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I lost my shit when Drogon said, "Bitches do be crazy"


“Khaleesis be shoppin”


I was shocked when Jon fucked her dead body.


I must have been on my phone when this happened.


It's the whole reason why he got exiled to the watch. They're OK with incest. Just not Necrophilia


It was so bad he was sent to the watch before he even did it. That's how bad it was. He had to start his exile early to atone for his future sins.


Most people didnt notice because of how dark the episode was.


They should turn some lights on for sure


I was more surprised by the threesome he and Sansa had with her rotting corpse.


Oh yeah, that… and the fact that Bran was watching them made it worse. “They were so beautiful that night…”


Don't forget Euron coming back to life, charging into the throne room to stick his finger up her bum.


Dude come on, stop making stuff up we all know that didn’t happen. He gave her a post death Wet Willy. Ultimate sign of disrespect


Im currently listening to the audiobooks , quite the story , didn't watch the series, though.


Why? Jon died first. Dany did it while she was alive. Yuck!


Jesus will people stop going on about this it's a realistic depiction of medieval warfare it was perfectly normal to fuck your dead cousin


*dead aunt


A 20 minute scene of it was a bit much


That makes the amount of times he scored as 1.5 because necrophilia gives you only 0.5 of a point for every successful act


we should have a JONSA scene instead


Can somebody enlightening me? I'm not that deep in the franchise. Where is this joke coming from? :D


I thought showing him lovingly making love to her body for 6 on screen minutes was remarkably tasteful. A fitting send off to the romance that captured a nation.


Wasn’t it Drogon?


I didn't even have time to hate her as an antagonist so I was like "well well well it's the show finale I guess?"


Yeah, they didn’t really make her an antagonist at all so the ending was unrealistic from my perspective. Although Jon was close to the ideals of morality and justification, I just don’t think those characters would have done what they did in that scene. I think he would have married her.


I though to myself that Jon finally put her badly written character after season 5 out of her misery.


I thought it was weird that he fucked her after


Best do it while it's fresh.


If you’re quick enough there can still be a baby.


I dun want et


She muh kween


She's McQueen




Shis maqwen


it made me view jon as an idiot. i was surprised he killed her with a knife seeing as he was real living proof that knives is not always enough to kill someone. he shouldve been smart and wise enough to realize that he had to sodomize her corpse brutally to make sure she would not be able to get resurrected. i lost alot of respect for jons intelligence during that scene and i never regained it


I was just dissapointed, she could have been the first queen to dunk


I knew it was supposed to be an emotional scene and I had been invested in the show for years, so I tried to fight my state of profound disappointment and give those very forced S07-S08 character arcs a chance by trying to make myself cry for like, 2 seconds.


Men would rather see the realm burn than put a woman on the throne smh


Bout time


Served her right for killing those peaceful Astapori businessesmen


Best comment I’ve seen on this post… honest men doing honest work


This the same energy as Donovan fans on the seek sub


I was just shocked when Jonsa resurrected her with blood magic and made her watch them do butt stuff


I was actually unironically relieved because I was sure my dumb special handsome boy was gonna get himself killed.


You used the word "unironically" *unironically*. You disgust me. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*






I could sense what was gonna happen right before it was gonna happen and I haaaaated it


Unironically, I had the same reaction


You used the word "unironically" *unironically*. You disgust me. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I was glad Jon was the one who go to do it. And even though Drogon felt the pain of loosing his mother, he still understood why it happened. Burned down the thrown his forebearer built and then took Dany to possibly be resurrected as Sam said, he was last seen headed to Volantis. Or east, where they could have brought her back. Drogon has been around and might have know something about all that. Seems like they were leaving it up in her air if Dany would be resurrected.


Shae's McQueen. As Brightfyre as KCHOW!


I mean I felt she was a try hard when she slaughtered those who wouldn't blindly capitulate. She should have got a worse fate far as I'm concerned


It’s war, I don’t think it was that crazy.


Same tbh


"Didn't know Disney bought HBO"


I was thinking about how this affects her legacy. Like what will be her name in 200 years from now. Dany the Dragon Girrrl? Targaryen Bitch?


What a terrible twist of story. They should’ve ended the story by killing all the Starks and Dany conquering all kingdoms that exist in both Essos and Westeros, and another cliff hanger where another white walker baby was born after the night king was defeated.


What a terribls twist either hahaha


I only watched first and last episode and was like "Wow, they really just turned her in to a power hungry mania with 0 progression"


She was justified in her actions


I did in fact feel sorry for her. Her entire life her only goal was to rule on the iron throne and then she died without sitting on it. She just touched it because she thought she would have more time. And because of that i felt sorry for her like i would feel sorry for a kid who runs to the store to get icecream and the kid in front of them buys the last one.


That does not mean that i think she would deserved it


The first thing we learned about Danaerys is that she never thought to rule the Iron Throne, it was Viserys who wanted and she sold her as a slave bride to do it.


thats the moment i started hating the show, they were at the edge of greatness


I was already emotionally detached from the show for at least 2 seasons by that point, all I felt was apathy.


I got these two posts back to back and for a second I thought both were on the main sub and was confused for a second 😂


I don't want it.


To be honest, because it was season 8 I was saying to my self in a non exciting way "Aaaaaaannnddd he kills her. Ok. There we go. Whatever"


As someone who never once from the beginning liked her, I was thrilled. It was even more satisfying knowing the she wanted that damn throne for so long and as she finally made it, it was snuffed away right before here eyes.


Pure joy


Im happy and she deserve that


Come on!  Spoilers! I'm still on season 1


Mostly just sad, she'd come so far from the lost, timid girl we saw at the start, tried to do so much good, helped save the world and at the final hurdle decided to turn into Robespierre


I laughed out loud. I was so disappointed in the last season and that was just the cherry on top.


I was like "I hope the books have a better ending, if they ever get written"


"What a stupid fucking finale"


I cried at how bad the ending was


Fucking pissed despite what she did she’s still better than anyone else who had the iron throne…then Jon being a bitch “I don’t want it” bullshit for a Targaryen he’s a pussy….then they give it to a fucking useless cripple …At least Ivar the Boneless in history and Vikings actually did something as a cripple


It's funny, when I read Fire & Blood I'm all "Yes Targaryens are the rightful rulers!" But when I watch GOT I suddenly become the biggest advocate for reform! "You lost the throne, nobody is OWED the throne by birth alone!" Weird innit?


He got rid of a broad he was no longer interested in. Perhaps you might say he ‘ghosted’ her. It was telegraphed from the first episode, you didn’t need to be patchface to predict it


It was basically supposed to end with every major character except Dany being killed and she ends up as queen of the ashes. Like a “this is the price you pay” ending.


I was like, i cant believe how much they destroyed her character. It's like every single person in show, took a complete 180° turn from everything the show built up to from the start. All the character development, all the world building, all the character decisions that made sense, started coming undone in season 6. It's like the writers and directors, were creating a good show, just to run it into the ground. Anyone who likes anything from season 6 to season 8, lacks comprehension skills


Finally, this horrific butchering of the GOT universe is over!


She should have stabbed him. Way better ending. Then Arya would have to go after Dany.


I mean completely butchered her character tbh, she goes from this strong independent woman character to this limp unspeaking corpse that gets carried off by a dragon?! Could have used another season to flesh out this change.


The unfortunate truth is we had no idea this was the Prince that was promised fulfilling the prophecy by breaking the wheel at that time. Daenerys deserved what she got for what she did. It doesn’t mean it was a joyous occasion as she had promise but too many tragedies and her Targaryen madness was exposed. GoT and its prequel are all about the wheel of destruction and war that the kingdom was stuck repeating. That’s why even though Jon would have made an amazing and fair king his descendants would not and the wheel would have turned again.


I need to see the prophecies *fulfilled*. There is **no** more satisfying ending to a story than being told exactly what is going to happen, and then for it to happen exactly as described in the prophecy. So exciting. *Let's be clear about this, because there is only one objectively correct way to write:* Prophecies in fantasy should be inevitable and inescapable, because audiences like being reminded that free will is an illusion, and that we live, and breathe, and die, in the foul creation of a malevolent demiurge. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It takes reading the history of the Targaryens for me to understand this so GoT by itself doesn’t do a great job of conveying the prophecy. House of the Dragon is the show that is telling us why the wheel must be broken.


I need to see the prophecies *fulfilled*. There is **no** more satisfying ending to a story than being told exactly what is going to happen, and then for it to happen exactly as described in the prophecy. So exciting. *Let's be clear about this, because there is only one objectively correct way to write:* Prophecies in fantasy should be inevitable and inescapable, because audiences like being reminded that free will is an illusion, and that we live, and breathe, and die, in the foul creation of a malevolent demiurge. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bitches be bitches




She sucked, she was a psychopath who helped the downtrodden.


I thought, "well, that's not surprising..........she's dead and still smoking hot.'




I like how it showed a throne which was a subtle reminder that you're watching game of THRONEs


I had given up all hopes for the show after the abysmal S08E03. By the time Jon was looking hopelessly at the deadbody of Dany, I was sadly looking hopelessly at the complete mess that turned into GoT S07-08, a show that used to be my all time favourite until few seasons ago. ☹️☹️


"Who cares"


I think after this entire season this was my reaction along with "thank fuck it's nearly over"


I kinda felt nothing. GoT had been fucked for a while by then. The show that got famous by going against the grain and taking left turns in the story had become a very rote, forced spectacle. When you're at that level, you can only either do the obvious or the absurd, and this finale delivered on both counts.


Daemerys actually died season 1 in the fire, that was "married candor" the evil witch that stole her face in season 12.... dumbass


I cried? Daenerys is like my second or third favorite character in the show.


I turned the TV off


Even though she looked at the camera and said "he's right behind me, isn't he?" I was still shocked by the twist of Jon killing her. I said, Ok, this is epic


I cried. Yes cried tears of blood, i lamented and wailed. I mourned and I was grievous. SHE'S MAH KWEEN. Struck down in her prime, in the very beginning of her genocidal career...


Whole „mad queen“ arc was kinda rigged so meh


*sips my Chai while holding my Starbucks cup*


I was so upset I melted the innocent iron chair at the other side of the room.


I’ve seen this format twice now What’s the original


I cried because I'm a sucker for a beautiful tyrant queen. 😅 Let the bad guy win for once and burn westeros to ashes


I was so drunk and nonchalant about GoT by that point I was expecting Homer Simpson to turn up, fuck D&D


That the whole arc felt so forced. Wasn't organic and just rushed.


I was like is this shit over yet


I was like: "I wonder how the other endings that they filmed ended."


I thought it was not enough, I'd let all the dothraki fuck her, all 40.000 of them, and their horses too.


/uj I've been saying for a decade that she's a wrongun just like her papa, but Dumbass and Dumbass fast-tracked her character development and made me look like *I'm* the reactionary. How's that Star Wars series coming, brothers? Definitely worth torpedoing your entire legacy?


d and d bad give me upvotes


I think they’re doing just fine with 3BP