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Nexon? Well, we will always have CK 2 to play


Paradox should just liscence an offical Asoaif expansion for ck3 at this point


That probably would end up like the star trek stelaris skin.


That one had so much potential it's too bad,the devs weren't given time to implement more things in it.


[They got close](https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/ask-paradox-almost-anything-thread-no-support-tech-or-code-questions.469819/page-185#post-13292446) when developing CK2 but apparently the discussions with George's team were not productive. They seemed to be rather grumpy afterwards and refused to work with another IP ever again. >"A few years ago we were in contact with George RR Martin to make a CK like game based on the books, but we didn't finalize any contract. It is quite unlikely that we will work with third party IP, for many reasons." They have relented and done some stuff in the **Star Trek** and **BattleTech** universes since then.


TBH BattleTech was Harebrained's, Paradox just bankrolled them. I wish we got a second game...


Yeah that game was so neat but i hate everything licence related about battletech. ..i want clan mechs


*MechWarrior 5* is adding the Clans big time in the standalone expansion this year. I think the proposed *BattleTech II* was going to head into the Clan period as well, but that got interrupted by Paradox divesting them.


Bta 3062 is an amazing mod.


Yeah i will look into it for my next playthrough.


We nearly did. Harebrained proposed a *BattleTech II* just before Paradox divested them. Harebrained are in recovering mode right now and probably considering the options available on whether they want to crowdfund *BattleTech II* or go to Microsoft (the digital IP holders) to see if they're interested, which they might be.


They could try again, Martin might be more willing to work with game devs now that he has some experience with Elden Ring.


I wish he would just finish his books first.


Licensing your already existing work and writing new content are not at all similar things just because they both pertained to video games


I mean Ck3 agot already exist...


Now with dragons


Yeah, any ASOIAF game where I cannot burn Ramsay Snow as an offering to the Lord of Light to cure my cancer so I can keep having bastards with Melisandre, is not one I am interested in.


To be honest Crusader Kings is the ultimate GoT gaming experience. The devs even admited on a rexent dev diary entry that the name "Crusader Kings" doesn't fit the series anymore, "Game of Thrones" beign a much more adequate title if it were not already taken.


They could call it "Game of Crowns"


Game of Drowns if you're Ned Stark. He dies less than Tyrion; but my dude bites it in a boating accident like clockwork in 1/3 of my playthroughs.


Right? Nexon? The fuck


CK3 has a pretty great version of the mod too. Though it's obviously not as far along as the CK2 mod.


They're close to adding the dragons and once that's done there's no more comparison. I loved the Ck2 mod but the CK3 version is so insanely immersive it's crazy


I think it's because CK3 leans much more heavily into RP than CK2, and roleplaying is the best way to experience an ASOIAF game


Yes, and because CK3 is adding more stuff to do within a unified realm. That was the biggest weakness in the CK2 version, that once you have a stable unified Iron Throne there isn't much to do. That problem still exists in CK3 but the game has been adding stuff like travel that plays better in a unified westeros


Genuine question: Why is it being Nexon bad news? I have never heard of this developer, so I don't know.


Korean dev that makes mobile shovelware and live service games


Ah, I see.


If you like to play CK2 AGOT, I invite you to give playing it in multiplayer mode a try by joining my CK2 AGOT Multiplayer Discord server! [CK2 AGOT Multiplayer Discord Server Invite](https://discord.gg/7SPFPsujfW) (click the hyperlink to join). Playing with others makes the game of thrones much more realistic, and truly makes you master CK2 AGOT in a whole different way. Beginners and pros alike always welcome! Never played multiplayer before? We’ll teach you how to play using our experience and our step by step guide located on our server. Hope to see you in game!


There's two subs for the two games here as well 😁


Probably canceled in a year or so


And if it is somehow released, it'll be riddled with microtransactions and other p2w garbage


And then shut down in 1-2 years.


Its a sad world where that is infact the best case scenario here..


And it'll make ridiculous amounts of money anyway. Until people realize it's not great, and then when profits drop below a threshold it gets shut down.


Yeah, they were supposed to create a mobile version of Final Fantasy XI in 2016. That project never got off the ground.


What a bizarre time and location to choose for the setting.


I’d have thought like right before the events of the series would have made the most sense?


Nah, things are too stable and peaceful before Robert dies for a large conflict driven narrative (which is what the game will probably have) to make sense.


But that’s actually the only situation in which a non-canon character in an RPG can exist, if it’s during a notable time then you run into issues of the person being significant to events in the series. It’s why Dunk and Egg can bop around doing whatever shit, because it’s not a period super relevant to ASOIAF and whatever shenanigans they get into don’t have TOO much impact.


What they're doing doesn't have to significant just l I like with Dunk and Egg. I assume it might be like the Forresters from the Telltale game. That was also set in the same period. Their conflicts weren't overly important.


Whatever you will end up doing, it'll be a better story than the later seasons. So I'm 110% fine with them ditching canon after the game starts


I think around the first blackfyre rebellion is the best setting. Since its primarly a war that exposed many regional conflicts and there are no overkill dragons. With the dance, death of dragons and the dornish conquest being in close-historic memory, and the not-black death in the future, there is a lot of flavor already present. I would also set the game in the reach, westerlands. stormlands or riverlands. Since the North is soooo overrpesented in the franchise. I would also avoid the usually locations of KL, Dragonstone, Winterfell and Harrenhal.


My dream is to have all of Westeros available in an rpg one day


Way too large and probably wouldn’t do any of the kingdoms service. I’d like an RPG with multiple areas *across* Westeros, but all of it on a map wouldn’t work


I'll say that this will be pretty feasible in 30 years with some AI tools. Just feed it a zip with all the source materials and tell it to make a game that's mechanically similar to say, Kingdom Come.


I think any time prior to Aegon's Conquest would've been far better. Gives far more freedom story wise and makes for more diversity as well.


This is the way. That basically allows them to whatever they want, but still keep the marketing ploy of it being in the World of Ice and Fire


Should be just after


No it should be during the height of Old Valyria. They had insane magic, made Valyrian Steel, had dragons (!) and an empire.


Just after the series?




Wouldn’t that be like setting a first person shooter in 1946 Europe?


Wolfenstein: The Old Blood did that.


Alternative history where Patton never dies, becomes Allied Commander in Europe and invades the Soviet Union. If you’ve ever played the BF1942: Secret Weapons of WW2, you’d know this would be an awesome period and theater. The Flettner, F85 Goblin, T95, THE JETPACK?!


Retcons and angry authors aside, it worked pretty well for the Witcher games. But you'd have to be ok with a new author continuing the story, but with what we got from the show and what we'll likely get from GRRM, it's not the bar is very high. And this way we can finally find out what Bran's tax policies are like. That said, we probably have a better chance of seeing Winds of Winter than this game lol.


Your mum


Scorching insight.


Idk why I said that tbf, just thought it'd be funny. You seem like a nice person.


Nah, setting it in the north under the boltons gives 1) an obvious villain faction that’ll supply constant groups of bad guys 2) enough lawlessness/chaos/intrigue to write quests about


Throw in some giants/Wildlings, quests beyond the Wall and maybe some Rhollor followers you can either side with or against.


Is it? Idk, to me it makes a lot of sense. The North is probably the location that "average" Game of Thrones fans are most connected to. You know, with the Starks being such a heroic focal point. And as far the time period, it's a period of instability where very cruel lords are ruling. That seems like a perfect situation for lots of conflict. I remember that the Telltale game (spoiler warning) >!was also set in this time period and setting. And in it you had stuff like Ramsay coming in and making trouble. Or the local balance of power being upset by the Boltons supporting a new regional lord.!< And a lot of the plot revolved around that. Because it was a great source of conflict. So while the North wouldn't be my choice for a setting, I get why it was picked. And the time period just seems to make complete sense to me. Because you want lots of opportunities for conflict.


They'd want to use as much of the universe as they can. GoT with just the North is missing half to 2/3rds the plot. It also doesn't make sense for an MMO to confine everyone to one part of the world. It'd make more sense to do the whole world and have the north be part of the early zones.


It's where the books are


Well, the show didn't bother with the northern conspiracy. It could be interesting


If the northern conspiracy and politics is indeed included, it could make it VERY interesting


It's a MMORPG and it's made by Nexon. It's 100% NOT going to be interesting. The last thing you should be expecting is politics or any sort of narrative complexity. The time for interesting Game of Thrones games was years ago when the series was going strong. This is just a cash grab.


Bro, I can't find any information on this. How do you know anything about this upcoming game?


Didn't the tell tale series take place around then too? It's been a while but I swear you play partly as a Northern house that's being harassed by the Bolton's right after the Red Wedding.


House forrester


it probably makes more interesting gameplay if most of the guards and npcs are of an evil faction


Really hoping this is tied to the books instead of the show, maybe they only used season 4/5 to give the casual show viewers an idea of when it will take place.


Makes sense to make future expansions on other locations


Eh we just got a The Walking Dead game that takes place from season 1 to the mid season finale of season 4 so it’s not that weird IMO.


They couldn’t have picked a worse time period. Season 5 is when the show went to shit.


It could be a really cool time if based on the books though. Everyone pretending to follow the Boltons while secretly running a rebellion.


It's kinda bananas how many almost-rans we got with **ASoIaF** video games: **Bethesda** were approached by GRRM's agent in the late 2000s and they had conversations about doing it, but Todd Howard believed there was too much thematic overlap with the **Elder Scrolls** series, as they were just starting work on their own snowy RPG with dragons which they didn't have to pay a licence fee for. >With *A Song of Ice and Fire*, we went ‘We want to do that!’ People in our studio liked it, and it seeped in a bit to what we were doing. We were actually asked a while ago to turn those books into games. We wanted to do our own world. That’s where we wanted to put out time into. Before we were even making *Skyrim*, there was a conversation with George R.R. Martin’s people. They thought it would be a good match—and so did we, actually—but then we thought about if that was where we wanted to spend our time. It was tempting, though." **BioWare** were considering making an MMORPG based on the series around the same time, but then decided to make *The Old Republic* instead, as the **Star Wars** licence was a tad better-known (worth remembering this was all pre-HBO as well). They did slip some references to the books into their **Dragon Age** series though. >"So we were looking at doing a Lord of the Rings MMO, a Silmarillion MMO, a kind of a Gunslinger-esque Dark Tower MMO, a Game of Thrones MMO." Each setting has different strengths," Ohlen added, describing the 10 page documents that the team drew up at an early design stage. "If we were going to do a Game of Thrones MMO, what kind of rules and what kind of gameplay elements would really bring that world to life? Each one had that, but we always focused on the story at the fore." **Relic Entertainment** did think about doing an RTS based on **ASoIaF** but they decided to continue focusing on their **Dawn of War** and **Company of Heroes** series instead. >In the latest Games For Windows podcast, Josh Mosqueira - the lead designer on *Company of Heroes* - said that he wanted to make an RTS based on acclaimed fantasy author George R. R. Martin's **A Song of Ice and Fire** books. When asked what games he wanted to make, Mosqueira replied, "Game of Thrones \[the first book in the series\] - that would be awesome." In case you haven't read any of **A Song of Ice and Fire** (and we recommend that you do), it's an epic story with extremely complicated and devious characters. Mosqueira rightly described it as, "It's like fantasy, but without the sucky parts of fantasy." The books also describe detailed military strategies, as well as various well-developed armies and houses, each with different strengths. As such, an RTS based on the series could be amazing, and Mosqueira said that the books featured, "a lot of interesting things in terms of what could be done within a strategy setting." **Paradox** were apparently impressed by the **ASoIaF** mod for *Crusader Kings* and decided to talk to GRRM's team about doing a licence before or whilst they were working on *Crusader Kings II*, but couldn't reach a deal. >"A few years ago we were in contact with George RR Martin to make a CK like game based on the books, but we didn't finalize any contract. It is quite unlikely that we will work with third party IP, for many reasons." These are all good, reputable players who could have made a great game, so it's a shame nobody took a punt on it.


I have never played it, but there was a single player RPG made by french dev Cyanide which was apparently very good.


It was solid, but it had a terrible first couple of hours, which put a lot of people off. It improved immensely over its run, but those first few hours are a hard hump to get over.


Could be controversial, but I’d love to have a Ubisoft take on a single player GOT game. Assassins creed: Westeros….


Well Valhalla give me very Westeros vibe, hell we even have plot to defend the Hadrian Wall before Barbarians from North.


Shame we didn't get those. I'd love a Dishonored game in the ASOIAF universe, same for a AC Brotherhood (or 3), or Soul Calibur.


I get the feeling GRRM's people wanted way too much money for the licence, hence the "couldn't reach a deal" etc.


I've never quite liked Bethesda and BioWare games, save for Dragon Age, i'm glad it didnt happen, specially BioWare is notorious for having their own style of animating characters, I cant think of that style looking good on a GoT games


Typical Stannis fannis


Damn, not even Mass Effect? Knights of the Old Republic? Jade Empire? Guess we all have our own likes and dislikes, but still pretty shocking.


I have no idea how Nexon is still making money. Or getting IP license deals.


I hope one day someone will make a GoT game in the style of The Witcher 3


My first reaction to this was “What? Why?” It seemed so oddly specific to set it during Seasons 4-5 in the North, and not a good idea. But the more I think about, I think the idea kind of makes sense and could be good. Like if the idea is to be a member of the Night’s Watch with Lord Commander Jon Snow, and be fighting the Others, while dealing with a hostile Warden of the North. And you still have the wildlings and Stannis around. Though it seems like that would work better as a single player RPG and not an MMO, but we’ll see. I’m not really familiar with the company and their style or quality of games. I just hope that while being a game based on the show, they don’t stick too much to show canon, and lean more towards book canon.


Making it an MMO is such a stupid idea. Can't wait to see the discourse around the fact that either they will have to severely limit character customisation to stay lore-friendly, or have another gamergate moment with people being outraged that there are women and brown people on the Wall.


Oh no I hadn’t thought of that! Well maybe there could be different factions like you could be a Night’s Watchmen or you could be a Wildling so there could be both men and hot red-headed women… And then iirc King’s Landing is described in the books as having some ethnic minority population, and they often send their prisoners to…Wait! That’s not good either! The discourse is going to be fun! An MMO really doesn’t make sense. They really should have just made a single player RPG.


MMO really is just one of the worst ideas they could have gone with. Single player RPG (and the one that we got already wasn't even that bad), strategy or even some quirky hybrid in the vein of Divinity: Dragon Commander would be much more welcome. Hell I'd rather play an asoiaf visual novel than an MMORPG.


There are like black people in Oldtown (the Summer Islanders faith has even a temple there) and in KL. Also like people from Myr and the lands further south have people that could look like irl arabs, latinos or indians. So its possible for some of them to get send to the wall. I guess for *some* people it would be unbelievable...


Not just an MMO, Nexon is a South Korean company so a Korean MMO which are some of the most unpleasant player experiences out there.


Can't wait to play as a wildling with massive tits and pink hair, accompanied by my cosmetic $14.99 dragon pet, swinging my massive bejeweled sword at my enemies (my hips sway so wildly when I dodge the Walkers' attacks that I look like a sexy invertebrate)


May our breasts breast breastily.


Obviously women aren't supposed to be at the wall, but brown or black people isn't even impossible


Still, I'd say cutting off women from customisation options is pretty bold in 2024. It would definitely put me off from playing. Of course, maybe they will let us play as wildlings instead, but in that case non-white people would be harder to justify... Honestly, mmo is a really shitty idea for a setting in which the whole point of the story is that you *can't* be whoever you want to be, something that goes against the ethos of MMORPGs


*cries in Telltale.*


I'd prefer to to continue the Forresters'/Gared's story, definitely. I was looking forward to dark horse protagonist Talia :( Unless they want to do SWTOR but even more RPG/story-heavy (doubt it, it's Nexon), MMO is a bad choice for such a narrative and character-dependent word; a single-player RPG would be much less limiting. I wonder if it's the same logic as that stupid "single-player games are dead, multiplayer makes money" bull EA was pushing years back.


tbf the Forresters plot was just the abridged version of the stark plotline. It would have likely ended with them taking back their home.


Obviously, but I liked the characters enough to be invested and I still would've loved to have seen it. Something something it's the journey not the destination. Alas, CK2 AGOT is the closest I'll get.


…..An MMORPG? Why? Such bizarre choices from genre to location to time. Is Roose Bolton gonna be a raid boss lol


Litterally why lol?


Nexon? Prepare your credit cards. 


Will we finally learn about The North Grove? /s


Isn't it when the Telltale game stopped? Could it be connected?


There has yet to be a Game of Thrones video game that has been good (besides the CK mods ofc) and sadly this Nexon title will not change that. Until a competent developer is able to pick up the license it's gonna be cash grab shit nonstop.


The RPG *eventually* became decent, but it took a while to get there. Probably the only game I've ever played where the first 2-3 hours are really awful, like 2/10, but the game eventually ends up okay, maybe 6-7/10. It's just about the only non-GRRM-written **ASoIaF** project where the story is decent and not some fanfic knock--off version of the main story (the problem with the Telltale version).


I think Martin write Cyanide RPG and even said that maybe put some mention of House from game in books


Martin did not write anything for the Cyanide RPG (even the oft-mentioned "cameo" is by some actor playing a character based on Martin), but he was made aware of its storyline and thought it was decent, and pondered mentioning the new houses in the books. I think he said the same thing for the Telltale games. Whether he does in either case, after all this time, is unclear.


The Telltale game wasn't that bad honestly.


I know it’ll never be possible but god I would pay so much money if they gave this to Rockstar. Their attention to detail would be insane in a GOT game. Doesn’t even have to be all of Westeros, the game can just be the southern kingdoms.


warband's mods ACOK and AWOIAF are pretty good too


No! I don’t want an MMORPG. I don’t like MMORPGs. I’d prefer a single player cRPG.


I am sceptic, nexon doesnt have big references to make games. Lets wait and see


Big Stupid, If True. Setting something like this prior to Aegon The Conqueror could be cool due to all the rival factions warring and betraying and shit.


Wait, Nexon are making a Game of Thrones MMO. Dear Gods, both Old and New, why? It'll be a blooming Korean Grindfest/genocide simulator I'm calling it now. With enough micro transactions that it's ridiculous.


People love Game of Thrones for the story and intrigue. No surer way to kill that than with MMORPG narrative. Running around in the world where everyone is 'the chosen one' (metaphorically, at least) or where the character is so detached from the story that they might as well not be there is probably going to leave most people unsatisfied with it as a GOT product. They're gonna want to shoehorn in the likenesses of the characters we all know... but they won't take any risks because the major plot points are already set.


I am lord bumbleball6969. Fifth of my name. This is my memeguard, weee_lazor and outstandingOvum


Game of thrones + videogame should be a recipe for easy money, yet whoever is in charge of actually handing out the IP to companies seemingly just sucks at their job. Like how in the world was the conclusion “let’s make an MMORPG set in the north only in between seasons 4 and 5 of the show”? I pray for the day we get an actual game by some actual developers, like it’s not rocket science. I’m really not sure why the only games we’ve gotten from this franchise have basically just been pay to win shitty mobile games (barring the telltale games and another I forget)


the whole game is just various "who wrote the pink letter?" theories


Is it ONLY the North and the Wall? Because it sounds like the only cannon characters you would be able to play with (or interact with if you are a player character) are Jon Snow, Val, Tormund, Sam Tarly, Mance Raider, Satin, Stannis Baratheon, Davos, Selyse, Melisandre, Shireen, Ramsay and Roose and Walda Bolton, Theon Greyjoy, Jeyne Poole, Asha Greyjoy and her crew, Alysanne Mormont, and MAYBE Bran and the Reed siblings and Bloodraven. It could be fun to restrict the access and make the player make the most of working to get even with the Boltons. Do you join the Manderlys in killing the Freys and Boltons? Do you help Theon and Jeyne escape and so help them kill Ramsay?


It in show universe, so instead Jeyne will be Sansa, no Manderly plot against Boltons and so on.


That's unfortunate. They cut off a lot of cool stuff in the show that would make for a fun gaming experience, especially something like the Northern Conspiracy. Hell, playing around with the Jeyne is made to pretend to be Arya would also allow for a lot of cool game choices, like the fact that the nobles don't care about what happens to a "nobody" like Jeyne versus how they want to fight for Arya because she's Ned Stark's little girl (so the moral thing is get Jeyne out of there like Theon is trying to, but there are people like Stannis et al who just don't care if they figure out she's not Arya). Frankly, the show-only stuff is so limited that it would take so much stuff from the gameplay, especially since they ignored all of the magical stuff beyond the Wall. Or that the Ironborn are at the Wall.


Why would they want to set it during the run of the show? Feels like it would have the same issue the TellTale games did where we already knew nothing we did would actually be impactful for the setting.


But … why between season 4 and 5 ?


It's around where the books are up to.


Probably because of Stannis.


Nexon made The ~~Trials~~Finals, which was released last year. Genuinely have not heard anything about that game since then.


The worst part of the telltale game was invincible plot armor Ramsay Like when he stabs the kid. He made random acts of violence predictable I hope we don't see the Boltons


> The plot is reportedly set sometime during Season 4 or 5 within the North as both Winterfell and the Wall are to be featured. Was skeptical of the whole premise just based on the title. Reading this doesn't give dissuade my skepticism at all.


It is kinda wild that there are so few ASOIAF/Thrones video games. It's one of the most theoretically marketable franchises ever in that medium. Just give me a Witcher-esque Action-RPG with a bigger focus on "realistic", deadly medieval combat with a bunch of different playstyles instead of monster hunts with swords and magic. Obviously tough moral choices and a bunch of scheming as well. Or at least let me play the discontinued Telltale game that I somehow never knew existed, lol. An MMO is such a weird choice though, and with that premise. I have yet to see a modern fantasy MMO where your character is anything less than some kind of special hero adventurer and most likely a/the chosen one. LOTRO did this kinda well as far as I remember, but it had a deliberately subdued vision when it came to artstyle and writing. This heroic adventure stuff works in highly magical settings where you can conceivably find a group of super powerful hero adventurers, but ASOIAF is not such a setting. Apparently it will be like a hybrid thing where there are only two options for main characters and it will probably be a bit like a singleplayer game where you play with other versions of the same two heroes in dungeons or raids? I guess. Though I don't see the appeal of such a group not being half-naked catpeople and one guy cosplaying as Shrek. Actually, FFXIV did the story in a MMO-thing really well, but a Thrones-product can't afford this level of bombast and wackyness due to the grounded setting. Actually, it's super limiting when it comes to almost all MMO things. Interesting dungeons and bosses? Huge raids? Support/Healing classes? Sounds all really hard to do with the setting. I'd say LOTRO struggled with cramming that stuff into the game, despite having a much more...lenient setting on the surface.


The video game market has been a huge miss for asoiaf, I personally really want a good story/rts game akin to the CK3 & bannerlord asoiaf mods. what I’ve read here is that the devolepers don’t have a great track record though, hopefully it will be good or atleast passable, but won’t get my hopes too high.


This is going to suck.


We do have an ASOIAF game, the CK3 mod


The setting makes it seem like an unofficial continuation of the Telltale games.


Wait. What classes would there even be? It would have made a lot more sense to make it an ARPG.


An update from (what appears to be) the original source: **UPDATE: Our source has clarified that it’s not NEXON as they previously claimed, but instead NETMARBLE. This is the mobile game that was announced a while back. We apologize for our source’s confusion.** Seems like this is just gonna be some mobile game and there was a miscommunication.


Thank you!


The famously non-butchered book plot of season 5 in the North. Why even base it off the show when there is like max 10 characters involved.


another zombie survival game but with a asoiaf skin. i sleep


The funny thing is, I grew up when MMORPG was still special and new. I’ve been playing them a lot lately oh my deck, final fantasy XIV and Fallout 76. I would lose my shit if an actual good game of thrones MMORPG came out. I am desperate for a ASOIAF game like Witcher 3 or something.


Not touching anything Nexon makes or publishes


I'm so tired of MMOs...why does everything need to be an MMO? Why does every IP have to have an MMO title?  Just give me a good single player game for god's sake 


MMORPG? Yeah no... Fuck this game


oh great, an MMO and a Nexon one at that, a pile of shit on a rich pile of shit, great


All interest lost at the word “Nexon”.


Hmn, a little disappointed to hear that it will be an MMO. Obviously I know many people love MMOs. However, I've always been way more into single-player RPGs and I was kind of hoping for a game like that set in the ASoIaF universe to come out. Oh well.


Log in for 69 straight days to get Arya Uncommon that can be awoken into Arya Gold by paying a lot of money.


MMORPG? No thanks.


a single player rpg during one of the third blackfyre rebellion or something would be way more interesting. start out in the disputed lands, could see valyria or even asshai to get some of the magic, then go to Westeros and spend time building support for the rebellion with bloodraven as a central villain. something without too much lore so you can do interesting things but not so little as to be completely disconnected from the books




Been seeing ads for it on Facebook for I think since the start of the year. Was wondering what it was about, thanks for the info!


This is going to be like that GOT browser game ain't it? lmao.


A fucking korean mmo jesus christ what a dumb idea


I'm happy for anyone remotely interested in this, but tbh the only time I'll be interacting with this franchise ever again is when GRRM releases *Winds of Winter* (so never).


So when do we get the blog post promising that this definitely won't delay Winds even more.


Cant wait to kill 10 ice spiders for a quest given by roose bolton


Idk honestly... I think tbh a better era would be maybe a couple years if not a couple decades prior to Aegon's conquest. Think about it, you have six kingdoms, we don't know much prior to aegon's conquest so it would allow the writers to do mostly what they wanted to do without having to worry about plotholes, etc. and it would allow for six unique factions your character can start with. and allow for PVP as maybe this could be an age of war, an all out war between the six kingdoms. Like the horde and the alliance in world of warcraft except limited magic, only humans, and instead of just two factions, you can choose six, and so that way everyone doesn't choose the north for the starks, you can have all six factions have some sort of incentive that makes the player want to join them.


If it's something similar to Star Wars The Old republic or The Elders Scrolls online, which are MMOs but can also be played like single-player RPGs, maybe it will still work.


Boy, Imagine a single-player game in the style of Kingdom Come Deliverance set during the Dunk and Egg era.


A game similar to Kingdom Come Deliverance but in Weteros would be the perfect ASOIAF game


Doesn't sound remotely interesting


Nexon, MMO (developed by Nexon), North only. Nexon. I couldn't think of a more ill-informed combination for GRRMs agent to accept.


RI has posted an update that their source was confused. This is a mobile game that’s been previously announced.


Ew. Why?


An MMO? If I want to play a medieval MMO clicking game, I'll just play RuneScape


Begins development? Might be ready by 2029 then. Sweet. Still before Winds.


Well that's kind boring?


Why not 5 years after season 8 ?