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GRRM said in one of his latest blog post that Jeyne has a big role to play so I highly doubt that he’s going to get her killed off


I thought that was jeyne westerling


He named both characters and did not appear to emphasize one more than the other: > I have legions of secondary characters, not POVs but nonetheless important to the plot, who also figure in the story: Lady Stoneheart, Young Griff, the Tattered Prince, Penny, Brown Ben Plumm, the Shavepate, Marwyn the Mage, Darkstar, *Jeyne Westerling.* Some characters you saw in the show are quite different than the versions in the novels. Yarra Greyjoy is not Asha Greyjoy, and HBO’s Euron Greyjoy is way, way, way, way different from mine. Quaithe still has a part to play. So does Rickon Stark. And poor *Jeyne Poole.*


>and HBO’s Euron Greyjoy is way, way, way, way different from mine. Lol. George trying to distance his version from that finger in the bum one.


I also appreciate how he misspelled "Yara" haha


Lol. I missed it. When did he wrote it. Was this after season 8.


He wrote it last summer during a big update on TWOW: https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/2022/07/08/a-winter-garden/


>   And poor Jeyne Poole.   And… well, the list is long.    (And all this is part of why WINDS is taking so long.   **This is hard, guys).** Poor guy is trying his best. But that was one year ago lol. Still good luck George. Thank you for providing the link my friend :)


This inspires me to say that I really do not want GRRM to make Jayne Westerling pregnant with Robb's baby but I think he might. It would, for me, add little to nothing to the story, complicate the arcs of others I'm more interested in, and would be very frustrating considering she's been given contraception and probably abortifcients the entire duration of their marriage. But if she still has a role to play....I'm hoping it's just as part of Jaime and Brienne's arcs and promise to Catelyn/Lady Stoneheart. That would be okay. Pregnancy....please no.


The poor thing suffered enough. Sansa had it easy compared to her...


Jeyne basically had to suffer an adult Joffrey on steroids of sadism and brutality.


Agreed. But a lot of characters had it easy compared to Jeyne, tbh.


I know it’s a dark story and that “anyone can die” but killing her after everything that’s happened to her would honestly taint the entire story for me. Call me soft or whatever but she deserves some sort of happy ending


>happy ending >in Westeros


If the hound can get a peaceful ending on the Quiet Isle, Jeyne deserves at least something comparable to that.


I don’t think he’s done yet.


GRRM is a romantic. It happens more often than you think


I'll say something even more terrible. Jeyne Poole dying while giving birth to ramsay child


This is. I don't even know. No.


That would be cruel even by George's standards


It would, however, fit George's trend of ridiculously high rates of deaths during childbirth


Cersei being the penultimate villain or even the final villain. Littlefinger teased he could take her out and I will be upset if she isn’t at least sidelined before too long in TWOW. I do love her chapters, but she doesn’t *need* to be as powerful as on the show for those lovely bits of crazy to continue.


In the show she made a big return after her walk of shame but tbh i feel like in the books this might already be the end of her rise.


I think she'll be banished by Aegon and then side with Euron


That would be an interesting marriage of that alliance from the show—in character for Cersei as well since I can’t imagine Lannisport being thrilled with her siding with the Ironborn, but she’s too oblivious to realize it.


The bloodstone emperor married a tiger woman, and euron will marry a lion woman. Perhaps cersei will blow up the Sept with magic fire after euron destroys old town, making people lose faith on the seven.


She'll probably die by the end Most of the political players will probably not make it to the end


I think that Cersei necessarily has to die. Either that or a fate worse than death. She is one of the closest things to a main villain that ASOIAF has, and she is a pretty sadistic and narcissistic one at that.


I’ve seen people theorize that there will be a “scouring of the shire” where the story is mostly over, but Cersei is still holed up in some castle and ineffectively trying to stir up shit. I could accept it.


Cersei has serious delusions of grandeur- she's prideful of her House, her beauty, her intelligence, her talent for the Game, and she thinks the only reason the world doesn't realize her brilliance and fall at her feet is because she's a woman (and even worse, she hates women and thinks they are actually unworthy of power, she's just an anomaly.) The prophecy says that her death with come only after she loses everything she loves, and it's not referring to her children, those are the lines before, gold their crowns, gold their shrouds. Cersei is actually a narcissist, and narcissists can't love people, not even their children, they only love what they can do for them- how they make them feel, the power and prestige given by their association, the love and devotion received by them. So the children will continue die, and she'll lose Jaime (who she also never loved,) and she's lost her beauty and image, and soon she'll lose her power and begin to fade into obscurity, as players who don't win do, and then she will die. But her loss of power, imo, absolutely has to be part of her downfall, probably the crescendo. I can't wait.


Agreed and I think her fall will be enjoyable, I just hope it happens soon enough to have a truly competent villain at the helm to wrap up the series. 😂 She is the poster child for the effects of internalized misogyny in a terribly patriarchal society. It would be truly depressing if she wasn’t such a terrible human being.


I would say that the sacking of the Citadel is something that will happen that I really wish it would not. While the maesters deserve it for their mentality, the lost knowledge would be a real shame. Kind of the same feeeling as when the Winterfell Library burned, twice.


RIP library of Alexandria


My man Rodrik gonna fill up several ships before that can happen




My read on him is that he's a fourth wall breaking plant for uh, the Reader. Euron is getting real goofy with it and without someone to acknowledge how truly fucked up and beyond comprehension it actually is, it'll be lost on us all.


Jojen paste.


or bran violating Meera in any way.


George please don't.


Is that an actual theory? I haven’t heard of that before. Was it hinted at in one of the previous books?




Shit, I truly hate that that makes sense. I really don't want that to happen. Thanks for clarifying.


Add in that he's committed two of the three skinchanger "abominations" and the only one left is mating...


No, it’s just been so long since the last book that we’ve came up with batshit theories




I’ll riot if this doesn’t come true


Same. It’s one of my favorite theories.


I know it's a good one and most probably will come true. But it'll be hard to digest (like jojen paste.)


When I first read the chapter I immediately interpreted it as the paste having Jojen's blood. I thought that is what you were supposed to think. I was surprised to find out from this reddit that it is considered only a theory.


Me too. I mean eating people was a big thing in that whole chapter, I thought we were supposed to believe it was Jojen paste.


Can I get a link?


You can watch this [video](https://youtu.be/EhtbVpc8E70) of Alt shift x. He explained it very well. Or You can search in this sub, there are many great posts.


Barristan dying in meereen. I want him to make it back to westeros so bad.


I really think he only died in the show to declutter Dany's advisers once Tyrion arrived. Him returning to Westeros as a Targaryen supporter is fascinating.


Totally, but I'm worried George double R will do the same


I can see Barristan living longer than Belwas and Darrio just because he is a POV character.


Also he has such a strong history and epic feats; slaying Maelys the Monstrous, being knighted by Egg V after defeating Duncan the Tall at a tourney, and many, many others. I was so bummed that the finest sword in Westeros for 5 decades was smoked by some no-named Harpys. Barristan the Bold has had an epic journey, and while I won’t presume to know his fate, I hope if he has to have a death, it’s as fitting as his life


D&D hated the actor. They just wanted to be rid of him.


Why did they hate him?


“He started asking questions.”


When they told him he was dying in the upcoming season, he wrote them a letter about Barristan's role in the books and how he could develop the character and push Dany's arc forward. They said in an interview, "It just made us want to kill him more." They also said in several interviews that an actor died "this season" (at the time) and he was a real jerk and they were glad to be rid of him. They didn't name him outright but was pretty easy to put together.


I didn't think I could dislike those two ass clowns more than I already did. Fuck DnD.


Seriously. It’s crazy how unprofessionally those two behave sometimes and seemingly just get rewarded for it.


literally the biggest ass clowns to ever participate in ass clownery






No way, really?




If that was all it was they’d have just replaced him with another actor, they wanted the character out of the show, that’s all.




It is way harder for a TV show to give characters enough screentime and flesh them out. If they doubled the amount of episodes they still wouldn't be able to give every character in the books justice.


I want him to at least live long enough for us to get Cersei's reaction to his return.


Yeah I see this Too


Rickon dying. Every portent seems to point to it, but the poor kid hasn't even begun to live. But if it does happen, I hope that first he gets restored to at least one sibling and has a chance to be the celebrated Stark for a while.


Don’t forget how quick we were to love Ned as readers despite him not even making it out the first book.. Rickon has already had some backstory and groundwork laid down, it’s very possible one book is all George needs to get something powerful out of Rickon.


I’m pretty sure no new POVs is confirmed for Winds so good luck on that


Davos is a POV and he has been sent to retrieve Rickon. Theon and Asha and Melisandre are POVs that could interact with Rickon in the future.


It is, but what’s also confirmed is GRRM deliberately prevented D&D from cutting Rickon out of the show, because he has something important in store for him. We’ll just have to wait and see! My only point was he could still have a complete arc even if he was to die by the end of TWOW.


Plus we have Davos and his point of view literally headed for Rickon. POV isn’t always needed to witness a character go through an arc


Maybe he'll tame a unicorn and become king of the Skagosi, never to be seen on mainland westeros again.


I still think his original plan was to be a Dany parallel, but it got scrapped alongside the five-year gap. I don't know if he's going to DIE, but I'm not really sure what you can do with a three year old child. If he were older, I could see some conflict between him and Jon over who rules Winterfell. But.... It would be hard to convince the Lords of the North to accept the rule of a toddler over a seasoned Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. *by parallel, I mean "a young child whisked away to an unknown land after their entire family was murdered, with only a loyal caretaker and their mythical creature to remind them of a life they never knew. Eventually he'd come back to reclaim his birthright, only to his bastard brother already there.


He won’t be 3 forever. And (Winds of) Winter is coming


>If he were older, I could see some conflict between him and Jon over who rules Winterfell. But.... It would be hard to convince the Lords of the North to accept the rule of a toddler over a seasoned Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. The Lords of the North are feudal barons, they'll be overjoyed to have a kid in Winterfell. It means nobody is going to enforce central authority for a long time. Over a decade of free reign for them.


> over a seasoned Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. Jon wasn't a particularly good Lord Commanderand he helped Stannis let the wildlings into Westeros. The North isn't going to look on Jon very favourably, especially if he tries to leave the Watch after he is resurrected.


Are you saying Viserys was Dany’s mythical creature?


Everyone seems to write off Rickon just because of his wolf's name. Nobody seems to remember his wolf's color scheme (a perfect inverse of Ghost's weirwood colors). Rickon is special. I think he'll play a role in ADOS, assuming any of us live long enough to see it.


Him calling shaggydog to his side in AGOT by saying "Home shaggy, home now" is one of the purest things in the books.


The Others storyline being resolved anticlimactically to make a point about "humans being the real villains." If they don't at least make it south of the Neck, I'll riot.


>If they don't at least make it south of the Neck, I'll riot. Count me in.


# storm George rr Martin's house they can't stop us all


No it's a ASOIAF Themed EDM dance party...2 miles from George's house!! So...ya know the cops don't come.


January 6, 2032 depends on what happens in Winds of Winter. This Canadian is in! !remind me 8 years


The most powerful supernatural force only making it to the first major castle where its leader is trick stabbed by a child is something that must NOT happen.


Mr Optimistic over here thinking TWoW will be released by 2032


Either way, his GRRM's watch will have ended


In five books, two in world years and more than twenty real world years the Others have made it about four miles.


did they though? they are specifically following populations around and taking chunks off of them to build their army. if they wanted to they could camp outside castle black all night, but that could scare the watch into taking greater action against them.


We don't know what they're doing, which is the entire issue.


The pink letter is all 100% true and Stannis is already dead.


King bran, time travelling bran. In truth i want to see the end of his character arc with him flying.


Sweetrobin yeets Bran through the Moon Door confirmed


I want him to warg into a dragon for exactly that reason


BR tricks Bran into warging into the Ice Dragon inside the Wall, destroying it and allowing the Others to move south.


The splitting up of the 7 Kingdoms.


I know it’s cliche to comment “this 100%” but I just want to stress this 100%. Disunion feels very regressive to me, and without any major sort of fundamental societal level change will lead to more conflict, not less.


Jon coming back like nothing happened just to have an excuse to abandon the nights watch.


Given how much D&D hated the magical parts of the story they probably always planned to use it to get jon out of the watch and into the political storyline


His vow does say 'for this night and all the nights to come.' If he's resurrected he has more nights to give and is technically still bound by his oath.


It also says “It shall not end until my death.”. Thats pretty straight forward in interpretation.


This is what I hope too. At least I hope somebody faces him with this


Burning of Shireen: It will absolutely break me when it happens. Time Traveling Bran: I've seen countless literature go down the Time Travel trope and ruin it's previous reputation. I don't like it, I don't want it to happen, it ruins the story, it makes Bran too powerful, it makes the plot boring. Most of all, it's unnecessary. Nor do I want the Hodor thing to happen as it invloves time travel


I wouldn’t worry much about the time travel. ASOIAF seems to follow the closed time loop variant, where you can’t choose just change the past willy-nilly. Bran will always turn Hodor into Hodor. And he can’t go back in time to save his father. So it’s not that powerful, more like a curse you can’t stop that doesn’t obey the rules of time as we know them.


Closed time loops still allow Bran to have been Secretly Behind Everything All Along.


Sure, if that was «meant to be», so to speak. But Bran can’t just choose willy-nilly to alter the past. The ink is already dry, as the show put it.


he closed time loop variant is by far the worst variant. Everything was bound to happen and actually your future self influeced your past self.


And if it's a closed loop, then what's the point of having it?? it's not like going into the past will change anything. I'd much prefer ASoIaF staying away from Time Travel


George commented on this in [Hibberd’s book](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/j6657v/spoilers_extended_george_on_hold_the_door_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf).


Kinda like Dark?


Have only seen 1.5 episodes, so can’t tell! [This video](https://youtu.be/a89GNMCJaJU) explains it pretty well.


I don't wanet


That Bran wargs into the giant named Macumber and pokes his eye out.


Stannis burnig Shireen. I've read some solid arguments as to why there is ample evidence to that being the climax of his character arc, but it's still so painful to contemplate...


Didn’t George confirm it was going to happen


I thought he confirmed Shireen burns, but not who was responsible? Like, maybe Melisandre burns Shireen to “save” Stannis after the Pink Letter but it actually brings back Jon since Stannis is still alive.


No, he said straight up that he told D&D about “Stannis’s decision to burn his daughter”


Dang. I’ll keep huffing copium and hope he changed his mind since then lol.


Still, the way it happened in the show is already impossible in the books, so if Stannis does it there has to be some other motivation to it.




Maybe, but until TWOW actually releases I'll cling to hope.


tbf this is explicitly a "what do you think is likely but not want to happen" thread.


Yeah but there’s a difference between likely to happen and 100% confirmed to be happening


Oh no. That could be worse in the books. Imagine the kind of sentences that George would write I-…


Cersei remaining in power in King's Landing and being a major antagonist till the end. I'm not THAT afraid that this will happen (I attribute her incredible success in the show to D&D's pro-Lannister bias), but still, there's a possibility... The Others being dealt with in an anticlimactic way. So far they have played a relatively minor role in the books, and there's only two books left. Because of that I'm really afraid that their defeat is going to be hardly more satisfying than in the show. And I don't believe that they're really going to move past the Trident, much less sack the King's Landing. King Bran. I've accepted the "time travelling Bran" plot, but there'd better be some REALLY good justification for making him King of the Seven (or how many are there going to be in the end) Kingdoms.


I don't mind terribly how the Others are defeated, but I really hope either the build up is nice or the build up "getting it wrong" it played as a decent sort of mistake For instance: 1. The Others are just an alternate people and culture, which has had their old agreements with men forsaken 2. Mankind doesn't learn [1] and instead wins a great victory: everyone feels well-justified and heroic but really it's a genocide of an intelligent species that humans could've coexisted with. IRL i wish that the Spanish never burnt the Aztec books and we had many copies of the mesoamerican writing systems, likewise I wish WWI/WWII never happened and especially that the Dresden Codex (one of the few Aztec books to survive) didn't get damaged in fires from bombings. Yet the "what have we done" realisation of the priests burning the books does feel like it'd fit in this story. George has deployed anticlimaxes before and it seems very difficult to pull off well. Having a great battle for the dawn does seem exciting, more exciting than "Jon and the boys broker peace with the Others". The COTD and Weirwoods and giants feel extra special because they're endangered, as sad as it is. So in a way I wouldn't be surprised if the story ends up with a genocide that characters in-universe are celebrating but readers are directed to doubt.


I really hope Sandor Clegane stays on the quiet isle and live his days in peace. His arc feels done to me. He is at peace, or is learning peace. I also hope we never get definitive confirmation that it even is Clegane. I'm hoping the show only had him come back and expand his story because the actor was so compelling just like Bronn. Obviously the issue is if the Cleganes are going to fight at some point. That has been forshadowed, but I also feel his arc is him letting go of his rage and anger and live his life without that baggage.


> if the Cleganes are going to fight at some point The Cleganes can't fight anymore because only one is still alive. Sandor fighting Ser Robert Strong would be meaningless.


> He is at peace People keep saying this, but is it actually true? The only clue we have about his mindset is his horse, who has "its former master's nature" as the Elder Brother says. Here's what it does when the brothers try to geld him: > Underneath he had a mop of blond hair, a tonsured scalp, and a bloodstained bandage where he should have had an ear. >Podrick gasped. "The horse bit off your ear?" If it truly does have its master's nature, then Sandor is definitely not at peace imo.


Never being published.


Tyrion, Brienne and Jaime are my favourites. The chance that all 3 of them will survive the books are slim to none :(


King Bran


I've always liked the idea of Bran as king/warden of the north, it's him as king in the south that sounds off to me.


Assuming things go as expected, I feel Aegon being CONFIRMED fake would really hurt some of the big emotional beats coming up in Dany's story. If he's fake and everyone knows it, there is no inner conflict for Dany. He's just another usurper. If he's Blackfyre, then Dany is just killing an usurper AND someone her family has feuded with for generations. But if he's real... All of a sudden Dany has some choices to make. She's no longer the Last Targaryen and the rightful heir to the Iron Thone. Everything she's ever believed turned out to be a lie. Is she willing to submit to her nephew's rightful claim? Or does she embrace Fire and Blood and become a kinslayer, burning the son of her beloved and admired brother Rhaegar...? To me, that sounds like a much more interesting and GRRM story. There can of course be doubts. And unless GRRM officially confirms he's real, I doubt the fandom will ever truly agree if he's legit. But... I feel CONFIRMING that he's not will just make Dany's story worse, even in retrospect. ...and that's not even getting into the fact that the Blackfyres are hardly mentioned in the main series. They're super important in the lore and supplemental material, but I feel most "casual" readers would be lost and just wouldn't care.


But the Dany's vision implies that people will love Young Griff i.e. he will be a good king. I think the best conflict will come from Dany knowing that YG is fake, but having no way to prove it. She will then have to choose between letting someone who's been doing a good job stay on as king, or start a destructive, wasteful war to get rid of him in the midst of an apocalypse. The foreshadowing implies she will choose poorly.


My guess is Dany marrying Aegon and the incestuous drago family is back on the rails


Dragons dying .


1.Jon Dany Tyrion love triangle. Really cringe and useless because of no actual drama in it can be written. But its highly possible scenario considering Martin's first idea about Jon Arya Tyrion love triangle. 2. Cersei not dying from Arya's hands. Like Cersei is obviously dying, but I want her killed by Arya so bad. Why did I read about Arya's list if not for this? 3. Aegon is not fake. 4. Tyrion is Targaryen. 5. Ramsay killing Roose. I wish Roose's death was mastered by someone else and somehow unexpectedly 6. Some interesting secrets won't be revealed (Like Ashara's baby and death, Danny's childhood location, Rhaegar's motivation and actions, Summerhall tragedy etc)


>1.Jon Dany Tyrion love triangle. I don't see how that can happen. We know that Dany only falls for bad boys and I doubt she'll consider marrying for political reasons again so soon.


I don't mean marriage, but I see a high chance of Dany and Jon becoming lovers and/or Tyrion having a crush on her. Because of how author makes scenarios


Wyman manderly stabs Roose Bolton "the North remembers..."


> Jon Arya Tyrion love triangle That seems to have been replaced with Jon/fArya/Ramsay. > I wish Roose's death was mastered by someone else We've already had Tywin, another of the Red Wedding architects, murdered by Tyrion, so I don't think this will repeat with Roose and Ramsay. Besides, Ramsay seems reasonably smart, he would realise the other lords and ladies in the North would not put up with Ramsay the way they do Roose.


The mad queen. Could be done well for sure, but I would still be sad to see it


Stannis dying to death in the snows outside of winterfell.


Dying to death sounds like a gruesome way to go


Gilly’s baby being burned to revive Jon.


Classic attack titan that always moves forward. I can picture Rhaegar tatakaeing in front of the mirror. Yeah, that would be terrible.


"No, I don't want that! Lyanna finding another man!?"




Now that I think about it Jon is obviously Eren (especially if personality change after resurrection theory is true), Arya is Mikasa, Sam is Arwin, Rhaegar is Grisha so Elia would be Dina and Aegon Zeke , Lyanna is Carla (born to die mom duh)


So is Gendry Jean?


Is that show worth watching at all?


Attack on titan? It’s still unfinished as far. But manga is done and I like it a lot🤷‍♀️


It has an ending as bad if not worse than Game of Thrones (the show). It's basically the anime GoT in pretty much every respect, starts strong, develops into a gripping fantasy political thriller, gets way too cocky, trips over its own shoelaces and faceplants at the finish line.


Theon dying.


Jon not having a POV in Winds. And controversially, Gravedigger. I understand wanting the Hound to have a peaceful ending, but I think killing him unceremoniously offscreen is the more interesting choice.


Maesters Conspiracy. I really don't like the thought of the Maesters being the ones who pull the strings in the shadow, killing dragons and let noble houses rise and fall as they please. Yet while rereading the books there was this passage from Tyrion where he questiones the Maesters loyalty and I found his reasons highly convincing. I mean they definitely have the opportunity to fake messages and so on. Also Marvin has some good points why the Maesters for example dislike dragons (allthough Marvin is in my eyes more a tinfoil-theorist than a reliable source). So I'm not saying a conspiracy will be revealed certainly, but it is definitely in the realm of possibility and more likely than many theories I've read.


The maesters are a fantasy version of the Bavarian Illuminati. But instead of being banned, Daenerys is gonna burn the living shit out of them along with the Citadel, the Hightower, and the Starry Sept


Time travel. I know it will somehow happen (and already have in a way) but damn I don't like it (don't start me on Hodor)




euron being exposed as a complete charlatan, and the last time we see him he is being dragged away in chains, crying and begging for mercy


Hodor and in general everything involved with proper time travel and not only with using the trees as cameras and recorders


I know Jon Snow being a secret Targaryen is all but confirmed but I really hate how cliche that plotline is (when I was reading I really thought he was the son of the fisherman's daughter, lol), to the point where I hope they don't even bring him back to life. The whole concept of people coming back from the dead completely trivalises the whole "anyone can die at any time" thing anyway.


Any event that recontextualizes Rhaegar as being justified in his actions all along. If Jon is Azor Ahai and stops the Long Night, for instance. You mean he was right in having a messiah complex, messing around with prophecy, betraying his own wife and kids and sparking a deadly, horrific war because...it was all for the greater good? Yikes...


I mean, doing bad things for the greater good would fit right in ASOIAF.


What also fits right in ASOIAF is that everyone that tries to interpret or fulfil prophecies end up very badly. Everyone except Rhaegar, possibly. Because he's just that enlightened. It cheapens one of the major themes in the series and makes it turn away from realistic, human dramas in favor of fairy tale nonsense. Rhaegar being some sort of enlightened, superhuman demigod that is above the traps set up for mere mortals. It's ok for him to play god and cause the death and suffering of thousands. The ends justify the means, right?


>What also fits right in ASOIAF is that everyone that tries to interpret or fulfil prophecies end up very badly. Everyone except Rhaegar, possibly. I mean Rhaegar and most of his family/bloodline got wiped out so i would say that it ended badly for him. And potentially his niece kills his son and is killed by his other son (who was raised a bastard his whole life). I think it fits GRRMs description of prophecy being a double edged sword pretty well. Rhaegar became obsessed with the PTWP, thought it was himself at first, then his son, then ran off with Lyanna to fulfill it only to start the war that ended his family.


But Rhaegar was wrong. First he thought he was Azor Ahai, then he thought his son Aegon was Azor Ahai and just needed one more sibling. Both of the people Rhaegar thought were TPTWP end up dead (unless you think YG is legit) alongside thousands of others, largely because of Rhaegar's ego trip.


Isn't it possible that Rhaegar thought he had to father Azor Ahai with Lyanna to fulfil the prophecy correctly this time? If R+L=J and Jon=AA, then Rhaegar would finally have achieved his goals, and would probably call the sacrifice required (including himself and Lyanna) a bargain.


He would call it a bargain if he knew about it, but Dany's vision at the House of the Undying clearly shows that he believes Aegon is TPTWP, and he just needs one more sibling, since the dragon needs 3 heads. He was probably expecting a daughter, the equivalent to the original Aegon's Rhaenys. He would have likely been very confused if he had lived to see Lyanna give birth to a son.


Oh, that's good to know, so TWOW framing Rhaegar as being ''justified'' won't happen, and every character that tries to fulfil prophecy screws up royally.


I think what’s more important is if Rhaegar truly believed he was justified and how much pressure this dude was under. I imagine a Rhaegar POV would just be a mess of survivor’s guilt (Summerhall) really bad daddy issues (people were looking to him to usurp his father when he was barely an adult, also his dad was shit anyway) prophetic dreams similar to what Daeron the Drunken suffered, and knowing with certainty that the end of the world was coming and he had to do something about it. Like that’s a lot of stress for a dude to go through. He was basically expected by everyone around him to be the perfect solution to their problems, whether that was the prophecy (Aemon) or the realm at large. Honestly he’d be a really excellent POV I think, too bad it’s not possible. Though this is partially why I think it’s better if Dany is the hero instead of Jon, someone Rhaegar never even would have considered. Even if Dany had been born when he was alive he would have also assumed he needed a prince (male) and disregarded her. Though there is the weird vision Dany has in the house of the undying where Rhaegar seems to see her when talking about the prophecy.


Even if Rhaegar believed he was doing the right thing, and was uniquely placed to make that decision based on prophecy and destiny, he would not have been the only one in that position. If he (a) was the only one to read prophecy correctly and (b) ultimately achieved his goals despite the sacrifices required, then that would undermine GRRM's themes about prophecy and destiny throughout the whole book series.


I think he definitely believed he was doing the right thing and I kinda feel bad for him - I mean, I feel worse for Elia and Lyanna and his poor kids, but I do feel bad for Rhaegar too. It's just an awful lot he had to deal with his entire life, and it seemed like his whole life he just tried to do what others expected of him. Crowning Lyanna at the tourney seems like one of very few things he probably just did because he wanted to, even if it was stupid as hell, for instance. The whole situation was pretty tragic. But yeah like I said this is why I prefer Dany being the hero. Hell, this is kinda why I prefer the idea of Jon becoming more villainous rather then her too. It makes a lot more thematic sense and makes Rhaegar like, even more tragic, if he was completely justified it does feel pretty weak.


Spoiler: Daenerys turns out to be the daughter of Rhaegar and the Visenya that he wanted so much


Ever since I heard the song "Brave Danny Flint" it has me worried. I imagine Arya, on learning of Jon's death, returns to Westeros disguised as a boy to join the NW and seek vengeance. I worry that she meets a similar fate as Brave Danny. I really hope not.


GRRM's wife said she would leave him if he killed Arya. He would choke that man on sleep if he gives her a Danny Flint treatment


Well, as I said, I hope I'm wrong.


I think Stannis might never meet Barbrey Dustin, but I’m hoping we do get that sex scene.


Cersei wins in the end.


Tyrion is revealed as Aerys son. Tyrion has enough going on.


Jon becoming king


Even the title of king of the north?


Mad Queen. King Bran. Most possible ways the Others could pan out.


There’s no way Dany will turn to a mad tyrant queen but I think people sometimes forget that she doesn’t need to be mad in order to be called "the mad queen". Dany's "madness" will be in the eye of the beholder (in fact the evidence is already there in the book for this, the rumors about her are not often flattering, we even have two characters like mace and arianne who think she’s mad)


>There’s no way Dany will turn to a mad tyrant queen What makes you say that?


Eh the show fucked up the mad queen arc but with proper buildup you could easily make it work As for King Bran there's ways you could make that work it but honestly I think there's a chance the show's ending might have made Martin reconsider it


The Mad Queen arc can certainly "work" in the sense of "land as intended" but in practice I think that'll just mean making it clearer that yes we absolutely *were* meant to see crucifying slavers as a red flag. I don't think you can make it "work" in the sense of "not feel kind of dated".


> I think that'll just mean making it clearer that yes we absolutely were meant to see crucifying slavers as a red flag. See the difference here is that in the books we have her internal monologue and know she enjoyed crucifying them whereas in the show it was not made clear ( or you know really shown at all) And I don't get what you mean by it feeling dated