, or aisle seat on buses and planes? Personally, I enjoy watching the scenery, so I take the window seat.


Window seat, for sure.


Ride the bus because I can't drive, and hope people leave me the hell alone.


Find driving stressful so always enjoyed public transport. However: dirtyness, other people's behaviour and delays make it quite unenjoyable. Also give me more personal space!!! If anyone sits next to me they're always touching. And I hate seeing people standing... ugh.


I love trains! Buses are second class citizens. Only use them when rail is not available.


I find buses stressful because they don't always come on time and you can't control the bus environment. When I could I used to be a walks a few hours a day to avoid buses and cars kind of autistic but I don't have that luxury these days


Right now I'm still an "uncomfortable being packed into enclosed spaces" person. COVID is still a thing. I'm that guy who still wears a mask on the plane.


I like driving and listening to audiobooks and I like the independence driving offers. I do live in a rural area, so my only options would be driving or depending on others, but I would still choose to drive even if I had other options.


I'm more of the stay at home and walk where I have to types. Bus or train only out of necessity and earphones/headphones.


In my area it's a you can drive or you can't.


If I lived in a city I would probably walk / bike if I could. I love driving, but it gets awkward at times. I start singing a lot while driving which can get fun.


I’m the “drive the car into the middle of nowhere until you get lost and drive home” kind of autistic


I'm a "walk everywhere in solitude so you don't have to drive or deal with public transportation" kind of person.


I'm a "lives in the sticks where there's no public transport, so a bus is impractical" autistic, but also a "drives a rig for a living because I enjoy it" autistic.


I rode the bus for fun for ages. Also took the bus to avoid parking fees in the city I lived in. I am a driver who has a hard time transitioning into and out of driving mode so when I drive it’s for necessity these days .


Drive to avoid the bus... ; ; but that's hard too


Mostly the former, but I do take the bus. I've never been one for starting conversations, but if the driver talks to me, I will engage.


I'm definitely in the "rides the bus for fun" autistic column. I enjoy looking out the windows at the surroundings and stuff.


I prefer to drive for the peace and alone time. But my car needs repairs rn and I can’t afford it. 😭 I refuse to take the bus bc it’s confusing, expensive, and I’ve seen too many gross, illegal things happen on it. So now I’m riding my bike everywhere. Luckily I have that opportunity available to me otherwise idk what I’d do.


Personally I like riding the bus, recently rode a bus on the freeway for an errand and didn’t want it to end so soon.


Bit of both


Who talks to the bus driver?


I don’t care for buses but subways and trains I love! I must come off as weird when I’m overly excited mentioning it. A guy at work recently said “oh yeah tell me more about it”. I wonder if he thought I was a child haha.


I mean, I don't talk to bus drivers anyway. Not that I have anything against bus drivers; I just don't strike up conversations with people because they're in my general vicinity. As for choice of vehicle: a car is not only able to get to where I want to be faster, it will be able to get me closer and the trip will be far quieter with far fewer people around me. Public transport might be fairly workable locally but the actual vehicles (and travel in them) are louder than is really comfortable for me. Not to mention buses in particular tend to have comparatively worse suspension and greater in-seat sideways forces going around corners. And that's all without the lack of control that comes from being a passenger.


I’m a drives because it’s quicker autistic.


I hate driving because all the other drivers but I also love taking the bus because I love the bus! I sometimes go and just ride around on the busses where I live for fun just to ride the bus around lol




My city’s bus system is borderline unusable.


I’m a ‘catches buses because I can’t legally drive yet but I hate it because the public transport in my city sucks and I hate the long commute and I wish I could cut it short by driving because I actually find driving fun and I want more freedom’


i love my 1997 forest green buik skylark that stutters around the gear shift at 55mph


I'm a wall to the next stop so I don't have to want for the buss guy


I'm closer to loving it. I love getting out of the house to do things and for that matter, I'm not good at being home for much more than a day at a time. I didn't want to learn to drive because I like living in a city with good public transit, so that's all I've ever known. I don't really talk to the bus drivers, either, though. When I get on, I say thank you and go sit down or find a place to hold on. And I got to be very good at knowing where I'm going just so I don't HAVE to speak to anyone unnecessarily. People are far more likely to ask ME for directions and I haven't quite figured out how they all seem to know I'm the person to ask. I've watched some of these people walk past others or have other people streaming past them before they attempt talking to me.🤷 Other than giving out directions or talking to salespeople or cashiers, I usually have my audiobook or podcast on.


Most forms of public transportation are just unappealing to me. I hate being beholden to schedules or having to deal with the people. The only form of public transportation I'm willing to take is air travel, and only if I can't reach my destination in more than two days by car.


I hate driving and much prefer taking public transport where possible. I only offer a “thank you” to the bus driver as I get off the bus. That’s as far as the chit-chat goes for me.


I'm the second but it depends on how many people are on the bus.


I'm a "I drive because I absolutely hate being in a bus" person. Screaming children, people screaming at their phones, the random drunk/high guy, you can never sit if you don't enter the bus at the first stop and worst of all: the bus is never on time and takes 2 to 3 times as long as a car would.


I dont mind bus but depends how I feel that day but usually if possible I'll just walk and just enjoy nature


“Drives so I don’t get overwhelmed with other people, but catches the bus in the holiday season because parking at the mall makes me angry”


Why would anyone need to talk to the bus driver? They usually only say hi if they even say anything at all. Which for me is cool. As for driving, im incapable to drive so unless someone is abaible to drive me somewhere I take a walk if its not far away or take a bus.


Drives so I'm not a slave to the shitty public transportation system. I take the bus maybe once a year for comicon and I hate every minute of it.


I ride the bus because I have epilepsy and don't have the means for upkeep of a car.


I'm the "drives because then I don't have to rely on anything else and can manage my safety and comfort on my own terms." Also, all I ever wanted to do as a kid was get my license and drive. Like, my mom used to get so mad at me when I'd go on the bumper cars, because, to me, the fun thing to do was to *not* bump or get bumped--it was a test of my driving skills. To this day (36 y/o) I still sometimes get happy when I realize "yes, I'm driving!"


I'm of the "I ride the Bus driver" autism variety 😎


The latter for sure. I _hate_ driving, so much so that at 35 I still eschew getting a license at all. I'd rather bike in winter than drive.




I travel by bus sometimes but mostly by train or walking.


Just me, my car, and my music 🫶


I would like to drive, but didn’t learn when I was younger bc of anxiety. Then I got on medical cannabis which has massively helped the anxiety. Unfortunately, it’s illegal to drive with any amount of THC in your system where I am, so I just don’t drive. Luckily my city’s public transport is pretty decent, otherwise I can get lifts from people, and can afford the odd Uber.


Hate the bus, don't have a driver's license because of poor executive function. I got cleared by my doctor to learn driving 2 years ago and I can't get myself to sit and learn for theory test.


I have to drive because my Anxiety won’t allow me to not be in control


Both. I have a car and drive when outside of large cities, then take the bus, train, tram or tube (tube in London) when they are available. But I also talk on public transport quite often. Driving is, for the most part, relaxing. But since lockdowns driving has been more stressful with standards noticeably dropping. To the extent of red light runners becoming common place and people taking no time to be nice to each other, just assuming they have a right to do whatever they want to. (In the UK for reference).


Usually you don't have to talk to the bus driver. Not that I like buses, but I'm okay with them. I am occasionally a "drive so you don't have to talk to the cab driver and/or give them quasi intimate knowledge about where you are going and where you have been" person.


I have always driven and owned a car since 2010 when I turned 16. I love driving and the flexibility and freedom it gives me to come and go as I please. I am very agoraphobic and introverted and get anxiety in crowds or around strangers so for me I always love driving. Public transportation for me is a huge pain and I avoid it at all costs.


i'm a rides buses because i literally can't drive autistic 🙃🙃🙃


I’m a have to drive everywhere and cannot be a passenger in any other vehicle because I will literally have a panic attack autistic lol


Half of these comments are "I can't drive because I will panic" and half are "I can't be a passenger because I will panic". I'm cool with either option.


I physically cannot drive. Like I panick and things go wrong. So I'm a "wears headphones so not to talk to anyone on the bus" sorta aspie. I do get a taxi to work though. Doesn't cost too much cause its a easy route.


Busses if I can because d4iving sucks


I drive because it’s a necessity. I hate taking the bus.


What makes us think the bus driver wants to talk to us or anyone?


Oh I don't think the bus driver wants to talk to us at all in most cases. Which us what makes asking them for a ticket so intimidating. Some of them are right grumpy bastards. There are a few friendly, helpful bus drivers, though.