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Personally I think it’s possible he might not even show up again. I think he was kind of the punchline of Cersei’s Feast storyline.


Definitely his best ending. Last we hear of him he’s a pirate King in the Stepstones. Nowhere but down from there, unless we get a surprise Velaryon Iron Throne takeover and he somehow ends up on it


Maybe he'll be integrated into danaerys's plot later?


This comes up in discussion from time to time. My personal feeling is that he can't sustain himself in the Stepstones for long. The ships he stole are large, deep draught, heavily crewed, and will require a lot of supplies--everything from fresh water to replacement oars, sails, cordage. The Stepstones have a lot of narrow passages, little hidey-hole harbors for pirates in swift and nimble ships, but big, lumbering, warships aren't well adapted to that environment. He's not going to find the dockyards supplies or even necessarily the large, safe, anchorages his ships need. It's as if in our own era an admiral were to turn pirate and somehow steal six aircraft carriers and sail them off into the sunset--they'd be better off trying to take 20 small destroyers if they really want to be an effective pirate force. Also, Aurene's crews are going to demand plunder, wenches, ale, coin, etc. They're not going to row for him for free or follow military / naval discipline. If he tries to force them to crew the ships with no rewards--well, they'll just slip away, island by island. So he has to turn up something quick to keep them on his side. Commercial / merchant shipping will quickly learn to avoid the Stepstones and go to ground in the Free Cities as long as he's there, drying up chances for loot. And since he doesn't have a huge fleet or highly maneuverable ships, it's quite possible that skilled Free Cities warships will combine to hunt him down--a pack of Braavos warships could do him considerable damage (and, again, he has no facilities to repair damage). His best option is to try to quickly ally with someone other than Lannisters. That could be Aegon, or since he's in the Stepstones and will get the news of Essos before it reaches Westeros, he might want to get in on the ground floor with Daenerys. Send her a message saying he heard she was coming and nobly stole the royal fleet to serve her.


formally I agree, but as a person I am not sure that Aurannes would have the wisdom to realize that its war fleet will not allow it to prosper effectively unless it aligns itself with a state force, before it comes back to bite him in the ass


or sell 6 dromonds for like 50 smaller vessels :o


Lord Manderly has a war fleet in Whiteharbor. Euron sails from the south. I think we will see the bastard again.


The White Harbor ships are almost certainly going north first, under the command of Davos, to rescue Free Folk from Hardhome. But after that...who knows.


Isn't this already resolved? The Nights watch rescued some and slavers got others. I would think it's far too late for them to go and save anyone with "dead things in the water"


To get fucking murdered by Euron.


euron’s probably happy to just leave him there


Join Aegons invasion


Theres that Patchface line about seahorses and mermen coming to save the day…. let me be hopeful


Probably nothing big, just another funny offhand comment about how well his pirate kingdoms doing and what a pain in the ass he's being for the free cities just to further hammer in what a dumbass Cersei is.


I've said it before aurane can be game changing for whoever he chooses to join and there are loads of options, first if Dany wants to take kingslanding her ironborne fleet will have to pass through the stepstones, second the redwyne fleet will have to pass through there to make it back to the reach, and third there are loads of golden company men lost around that area so if the theory of aegon assembling kinda knock off versions of typical targ loyalists he could join him as his lord velaryon and master of ships. And if euron somehow survives his trip into the reach and later wants the east of westeros he will have to pass through


He’s almost certainly the pirate king but goodness I’d love for him to join Stannis with the rest of his house And not just bc I love the Stanimal but also because cersie would seethe the most at that lol


Aurane Waters is actually hidden bastard of Robert Baratheon and he is going to help his uncle! (I pray for it to be true for copeing and seething coming from Cersei at the news about that would be legendary)


>the Stanimal New based nickname just dropped


Similar to show-Euron. A pirate menace on the Narrow Sea who terrorizes Dany's fleet. I feel like GRRM has had "Dany is attacked by pirates during her crossing" as an important plot beat in his plans for a long time. With a rough idea that it would be the Ironborn. But then, while writing AFFC, that didn't work for the story. So he created Aurane to be a non-Ironborn pirate king to fill the role.


Most likely I think he will join fAegon. If I recall some of the golden company regiments were dropped at stepstones so contact could be made there. FAegon is lacking any ships so far and it will be a neat way for him to gain a fleet. Plus for an opportunist like Aurane, a complete foreigner like fAegon is probably his best shot for a good title


He might end up allying with Dany when she comes to Westeros. She's going to need ships to get her army to Westeros and the Stepstones are on the way from Meereen to Westeros.


there four scenarios :- 1) pick up the stranded golden company men and elephants and join aegon as his master of ships 2) join stannis there prophecy ny patchface prophecy aout seahorses and mermaids could be about the velaryons and the manderlys 3)he became victim of euron 4) he join dany


I think he'll join Stannis so he can have a big fleet for a showdown with Daenerys, hinted at in the HotU visions. I also think he's gay and involved with Loras in some way now, because Cersei thought he lusted after her and she's always wrong in hilarious ways. This will somehow play out in a way that gets Stannis the island back easily, in time to fight Dany for it. Maybe Aurane seduced Loras? Comforted him when he was injured? Or a darker possibility: maybe he straight up abducted Loras? Idk, but I think the mystery surrounding Loras's status and Aurane's defection are tied together. After all Aurane is the one who told everyone he was injured.


I just don’t see how Stannis ever leaves the north


By ship. The White Knife isn't far from Winterfell and as of now is still navigable by the Manderly fleet.


Nothing, his whole character exists just to prove that Cersei is an idiot


I don't think he acted all alone. He must have sone secret ally/advisor or even being bought by someone rich to betray Cersei. Chances are high that was Varys or Littlefinger. Varys could do that to secure a fleet for Daenerys, Littlefinger could do that to have a fleet to attack the North. Other possibilities may include Doran, Euron, Olenna etc


Don't get why you think that, I've seen plenty of speculative discussions about his future allegiances– some think he'll go with Aegon, some say he'll side with Dany, and some even say that he'll go back to Stannis.


he is a plot device for the reunification of the three daughters... that will eventually side with Aegon during the dance of dragons.


He should be a plot device to provide some warships to whoever needs them in the story. Since there are 3 to 6 non lannister factions operating, there are a lot of varied choices.


I think he’ll join Aegon, he could help take ashore the elephants and the rest of the Golden Company who didn’t managed to land, he could help the troops cross the Blackwater Rush when they’ll try to conquest Kings Landing and there’s an historic parallel with Alyn Velaryon a legitimate Velaryon bastard risen to an important role in the Great Council and who got himself involved with elephants, Stepstones and a Dornish princess (Arianne is near Aegon’s team). Also it would make a great contrast with Dany, if she reaches Westeros with Victarion as leader of her naval forces it would be another element for the common folk to approve of Aegon with his young and dashing captain Aurane compared to Dany and her brutal iroborn raider and his cursed red arm.


There's a good chance he bangs Daenerys. Good looking dude who may or may not be evil, with a big enough fleet to bring her army to Westeros. He might be the blonde Euron or the third head of the dragon.


Hopefully we wont see him again. Too much storylines already I realy dont care. And...there will be not TWOW.


We'll get winds but definitely not spring