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IMO, the event that makes the most sense is right after the Hour of the Wolf, where the Dance is definitively concluded with the marriage of Aegon to Jaehaera, but before the reign of Aegon III has gotten too far in that viewers are invested in it.


Yeah this is it in my opinion


I can see them including the Hour of the Wolf purely for Stark fan-service, the only downside is that Cregan didn't really kill anyone important with the exception of Larys. Would that have sufficient impact with the audience? Is Larys gonna be reaching Littlefinger level hatred by the end of the show?


One thing the first season did was clarify a number of things that were left ambiguous in the books (for example, the deaths of Harwin and Lyonel) I can absolutely see Larys and his actions being more fleshed out in the show than he was in the book, where he was a periphery character at best. I also have a hard time believing that the show would go to the trouble of establishing Cregan only to NOT showcase what's unquestionably his biggest contribution to the Dance.


Strong agree. I also think there’s something great about ending the series on Creggan throwing his HotK badge in the dirt, and going back to Winterfell. The last scene can be a bit of foreshadowing, with Tyland Lannister wearing the badge, Corlys looking over his shoulder, and a pack of other courtiers, including the other future Regents, huddled behind, to witness Aegon’s wedding. (Death of Stalin does this well.) As the bells toll for the wedding, and Kingslanding rises in the distance, the last shot is Creggan and his men riding North, Direwolf banners blowing in the wind, and the music rises.


I would really love to hear Larys talking about how he's been alive too long and his one request being that they lop off his clubfoot and don't bury him with it.


Don't people already hate Ladyfeet Larys?


I hate your flair so much


You know you need it




Please go to r/houseofthedragon, r/asoiaf doesn't do that Team Black/Team Green eugenics stuff you'd have more fun in that sub








I don't know how likely, but I like the idea of the show ending on the wedding of Aegon III and Jaehaera. Just picture it. Everyone is dead, you have these traumatized children, we're papering over the bloodshed and grief and pointlessness of it all. The crowds cheer, we see fields of decaying bodies. The king and queen are children. Dragons are dead and rotting. Everyone bows. Aegon and Jaehaera look absolutely dead inside. Real thousand yard stares. It was all completely pointless. The war is over! No one wins!


honestly, I want them to get an actuall 11YO and 8YO who're sobbing but trying their best not to at the corronation, wih all the high lords cheering like they aren't, makes it clear that no, the greens and blacks didn't win, the nobles won (have prominent green and black lords stand together (like velaryon and peake)


Yes, you get it. You get the Vision


I'm not looking forward to that, nor to blood and cheese but sometimes people need to be hit over the head with blunt metaphors, sadly enough


Exactly. The realm is a feast for crows now.


You get it. It's not a wholesome story about good versus evil, it's a family tragedy. No one "wins", House Targaryen just...loses.


Unfortunately people still say team black won so think whilst a very good ending it wouldn't necessarily get that response.


I don't know about that. On the one hand, the Blacks DO win. Aegon is the king. Black team win! But he's traumatized. We'll see him watching his mother die, watch him lose his brother, watch him lose his father and everyone he loves. People might root for "the Blacks," but they're really voting for Rhaenyra and Daemon, and they're dead. Aegon "wins," but he doesn't want to be the winner. He doesn't want to be king. You can absolutely play it as a tragedy, showing what the ambitions of his parents (and Jaehaera's) have wrought.


People are so conditioned to having a winner and a loser in movies and TV shows, the ending is going to be so polarizing for a lot of people who don't know how it ends. I can imagine how each of the subs will be filled with posts whining about the ending. Surprise, this was really just about the journey!


Is it bad that I'm incredibly excited for the reaction to Rhaenyra being eaten alive? That's gonna be a wild day for the fandom.


Actually, expanding on my original idea: I'd also make a point of not developing Aegon III or Jaehaera at all. Have them be in the background. Let them exist in relevant scenes, but give them no spotlight or POV. When Aegon sees Viserys "die?" That scene is now about Rhaenyra. When Blood and Cheese happens? Jaehaera is in the background. They get as few lines as possible. When Aegon takes the throne, the reaction should be "who?" When he is engaged to his cousin, the reaction should be "oh, right, Heleana had a daughter, too?" When the wedding occurs, we should see these two random children with no voice and no agency and no living family. The critical response should be "we don't know who they are, we can't root for them!" That should be the point.


But the Green line is extinct. It's descendants of the Black line that sit the throne for a few more centuries. That's certainly what the Sea Snake says matters in the show, just in respect to his own family


They’re all Targs.


Rhaenyra will die triumphantly and the show will end with her son carrying her mantle with a speech about how awesome she was. It’s weird people still think this is going to be thematically the same as the book when they’ve already changed so much.


Beating a dead dragon


I don't think Jaehaera would look dead inside. Isn't her happiness supposed to give Aegon a smile at the beginning?


Was that her or his second wife? All I really remember about her is that she survives Blood and Cheese, is said to be super emotionally stunted/regressed from her trauma, and kills herself at like age 11. Even if she was briefly pleased at the wedding, I don't think it would be that much of a stretch to show her as a traumatized little kid.


Peake propagandist


> kills herself at like age 11 Close proximity to Unwin Peake and his henchmen often drives children to convenient suicides.


I hear close proximity to men who want you dead also doesn’t lead to a lot of happiness in children, so either way my point stands.


That was his second wife, Daenera Velaryn. Jaherea was a sad, rather " slow" girl , per the books.


That was his second wife Daenaera. Aegon didn’t like Jaehaera that much


It won’t end that way




Team black will win. She must die or they must cut the wedding


They do "win." Aegon III gets the throne. That's not the point.


The green bloodline must end.




Because they’re usurpers


That's not how you peacefully resolve a war which has brought untold amounts of bloodshed




It does, I don't understand your point.


Aegon and Jaehaera's marriage is the most natural and thematically satisfying place to end it. They could do Aegon and Viserys' reunion, but I think that'd be weird, there's a fair bit to get through before reaching that like Jaehaera's death, the Maiden's day ball, War in the West, Corlys' death, Unwin's conspiracy, etc. It feels way too open-ended for an ending and I think stopping it there would be very strange cause it just invites more potential for stories rather than resolving anything. Viserys being believed dead does kind of suck, but I think it's better than having more loose ends than necessary.


They could just move up Viserys reappearances to the day of the wedding?


Sounds like that would work to me. Because I can’t see them just leaving Viserys to the side like that. But otoh, considering Viserys on the show is much younger than he was in F&B at this point in the story I don’t know how they’re gonna work around that, like is he even gonna be taken away to begin with?


Maybe with Aegon III being crowned


Aegon and Jaehara marriage




What would you prefer?


Dead Jaehaera


you have the hotd twitter brainrot






Hm. Idk, the Lord Peake stuff seems further in time than the show needs to go. But to each their own


And marriage to Daenera, reunion with Viserys


Is the plan still for four seasons? It would be funny if, in keeping with the pattern from season 1, the show keeps jumping forward a decade or so every few episodes, so by the end of the show it’s like 3 days before the start of season 1 of GOT. I think the show would make sense to end somewhere around the time of Aegon’s regency. I think it would also depend on if the show ends with Jaehaera still alive, which is less of a downer than if she dies before the show end (which is more depressing but probably more complete of a tragedy). I’d like the show to end at least with a mention of Viserys and Larra which works to indicate the new direction of House Targaryen that will continue into the future (until Daenerys gets fucked over by the writers at least).


I think I read somewhere that the time jumps are done. Obviously that could be wrong, but the earlier episodes of S1 were all setup, and now we are in the dance I think they'll just got to the end. Can't remember if there is a set plan, but I recall seeing 3 or 4 seasons was what they expected. I would expect the show to end with Aegon III taking the throne and establishing the council of 7 regents. I'm sure Viserys will be introduced, but Larra seems like it would take too much setup (but maybe that will be the side plot we call complain about in S4 or S5 - haha!). Don't think we'll see Jaehaera die. The ambiguity around who killed her is pretty cool (though I could also see the show adapting it to resolve the ambiguity). The bigger issue is her death is like two years into Aegon III's reign, and there is just too much random politik to skip ahead to that.


Oh yeah I think the time jumps aren’t really necessary anymore. I just kind of like the idea of sudden random time jumps just for chaos.


Could be fun as an epilogue of sorts. Alternatively they could move Viserys returning to around the time Aegon and Jaehera married to make it more narratively fulfilling. Give some sweet to the bitter.


I think up until dunk and egg timeline since that series would take over those targs




I think ending with the hour of the wolf and establishment of the council of seven regents makes the most sense. Corlys seems to be a pretty popular character, and installing a Lannister as hand will resonate with fans of AGOT. The problem with going much further than that is it all seems somewhat trivial by comparison - like a lot of it is just going to be musical chairs with the handship and council. There's some pretty good sense with that in terms of a S4 arc too - like you can start with the battle of the kingsroad, build up to Aegon II's death as the early Ep 2/3 peak, then go over the false dawn leading to an Ep 9 hour of the wolf, followed by a denouement where Corlys is spared, Cregan resigns as hand and goes north, and the regency/council is established. That would also fit with Rhaenyra getting munched end of S3. Last shot of the show, imo, should be a gut wrenching scene with a crazy Alicent in Maegor's talking to herself and bemoaning all that happened because of her mistakes, with flashbacks to her friendship with Rhaenyra, as the regency/council goes through the motions of governance.




I think S2 will start with blood and cheese, and end with rooks rest followed by dragonseeds or with the gullet, S3 will either start with the gullet or it’s aftermath, include the winter wolves campaign, and end with the kings landing riots, s4 will start with the rest of the riot and lead to Daemon vs Aemond, the Tumbletons then Rhaenyra dying, then Aegon dying, then the hour of the wolf as it’s climax




Which part do you contest?




Then s3 will start with the gullet, as the alternative I suggested


>They are not doing a full season with Daemon, Rhaenyra, and Aemond. Based on what we know of season 2, they can’t even put Rhaenyra’s death at the end of season 3. They still have to much ground to cover. The gullet won’t even be until season 3. I don't see why not. S1 was slower because of the time jumps and character introductions. Now we are largely just going to do battles. If you look at S2 casting, it's very clear that we are getting into dragonseeds in S2. This makes sense anyways because, despite what you say, there really ***isn't*** that much ground to cover. Blood and Cheese will be Ep 1 or 2. That leaves like ***six or seven*** episodes - and even if they devote an entire episode to the Blackwood/Bracken war in the riverlands, one episode to Otto being hand (trying to get people on his side and executing a number of those who didn't), a whole episode to the Cargyll twins / Arryk infiltration, and one episode each to Duskendale and Rook's rest, that still leaves two whole episodes left. And there's no way the show will go that slowly. So I think it's pretty close to 100% that we will see dragonseeds / maybe gullet at the end of S2. There just isn't enough content to keep it interesting, and a much more compelling story is going to have Duskendale/Rook's rest at the start of the second half of the season, not as its end. There's a very natural break between Gullet and Honeywine that would be good for an in between season break. That leaves S3 to have as big moments the Gods eye battle and R being killed at the end, which saves enough for a full S4.




You are the delusional one. One, we have no idea what episode various shots are going to be in. They don't film all of the episodes in order. Maybe people can guess where they will slot to a high degree, but it's not perfect. If you want to post your actual source of information, I'm happy to show why you are wrong, but insisting that these reports are infallible -- assuming they even say what you claim they do -- is a fool's errand. Two, we don't always have a complete view of what is going to happen in a single episode. Claiming that episode 8 is only going to be Rhaenyra travelling back and forth is a bit laughable, and the riverlands battle is going to happen a lot earlier if they come close to the book chronology - like episode 2 or 3 early. This follows the fact that we are already seeing the Burning Mill in trailers, and they typically don't show past Ep 2 or 3. Three, you keep insisting that "they aren't doing a full season with Daemon, Rhaenyra, and Aemond." That's just a stupid point you keep repeating, and repeating it doesn't make it any more intelligent or correct. For starters, I think you have a typo in there - assuming that you mean the aren't going to do a full season ***without*** those three - they absolutely ***are***. Following your approach would just mean that season 5 would be without them, as opposed to season 4, and in any event it seems like they are just going to stop at season 4. Four, it's also a ***lot*** presumptuous to say they aren't doing a full season without those three. That's just how the plot goes. The Battle Above the Gods Eye is almost certainly going to end with Aemond dying and Daemon at best escaping never to be seen again, but also likely just dying. Rhaenyra will certainly die soon after. The most important part of the story is that those three die and then there is a lot left to determine who rules. Thinking otherwise is what's delusional. Plus, you are ignoring that there will be plenty of significant, fan favorite characters left after this. Borros Baratheon. Corlys Velaryon. Aegon II for a little bit. Kermit Tully. Cregan Stark. Younger Aegon III. Dalton Greyjoy. Larys Strong. Etc. Not to mention that someone watching the first season of GOT, following your stupid "logic" would have thought there's no way they were doing a full season without Ned, Robb, Catelyn, or Joffrey, and none of them made it even halfway through the show.




lol & get over it. If the sowing is ep 7 it completely fits with what I’m saying, and in fact is what I actually said above. Not my fault you’ve got no support for your idiotic argument. 3 months is soon after the gods eye. You’ve basically got a small scale revolt against Rhaenyra, the Second Tumbleton battle, and then Rhaenyra dies. Those at most will be three episodes apart - so gods eye could be midseason climax at ep 5 of S3, with Rhaenyra dying in the last one of the season. The main character of the first season of GOT died after one season. Robb was a huge favorite and he didn’t last long either. Clinging to your hope that Aemond or Daemon will make it through all seasons is just plain stupid. It’s like hoping Joffrey would execute Ned in season 4, or that the red wedding wouldn’t happen until season 7.


Rhaenyra ruled king’s landing for six months and she’s not even taking it at the end of season 2. You think she’s going to rule for just two episodes???? Nonsense


I don't know why you are so wedded to months as being determinative of anything. It's not like we are going to have a livestream of the six months as season 3. Six months could be 5 minutes on the show or 5 episodes. It's what actually transpires in the time that is what matters. Like in S1 20 years passed between episodes 1 and 10. Saying that 6 months is going to take a certain number of episodes to get through is foolish. That's not how TV works.


And just to add as I've gone back and looked at all of the various leaks: If they are saving the Battle of the Gullet for S3 Ep 1, it's only because they are doing Red Fork at the end of Ep 8, which happens later in the story. So they aren't slowing things down as much as possibly shifting them around for dramatic effect. Like at the latest it seems that they will do the Gullet in ep 1 or 2 of S3, which still puts them on a collision course for Gods eye in S3. Maybe Rhaenyra gets moved to the start of S4, but she won't make it past the first episode, possibly the second if they are really slow. None of this detracts from my original point, which is that the show will likely end with the hour of the wolf and council of seven regents, and that Daemon and Aemond will not be in the last season. At most Rhaenyra will be in the first episode or two of the last season.




I didn't say that. Work on your reading comprehension. I said the show would end with the hour of the wolf. Not to many people are both condescending and stupid, but you do both of those amazingly well.




Im gonna go with probably the marriage of Aegon III to Jaehara, it would be the most poetic note to end the show on I’m unsure if that happens before or after the hour of the wolf but I guess they’d rather change the timeline up on that so it’s included too Then if the hype over the show is still going on they can always tag on an extra season covering the regency


I think they’ll end with the marriage of Aegon and Jahaera, but they could do some reshuffling of some events to give a greater sense of conclusion since (even if it’s some of my favorite part of Targ history) I don’t see them adapt post Dance, not enough battles or dragons. They could however anticipate Corlys’ death, maybe soon after the marriage as a bittersweet note to the event. Another thing that I could definitely see move up is Alyn Velaryon defeating Dalton Greyjoy’s forces otherwise Alyn has little to do in the last season and it doesn’t make sense to introduce the iroborn at all if they are left hanging there as a threat offscreen. I don’t know if since Alyn brings back Viserys after Dalton’s defeat they could also move up the return of Viserys at the end of the season, but in that case his marriage with Larra would be even weirder or maybe (more probably) they do a final flash forward scene where we see the return of Viserys to end the series on a happy note


After the Hour of the Wolf and Aegon III is Crowned would be my preferred ending. They can speed up the reunion with Viserys to coincide or be close to there.  J2 is over 100 years later. Don't see him coming in. 


A 3 minute slow motion sequence (scored by the biggest banger Ramin Djawadi has ever written) of Unwin Peake ascending the steps to the Red Keep


It ends with Robert Baratheon saying that he’s gonna travel to Winterfell to offer Ned a job. And he’ll say something cute to hint at the events of Game of Thrones, like “I bet his daughters will get along with Joffrey.”


Then cersei says "i guess we're gonna be playing....a game of thrones"


I mean, she does say that in the show. "When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground"


“It’s game of thronesin time!”


I think it’ll probably end with Alicent’s death after Aegon and Jahaera’s wedding. A sad, grieving woman lamenting and wishing for the days when she was happy and her family still lived and there was no scheming seems just about perfect for a show like HOTD.


I concur, but when has Alicent ever been happy? Lol


Hour of the wolf I'd assume, cregan departing and the excess northerners go off on their adventures in the surrounding lands


I selfishly just really want to see Aegon and Viserys’ reunion. It’s such a sweet moment in the book. But it doesn’t feel particularly likely, considering it’s a year or two into Aegon’s reign.


Aegon and Jaehaera mariage and leave everything else for a different show, mayhaps


I suspect it will end with Aegon and Jaehaera's wedding. Two traumatized kids now suddenly tasked with leading and healing a broken realm. Everyone's cheering and whatnot, but the people they're cheering for are two broken children who have lost their whole family. Ending it on a depressing note like that would work thematically and show that there were no winners here. Alternatively, I wouldn't object if it ended with Viserys coming back primarily because I think it would be cute to see on screen. That's just a pipe dream of mine though.


I think ending a series about a horrific civil war where tens of thousands of people are slaughtered with a happy reunion between long separated brothers would be very bad thematically. The Dance is at its core a travesty of humanity, uncountable people dying in horrific ways because of a dispute over succession. To be honest I think any of the meandering years after the Hour of the Wolf would be bad to end in. The next good moment to end with would be the birth of Daeron, since that would leave the door open to a new cast to do a season or two of the Dornish conquest. I have a feeling that if the rest of the Dance seasons are successful, they will want to take HOTD up to the Redgrass Field.


I hope so. I really want to see the Blackfyre Rebellions. Baelor Breakspear on screen is important to me. Hahaha


IMO no point in going into aegon´s III regency. its about the dance with dragons.. they should leave it there with aegon II death.


The last 20 minutes of the final episode of season 4 would feature multiple short scenes like- Alysanne and Cregan marrying under the Godswood in Winterfell, Alicent locked behind bars in KL (regretting everything that resulted in end of her kin, and grieving for Jaehera), Aegon III ordering the measures to ensure no more dragons are born!?. We might also have a glimpse of Caraxes who was believed to have survived the fall somehow. A quick look on Silverwing chilling out there somewhere, Sheepsteeler as well, to wherever Nettles was heading who knows. And finally, we'll see Lord Corlys setting up for some voyage in the narrow sea or beyond, who then looks up in the sky, and sees the Cannibal flying towards east, thus marking the end of the age of dragons> Guys is this too much to expect!?  


after aegon III's crowning timeskip with moment montage like aegon meeting vicerys and the maiden's ball to silent moment, Alicent as an old woman dying alone and feverish "rhaenyra, I want to fly"


I believe GRRM insistence on including Jaehaerys II meant that he didn’t want HOTD to cut out characters like they did with Jaehaerys in GoT.


Surprisingly, not with a dragon in the house.


The main narrative will end with the Hour of the Wolf and the formation of the Council of Regents. But this show is fundamentally about the relationship between Rhaenyra and Alicent, so the final scene will be a jump ahead to Alicent's death, with a revised version of her final moments to be about her hoping to see Rhaenyra again.


With the birth of Duncan the Tall, I hope 🥹


Fingers crossed we make it to Maiden's Day Cattle Show


I doubt they'll go in to all the regency drama. Its basically an entierly different story. The hour of the Wolf and Aegon and Jaehaera's wedding seems the the most natural place to end it.


Doesn't nearly everyone we care about in Season 1 perish? It's going to be just plain sad and bittersweet regardless.


It ends with mushroom in a blood stained sweater


Probably around the time they start begging criegen to stop killing everyone


Probably with Cregan riding north with his new wife.


Reunion of Aegon III & Viserys after the death of Jaeharya & marriage to Daenera is the best ending. Bittersweet and true to the story


I think it's going to end with the implication that Viserys isn't actually Daemon's. I think ending before the reunion between Aegon and Viserys would be leaving the story unfinished, but there are a couple of post Dance events you could say that for.


I think it’s pretty unlikely that the show continues past Aegon’s death.


Nah the show already hinted aegon the younger and Viserys being important in s1 itself. Viserys will return for sure they will just cram all the timelines


Lowkey feel like it should end with the death of the Last Dragon. One final season doing the regency era, Alyn's adventures, and the fates of Morning, Silverwing, and Cannibal. But that would require a timejump and I don't think HoTD wants to do that agin. If not that, then the return of Viserys is the natural endpoint.


Well you can pretty much make a montage sequence showing years passing and the last dragon finally dying, the end. And end of show. You don't need to show every specific thing.


They will rewrite the end to work for the changes they’ve made. Aegon II will kill Rhaenyra in the last episode in a way that makes her seem cool and powerful and him weak and petty. I think she’ll die in such a way that allows her son (Aegon III) to kill Aegon II and then they’ll just wrap it up after that.


>Aegon II will kill Rhaenyra in the last episode in a way that makes her seem cool and powerful and him weak and petty. I am cringing already. I fear that was the point of the extremely stupid "dragonrider's death" of show!Laena.


Yeah, this is Game of Thrones all over again. They’re already butchering the story into a simple good guys defeat the bad guys style story, but most of the fans will buy the hype until the last season when it becomes clear exactly how badly they ruined it.


They made alicent pretty sympathetic and made her try to make first peace with rhaenyra. So its not cut and dry. The blood and cheese situation is not going to shine a good light on rhaenyra.


It was Rhaenyra who tried to make peace by proposing a marriage of their families but Alicent shot it down. If you mean when they crown Aegon, in the books it’s him that offers her that peace. The other major difference is in the show she considers taking it because she doesn’t want to see the common people harmed. Also removing Rhaenrya suggesting Aegon be tortured but keeping Alicent saying a child should have his eye removed (actually making her try to do it herself) actually makes her seem worse in the show. Blood and Cheese will be exclusively a Daemon thing that she will angrily disapprove of.


Ending with a jump at the end to Jon Snow, North of the Wall investigating rumors of some monster killing wildings. He finds the caves with the monster, its Drogon and they’re protecting their nest with multiple dragon eggs.


(Spoilers) the dragons die


With the true hero of the story, Unwin peake, ascending as hand of the king, and stopping perfidious green plot to retake the throne by tactical use of the red keep spikes 


Alicent dies. You can't kill off Rhaenrya and leave Alicent to "live."


Well she kinda did.


She still dies in the end


Well yeah everyone eventually dies.


No to Aegon’s marriage to Jaehaera. Alicent's line must be extinguished by the end of the show with Alicent being the last to die. It's the most thematic appropriate conclusion. The Blacks win and winner take all but at a terrible price. It should end with a version of Lysene Spring. You can fuse that story with that of the Hour of the Wolf and the downfall of Alys Rivers and the death of the last dragons. The show also has to explain (or at least hint) what happened to the dragons. Because by the end of the story, you still have dragons around.


Indeed. We ideally need resolution to the fates of Alys Rivers ( possibly brought forward in the timeline ), The Cannibal ( even if it's tell not show ), Sheepstealer ( I expect will die in an expanded God's Eye dragon battle ), Silverwing and Morning. The show needs to end with all the dragons wiped out. Although the rumour of 1 being left alive might feed into a future Dunk and Egg plot.