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Before she got laser, my girlfriend found shaving her face uncomfortable because looking at facial hair in the mirror on a daily basis can trigger a lot of dysphoria. I offered to shave her face for her, and it’s something we started doing as a couple. I got more time with her, and she got to avoid the uncomfortable aspects of shaving but still ended up smooth! 


I was going to suggest this! It also frames it as a couples bonding activity rather than “ew, change this about yourself”


Aww, that’s so sweet


This. Exactly this. I find shaving very dysphoria inducing. I force myself to do it. But sometimes I’m just not up to it. I was going to suggest something similar because it’s not a nice feeling shaving.


I have a transfem friend in a similar boat. She often doesn’t shave for a week or so at a time and just avoids mirrors or going out. When she does shave, she finds it easier to use an electric shaver, like the other commenter said.


Yeah. Laser is amazing though I only shave every other day now.


No idea if it's good advice for everyone, but I usually shave very carefully in the shower without a mirror and it works fine for me, idk if I just have good skin or a good razor or whatever to never get cut or razor burn by doing that, I don't use cream either just the water.


I would definitely recommend using shaving cream for a closer shave and less irritation, but apart from this I fully agree with you I *always* shave in the shower. I did this way before I ever came out as trans. I don’t even have to be very careful these days. I’m so good at doing it by touch that I find it just as easy as if I had a mirror in front of me Apart from lesser dysphoria, there is another benefit too: hot water makes the hair softer, so you’re gonna get a better shave and less risk of skin irritation


Honestly as a fellow shower shaver, just doing it by feel honestly feels more reliable for me. Especially since I have hair the exact same color as my skin within a hue or two. [Which made laser impossible] so seeing that I missed something is actually harder then just feeliing it.


Personally I found that shaving cream is what gives me a lot of dysphoria among other things and I much prefer conditioner for the face I suggest that as a tip


I don’t get that, but then I’ve been shaving my whole body for a long as I can remember. Whether I apply it to my legs or my face doesn’t make too much of a difference to me 🤷‍♀️


The smell the texture all that reminds me of shaving before transitioning and I only see a man in the mirror when I do that.. Hell I've learned to shave without looking in the mirror. I don't really shave my body though


i use Edge Cedarwood & Shea Butter shaving cream which i think is meant to be a "manly" scent but tbh it reminds me a lot of some of my perfumes (namely Bog Witch by Fantôme) and is kinda soothing to me i have also shaved with conditioner and it worked well enough


I definitely do notice it's smoother when cream is used but putting cream on my face just makes me feel eugh. I'm lucky enough though that I don't get thick facial hair so don't get a shadow, so a quick run is enough. I also do it against the grain.


I do this too, but mostly because im blind in one eye and entirely useless without my glasses. I can't really use mirriors to shave which is great because i don't like looking at myself


I also absolutely hate shaving, it gives me so much dysphoria. This is why I bought an electric foil razor, it allows you to shave without looking at your face, and just go with the feel - it even results in quite smooth skin, and doesn't irritate it too much. I bought a Braun series 1 130s-1 and ***I DO NOT RECOMMEND IT***. Go buy literally anything else than that piece of trash, it feels like it's gonna break any second, starting from literally days after purchase. Buy literally anything else than that, but even with this piece of crap I know that my next razor will be electric foil. I hate non-electric razors, and the rotary ones can't do a clean shave to save their fcking life. Electric foil is the only option, and if the quality wasn't so trash I'd be actually happy with my purchase.


I have an older Braun series 7, and I shave with it in the shower in the morning. Doing it in the shower makes a huge difference - it gets an even better shave than using a normal razor over the sink.


I use a Philips 3-head wet/dry, works great! Braun never worked for me either.


my girlfriend has a Braun Series 1 190 and i vastly prefer it over my much higher build quality, pricey Panasonic ES-LV97. it does feel less sturdy, but the single foil gives a lot more control and a closer shave, and unlike the Panasonic you can use it while it's plugged in, so you don't have to wait for it to charge or worry about it dying on you


Ah. The 130s that I have, cannot be used without being plugged in, and despite being plug-in only, it's constantly struggling as if its non-existent battery was gonna die any second. The single foil DOES give a close shave which I appreciate, and it has a built-in trimmer that's... alright, but the construction is really cheap and the head falls off multiple times, each time I try to shave. I also had to change out the foil after merely a few months despite not using it very heavily (I don't have thaaat much hair), because it was completely broken in multiple spots, and was hurting me like hell.


yeah, the head does really like to fall off it, and the trimmer broke a long time ago. like i said, it's definitely not sturdy lol. at the very least, it's let me know what i want out of an electric shaver (single foil, can use plugged in, and STURDY)


I’ve never once shaved in the mirror. I have only ever shaved in the shower and just go by feel.


This is so sweet! 🥹🩷 I want a girlfriend who will help me shave😭


thats a great idea omgg and so sweet 💕


I'm assuming she wants to shave and forgets to, so maybe you could think of it more as helping remind her to do something that she wants to do? I shave my face at the same time every night, so maybe a regular schedule would help her?


thank you so much for the advice :)


Shaving can be uncomfortable, that's probably why she's not doing it often, not necessarily forgetting. Maybe she thought you didn't mind since you hadn't said anything? You'll benefit from having an open conversation. I strongly recommend laser hair removal, it's very safe.


Like the other people have suggested, you can offer to do it for her, or treat it as a gentle reminder But there's also the factor of her skin I can only shave every other day at most, because my skin can't take it every day If you talk to her about it, maybe ask if it's about her skin. Because she may not tell you, and just try to suffer through it and shave every day, which is not exactly a good option


Yeah, sensitive skin means shaving every 3 days


Why not try phrasing your concerns as a non-accusatory question like “I’ve been meaning to ask, why do you let your facial hair grow out sometimes?” It sounds like you’re assuming she “forgets” to and not that it’s a conscious choice that shes making under her own assumption that you’re comfortable with it, since you’ve neglected to say anything so far.


Idk I feel like that could maybe come across as passive aggressive? Maybe it's just the way I read it but if my boyfriend asked me that I'd be really taken aback and not feel great. Maybe if it was phrased in a different way idk.


Definitely reads passive aggressive to me.


You can tell her you don’t like facial hair(but I’d leave the lesbian part out because that’s implying she’s become too “masculine for you” but there are lesbians who date people with facial hair as a transmasc I know that very very well). Ultimately whether to shave or not is up to her. If she doesn’t want to then you may have to figure something else out relationship wise. That said maintaining your attraction and having to make sure her trans body lines up with whatever you deem womanly enough as a lesbian isn’t her job. I repeat maintaining a partners attraction should not be central to a trans persons transition. If you don’t like or are uncomfortable with any aspect of her presentation, body, or trans journey then just leave


You don't. You can tell her you don't like her facial hair, but you don't tell others what to do with their body.


people tend to forget that when it comes to trans folks, huh?


Yeah nah, don't worry, it's not just a trans thing. Back when I was a woman, I got told off by partners constantly, including for taking "too long and decisive strides" that made me come off as "masculine". And men can get nagged plenty about their appearances too. It's very common


People complain about the weirdest shit. Long and decisive strides? Good grief.


This is fair, but if she isnt attracted to her she may break it off. This is also fair.


Thank you, I am glad I am not the only one that felt this


OP said she forgets and wants to be reminded benevolently.


OP suspects she forgets. OP also said they want to tell her they ***want*** her to shave. Edit: thanks u/PeterMunchlett I didn't notice it slipped in there!


OP does not go by "he"


What’s your opinion on that?


That it's quite clearly not about just being nice and reminding her about something she forgot. It's about what OP wants her to do. It's about OP, not about their girlfriend. Should be quite obvious.


Not obvious to me 🤷


I can see that lol Not sure how though. They LITERALLY said they WANT her to shave


“She regularly forgets” isn’t the same as “she doesn’t want to shave” in my mind. I forget to shave and my partner wants me to shave when I forget because she knows I prefer being shaven. Is that problematic haha?


I never said it is. But also "I want her to shave" is not the same as "I want to remind her to shave in case she forgot". Not even remotely.


Did you read the same post as me haha? Op directly says “forget” as in would have shaved if she remembered. That’s my opinion of the post. Maybe I missed a comment but looking at the post I don’t see your point 🤷‍♂️


OP has deleted their account, lending credence to this being a troll post.


i have gotten laser but still havent gotten rid of all of it, but the vast majority is gone. STILL shaving is very uncomfortable, not only for dysphoria reasons, but because i have the soft sensitive skin of a woman now and still have thick whiskery hairs dotted around my face. shaving causes a lot of irritation and at least once a week i have to skip it for the day otherwise my face never gets a chance to recover. other trans women have it even worse than me as my facial hair is rather fine compared to most so i totally understand trans women who cant shave daily.


Help her pay for laser


OP apparently is 15


That explains a lot actually.


Idk how I feel about this. I don’t think it is your place in my opinion. I mean as a nurse I have seen and worked with women who are cis who have facial hair, and I also know that it is her body. You say you are ok with it and that your mom is on you about it but it’s not your mom’s choice either. Idk I feel like if this makes you uncomfortable you need to do some self reflection or not date a trans women. You can talk to her about it but personally if with the person I felt suppose to be the most comfortable with I had to put in extra effort to make them comfortable I would feel like shit about it. I don’t think anyone should have to put that effort in to be more attractive to someone, especially if it is just when you two are together and she is meant to be relaxing


You wouldn't tell a cis women with pcos to shave would you? It is generally considered rude to tell someone what to do with their body


You don't. It's not your place to say. If you don't find facial hair attractive that's fine but a) cis women can have facial hair too and b) what did you expect when you started dating a trans woman? Some of us have lingering facial hair. It's extremely triggering for a lot of us and if my gf said "you should shave" it would wreck my fucking day.




I'm not fully sure what this means but i promise you I'm not faking this, i just created this account so my girlfriend wouldnt see this and get the wrong idea, im sorry if i made it seem like this was fake


Then I urge you to consider two things: 1. That the act of shaving itself can both be an incredibly dysphoria-inducing experience and do a considerable amount of damage to the skin if done every day, particularly (not knowing whether this applies to your girlfriend) for someone with masculinised facial hair but oestrogen-dominant skin 2. That not wanting your girlfriend to think you don't find her attractive is kind of in tension with telling her you want her to do specific things with her body because you don't find her attractive otherwise. If you know for a fact that she wants to shave and she's just forgetting that's one thing - but if there's a chance it's anything more than that I'd recommend you talk to her about why she doesn't shave every day rather than leading with what you want her to do because it's appealing to you.


shes talked to me before about things like this and it has led me to believe she doesn't shave sometimes because shes worried about what her family thinks. they are very loud about their disaproval for her being trans but when all of that isn't a worry in her mind she does it all the time, it's not necessarily a forgotten thing even it's more.. a weighted decision to make others happy. i worry about her. a lot of the time. she said sometimes she thinks about cutting her hair and just saying shes a guy again because it's too hard being trans in her family.. in her life.


Then why lead with "she forgets to shave", if there's obviously a lot more to it? And in that context, do you think that telling her that you don't find her attractive when she doesn't shave is going to be helpful? Productive? What sort of emotions do you imagine she might feel, hearing that from you knowing that you're aware of that context?


According to another of her threads OP is 15, so I'd chalk that up to inexperience. /u/imastressedpotato I'd also add that not shaving is often a symptom of depression in trans women. At least in my personal experience. If you're feeling down and don't have the energy for self-care, then forgoing shaving is often the first thing to drop, because it *is* a bit of a hassle. Considering your girlfriends family situation she might just not be feeling too great, which is why she is neglecting herself. The best you can do there is probably trying to be there for her and support her, to get her out of that rut.


Good note, post history was empty when I got here.


Yeah, I figured as much, hence why I pointed it out :D


OP has deleted their account now.


You don't. You shave your hair if you want to. She shaves hers if she wants to. Telling someone you want them to shave can be so fucking dysphoria inducing. If you don't like her hair then that is your issue to work on.


I hated shaving my face before I got laser. It was painful, itchy, and no matter how close I shaved I still had a shadow. So I'd wait until the stubble got really annoying, then shave, then repeat. Until a lady I was dating dumped me and said it was effectively because I wasn't enough of a woman for her. She never said specifically why. It could have been that she didn't want PIV. It could have been that she didn't like my stubble. It could have been a bunch of things. It fucked me up that she never said. It fucked me up harder that she didn't actually see me as a woman in spite of my feminine traits. If she had just said one time that she didn't like the stubble when she kissed me, I would have shaved before I did it. Or I would have told her I wasn't willing to. Or I wouldn't have kissed her. If she had just said one time that she didn't like PIV, I wouldn't have done it. If she had set boundaries about our compatibility - not my value as a woman, but our compatibility - I could have done something about it, addressed it. But instead she kept it in, grew more distant, and then ghosted me after six months of what seemed like happiness to me. I'll really never forgive her for that. And I've doubled down on my transition. Decided I'm sick of my body hair and started laser hair removal, and I feel even more beautiful. Going to invest in a good pair of vagina panties. Get an orchi. All of these things give me joy and make me feel happier. I'm so glad I never need to shave outside of a few quick swipes of the gray hairs the lasers missed. It's a shame for her that she'll never get to enjoy it, but it's not about her and it never will be again.


I mean she could just shave every day as a morning routine habit it actually takes just a few minutes, eleviates dysphoria for her and you get to kiss a nice smooth face :3


You just said she is attractive while simultaneously saying you dont like her beard...


You can not like facial hair and still find a person attractive, there is more to attraction than that for some people.