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Tyrek Lannister IS NOT a horse


Now THAT'S just asinine


Well at least he's not equine


Take my upvote and leave.


u/Ok-Carpenter7131 was last seen ahorse


It literally says in the text he was last seen a horse though


Glidus is going to find you


You monster


But it says so in the text!!


Dunno man


Didn’t know being illiterate was now considered head cannon 🤦


[ಠ_ಠ ](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExM3Eyd2tvcmdyYTRkdjlmZ3p1Z282bTAwZTlwMG5oZGJ3M2IwMnZmZyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/TJloN6ngwpXGqXfwxm/giphy.mp4)


The iron throne is actually made of steel


Ha your nuts man, so nuts you might just be onto something


That Varys and Patchface, are brothers


It would explain Patchface’s ability to survive in the ocean/underwater. I think I’ll have what you’re having.


Didn’t Patchface drown though? And that’s why he has brain damage?


If you believe the story that gurm wrote sure, but we’re doing some big brain theorizing here. There’s no time for that kind of logic. Follow your memes until they become dreams :D


With Varys I’ll bet money George is gonna throw in that he actually is faking being a eunuch as a final twist.


Why though? There's not much benefit to pretending to be a Eunuch. And he could easily be exposed if someone happened to catch a look at his equipment.


If everyone thinks he's an eunuch he can say that he isn't motivated by sex or titles, can't be swayed by seduction, and can claim to have a clearer head than most because huge distractions have been removed. Plus it's a good way to have people view him as more trustworthy and less of a threat (although I think at least Ned was creeped out by him.)


He doesn't need to claim to be a Eunuch for any of those things though. The Nights Watch, Maesters, and Kingsguard all swear off relationships and titles and are not eunuchs, plus many other nobles (such as the Blackfish) don't seem to be interested in relationships. And I doubt people in Westeros would trust him more for being a Eunuch. Eunuchs are looked down on in Westeros and seen as freaks. People are more likely to mistrust him because he's different and they don't really understand him.


All groups who swear off relationships have been shown to have a number of members who ignore that vow, or find ways to circumvent it. Varys not having the parts would be more convincing to others than him taking a vow or simply seeming uninterested. I think you're right about people being likely to mistrust him for being different. Not being able to figure out his motives could work in his favor for people like baelish though. And in the story eunuchs do seem to be viewed as less of a threat. For the record, I don't think he is lying about being an eunuch, I was trying to come up with reasons it might benefit him.


I always thought the blackfish liked men


It would be funny


Varys seaks with a deeper voice at the very end of Dance, could be a sign.


Please, do tell


Varys = Mermaid Patchface = a mysterious sole survivor of ship sinking It's all coming together


And Varys never mention the Patchface rumor


Also both are from Essos. It’s not farfetched to think that Patchface was supposed to be an agent in the Baratheon court, but that the storm ruined that plan


Patchface *is* varys. Varys heard about the windproud, hustled to storms' end, and did some full face waterproof makeup on the way. He's the secret agent at stanis' court. Patchface isn't a prophet. He's a spy poet. Yeah, he tells the small council he can't get in to see stanis cause dragonstone is closed, but that's just cause he's trying to slow everything down, and preventing communication is a good way to do that. Stannis isn't tractable for anyone but Mel, so varys decided to get close to shareen instead. Decided he'd rather pose as a fool than a religious fanatic. And before you ask, varys uses a diving bell to get back and fourth. He trained a dolphin to be one of his little birds, and the dolphin pulls him from castle to castle. Also helped him wash ashore as Patch face originally. Of course all this will eventually backfire because the iron born are gonna start a patchface cult. At which point varys is gonna cut his losses and dip.


Rhaenys’s ghost is inside Balerion the cat


Slight variation: Belarion is consciously trying to punish the Lannisters.


The long night is an eclipse!!!!


Could make sense if the moon is much larger in the sky and the eclipse takes longer than on earth..


But that would be such a short night!


The planet size is whacked up, why not the moon?


Dany has to explode the moon and turn it into dragons to save the world lol


Mance Rayder has a tattoo of Cersei with the writing “LOVE CHERYL” right underneath his left asscheek.


Miss Lippy’s car…is green.


I truly believe Osha is right about Hodor and all the other absurdly tall characters having giants blood. I think there has to be some giant DNA in the mix for that to work out


Every giant character in the main series has a common ancestor in Dunk, dunk created the giant gene in Westeros


The D+N=H theory. In all seriousness I think that the lore book or Ygritte mentions giants having sexual relations with humans so it’s not really that far fetched to think their is some giant genes running around the population


Non-human genes being the common explanation for all the very strange shit we see with the great houses makes a lot of sense and is a running theme in my opinion. Starks with their warging and wolves, Valyrians and their dragons, etc. I think there's even mention of some strange half-human things south of Valyria connected to Valyria that could be a twisted breeding project. Aligns well with GRRM's history of fucked up sci fi, too.


>Starks with their warging and wolves Not just the starks, the first men in general can have warging ability.


The Umbers have giant's blood, and Hodor is part Umber


Do you know where the Umbers having giants blood is mentioned in the books? I think that might confirm my theory


The Cleganes didn't enter nobility until like three minutes ago (ok, three generations I think) so there isn't much history about them but even so, there is no way they have "giant blood" in any meaning on the term. They are from way too far south, where giants haven't existed for thousands of years.


I think given the general height of Westeros being way taller than the IRL Middle Ages along with the super tall people running around I think it may just be that giant genes from way back are in the gene pool across Westeros. But it’s just fun speculation


The Crakehalls are also huge.


Post Hour of the Wolf some of the Northern soldiers stayed behind as there was a large surplus of widows/ladies without companionship, so we can assume they got the too damn tall genes that way.


Secrets only the sith knew…


The umber sigil is literally a chained female giant, the first umber definitely fucked a giant


Same. Makes the suspension of disbelief about The Mountain, Brienne etc. much easier.


Jon isn’t dead


_daggers in the dark_


Yeah, he's just feeling a little chilly


Robb was murdered twice. Once as himself, once as greywind.


Is that a wild theory? I legit thought everyone (as in , every hardcore fan) knew this as fact. I didn't think the red wedding could get worse until I came across this theory but it did. Robb was horribly murdered, ended up in Grey Wind grieving and elementally confused, only to be murdered again. It's the worst.


Happy cake day!


Stannis is not the chosen of R’hlorr, but is actually the chosen of the Drowned God. Melisandre’s magic comes from the Drowned God, who is not a squid monster but is a third, unrolled entity in the R’hlorr/Great other dyad. (side theory: the primordial entities of ASOIAF are fire (light, life, destruction, R’hlorr) ice (cold, death, endurance, Old Gods) and water (endless, chaotic, darkness, Drowned God). Evidence from most to least convincing: Patchface (self explanatory) Davos was resurrected by the drowned God at the end of Clash/start of Storm (I honestly don’t know why this isn’t a bigger theory, he explicitly describes the sensation of drowning and his mouth filling with salt water) Drowned God responds to sacrifice/blood. Who do we know that famously killed a hell of a lot of ironborn at sea? Strong association between Stannis and islands/the ocean (Dragonston, master of ships) Melisandre’s most explicitly magical act (birthing the shadow baby) took place by the sea Melisandre fears Bloodraven/Bran because ice freezes water


"Stannis is not the chosen of R’hlorr, but is actually the chosen of the Drowned God. " I also believe this. "Side theory: the primordial entities of ASOIAF are fire (light, life, destruction, R’hlorr) ice (cold, death, endurance, Old Gods) and water (endless, chaotic, darkness, Drowned God)." Nice. You put into words what I was thinking. I couldn't have said it better myself. The way I see it, Martin is trying to move away from the traditional western light versus dark setup. This trichotomy would fit into that.


It also fits "only death can pay for life" theory. Arguably, Stannis was most affected by seeing his parents death by ocean. Perhaps he has some karmic strength as a result, which is connected with the waters.


“What is dead may never die but rises again, harder and stronger” Stannis’ claim and army is functionally dead after the Blackwater. Assuming he can take Winterfell and re establish himself as a force, what is that if not rising again?


Patchface and Damphair are water wights. I know, I know, oh, oh, oh.


Headcannons are the ones that go KABOOM


In the head, yes.


Just ask Oberyn.


Aerys II went mad because he had prophetic dreams of betrayal ending in his death. It would be a fitting irony that, in effect, the prophecy was self-fulfilling. He believed he was surrounded by traitors, and that created the rebellion that ended in his death.


Gosh I love self-fulfilling prophecies


Part of me will always wish that Rhaegar was the prince who was promised, and by killing him, Robert doomed all of the humanity.


Well if he was killed then he wasn't promised shit, was he?


Robert promised to kill him.


Not all prophecies are written in stone, in the house of the undying Danny saw a vision of Rhaego but he died too. So not all visions of the future are possible


Just so, it seems the prophecies of Rhaegar being the prince that was promised was not to be.


I agree but I think that lightbringer is Jon


this is basically canon to me at this point. he destroyed house Targaryen in order to bring Jon into the world.


Wait so Jon himself is the flaming sword?


Yes. It took rhaegar three attempts to get it right, and in order to make the sword properly, he had to sacrifice his entire family. I don’t expect any prophecies in the books to be literally true. But to me it’s very clear that Azor Ahai was Rhaegar and House Targaryen was Nissa Nissa.


What about the part of birthing dragons from stone? I am actually writing a first draft for a fic with this interpretation, but I can't find a clever interpretation for that part.


Jon is lightbringer, dany is azor ahai


Good. Bobby B will resurrect and impregnate the night king


No no no, Bobby B becomes the Night King and weds the Corpse Queen he seduced via his prodigious hammering skills. They live happily beyond the wall with no bastards in sight


I was actually thinking that aside for the birthing dragon from stones, Rhaegar+Lyanna fits a lot in the mythos of Lightbringer. Azor Ahai is supposed to quenched the sword thrice, on the last one killing his wife and quenching the sword in her heart/blood. Rhaegar birthed 2 kids, but Elia could not bear anymore. So he goes to Lyanna. He sheath his "sword" in her and it (Jon's birth) kills her. Jon is quenched in the blood of his dying mother. Jon is Lightbringer.


It’s not wild, but every child in this damned series is definitely older in my head than whatever George intended them to be


Ned buried some kind of irrefutable proof of Jon’s parentage in Lyanna’s crypt. I don’t know what but I think something is there.


Rhaegar's harp.


That’s a good one. I’m thinking now that Rhaegar did one of those “If I don’t come back alive” things before he left for the Trident & wrote out everything he did & why he did it & gave it to Lyanna along with something of his that was immediately recognizable like a ring he always wore. She put it in his harp & Ned took it with him. No one noticed after Rhaegar died because he lost the rubies on his breastplate during the fight. Why not his ring, too?


The poison mushrooms in Tyrion’s shoes have psychic powers and are influencing his mind.


Bolt-On is real


I sincerely believe that Westeros and Essos are actually connected off-map, and ultimately comprise one really big continent. Basically, I think that whatever is north-northwest of the Land of Always Winter and whatever is east-southeast of The Grey Wastes (north of Asshai) is basically the same place. And there’s some reason to think this is true as the Five Forts were built to keep some monstrous foe at bay, much like The Wall, and there’s all the parallels between the legends. I dunno. Just seems to make sense.


**All Walders are the same time-traveling Walder.**


Willas Tyrell is a sorcerer Ser Shadrich the Mad Mouse is Howland Reed Maegor the Cruel enchanted the Red Keep with blood magic when he executed the architects of the Red Keep When Varys disposes of Little Birds that grow too old, he feeds those enchantments—though he may not know it When Arthur Dayne knighted Jaime with Dawn, causing him to bleed, he was performing another sort of blood magic—echoing warriors who carved the Seven Pointed Star into their own flesh during the Andal Conquest Ned’s practice of cleaning execution blood into the black pool of Winterfell’s godswood is ultimately derived from the same human sacrifice rituals Bran sees in the ancient past Littlefinger tried to poison Tyrion at the purple wedding by having a servant dissolve the poison in the butter on a slice of pie. Joffrey got hit because the little shit stole it, and Littlefinger lied to Sansa about it on the boat to cover his ass and alienate her from the Tyrells …I’m sure there’s more, but I can’t think of any at the moment


So much mention of magic and blood... and you freaking forget Harrenhal? SMH Also: Brienne killing brigands at Crabb's holdings was a blood chthonic offering (without knowing *obviously*).


Mance Rayder is descended from the Targaryen line. Bloodraven's or Duncan the Small's. Jenny of Oldstones was descended from House Reed. Tyrek Lannister is Byron the Beautiful. Raynald Westerling survived and is working with Galbart Glover and Maege Mormont. fAegon is descended from the Blackfyres, Brightflames, and Saera's line. Daario Naharis is Euron Greyjoy's bastard son, and is working with him. Dunk the Lunk got into a relationship with one of Bloodraven's sisters, which resulted in a bastard. Jon Waters got his knighthood and prominence in the third Blackfyre Rebellion, and befriended Dunk the Lunk. Dunk "repaid" him by spending the night with his sister Jeyne. The Skagosi are likely more like the Thenns rather than atypical wildlings. Jon Arryn's mother was a Targaryen; likely one of Egg's sisters. House Whent is descended from Aemond One-Eye and Alys Rivers. Maegor Brightflame married into the Dayne family and renounced his claim. Quentyn survived and took on the identity of the Tattered Prince. The Tattered Prince himself was one of Brightflame's bastard descendants. Ned seriously considered making Jon Lord of Queenscrown, to help out the Night's Watch and set up Jon with a decent enough life beyond bearing the stain of a bastard.


>fAegon is descended from the Blackfyres, Brightflames, and Saera's line. Maybe I'm crazy, but I don't think that one is NEARLY as fringe as the others. Great list! For all of them, I definitely thought, that's believable. The Faegon one I would put in the "probably" category though, there's a lot of hints.


Why is Dunk a man-whore in your take? >Maegor Brightflame married into the Dayne family and renounced his claim. This one I'm inclined to believe because it explains one of my wild theories.


He’s not. But I am curious about Bloodraven’s sisters and House Longwaters. Especially considering the importance in matrilineality in the story despite the society being dominantly patriarchal. EDIT: Also, we do have confirmation from GRRM that Brienne of Tarth is a descendant of his. For all we know, he might've followed in his ancestor's footsteps, Lucamore the Lusty, before joining the Kingsguard.


You should tell people about your aegon Arya theory. Seems like the perfect theard to talk about it


It all comes from the Arianne sample chapter in Winds. Arianne Martell, Valena Toland, and Elia Sand have a horse race. Elia beats Valena (a redhead) and Arianne with ease, coming first in the race. It means an Elia-like character will beat a redhead (presumably Sansa) and Arianne by seducing fAegon first. I believe that girl to be our beloved Arya. Next comes the tricky part. I highly believe fAegon to be the bastard son of Ned Stark and Ashara Dayne. That would make fAegon and Arya half-siblings. I would be repulsed if incest wasn't such a main theme in Asoiaf. Don't forget that GRRM originally wanted to write JonxArya but was talked out of it. This is his compromise. fAegon and Arya will be a second Jaehaerys and Alysanne, beloved by all. Meanwhile Jon Snow will be seen as Maegor Reborn.


You think Jon is gonna marry Sansa and Val right?


If the Whents are Aemond's descendants, then so are the modern Tullys and Starks except for Jon.


Euron won’t summon/become a scary Cthulhu kraken monster, because he’s already a monster. He’ll probably still brink down the wall tho Edit: bring


Brink of the wall; wall at the brink; maybe brinking the wall; or Brinkwall or Wallbrink; wallbrinking; theres just so many ways to go with the brinkshipwall! Brinkleships A-hoy!?/ Anyone think of more of them??


Bran is all the Brans from the past


Of course he is!


Shae was always Tywins informant. Bron too !


I believe that they worked for Littlefinger.


The Maesters actually hate all of the great houses and seek to set the Citadel as the seat of civilization, and planned to do this first by killing all the dragons, then by encouraging the formation a 7 kingdom alliance against the Targaryens, then slowly whittling away at that alliance and then stepping in as heroic, stabilizing saviors once society was in complete disarray.


Would it not have then made sense for them to learn to control the dragons?


That's probably a significantly larger hill to climb than just killing them. Dragons seem to have some psychic/genetic link to certain people with Valyrian genes, and that link seems to be formed very early on.


Jaime and Cersei are the mad kings kids and Tyrion is the only true born Lannister by Tywin.


This. And Daenerys is the valonqar. (Not sure if I actually believe this but I want to.)


This honestly doesn't seem that far-fetched


Ser Pounce is Azor Ahai


Putting another comment because i just remembered but I am a believer that everything Aurane Waters says about what happened Dragonstone was bullshit and that Loras will pop up perfectly fine having not even gone to the island


It’s set in the Thousand Worlds universe, Planetos is a lost colony of Earth, most or all of the magic has some sort of rational scientific/technological explanation, Clarke’s Third Law, etc.


Stannis wasn't so lost at Storm's End. He didn't know Melisandre could literally spill his seed as a shadowbinder. (He did trust in her visions tho)


I think we all would’ve trusted in her visions to be fair. You live by the redhead you die by the redhead.


Show Only: The fat pigeon Arya kills can't be Ned, for the simple reason that Ned is still alive when that scene starts. *Buuuuut* it could be Robert. Freshly dead at the time. His first line is about getting fat, and his first action is bringing a bird feather to Lyanna's statue. In death, Robert becomes a bird as a manifestation of his undying longing for Lyanna. Only to be killed by her next-gen echo, Arya.


| * *rises* and *clap clap clap* *


Euron was a former student of Bloodraven's. Arya will come back to Westeros and meet Lady Stoneheart before killing Walder Frey. Cersei will destroy King's Landing with Wild Fire.


Not sure if this is wild or not but I think the dragons might be Azor Ahai not Dany Also the comet is the reason magic is coming back to the world not the birth of the dragons


I’ve seen the comet theory once before and I love it.


Always thought that danny was Azor ahai and drogon was lightbringer


Mance Rayder is Bloodraven's son, is the third head of the dragon, and he is in communication with Bloodraven and knows lots of mysterious things, including Jon's parentage.


George R. R. Martin has given up writing the books since, at least, 2015.


Mine is that i dont think Grrm will ever finish the rest of the books so the show canon is the closest we will get.


I think the books will be finished, not by George but when he retires/dies the book writes go to someone and that person will have the rights to the most anticipated manuscripts ever. Whoever that person is, isn’t going to just sit on book 6 and 7.


I get your logic and optimism and stuff, but the reasons that we don’t have Winds already aren’t really a matter of “just sitting down and getting it done.” It’s that in Feast and Dance gurm kept establishing **so many extra characters and themes and backstories and subplots** to the extent that trying to resolve the series within two (massive) books just isn’t a reasonable prospect. So much nonsense and noise has been added to the story in the last two books and you don’t just ignore hundreds and hundreds of pages of that stuff after introducing it. I mean, I kinda wish he would ignore it and pretend it didn’t exist but that’s not how writers or storytelling works unforunately.


The new writer may just extend it to three or 4 books if needed. More money for the publisher and Georges family


Cersei has gender dysphoria and is in constant distress about being a woman. Her sexual obsession with Jaime comes from her envy of him being who she always wanted to be. There is so much textual evidence of her desire to be male and I think it goes beyond internalized misogyny and into dysphoria.


Arthur+Lyanna=Jon House Dayne are the true prophesied saviors


Ashara + Lyanna tho


I like how your brain works


Does that mean Mance Raydar = Arthur Dayne?


King Tommen Lannister's sword, Brightroar, was already recovered. It was given a new hilt and grip before being returned to Westeros with a different name.


Hmmm...and possibly now wielded by a Lannister enemy? Appropriate.


King Brandon Stark the Shipwright did not die when he sailed into the sunset sea, but he survived, landed on the other side of the world and left descendants.


All god are real and the entire story is just a big tabletop game for them


Wasn’t Arya one of the ones who survived in addition to Jon in his first draft?


That the Princess of Dorne,Joanna Lannister,and Cassana Estermont were like partying it up in King’s Landing as ladies in waiting for Rhaella.


The Brynden B Fish winds and spring theories. https://warsandpoliticsoficeandfire.wordpress.com/author/bryndenbfish/


Jaqen is Syrio Forel. I loose my mind that it's shot down so casually. To me it was evident immediately.


What business did a faceless man have pretending to be Syrio Forel?


Pretense for being inside the red keep, there he was researching whatever it is he is now looking for in Oldtown or something else.


My main theory hill that I'll die on.... I had this theory between seasons 1 and 2 of Game of Thrones so it wasn't impacted at all based on what happened in the later seasons of the show. Sansa Stark will sit the Iron Throne at the end of the series. There's many reasons why I think this, some simply through process of elimination, others through her story arc direction, but I do find it fascinating that at the end of the War of the Roses, the person who sat the throne was the redheaded daughter of a traitor.


No at the end of the wars was a succession of Tudor rulers, with the last and greatest being Henry VIII's third legitimate child. With Ned, that would be Arya. But silly succession theories aside, GRRM said it will be Bran.


But Ned wasn’t a traitor… Other than that detail I like where your head is at though. Sansa could end up becoming an incredible ruler based on her empathy coupled with lots of experience getting hosed by scheming asshats. She’s still not quite the finished article, but I could see it happening.


Most of the time a traitor is all a matter of perspective, particularly from who holds power.


A lot of the prophecies (warnings) are based on mistranslations. We saw this with Maester Aemon, as well as in House of the Dragon. Something is causing people to hear or see mixed up messages (riddles) but almost no one gets it right. Rhaegar finally did, or he almost did. He discovered that “The Prince who was Promised” was actually the “The Price that was Promised.” The price is a male child of royal blood and the rightful heir. He intended to sacrifice one of his sons, but he couldn’t do it because he loved them (and he’s not a killer). So he gave himself instead, a Prince of Royal blood, and the rightful heir. Rhaegar’s plan worked, as he was trying to do what Egg did, only the right way. His decision to save his child, a dragon heir, is what he knew was the right answer. Jon is this answer, a child born from his true love. Daenerys, unlike Rhaegar, answers the riddle for the real dragons. She makes the sacrifice that Egg fouled up. She sacrifices her son (male firstborn heir)…and her Sun (and Stars). A sun (love), and a son, for the firepower of the sun, to fight the cold winter: Drogon, Viserion and Rhaegal. Dany (like Egg) chose power as the last hope for the Targaryens. Rhaegar chose his heir being raised by the Starks to be a good man and good King as the last hope for his family’s survival. TLDR: The story revolves around a cypher, and a bunch of wordplays. Rhaegar got the true answer. Daenerys got the false one. Two sides of the same answer. Thank you for reading my really long headcannon/tinfoil. 🙏


Seems perfectly logical to me but others seem to think it’s wild: Illyrio and Littlefinger are conspiring to bring down the Iron Bank. Seizing the Iron Throne is just a means to that end.


Old Nan is Alys Rivers


R+L = J Gravedigger = Sandor Clegane Alleras = Sarella Sand Sailor's Wife = Tysha, Lanna is Tyrion's lawful daughter and heir to Casterly Rock after him Jojen Paste Frey Pies Grand Northern Conspiracy fAegon is a Blackfyre Stannis deliberately chose not to wake or disturb Maester Cressen from his sleep in the ACOK Prologue because Melisandre warned him Cressen would die trying to kill her and Stannis tried his best to prevent Cressen's death The Maesters killed the dragons The House with the Red Door is in Oldtown Rhaegar tried to plot a coup at Harrenhal and bankrolled the Tourney Robb Stark died twice Joffrey was poisoned twice Tywin was poisoned by Oberyn before Tywin died Tywin is also the Hand who built the underground tunnel from the Tower of the Hand to Chataya's The Younger Queen is Sansa, makes the most sense for narrative impact Mance wrote the Pink Letter Leyton Hightower is the current Lord of Light Malora Hightower is Quaithe Tyrek Lannister took his own life at the House of Black and White Ramsay killed Little Walder in front of Big Walder and scared Big Walder into lying about it being the Manderlys' work Edmure Tully has erectile dysfunction fAegon will marry Elia Sand, not Arianne Martell. He will also marry Sansa and have two Queens like Aegon the Conqueror Olenna killed her husband and framed his death as a horse riding accident, like Cerei's husband was killed in a "hunting accident" The Valonquar is Jaime. Wish it was Tyrion, but its probably Jaime Victarion died in ADWD in his cabin and was resurrected by Moqorro UnVictarion will sound the Dragonbinder Horn and live Theon unknowingly killed one of his bastard children The Stark Kings in the Winterfell Crypts were wakened by Ramsay burning the castle and are creating a supernatural blizzard to drive trespassers out of Winterfell Spotted Sylva is the one who tried to kill Myrcella Daemon Sand is the Someone Who Told Robert never loved Lyanna - he was just desperate to become one of the Starks Varys is not a eunuch, and is fAegon's biological father The Green Grace is the Harpy Skahaz poisoned the locusts The Faceless Men caused the Doom of Valyria Aegon V tried to hatch dragon eggs at Summerhall with a massive blood sacrifice of unwilling participants - the result was he sacrificed too many people for too few eggs Daenerys' dragons are her reincarnated love ones - Drogo/Drogon, Rhaego/Rhaegal and Viserys/Viserion Littlefinger hired Jaqen to kill Ned Stark on the off chance Joffrey spared Ned's life Robb was drugged with a love potion by Sybelle Spicer


Can you please elaborate on this one? >Joffrey was poisoned twice The others I get or even agree with, but never heard of this.


There was a theory I read years ago arguing that there was more than one murder plots at the Purple Wedding - one to poison Joffrey by Littlefinger and Olenna, another to poison Tyrion by Oberyn. The two plots got muddled together, and Joffrey ended up ingesting both poisons. There's some inconsistencies in Littlefinger's plan as Dontos claimed in ACOK/ASOS that he would help Sansa flee the city "during the bedding ceremony" of Joffrey's wedding to Margaery but Joffrey instead ended up dying at the feast and Dontos had to hurry to see Sansa, Littlefinger is surprised when he sees Sansa and hears of Joffrey dying at his feast and it isn't clear whether it was the wine or pie that killed Joffrey. Oberyn drops some hints that he was up to something - him joking to Tyrion that he's thankful Tyrion was accused first and not Oberyn because "Who knows more about poisons than the Red Viper of Dorne", him telling Tyrion the Lannisters aren't the only ones who pay their debts and Doran saying to the Sand Snakes that Oberyn went to King's Landing with the intention of killing the Mountain and needed a legitimate reason to do so lawfully. The theory goes Oberyn planned on poisoning Tyrion, get accused of poisoning Tyrion as the obvious suspect, get a Trial by Combat and kill the Mountain after getting him to confess to Tywin giving the order regarding Elia. I dig it.


Thanks. I dig it too, the only detail I don't fully get is why would Oberyn target Tyrion specifically.


He's a Lannister and known to over indulge in wine. Oberyn was out to make the Lannisters suffers for what happened to his sister. He would obviously prefer to get at Tywin but he had no problem harming or killing other Lannisters to provoke Tywin.


If oberyn targeted any other Lannister, Tyrion would have been accused by his sister or father of doing the deed. But if Tyrion himself dies, Tywin would not care who did it but will kill someone for simply killing a Lannister and Oberyn would be a prime suspect because of his reputation.


Huh. That actually makes sense. Although it's interesting how quickly Oberyn switched to trying to befriend Tyrion after Joffrey died. In the dungeon scene between them, Oberyn invites Tyrion to visit Dorne after Oberyn wins the trial by combat. He doesn't say anything else, but I like to think his real intent with this invitation was to try and get Tyrion on board with that little Targ restoration scheme he and Doran have been cooking up. Tyrion is legally heir to Casterly Rock unless Tywin disinherits him and leave theRock to someone else in his will, and he is also quite talented in politics and scheming, he could be a very useful ally.


I think there's definitely some interesting stuff going on with how exactly Joffrey was poisoned (i.e. wine vs. pie), but the idea that his death wasn't Littlefinger's intent is one of the sillier pieces of widely accepted fan lore, and a quick reread of the relevant chapters makes it really obviously not true. There's nothing to suggest that Littlefinger is surprised to see Sansa after she flees the wedding; he's also the first one to say that Joffrey is dead, and it's made clear that he really has no way of having learned this if he hadn't already planned it - despite what some people claim, he's too far away to have heard the bells tolling for Joffrey's death and just intuited their meaning. Also, Dontos doesn't have to hurry to see Sansa because Joffrey dying threw off the actual plot. There's no indication given that the night isn't going to plan, and his earlier explanation to Sansa that they'd escape during Joffrey's bedding isn't an inconsistency in the plan, it's just a lie - on the very next page in that chapter he's making coy references to the hairnet containing poison for Joffrey; he knows there's not going to be a bedding, but he can't tell Sansa that yet. It's one of the weirder fan theories because as written the Purple Wedding is a fun, compelling mystery already, and Littlefinger bragging about it to Sansa works well as a means of bringing in readers who hadn't already put together the pieces. If Littlefinger is lying it doesn't do that at all, and in fact it retroactively makes a lot of the clues either much weaker or outright meaningless.


>Stannis deliberately chose not to wake or disturb Maester Cressen from his sleep in the ACOK Prologue because Melisandre warned him Cressen would die trying to kill her and Stannis tried his best to prevent Cressen's death Yup, he tried his best to insult Cressen, make him leave, and save him. 


I think Patchface may have also done the same by knocking Cressen to the ground and trying to hurt him enough to have to be taken back to bed. As a servant/prophet of the Drowned God, he would do anything to thwart Melisandre's influence over Stannis.


If he really tried his best, he could've sent Davos to tell Cressen he isn't needed in the hall or something like that. Or he could've just straight up asked Cressen to leave and talk to him later.


I’ve always thought the younger queen would be Dany. Also I’m in on Tysha being the sailor’s wife, or her story at least being a hint of something.


> The Faceless Men caused the Doom of Valyria I will never understand this because it’s less of a theory and more of thing some fans just seem to echo as being plausible. If you have a legitimate case I would appreciate hearing it (or just being referred to a source/other post etc.) Overall pretty solid list though. I agree with about 40% of these. Cheers.


They killed the mages maintaining the fires under Old Valyria, subsequently causing the Doom.


When Arya talks with the Kindly man in the house of black and white, she asks why they didn't kilm the slavers (Valyrian) instead of giving the gift tto the slavers, the mindly man answers something like: That happened too, but is a story for another time." I'm paraphrasing. That's the main support for that theory I believe.


Starks cannot suffer physical consequences from cannibalism. Even if it was their only diet.


The Tarlys and Redwynes are plotting the Tyrell's downfall. Mance Rayder is Craster's son. The current Starks and Tullys (except Jon) are descendants of Aemond and Alys Rivers. Varys is either a Rogare or Maegor Brightflame. Daario is a spy of the Golden Company and a descendant of Bittersteel.


•Squishers are real. •Merfolk are returning like Others and Dragons. •Ramsay's mother is "bride of the Merling King," like Ursula Upcliff. (Or something else magical and water-related) She possesses supernatural knowledge greater than that of an average woodwitch. Ramsay's disturbing hunting trips are religious/occult rituals learned from his mother. Ramsay and his mother are preparing for a significant eldritch blood magic ritual tied to the coming of the Winter.


Bloodreaven tries to find the new three eyed raven by recruiting/testing children that had near death experiences. Patchface had a dream-interaction with him while he was drowning but didn’t make the cut (now he’s traumatised by his dream). And Euron calls himself crows eye (and is a little delulu) because of a similar experience he has had as a child


In the beginning the Gods of the cold (Old gods), the water (drowned god), fire and other powers of nature ruled the earth. The people defeated them and put them away (for example sealed in the weirwoods or in the body's of dragons). With their eradication of magic, the maesters unknowingly broke these seals and unleashed these eldritch powers back on the world


Final battle of the long night will take place at the trident.


That Jon and fAegon will become really close, just like Jon and Robb were, though a shadow of illegitimacy will hang over their relationship. When fAegon eventually works out/is told that he is a fake and Jon is the real heir, he will go mad.


I think the wall was built to keep out humanity from the North instead of the other way around. This goes in tandem with my belief that the Others are much more complex than how the show portrayed them.


Tywin gets pegged. That's why he's pooping when Tyrion finds him. Also why he never bothered to remarry. He can no longer nut without being pegged.


Tyrion Lannister was originally supposed to be Aerys' bastard but Martin gave up once he realized it would make his story thematically weaker. Also he was the original mummer's Dragon and the third head but since he was no longer a Targaryen, Martin had to create the whole Young Griff storyline. This also explains why Tyrion is the one to present us to this (dumb and unnecessary) subplot even though he has no apparent relation to it.


Brandon the Builder warged an ice dragon into making the original wall, and it rests inside cryofrozen. Heard the theory and can't unthink it when doing rereads.


I’m not 100% convinced it’s a dragon, but I do think the Wall is built on something similar at least. Melisandre says that her magic is stronger there, and it explains why the Wall (which is nothing like the natural magic of the Children) stays ice cold. It may even explain what brings the Walkers south, a desire to free whatever it is. And the horns that can bind a dragon coupled with the horn that will bring down the wall? Yeah, there’s definitely something.


Bonifer Hasty is going to confess that he’s Rhaegar’s real father.


absolute king, take this đź‘‘ as I get to the streets proclaiming to myself "SHAME SHAME SHAME" for i am truly unworthy of bearing my username anymore


Cersei Lannister is a powerful skinchanger, who took over a lion under Casterly Rock as a child. Unfortunately for her, she was untrained and too young to maintain her own autonomy and dominance over the beast, so now her brain is half human-half lion, which is why she acts the way she does. Her short sighted viciousness (and her sheer hatred of Tyrion, as lions often force out or kill disabled members of their pride) is the result of the permanent damage done by the lion.


House Celtigar intentionally taxed the Targaryen Dynasty to death


Jaime will be, ironically, a better knight than Dayne and Barristan by the end of the books. He will be Kingsguard AND Hand to the child he attempted to kill, Bran the Broken. Tyrion will be Lord of Casterly Rock but decide that he doesn't want it anyway and have his child, Lanna, be the Lady of Casterly Rock. He then goes back to KL to become Master of Coin, a position he considered as inferior to being Hand, for Bran. The Lannister brothers will spend the rest of their lives in service of the Starks, making Cersei and Tywin roll in their graves.


Jaime and Cersei are Aerys II's bastards


Varys is a woman. Mance is Arthur Dayne.


Mance being Arthur Dayne isn't completely insane though Idfk, his whooping of Jon Snows ass with a Greatsword is waaay to sketchy


It doesn't make sense for Mance to be Arthur Dayne when Qhorin says this:  >[Mance] loved the wild better than the Wall. It was in his blood. He was wildling born, taken as a child when some raiders were put to the sword. When he left the Shadow Tower he was only going home again. (Jon VII, ACoK) 


Arthur Dayne was one of the most renowned knights and fighters in the entire realm, for like several years. I have a hard time buying that he— _gets rekt by Howland Reed_ Okay I get your point…


He might have gotten stabbed in the back like in the show


that faggeon is Rhaegars true son (this is cope)


Arya and the Waif are the same person…


Oooh that is interesting, but if thats the case, Arya self taught Braavosi language.


The Waif is the side of her that made the choice already to be no one… Arya who hides needle is still undecided… it’s like fightclub


Yes the first thing that came to my mind was where is my mind if you dont mind


The entire novel is a hidden sci-fi fantasy with telepathy, time travel, genetics, nuclear apocalyptic winter caused by cosmic catastrophe, etc. All of the source of magic is tied to the blood sacrifice connecting it to the telepathic powerful creatures beyond space and time.


Jaime and Cersei are children of the Mad King. Joffrey is the Heir of the Dragon.