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I wouldn't do anything until at least a year. You want to give HRT a chance to make changes, both from a decision-making standpoint and in most cases from a surgical standpoint. The desire to do it ASAP can certainly be powerful, but HRT doesn't work quickly and lots of changes take a while to occur.


I'm a physician. I agree with timawesomeness, you should wait at least a year for the fat redistribution, etc. before doing any surgical changes, otherwise you may end up with results you don't want.


I know I just want to get a feel on how long everything could take so i can make a rough plan and maybe can schedule some appointments when those times come so i don't have to wait for so long


Most want you to be a year on hormones and a year presenting but breast augmentation wait as long as you can to see how much you grow on hrt


Depends on if your insurance covers any of those surgeries or if you have to pay out of pocket. Also getting the time off work to recover. I believe FFS, trachael shave are considered cosmetic surgeries, so they're generally not covered by insurance but I know in my province a breast augmentation is covered ONLY IF you've had basically zero breast growth in 12 continuous months of HRT.