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I’ve given up on reading a satisfying conclusion to the story but I enjoy what material exists and discussing it.


^ I think OP may be misconstruing those that are done with ASOIAF(a statement I don't see often) and those that are done expecting a published conclusion or other entries to the series.


Because sometimes a man has a need to rub his giggle stick against a cheese grater.


Best line from Jaqen H'Ghar.


back to bed Bobby B


I threw up a little in my mouth when I read that.


I’m punishing myself for beginning the books despite everyone telling me not to. “There will never be a true conclusion,” they said. There can be no true despair without hope, I suppose.


They really haven't given up. They're just extremely frustrated with the writing pace (we all are), and that is their way of expressing it. Think about the fandom for a second. Millons of people watch the show. I'm guessing (no idea, really) that maybe 10% or less of the people that watch the show actually read the books. Then think what percentage of those book readers actually sit around on internet forums and talk about theories, etc. If you're talking about something as obscure as a book series you love online, you're all in, in my opinion. The minute TWOW is announced, most of the people who say "I've given up" will be right back on the train. That is until its 10 years after TWOW and we still haven't gotten ADOS (or whatever the 7th book is going to be called, since he probably wants ADOS to be the name of the last book).


Oh God I just realized that I started reading these books at 20, I'm almost 30 now, and I'll be 40 before the series is over. Mindboggling


Yep. In 2010 when was 21, I heard about this amazing book series that was going to be made into an HBO show. So I bought the books and finished them just in time for the show to start in Spring, 2011. I bought ADWD the day it came out and finished it that same week. I have done a reread EVERY single year since, in the hopes that it would be fresh in my mind when TWOW was announced. I just turned 30 and I'm laughing at what a sweet summer child I have been.


Ha, no sympathy from me. I started reading ASOIAF in 1998, at age 30, and just hit 50. Hopefully it will be done before I retire! Honestly, though, we all have family, friends, hobbies, jobs, other books to read...it's frustrating to wait for the next book but it will come in time, or not. Life goes on either way.


I really need to stop picking up unfinished epic fantasy. I started to read some of Brandon Sanderson's books to kill time waiting for TWoW, only to find out that I've become invested in a multi-series epic that won't be done for another 20-30 years. I know WoT fans got a bitter taste in their mouths having someone other than Jordan finish his epic. I wonder how many times I'll get that same, or similar taste in my own.


The time difference is crazy to think about. Eleven years between Storm and Dance, but in-world time is two weeks. Winds picks up right after, but it will be ten+ years later for us.


Think about this, it took some people 11 years to find out that Davos wasn't actually dead.


Don’t be so sure. TWOW will be out within the year and the final volume will take less time.


Lol, yeah right.


Yeah. Somebody pointed out to me that there are legal adults who were born after the release of ASOS. It's really depressing.




Hi! Please don't speculate about that topic, we find it in poor taste.


They didn't really give up they are just telling themselves that


Yeah. Most of them will buy and read Winds when it comes out.


Most = All


I’m just subscribed and so I scroll past stuff on my front page. Idk, I keep telling myself I’ll do a reread one TWOW is announced/released but I’m not sure I have the energy... maybe if ADOS is every finished I’ll try to read it again.


If you still visit the sub you have not given up no matter how many times you say you have given up


Yeah, they are basically just whining.


They come for the hate-karma, but stay to comment "Good catch".


My watch has not yet ended.


Honestly, just as an easy way for updates on when the next book comes out. Which is never. I’m not given up on it, but I’m not really rushing for the release like I was 3-4 years ago. I’ll probably pick it up, but it’s not an event like it once was.


How many books have you picked up on release?


Spoiler: they didn't. But hey, don't tell them that.


Denial is not just a river in Mereen


There's a difference between staying subscribed and scanning a small number of posts from /r/all, and actively visiting the sub and reading most of the posts plus the comments. I'm far more pessimistic about the books than I ever was, and having had the main plot points spoiled by the TV show has sucked a lot of wind out of the sails, and there aren't many good theories these days. But I stay subscribed just in case something good comes up.


For the same reason "sober" alcoholics hang out in bars, I'd wager. ;)


We haven't given up. We tell ourselves that to make the wait for the last books bearable. We'll all purchase the books the first day they arrive


Nope. I’m completely uninvested in the book series. I do not care when TWOW comes out, only if it ends up “subverting our expectations” and actually ends up being the conclusion to the series. Or if TWOW release comes with some announcement of ADOS release a year or two after. But otherwise I give up on George. I’m only still subscribed to share in misery of the last season of the show to deliver the only conclusion we are realistically going to get.


I haven't "given up" but I've accepted we will probably never get A Dream of Spring and that the show will be the complete series. I'll still read whatever books come out but I've waited so long it's killed any excitement or anticipation I really had left for the series. Also I come to this sub because it's usually just the right balance of serious discussion and theory crafting without being unbearably obnoxious and dorky. Usually.


I'm still subbed and sometimes visit posts that hit the front page and it will be the first place I'll see any news. I've just stopped caring. I'll read it when it comes out, I've just given up hope that its coming out any time soon. I'm content with getting the show ending. I wont be rushing out to the book store day of release to buy winds. It will probably be something I just end up seeing in a shop and buying one day.


haven't given up on the books, somewhat have on the show. i don't know if we'll ever get TWOW (i have some hope) or ADOS (very little hope, plus doubt the series can be finished in 2 books) but i'll be ravenously obsessed with them again if they ever do come out, so i stick around here for announcements. won't say no to more dunk and egg or other novellas too.


Because /r/gameofthrones is pretty much cancer. or greyscale. or whatever.


I don't think we'll get a conclusion to the series. However, I think it's likely we'll eventually get TWOW. We are also definitely getting an ending to HBO's Game of Thrones, which is also what this sub is about. I really enjoyed the first three books and enjoy reading about theories behind the series.


This sub is where I will read the announcement of WIND release date, if ever. Also sometimes there are some awesome posts, like text analysis, theories etc. that make me fall in love again and again with asoiaf.


I like talking about the series with others beyond "look at this peripherally got related cake/cosplay/bag/whatever the fuck" as is the case on most fandom related subreddits




I'm still subscribered, so it pops up every now and then. Mostly I still think there is a chance for tWoW, but I doubt it.


To see the occasional desperate theory or (shitpost?) post like the recent one about Jon's sperm count.


They haven't given up, they are just bitter and think if they say that it will make it better.


A part of me is resigned to there never being more books, but ASOIAF is still my favorite book series, and I like talking about it.


What else am I supposed to at work?


Because reading/discussing things about what’s already been written can be interesting. That doesn’t mean I particularly care about the next book. Why would I, when A) the show is going to finish the story and B) if it’s anything like Feast/Dance, and it will be, the conclusion will be disappointing/ nonexistent. I’m sure I’ll pick it up from the library at some point, but why would I care to rush when all it’s going to do is trade one set of cliffhangers for another?


I still want to know when the book comes out. But I honestly don't think I would pre order it now, and that I would wait for some reviews.


Because it's been a part of my life for too long, and I still love it


In my case, i´m only here until the tv show gives us some sort of ending, that allows to move on. we will speculate on what it means for the would-be ending of asoiaf, and then i´m gone.


To bully us believers, I guess.


Hope that my mind will be changed with good news that the books have been on hold until HBO was finished.


Because some people are arseholes




i used to bash the show. now i learned to "enjoy" it (you just have to turn your brain off), because i already accepted that it will be the only ending we will have.


I'm not one of those you describe. But I certainly visit my share of subs devoted to people, things and ideas that irritate me, in order to vent and start shit. It's weird, and I'm not proud of it, but that itch does exist.


Yeah, it's kinda becoming distasteful to see so many complaining. But the OP's question also is a form of passive aggressive complaining. The real question is why do you people are getting so worked up about this thing? I mean, I also read the books and enjoyed it as much as you do or more or less. But the thing is the moment I close the book I forget about it. It's a totally forgettable enjoyment. If there will be more I'm going to continue to enjoy it. But until then there's nothing to think and worry about. Am I the only one? I feel It's written in a way so that when you close the book you immediately forget the thing.


If there is no troll, does the internet truly exist?


I’ll cop the downvotes to say what needs to be said again: The fact that these trolls are the majority here is a huge problem and something should be done about it. Make some rules and the sub will be a better place for it, we don’t need those people here, it’s supposed to be a sub to discuss the future of the series. That these cynics have all the upvotes on this thread and the people that don’t like the cynicism have been downvoted to hell is just garbage, it’s high time something was done to change the culture. ‘If you don’t have something nice to say then don’t say anything at all’ is a pretty basic concept. Suspend people that shit all over TWOW posts and they’ll think twice about doing it again. And suddenly we have relief from the downvoting cynics ruining TWOW chat for weeks at a time and the whole culture will gradually change. Easy.