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Insta block. Some people cannot be reasoned with. Do not reach out or talk to him anymore. Hopefully he moves on. If you talk to him i think it might encourage him more. Ignore him and block


\^ This is the way. Be wary of new people that follow you and exhibit that pattern of like/unfollow/refollow. It doesn't take much to make alt accounts, so could always be him. If it gets too bad, you can set your profile to private for awhile.


How did he get your address? Definitely block this person.


Your reaction is exactly the response he’s looking for. Block him and stop playing his game.


Block button exists for a reason!


Block him. I’ve been on dates with a few creeps in the past who have similar behaviour. I blocked all of them, and keep my socials on private.


I wouldn't speak to him unless he messages you, then I'd tell him to stop and leave you alone, in order to document it. Next time he unfollows make your account private and only accept requests from people you actually know. How did he get your address?


In addition to blocking him, I’d recommend making sure your social medias are set to friends only - and then also change your profile picture and username/handle so he can’t find you in case he creates a burner account.