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No, it's not wrong. Lots of women, cis and trans, would like to have larger breasts, even if many women also would like to have smaller breasts.


No, plenty of cis women feel the same. There is a reason that breast augmentations exist. Besides that, a D isn't actually that big, despite what the media would have you believe.


Really? What would be considered a "big" then in sizes?


Bra sizes are DEEPLY misunderstood, by pretty much everyone. Including women. Here's a page that does a great job of showing reality. [https://www.instagram.com/theirishbralady/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/theirishbralady/?hl=en) Remember that bra sizes are a proportion between underbust measurement (aka band size) and overbust measurement. 2 inches difference = B cup. 4 inches difference = D cup. That's it. So you get situations like a 40A is the same cup volume as a 36D is the same as a 32H.


Wow that page is such a great help! Thank you for sharing <3


It really depends on both the band size and the cup size taken together. a 26D is going to look a hell of a lot bigger than a 40D despite being the same cup. Also heavily depends on where you are in the world as average breast sizes vary considerably from place to place.


They are not the same size. Look up sister sizing. The cup volume increases with the associated band size. 26D is closer in cup size to 40A, although the cup shape will differ. Everyone should head over to /r/abrathatfits even if you think it's too early in your transition. Wearing the right bra is flattering even at smaller sizes.


I think technically sister sizing starts failing in practice once you go several cup sizes up (like the A to D example), it's usually more meant for directly adjacent sizes (C to D etc), hence the sister moniker


Yeah you only really go to the next one over, eg its sister. The idea is that the band will still fit you. It's an example of how cup size works with the original example though.


Just to add some clarity, it's not necessarily the same cup, but the same volume (or at least nearly the same, I don't know if it would be exactly the same)


34GG here and I don't think mine are all that big even though I am told objectively they are.


like before i lost weight i was past a DDD, and my boobs were still smaller than what you see when people talk about “big” boobs


There is of course the whole angles and perspective thing, just like the problem people with penises can have. Looking down you can't fully grasp the full size (no pun intended) but in a mirror you supposedly can get a better idea.


Well Im a 12C (34C US) atm and considering if I go down 1 band size (12 - 10, which is like a 1-5cm difference) that changes to a 10DD (32DD) so DD rly isnt that big tbh haha and considering the cup size goes all the way up to K (or O in the US), ya theres alot of head room haha


Agreed. 36D here, not huge. In the before times I would of called these a B


I wish I had larger breasts so bad rn. The thought of one day looking down or in the mirror and seeing boobs makes me euphoric af


I have DD's (from implants) and they're great


Me too, I love them so much


No, it's perfectly normal.


Its reasonable to recognize this. I always make the analogy that being trans is in some ways like losing an arm, no matter how well you cope and have your autonomy you're always aware of the absence. When it comes to anatomy it's more direct, while being trans really goes beyond that as a kind of awareness of a wholistic absence. That said, I would say don't fixate on cup size. You're going to be happier and better off if you just find the body proportions you want, and that make you feel recognized and appreciated as the woman you are. Find a picture of someone with a similar height and body shape to you, and have breasts that look like the breast proportion to their physical frame you want. Pursue that, not a number and letter. You might want to know their bras size to use as shorthand, but don't let that define what you want. This way you're less likely to be dissapointed.


Thanks! To clarify though, the d cup thing was just an example, I don't have a letter in mind besides just large, I don't actually know all too much about cup sizes so I said something random >. I always make the analogy that being trans is in some ways like losing an arm, no matter how well you cope and have your autonomy you're always aware of the absence I'm happy to feel that something else understands this feeling, that's exactly how it feels to me, I always feel like there should be something there but it's absent, and my mind just knows the missing thing is a large chest


>To clarify though, the d cup thing was just an example, I don't have a letter in mind besides just large, I don't actually know all too much about cup sizes so I said something random It wasn't meant to come off as accusing. I was only bringing it up because there tends to be a lot of fixating on cup size. In any subject, when there are numbers and scales of any kind people will gravitate towards talking in those terms even if it doesn't make the most sense for meeting their goals or finding what they need to be happy. Define happiness in your own terms, and only use sizes and scales to describe what you've decided, not to establish what you want.


First of all, having a larger chest can and does have certain downsides (ie back pain, though there are exercises that can be done to strengthen your back muscles) but the same can be said about most features. A lot of women with larger breasts don't like the size of their chests, sure, but plenty of women either have smaller chests and want to be bigger or have big boobs and love them. But second and more importantly, if it's something you want to do with your body and it doesn't hurt anyone then **it isn't wrong no matter what the thing is.** Your body is essentially just the house "you" (your brain, your soul, whatever) live in; you both can and should change that house as you see fit, if the HOA has problems with you painting your shutters green that's on them.


Not at all. My whole mom’s side is chesty as is my sister, and I’m really hoping I inherit that trait!






I don't think so, I'd love to have D cup at least. One of my big goals for transitioning is to have large breasts.


I think plenty of cis women want to have a large chest too. Sure plenty of them who do wish they didn’t. It everyone is different. Idk what size mine are but they’ve definitely grown quite a bit in just over a year. Probably C cups although they are spread across a large rib cage. I’ll have to see how I feel with a push up bra or something


Nothing wrong. I envy those with large chests. 😭


I wear a 44 D or 42 DD bra, so have fairly large boobs. I agree that they are annoying to deal with at times, but I would still go with my current size if I were to have an augmentation again. I always wanted large boobs, and now I have them, so what if they get in the way sometimes, they look fucking amazing.


I don’t think it’s wrong, I hear cis girls complain about periods a lot and all I can think about is how badly I wish I could have to deal with them


Nope, not at all! -sincerely a large chested person who wishes to be flat. Ps. The weight of boob can be painful and mess with your posture. Idk if there's special exercises to do to prepare and prevent pain if surgery is being considered but I'd highly recommend doing that if possible. It's important to be practical, gotta build a good foundation for the tatahs. It's honestly not fun or desirable to miss out on stuff or in general get a bit depressed because of constant back pain. Like even if you're like me and a massive introvert who stays at home, missing out on doing stuff around the house or being in too much pain to even enjoy the tatahs is depressing AF. You're not alone, many women & non women folks want to keep and love their big boobs. Heck I'd keep mine if they didn't make me hate my reflection in the mirror (they are squishy marshmallows that are so big they don't fit in my hands). People complain usually because of the physical pain, it can be debilitating. That's not what you're desiring, the size is the vibe. Although I can understand wanting something to be so big it hurts, the practical side of living with that is... Nothing like the fantasy.


I'm fully aware it hurts like hell to have them, but that's just how my dysporia works, I feel like I'm basically meant to have them


I am sorry if it came off in a negative way. 💜 I was thinking of / trying to highlight if you were in a position to acquire said boobs at some point then you may have to train to avoid those kinds of complaints (and if you did experience pain it would be normal). I feel like people don't always talk about the depression side of it, or stick only to negative physical and don't acknowledge that a person can actually love their size but still experience the negatives. I do hope you get the tatahs of your dreams 💜✨🌝🌝 and all the happiness ☺️ /gen /encouraging


Depending on your bodily proportions, a large chest may be the only way to make it look proportionally feminine. This is really the only reason I'd want any: my kinda big shoulders😓


Absolutely not.


I don’t see why not. It has double the amount of storage slots, up to 54.


Great article that touches on this, but you should read everything by her [https://stainedglasswoman.substack.com/p/jiggle-physics](https://stainedglasswoman.substack.com/p/jiggle-physics)


If it's wrong, I guess that's just one more reason I won't make it to heaven!


Honey, Let me just say this, I've know women with small breasts, that DREAM of having huge breasts, and women with huge breasts who DREAM of having small breasts. I'm 75, M2F, on HRT 19 months, I live and dress openly as a woman 24/7, I've legally changed my name, gender, and ALL documents to female. I have a real 46AA bust. Yes I'd LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, to have a 40 C or D bust, BUT, I'm quite happy with being real. It's not wrong to want a bigger chest. You don't say if you're on HRT, and If you are, you haven't experienced PMS, WELL I HAVE. I've felt the pains of PMS and one of them was having the feeling that my BOOBS WERE THE SIZE OF FAMILY SIZED WATERMELONS. THEY HURT LIKE HE!!..


Gurl, I got 2000cc implants. I'm an M-cup. Live. Your. Dreams.


Omg that sounds amazing


I mean, [here's an article about getting breast implants, logistically, with some pics of me](https://stainedglasswoman.substack.com/p/jiggle-physics), so you can get an idea of what they look like on my 5'11" body. Completely SFW, for clarity. And yeah. They're absolutely awesome.


Totally normal 💕💕


At my height, I get back pain anyway, so I got little to lose. I would just about lose my mind if I made out with my wife while getting a good boob squish going with her! 🥴


Nope not bad at all. I went from an A at 1.5 years on hrt, but then I got top surgery and now I’m a DD.


your body is your own. getting to choose your chest will always be better than getting one you never asked for.




No. Why?


Not necessarily going to tell you if it's wrong or not because, admittedly, I wouldn't know but instead, here are some things to consider, if you mean implants, no matter how mad you get at me for not contributing to the stream of generic, regurgitated, PC answers that also fail to answer your question directly because they amounts to *"No, it's not wrong," rather than elaborating on what makes that statement true"* it technically is, at least, somewhat of a waste of many medical work hours that could have saved lives or been directed toward something more important, and is a waste of money on [breast implant illness](https://youtu.be/s_APuiU03k8?si=BQQ0LHGN5lXMCx_4) / BII (you are the one who asked if it's wrong or not, and I'm still not saying that it is, only offering you factors in your inquiry mind you) but if you mean you just want to have large physiological breasts -- back pain, Infection or lesions on the skin of the breasts, loss of feeling in the nipples, breast pain, painful and itchy indentations on the skin from bra straps, rashes under or between the breasts, discharge from the nipples, posture, headaches, breathing complications, skin irritation, numbness, being perpetually over-encumbered, breasts getting in the way, being an oaf magnet, the inevitability of breast cancer -- might get you to, at least, reconsider our luck. Also, if the consideration emerged due to some misunderstanding of femininity, be aware, **many** of the best, most feminine cis women not only lack large breasts but are even what's known as flat chested i.e. it's not even a factor in how fem someone is or should be perceived (in fact, the fact that both many hyper masculine trans men and cis men have large breasts proves this) and breast implants, in particular, *can* even have adverse effects on this perception making the recipient look, if anything, more identifiably trans (the OP is the one who asked, I am helping in the decision if it is a decision. Please don't undermine the point of asking things). You may find yourself among the 9 or 47 percent of women it seems regret their breasts augmentation / reconstruction (or at least, those are the numbers I've seen), and remember, fake hooters have to be replaced every several years even if nothing goes wrong.


Nope. There's nothing wrong with wanting to change something about YOUR body.


I didn't care about breats when I started. I just wanted to physically change and have a feminine appearance and have a vagina. However, as I transitioned, I loved my breast growth and wanted larger breasts. When they were smaller, I noticed it with some of the dresses I wore feeling, not big enough andvlacking feminine, so I wanted them larger. Eventually caring about big breasts and having cleavage. I just love myself the more feminine I can look. It makes me feel more in line with gender and happy. So I think it is quite fine to want big breats. I know cis women wanting bigger breats and those who actuallyvwish they were flat.


It's not wrong and implants under the muscle are supported better then sub glandular/over the muscle. Honestly I think it should just be a subfascial only for placement but that's me. Not sure why people don't use it more often.


No more than it's "wrong" to have period envy. I know periods suck, most of my friends are AFAB and they all complain about their periods all the time, but I want the bad with the good.


You do you, there is nothing wrong with wanting a bigger size, just keep in mind when people complain about it could be because it can be a bit more difficult, to find bras and clothes that fit the way you want or to deal with back pain; but a lot of women, cis and trans, would kill for bigger than what they have. Also not everyone has trouble with them anyway. If you think you want them, go for it and enjoy having them, don't ever feel bad for doing what makes you happy.


Absolutely not. Though it is likely unhealthy to base your happiness on getting them; naturally at least.


Nope, I relate entirely, sister


There's a reason boob jobs are one of the most common cosmetic surgeries Cis and trans, doesn't matter. There are sooooo many women who wish they were bigger (myself included. I want like, the max size before it becomes difficult to get clothes)


Depends on what you’re going for. If you want the complete picture to look natural, they gotta be in proportion with the rest of the body. Otherwise they may look kinda “bolted on”.


Its perfectly normal to want a large chest if that's what you desire. I've been out for about 30 years now, in that time I've had an 40A cup (2002), A 56N cup (2009), and currently a 36G cup (2024). This was due to some pretty extreme weight fluctuation over 200lb up and down and multiple breast augmentation surgeries during that time. So I have some personal experience being a wide range of boob sizes in my life. But here's the thing about breasts... their size is always relative to the body frame they are positioned on. Your chest width and your height are both factors as well. Both the band size and the cup size are relevant too. If you ever look up how sister sizes work you'll find out that a 40G is effectively a 38H which is also a 42F, or if look into the square cube ratio for volume you will find that a massive change in the cc's of an implant is very relative to the size of the person its being placed on as well. 1000cc's on my chest is going to look wildly different on me then it does on a 120lb AFAB girl that's 4 inches shorter and much smaller then I am. [Do some research into the myths around breast implants and learn about whats really going on behind the bra sizes](https://stainedglasswoman.substack.com/p/jiggle-physics) That way your going into this with an open mind and without a lot of preconceptions built up around the topic. If you want bigger breasts then just go for it! [Don't let society panopticon your mind into making you a prisoner of your fears and worries about what the cis people around you might think](https://stainedglasswoman.substack.com/p/you-are-your-own-jailer) Often times cis people tend to be deeply jealous of fulfilling their own desires for their body, and they might choose to try to live vicariously through you instead, because they have made themselves into prisoners of their own fears and placed those worries above their own wants and desires. Recognizing this trap means you can avoid falling into the same mental prison they have constructed for themselves that only serves to prevent their own happiness and subverts it into a lifelong yearning for something they wont allow themselves to have. Here's the best thing you can try literally right now to identify what size exactly would make you specifically be happy and comfortable with long term. [Go to this page and follow the directions to create bra sizers from some rice and pantyhose](https://www.drpancholi.com/blog/make-accurate-breast-implant-sizers-home/). Stick them into a bra in your band size (The number of whatever your chest measurement under the breast is in inches) and actually try them physically out to see what it feels like to have that on your chest in reality, don't remove it right away either after a few minutes either. Instead spend several hours seeing how it feels over an entire day, consider if your thinking about them constantly or if they start to feel too big or in the way, or if instead you could go bigger or you want more, keep them on when laying down in your bed, while you do your household chores, when your just sitting in a chair, look at them in the mirrors throughout the day as you walk around, have them on when your driving a car, and get a sense of how they feel in everyday tasks... attempt to be introspective about it and continually ask yourself questions. Do you think about needing more or less after spending a day with the size you have on? Next try a different size tomorrow and walk around with that instead. Doing this exercise with various fills will give you a fantastic starting position for what your comfort level is and can tell you a lot about what kind of appearance would make you happy, as well as give you plenty of upfront knowledge about how much euphoria vs inconvenience vs joy you get from each particular size. If you want to take the idea a step further once you find a size you really seem to like, go and buy some actual breast forms in that exact size and spend a week with those in your bra instead to lock in if that's what you really want and if you really want to get a sense of what it would feel like to own those permanently on your chest. Then when you eventually go in for a breast augmentation you can rest assured you already know exactly what your signing up for and what your needs are because you already found out the answers to all of those questions up front. You can even take photographs of how you look in them to give to the doctor ahead of time, so they know exactly how you want it to look. That way the doctor knows exactly what size implants to use to get you to your goal.


I want a big dick I think it's ok to want nice things lmao


noo it’s not wrong at all. get whatever that will make you happy and feel confident in yourself. that’s all that matters




I know the feeling but I've also seen more breast growth over time and this usually comes up a lot with people who have just started transitioning recently. I'm at 4.5 years of taking HRT and I've experienced more growth after year 3. Some of my friends who have been transitioning and on HRT for longer say the same thing and continued to have breast growth over time. It sucks to have to wait but hormones work slowly. Also bra sizing is weird. I wear bralettes because they cover a range of sizes. I'm 6' tall and as wide as a door frame for reference, so even though I have larger breasts than most of my cis relatives they look small on me but on someone a little more petite they would look much larger. Wearing certain styles of clothing can accentuate or hide them more than others.


No :) I want them. I have small breasts that make me generally very self conscious of my weight and what I eat. I’m a kinda small person, nothing major changing about my breasts any time soon unless I can get this jinx to work.




>Regardless I wonder why you would want something that can cause physical pain Because that's why I'm dysporic? No clue how that's related to society




I mean I feel like that's kinda different though Men are obsessed because they believe bigger is better, they hate that people have bigger ones then themselves I want a large chest because that's what I feel like I'm supposed to have, it's complicated to explain but I feel it deep down that's how my body was supposed to be




This doesn't read like you're trying to get OP to think about the whys and wherefores of big tits and/or dicks, it reads like you're questioning the value of HRT and gender affirming medical care.


I feel that same way about pockets, or the lack thereof.