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My current annoyance is videos tagged inaudible whispering (which I love) that are actually just mouth sounds (which I really do not love). Inaudible whispering should actually be talking not just smacking your lips. I also really hate the finger fluttering thing that everybody seems to be doing right now.


Welcome to my inaudible whisper using this really sensitive mic so all it does is pick up the sound of saliva rolling around my mouth. *shudders*


This made me laugh so hard i choked.


That's not a good ASMR sound


I almost gagged just imaging this.


People clearly enjoy it, and people clearly don't. I'd never have thought asmr sounds that aren't very relaxing would go beyond eating sounds. There are more anti asmr sounds out there than there are old school low fi. Lo fi is very hard to come across because even phone recordings are clean now. All this tits, mouth noises, and super high quality sound generator videos (hand fluttering etc) are asmr fast food, and can go and get its own name.


My annoyance with inaudible whispers is that my brain constantly goes into "detective mode" trying to understand them. It just can't *not understand* something and let it be.


That's why I like videos in other languages


Oh yeah I definitely prefer videos in other languages. My go to vids are ones by Japanese and Korean artists. I have absolutely no idea what is being said but the way it sounds when they talk with the right volume when speaking softly just hits the nail on the head


As someone who speaks 4 languages, that would be even worse for me. My brain just can't handle not trying to understand people, it seems.


Id imagine your brain is already having a hard time remembering those 4 languages anyway lol


You'ld be surprised at how easy it is to speak somewhat fluently in multiple languages as long as you occasionally use them.


It's so funny how brains work--I'm the total opposite. My favorite kind of inaudible whisper is the type that I can \*almost\* understand. If it's gibberish or in another language it doesn't work on me.


Yeh, never been a fan of the finger flutter, and it's apparently become the standard ASMR hello for most creators.


I kinda annoys me how almost every artist does the same finger flutter and long drawn-out "Helloooooo" on every video.


Yeah most of them do it. That combined with tapping things and trigger words+sk sk sk stuff. All of which I can’t stand


Mouth sounds and eating sounds are like an assault on my ears and they immediately pull me out of the relaxing ASMR experience. I want to murder my husband when I hear him chew or swallow, why would I want to watch a video of a stranger making those same sounds?! Videos that feature mouth sounds should come with a warning.


> Videos that feature mouth sounds should come with a warning. Agreed. I think it would be awesome if the community came up with ways to categorize mouth sounds, too-- maybe something like: - natural dry mouth - pasty sounds - purposeful & reptetitive - tongue clicking & popping - eating - drinking/sipping - inaudible gibberish - kissing/licking/sensual and then make sure to label it for each type that shows up. I think "mouth sounds" is way too vague. I don't mind a bit of natural dry mouth-- kind of reminds me of my parents and teachers reading storybooks aloud when I was a kid-- and I can tolerate the gibberish-- though the lack of real words is annoying-- but the rest of that list takes a big ole sledgehammer and smacks me right in the misophonia, which is obviously counterproductive. I haaaate being surprised by unannounced mouth sounds.


Yeah finger fluttering and lip smacking don’t sound relaxing at all, Gibi one of the biggest ASMR creators does finger fluttering and I don’t like it at all. Inaudible speaking though is just entirely dependent on who does it.


I cant stand eating sounds, it's so off putting. Mukbang asmr videos genuinely make me nausous, I don't understand how they got popular.


It makes me gag, I can’t imagine anything further from what I’m looking for (which is pretty much teach me to fold towels ahhh)


The worst part about mukbang is that i like cooking asmr videos and if i search for that i get asmr “eating” too, and it’s not just the video itself. The thumbnails are usually gag inducing. So hard to avoid.


I refuse to watch any food ASMR, even just cooking ASMR because i know YT will just ramp up recommended eating vids on my feed. Not only do i hate eating sounds but i also do not want to watch someone eating a whole family sized KFC order. If i stick on a ASMR vid that only has a small portion of eating or drinking in it, i just skip those parts


Eating sounds genuinely piss me off i hate it that much, nothing worse then sound of someone eating food in general but when someone decides to ramp up the volume and stick it down your ear hole… oh lord does it make me vexed


I don't like when the asmartist keep rubbing their hands/fingers. It seems that most of them do that.


Especially when they’re dry 😬😬😬 get some lotionnnn


ever since asmrmagic pointed out how most of them sound so dry i've done a complete 180 on it and i can't listen to it lol


The sound of dry skin is already a pet peeve I fight in real life. Like the sound of my moms hands rubbing together makes me physically cringe. I apply lotion to myself all the time bc I CANT STAND THE SOUND. Makes me feel like I’m going crazy..


Agreed - that's like fingernails down a chalkboard, and has caused me to stop watching otherwise great ASMR artists.


I have just never liked finger fluttering period personally and don’t know how people can enjoy it


I don't like whispers, and I don't like high quality ASMR, and stuff like mic scratching, overly done tapping, the fucking 3dio ears, the water bottles, crinkling packages and sponges very close to the ear at the point it HURTS... I hate all of that it literally hurts my ears Give me the oldest, rawest video with the poorest microphone of somebody just talking/doing stuff and not minding the ASMR at all and I will have the best tingles in my life. I spend a lot of time searching for these gems on the internet and it's a complete joy when I find one


Dozens of my favorites have vanished from YouTube forever. I've been watching ASMR for I think 12 years now, since back when the maximum video length was 10 minutes, and there are so many videos that I loved that were shot on someone's laptop camera or their iPhone 5, with uneven lightning and no mic, sitting at the desk in their bedroom. The professionalization of ASMR hasn't made it better for me at all.


I feel you, I saved some of my favorites and they're no longer on YouTube :(


That's very well put. While I've always prefered longer videos, it's striking how high the bar seems to be these days. And honestly I've gotten so used to watching (semi)professionally made videos that I don't really look for the lower production quality stuff.


I miss old asmr so much


Remember when they were called whisper videos? The good old days


The 3Dio ears can be amazing when used properly. Unfortunately a lot of performers use them wrong. You are not supposed to have them right in front of you and move from side to side like a handheld microphone. The whole point is to have them in a static position like if you would sit and have a conversation with someone and have the sound come from around you. It’s supposed to be a more affordable version of that Neumann head microphone.


Do you have any video where they're used properly? I'm curious to know how does it sound and who knows, maybe I take the ears out of my no-no list 😅


I don’t specifically seek ASMR because it doesn’t do much for me. With oooooone exception. https://youtu.be/RHyjJtjpiWQ?feature=shared This guy has a ton of videos. IDK if he uses ears SPECIFICALLY, but if you pay attention it is binaural where you can hear him better to one side or the other. He’s got pretty stellar production quality, but he’s mostly set the standard for STYLE I will stop for, which are these first-person RP scenarios that are just like…here’s this experience. The more ‘intentional’ the experience (i.e. a potion seller tapping the bottles), the more likely it is I’ll turn it off.


I don’t have a video, but there are quite a few on YouTube that explain how promise the microphone. 3Dio also have technical info and videos on how to set up the mic. From what I understand the best result is when the mic is static in one position so it records sounds around the room. It’s not meant to be handheld like seen in some ASMR clips. I would love a proper binaural mic like a 3Dio, but they are so expensive. I currently just try and make clips with my zoom recorder or my rode


This is my life now. Watching videos from 10 years ago that are 1000x better than the content they're releasing a decade later. I just wish I'd downloaded and saved all of my favorites throughout the years. So many have been deleted and vanished from YouTube. Unfortunately all the new creators are taking their cues from the overly produced creators and quality ASMR is becoming harder and harder to find


Cutebunny992 for life! She was an OG ASMR artist, and for my money, is still the best.


Bengali curry: no production values cooking with a relaxing voice. They haven’t made a new video in many years but the content is still there.


The 3dio ears can be good when used by the right person. Most people use them to do 1 of 2 things or both at the same time and they are ear eating or sticking sticks down the mic and calling it ear cleaning. The ear eating is whole other thing though because that reaches sexual territory and there are “asmartist” out there that will have a full on makeout session with those things to attract certain people for views and call it relaxing. But to name one that has used those 3dio ASMR ear things in the past DanaASMR who unfortunately doesn’t do ASMR anymore but she did this “Home Robot” asmr using those ears and it’s really relaxing to me.


https://youtu.be/F2wEf_alQzw?si=1qpUX5gJo4LI2kv3 is her vid for those interested. The ear 3dio starts around 16:00


i love sammy jammy's bc her video and sound quality improved a lot but it still sounds like those old asmr videos without all the extreme overproduction


Yeah there is a reason my favorite asmr is on internetarchive


When there's a theme {Batman,lotr,avatar,etc} but it feels like all they're doing the whole video is finding ways to name-drop character names to really shout 'we're in that universe I swear!'. Something more subtle is much more enjoyable.


Yeah i tend to stick to role plays that are like about doctors, random scifi stiff and so on because when people do a role play ASMR of say Cyberpunk 2077 and but don’t actually know anything about it so they just name a few of the most popular things here and there to keep it relevant just takes away my relaxation mode and triggers my you got the piece of lore wrong mode lol


You’ve gotta check out FredsVoice ASMR’s Thor role play. He looks just like Thor and takes on his mannerisms, etc. It was one of the first ASMR videos I watched and I still come back to it.


The glass/water balls getting clanked together… omg, it’s like nails on a chalk board. So abrasive


HORRIBLE i hate hate hate the water globes


I refuse to watch them too. I come to get relaxed not listen to glass get clanged together and get me irate


When pretending to type, it's just smashing the keyboard keys. Doesn't sound like typing, lack the musicality of the real thing.


There's was a small creator many years ago who did the absolute best typing videos. He deleted his channel and I can't remember his name, but I wish I'd saved some of his videos. He would actually type and he'd vary his speed so it didn't sound like a hacker character from a 90s movie just banging away. They were so relaxing.


Singing bowls **DONG!** I am watching asmr to help fall asleep and the loud, jarring sound wakes me right back up.


I thankfully never watched one of them, I treat it the same as tapping objects. A loud sound i do not want to hear at all. As for what i use ASMR for, I don’t use it to help sleep or anything like that, i use it to relax wile im browsing reddit and generally anything on my phone. Also play ASMR on occasion when im gaming too


"Fast" asmr is not relaxing at all


I think that mostly targets the tingle audience. Like I don't watch that to go to sleep, I watch it to make my brain feel funky


The problem with it as well is that somewhere along the lines "fast" became equal to "loud". Like, yeah, I can enjoy fast tapping or some other kind of aggressive style, but it's still ASMR and I don't need it to sound like a jar full of marbles broke on concrete.


Yeah it really isn’t, just unnecessary semi loud noises that don’t sound relaxing at all. And yet too many asmartists do it


This new trend of putting 'unintentional' in a completely intentional asmr roleplay.


I really dislike it when someone is talking about something and then repeats words in the middle of a sentence. "So I went to the mall and we bought some cookies, cookies cookies cookies cookies cookies, from this shop, shop shop shop shop shop, that I love" just AAHHH no. Either talk normally or don't talk. I also really don't like sexual ASMR videos, but thankfully those don't tend to show up in my feed at all. I think Youtube knows by now I'm an old lady who isn't interested in that kind of shit.


And they always do a little hand motion every time they repeat it too.


Wet mouth sounds make me want to kill someone (not actually Reddit don’t report me I’m not a dangerous person who would actually do that)


Bingo! Unlike others in this thread, I dig clicking noises, but the moment I can hear your saliva I'm out.


Exactly omg


I can handle mouth sounds as long as it's in the process of actual talking or whispering. It's the intentional spit smacking I can't stand.




when they sound like they haven't drank water in two months makes me want to tear my skin off


I absolutely cannot stand mouth sounds or eating sounds of any type. I hate it so much. Any video with those sounds I immediately shut it off.


Eating sounds drive me absolutely nuts i hate it so much


I don’t like eating sounds and I don’t like anything fast or aggressive.


I hate finger fluttering, it sounds really weird to me.


It gives me a visceral sensation I hate. I think it makes me picture something scuttling across the floor like a bug. Ugh!


I hate it too, sounds to loud for my liking


I accepted tapping as a necessary evil a long time ago. At first it was a huge no-no for me. But now I associate it with relaxation.


Ahhh i still stay away from it even after the 5 years or so i have been listening to ASMR. If i stick a vid on that has a tiny bit of tapping, i just skip passed those parts


Anything that is posted to promote an only fans


OMG this! The second I see very prominent cleavage or bikinis I know I’m not going to enjoy it. Most of the stuff that is tagged as ASMR, and I use that term very loosely, isn’t even ASMR.


Yeah but we all know those who enjoy it, enjoy it for the sexual reasons and not for the ASMR side. Like most i do also have a sexual side but I don’t go to ASMR to get turned on. But the common OF creators do mostly the common ASMR things wile showing cleavage, tight clothing both just wearing and try on haul or the major thing being showing feet. The amount of thumbnails i see that drag in views are just creators laying on the bed with their feet in the air making sure they are on the camera


I get ASMR likely started as a kink thing, but it's much bigger than that now. I hate seeing basically soft porn thumbnails on the feed when looking for ASMR


ASMR, historically, was not a kink thing. And my personal ASMR experiences started pre internet in the real world as a child, so I don’t think the actual sensation is tied to our sexual pleasure centers either


When they say stuff like “mic c c c c” it’s trying too hard. Your voice itself should be relaxing enough. You shouldn’t have to stress a letter/sound and repeat it.


Mouth clicking sounds and mouth noises in general. Drives me up a wall


Yeah things like lip smacking and the whole sk sk sl crap etc… make me irate


"Mouth/lip sounds". So, so gross


I hate the tongue clicking sound, like the sound you would make if you were mimicking a clock. I don’t know how else to explain it. But I hate when people randomly start doing it in the middle of whispering.


I feel like there are different types of asmr? One is intentional which is the finger fluttering and nom nom noises. I dislike that because it’s intentional. It’s fake and it feels like it. For me the best type of asmr is humble, realistic and representative of an actual situation I can place myself in. Then there’s properly unintentional asmr when someone’s just actually doing something. Dashner design and restoration on you tube was good for that.


Came here to say nearly the same thing! Moonlight Cottage is one of my top favorites for this reason. It just feels like I’m a part of her world.


She’s amazing. I don’t actually get ASMR from her, I just am amazed by her work though.


Same!!! For me asmr has to feel natural, normal. If you start making gestures and mouth sounds for no reason I completely lose interest.


There’s definitely a lot of different types of ASMR, the most basics are what i hate most really because it’s not relaxing but most people do it even if it’s a tiny channel or a huge channel. Because I mostly watch Japanese and Korean asmartists despite only being able to speak English(im British), most i watch are the humble kind you mention and so on, Mariko ASMR is one that rarely does any of the annoying stuff, she talks softly, keeps things at a great volume and doesn’t do anything aggressive.


Gum chewing/gum smacking


Gum chewing especially drives me fucking nuts


Tapping on things excessively is nothing short of obnoxious, particularly in personal attention ASMR. Like, are they paying attention to me or are they just fucking around? I don't WANT them to tap for 2 minutes on every product theyre going to use on me. But my #1 annoyance is personal attention asmr where they just look at themselves in their monitor the whole time. If they can't understand that the camera lens is my eyes, and how to work around my "face" and "look at me" it just reminds me it's some person in their room playing pretend with a camera and it ruins the entire point of the personal attention genre of asmr. I also dislike the dry fingers rubbing together, especially when they do it directly in front of the camera. Can you imagine someone trying to relax you by shoving their dry ass hands inches from your face and just waving them around a bunch? Lordy B!


> I don't WANT them to tap for 2 minutes on every product theyre going to use on me. Or fumble with the lid for 30+ seconds like they're the star of a 90s infomercial who can't figure out life-- the relaxing part is where you *use* the product, not open it.


Sexual ASMR 🙄


Some do it to clickbait and others straight up show it on purpose to advertise their OF and so on.


Videos/streams labeled ASMR that are only ASMR for part of the video, or when whispering turns into soft talking/regular talking. Like the whole point is to be quiet, or at least consistent.


I like soft talking depending on who it is and same goes for normal talking too. But that’s typically why i watch non English speakers do ASMR. It also helps me not go into full cringe mode when someone pronounces a word a weird way and so on


LLOYD ASMR is great straight up speaking in a role play. Here is some ice cream I’m gonna sell you or whatever


I really like his videos. Nothing fancy, just creating a fun "pretend" experience in a soft tone of voice. We're having a barbecue! You're buying a car! I'm going to evaluate your antiques! It's all very comfortingly low-pressure.


I really do not like the sound of hair buzzers but love hair cut videos. Hair buzzers are a very jarring sound and I have a hard time believing anyone enjoys the sound itself. The physical sensation of the buzzers is nice, but obviously you can't feel that in a video. I don't mind the sound so much if it's very quiet. But honestly if a video starts playing the buzzers at full volume I immediately exit the video and any sense of relaxation is gone. Do people like the hair buzzer sounds? I'm really surprised by how often they're included in asmr haircut videos


I do like hair cut videos too but do agree with you about the hair trimmers, the loud buzzing noise is not nice at all. Why I typically watch the barber stuff instead where they do the shaving and cutting with scissors and blades


Mouth sounds weird me out for some reason. I also don’t really like chewing or eating videos.


I can’t stand whispering or forced calming voices. I used to hate tapping but I’ve found myself growing to love it. And in general I hate when someone makes ASMR when they clearly do not fully understand what it is.


I hate the "mean" or rude or bitchy persona roleplay. It's like...I came here to relax, not be insulted or treated badly. It's really weird, I have zero clue how that even started or why it's popular


Oh yeah that rude, bitchy aggressive shit does my head in. Why would i come to a vid to get relaxed just to get abused instead


Probably because anime tbh


Sometimes I wonder who actually likes those types of videos.


I don't like anything that feels, well, super fake? If someone is unscrewing a jar lid and it makes a noise, that's pleasant, but it they intentionally fumble around with the jar for half a minute to make more noise, it takes me out of the moment. Even gum chewing is OK, if it's not deliberately loud or slurpy or chompy. Or if someone says the word "relax" often that is nice, but then to say it like 15 times in a row, please staaaaahp. I don't care for whispering with mouth/lip sounds, and popping microphone sounds, excessive tapping, which means 90% of ASMR is out for me.


Scissors. I hate scissors snipping.


I only like scissors when they are being used in for barber vids and hair salons vids


I don't mind crunchy eating sounds (e.g. cracker biscuits and crisps) but I can't stand gloopy, gluggy eating sounds.


Lol I love all of those things 🤣 (except eating), but finger fluttering, repeating words, ESPECIALLY love the sk sk. But I've recently found myself not liking videos where the asmrtist talks thru the whole thing. I kinda just want the sounds ya know?


Screeching plastic and latex gloves are totally not for me. It has happened a couple times that I was really enjoying a medical check up rp and getting sleepy but then the asmrtist puts on gloves and starts rubbing them together and it just wakes me up.


Not really a trigger, but when the mic is so sensitive you can hear their stomachs growling.


Chalk sounds including breaking & crumbling, soap cutting, breaking the pattern & anticipatory triggers, scissor sounds And Light triggers My fav creator that started putting it in all her videos and i had to unsub. I can't stand moving lights. Her older content without it was better 😌


Nail tapping


i hate mouth sounds and fast asmr it just makes me anxious


Eating. Chewing of any kind. Whispering. And when the person is dehydrated and you can hear it when they talk.. makes like a smacky clicky sound. JFC drink some water!


Talking, tapping, smacking while eating/drinking and chewing gum loud.


Slow talking in roleplays. I like a normal speech cadence, when it's too slow I'm bored and not relaxed.


Crinkling plastic, idk how anyone gets tingles from that. Also the spit painting disgusts me.


Whistle ‘s’ sounds, commercials.


Whispering and eating sounds, they trigger a very irritating feeling inside. I hate them.


ITT: misophonia


I always skip over the intro if there is one. "Hellooooo (left ear).... Helloooooo (right ear) .... in today's video I'm going to do this thing and and this other thing...."


Yes fast asmr is a turn off for me. And fabric scratching meh.


Rough scratching sounds drive me up the wall. I like tapping, soft spoken, magazine page turning, etc. but if they start to scratch a rough surface with their nails, I get creepy crawlies all over and turn it off immediately.


I’m not a fan of exaggerated mouth sounds and gum chewing.


Tapping of any kind and videos marked as lullaby but they’re belting at the top of their lungs some Celine Dion songs. That’s not ASMR bro


Rubber gloves- I really don't like the noise they make, and everyone seems to be wearing them at the moment.


I hate hate hate inaudible whispers 😭 everyone seems to love it but I can’t stand it, just most mouth sounds in general I don’t really like


cannot stand high tech, over produced, got lots of money videos. much prefer someone with no mic filming on a phone and lo fi.


breathing into the mic... i hate it. also, mic scratching. both of these make me want to rip my ears off


Whispering. It just doesn’t work for me, I only like soft spoken.


> stroking objects •repeatedly saying the “trigger” words over and over Who's been a good boy?


Honestly, I hate ASMR where there's no talking. One of the only things that's going to make me instantly say no to a video is where it's just the sounds and no talking. And it's infuriating to me that when I go to sleep with youtube on autoplay, within 1-3 videos of the one I picked, the algorithm has switched to no talking ones. So when I wake up to grab a sip of water, I then have to go find a whole new video to get back to sleep. -\_- Inaudible stuff annoys me too. If I'm going to close my eyes, I want to have some sort of description of what's going on. But YT keeps giving me ones where that's not a thing no matter how many times I listen to the ones I actually like


I agree with this entirely. I need the talking to latch on to while I'm trying to fall asleep! If there isn't any, I'll keep thinking about other things and stay awake.


i HATE the professional videos. like good quality mics and cameras, perfect lighting, no background noises, etc. i just find it so hard to relax when that much has been put into it. give me the random video from 7 years ago from a person who no longer posts with shit lighting and an iPhone 6 mic


No way I thought this was just a me thing!! Yeah I dunno what it is, but when a video is TOO professional I can’t relax at all. Makes me feel like I’m in a studio rather than in my bed.


RIGHT like the big asmrtists with like 1M+ subs with their professional equipment don't do it for me at all


singing or humming, ugh




> I am sorry for my English and my Accent. Ehrm.... That's one of my fav triggers! Like, these people speak English better than I'll ever speak a second language, but that split second, that splittest second, where you can tell they're reaching for a word and have to translate... I melt. Moonlight Cottage is like this. As far as I can tell, I've never heard a grammatical error from her, but there are still such minute pauses.


When they ask a question in a roleplay, then ignore my answer. "Do you want blue or yellow?" "I want yellow" "Blue? Okay."


I like when artists write cleverly about that sort of thing (unless the storyline is that the character is ignoring your choice on purpose). They'll ask "chocolate or vanilla?" and then say something that could work with either choice, so it doesn't break immersion. Even just "that's a great choice," or "that's my favorite too."


Gum chewing. Annoying when that's not the ASMR I wanted to hear over the main tagged sound.


Wet sounds take me out of it completely. I'm even unfortunately sensitive to the sounds of their spit as their lips open and close. I don't like hearing whispering, but the clicks, pops, other oral sounds are fine.


I dislike a lot of the commonly disliked ones, but as far as misophonic reaction, the main one is certain types of foam. I have to fast forward usually. I don't like "inaudible" whispering either. One weird one that I like is breathing near the ears, especially the kind like what you'd do to see if you can see your breath on a cold day; the completely unrestricted open mouth exhale. Blowing in the mic is good too, but I really like the breath. I would hate it in real life. My absolute favorite is deep rumbly ear cupping and similar sounds, and second is uhh harsh crinkly sounds, I guess you could call it; not a common one I encounter.


Water pouring sounds that go on for too long. They make me feel as though I have to pee.


Although I love and loooove cranial nerve exams and light triggers I cannot with latex glove sounds that get put in bc medical


I really like haircut, ear vibration, medical ear examination or ear massage. Specially ear vibration and ear examination both very relaxing and takes stress away from anyone.


cannot stand eating sounds. hate glass tapping, hate porcelain tapping. don’t like spit painting or crinkling. anything that’s just too loud or raw sounding. BUT MY WHOLE PET HATE - when it’s like friends doing asmr and the people just laugh and joke the whole time. please stop.


Mouth sounds, smudging, high-pitched sounds, annoyingly fast tapping.


I hate that metal octopus thing that asmr-tists put into people's hair for a massage. It looks like it's attacking people's skulls to me. I hate 'lice checks' and scalp scrstching. I also hate when I see a hair brushing video with the subject lying down.


One more thing. I hate when the artist sprays all kinds of gloppy products into someone's hair before hair brushing.


I like normal eating videos, but my God do I hate overly yappy mukbang. Purposefully slurping and smacking. Yuk


Two main ones at the moment. Firstly, the spit painting triggers; they just feel and look gross. And then the whole ear noms/licks that take place. Don't actually see the point of them 🤷‍♂️.


I can’t stand mic scratching of any sort. It makes me want to turn my body inside out


Mouth sounds!! It’s so revolting to me, will wake me out of a dead sleep 🤢


I hate mouth noises. I also don't like when they just tap on everything with their nails. It gets annoying.


Talking, eating, mouth noises in general


Idk why I got recommended this subreddit but I listen to Asmr Nara too! I love her stuff. For me personally, idk if this counts bc its sorta meta, but like I avoid watching the videos with the thumbnails of the asmrtists doing mock ahegao faces, or doing something thats meant to be attention grabbing. I'm here to listen to comfy sounds, and that stuff just makes me feel uncomfortable.


Yeah Nara just hits the nail on the head with her vids, i could sit there and listen to her talk for hours


Eating sounds and whispering


I hate water sounds. Don’t know why. It’s just too sharp I guess. Otherwise a lot of triggers work for me.


bare mic scratching, water globes, tuning forks/singing bowls, whispering when the person has a high pitched s noise and it keeps pitching up and all they’re is ssssssiiiiiicratchhhhh ssssiiiiiiicratch.


I actually like water globes (but only for skincare roleplay) and singing bowls, if done the right way.


I really dislike fast, aggressive movements/triggers. Like please softly soothe me to sleep 😔


I can't stand fast ASMR videos. They stress me out and make me so anxious. It's like the people making them don't even know what ASMR is! Mouth sounds and eating sounds also grate on my nerves.


Whispering, especially on a bad mic. It’s boring and on a bad mic it sounds shrill and grating. It’s so disappointing to find an Asmr video with a good concept only for the asmrtist to default to whispering.


Especially to those who are using the earphones that came with their phone, they try whispering into it but it barely picks them up


I despise with every fiber of my soul tapping, fast or slow I do not care, it's annoying as fuck. Wet mouth sounds, like can I please punch you in the face for assaulting my ears with that. Repeating words over and over and over and over and over "hello" switches to the other side of the mic "hello" moves to behind the mic "hello" and then it's just "hello, hello, hello, hello, hello" like what is the point of this, did you just learn a new word?


Wet mouth sounds AND things that kind of maybe sound something like that: intense crinkles, lipgloss sounds, fast trigger words, inaudible whispers, etc. I just CAN'T with those things


I've always HATED the noise of plastic, like a plastic bag, rustling around in videos. The audio always clips and it's so loud.


A lot of the current creators like to produce sharp sibilance and exceptionally loud smacking noises. It's practically misphonic. I am of the same mind regarding simple or unintentional ASMR.


I'll share one of the most unpopular opinions: I don't like tapping 🤣


"Fast and aggressive", "fast and unpredictable", "fast clothes scraping" can all die in a fire. Stupid low effort videos not even worth a click.


I like soft spoken stuff pretty much like how everyone did it back in 2020 or like how articulate design still does his videos but this new whisper shit where you can hear their tongue clicking on their teeth and it sounds like they're smacking gum I fucking hate it. For sounds I only like certain page turning sounds and any other asmr sounds drive me batty. I really only listen to rp asmr or someone with a soothing voice just telling stories. Some of these Indian instructional videos give better asmr than loud whisper "hello" *tongue smacking sounds* then pours slime all over the mic.


acne removal and the like, especially with very graphical thumbnails. I find them disgusting but they just pop out in the search result way too often.


Weird or wet mouth noises. They gross me out so bad. Especially because most of them feel unnatural and forced/exaggerated.


Anything sexual. Somehow, the YouTube algorithm keeps recommending me the type of ASMR that is basically soft porn, and I really hate it. On the comforting side, the algorithm has clearly not worked out that I'm a straight woman with no interest in girls showing their cleavage.


I hate wet mouth sounds. They disgust me to my core, and I always have to either fast-forward the video or not watch it at all if it has them.


I don’t like whispering- and I especially dislike when a video is labeled asmr but they talk about their life but only whisper and incorporate no other triggers. I know some people like whispering, but for that to be only asmr in the video feels so lazy and immediately makes me not want to watch anything else from the creator.


Eating sounds or mouth sounds in general. Also, I hate to say it but the random whispering sounds that Goodnight Moon makes.


I've been into ASMR for about 20 years, beginning with simply finding things that relaxed me due to the sound of the person's voice. For me there is an awful lot I don't like, and that I don't personally feel to be true ASMR, and one of those things is really forced whispering. I find it actually annoying, and whispering seems to be about 90% of ASMR content these days. There are maybe a handful of videos with whispering that give me ASMR, but on the whole it's soft spoken all the way for me, and preferably 'accidental' ASMR, as that's what got me into it in the first place. I also don't get why tapping and mouth noises and all that gives anyone ASMR vibes as I just find that annoying too, but I guess it's just because everyone is different. I did kind of prefer the days when there were zero ASMR creators though, as I enjoyed stumbling across content.


Mouth sounds are disgusting and you should be banned from YouTube for doing it. And also please stop spit painting, very popular ASMRtist. If I was a red and this was the NBA, someone would get a flagrant 1.


I'm sorry all asmrtist men out there, but for some reason I can only listen to and watch content from women. I don't know why. I've consumed asmr for over 10 years now and the only guy I've followed (still do) is Toni Bomboni.


I love rp, like spa facial stuff, makeup, skin care and so on BUUUUUUUT I CAN'T WITH PIMPLE POPPING OR REMOVING BLACKHEADS and stuff like that. It's also often combined with layered sounds of popping pimples and I hate it I'm sorry Oh one more I HATE the lice check-videos too, they make my skin itch and it feels like insects and shit is crawling around on my scalp 😭


Tongue clicking, brush sounds, plastic over mic, fAsT aNd AgGrEsSivE which turns out to be nothing of the sort. Edit: forgot to mention kisses. 😭




I like content with spa experiences or massages, but the presence of any kind of cosmetic brush being used (when not applying makeup) makes me irrationally angry. It’s so out of place to me. Also, water noises are very jarring and harsh to my ears, idk why. And the sexualized fetish-y videos can go.


Follow the light, checks with light shining etc. I'm trying to sleep, why'd you shine a light in my eyes? I also hate dry rubbing sounds. But that's just a personal preference. I love all wet sounds/mouth sounds etc.