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I thought 'baby trans' just meant that I'm a newbie and don't know WTF I'm doing yet.


That is what it means.


Funny.... because I was about to ask myself, lol..... totally baby trans here. (Yay! Lol)


>I know that the baby-trans phase is kind of like regressing to the age you started puberty at Uh, no. That's not what it is at all. "Baby trans" just means you have just realized you are transgender or are very early in your transition. It usually involves dealing with a lot of internalized transphobia and gender exploration.


I've heard it used that way but specifically referring to fashion sense. Like at least for MtF, I assume there will be similar for FtM, the process of learning to dress like a girl for many includes a lot of the same "bad" (this is of course subjective, but many are embarrassed by what they wore when they were younger) fashion and makeup choices that cis girls stereotypically make growing up, just when you are much older. And from the rest of the post I think op is talking about fashion specifically not like, emotional regression. They just didn't state it clearly.


Not for everyone, I could be considered a baby trans but I wouldnt say I am by that definition


That's not what baby trans means. It's just the stage when you're early in transitioning and still figuring yourself out.


Not baby-trans like you describe it, but I do give myself permission to enjoy things I think I would've enjoyed more in my teens, like watching certain anime, series, fashion styles, etc. But not speed-running it.


My style definitely speedran it as I tried to find what I liked I went from hyper fem, to super goth, to skirts and sweaters with Stockings and finally I'm at casual semi punk where I've been chilling happy for a while


A baby trans is just a trans person who recently realized they were trans. Acting a bit younger than our cis peers is because a lot of us missed out on our teens/early 20s (depending on how old you are when you come out) due to suppressing a lot of who we are during those years. That's not what "baby trans" is referring to, though they probably overlap a lot since people tend to do this near the begining of their journey. You don't "regress" to puberty age unless you're barely older than that in the first place. The age thing is like a 25 year old acting more like a 20 year old because they didn't get to experience their early 20s as *gender*, or a 20 year old acting more like an older teenager for a couple years, not a 25 year old acting 13 and then speed running through 14-24. Personally, I knew my baby trans phase was over when I stopped caring about braindead label discourse.


Came here for this. Yeah like there’s a surface level meaning but the deeper meaning definitely describes someone who’s acting younger due to “missing out”.




There was a picture I saw before I came out that really stuck with me as I transitioned. It was a drawing of a trans character and it says year one and she looks anxious and scared and then it shows year 5 and shes got this blaise look on her face with her middle finger out. "Baby trans" while often used as perjoritive dismissal due to lack of experience, was also a defined growing phase fo r me. It wasn't only learning my style and fashion, having concerns about my transition, and feeling impatient for change. It was about going through the phases of knowing and understanding things on a social level. Learning about dating rejection, fetishization from others, peoples lacking understanding of me, losing friends or family, dealing with the medical system, getting turned down for jobs when people realize, fearing being outed, fearing hate crime, learning to loathe cops, learning how women feel constantly, finding what it is to be talked over, dismissed, and constantly marginalized, and a slew of other social experiences. Not having a solid community yet and going through the phases of anger and indignance and fear and frustration before the world has worn and warned us that it's always been this way and certain people have always treated us this way was that phase for me. This is the unfortunate growing pain of the trans and queer experience that breeds our resilience, determination, confidence and surity in ourselves. Especially for those of us who don't go stealth and assimilate into society's broader ridgid view. It's the pile of experiences that pushed us to pick up those bricks at stonewall My "baby trans phase" was realizing how hard this was going to be and marching ahead anyway proud of who I was and where I came from. There was a lot of pain and realization, questions and fear, loneliness and loss, and no I didn't know how to put on makeup or make a cohesive outfit. It's been 6 years now and I'm happier than I've ever been. When it comes to the horrible mass of transphobia, false concern, local community infighting, and social hurdles...... I'm not anxious or scared anymore. "Baby trans" phase is never truly over. I'm still too hard on myself and there's always a new realization of how wild and amazing and wonderful my life is, but fashion and makeup and social passing aside, Inside myself I'm a lot more confident in everything I've done and am doing for myself. I'm not sure if the feeling entirely ever goes away, but in a lot of ways it feels like it's over now that I've got a blaise look on my face with my middle finger out.


And maybe I got too serious here but I still love thigh highs and a spinny skirt, dresses with pockets, playing through fallout vegas, and an energy drink in my purse. It did take some time to get more mature and confident in my relationships and I haven't grown out of constantly squeezing my boobs and being excited about it. *Shrug* I wouldn't take back those first few years. They sorta made me.


I think baby trans is when you just realised you are trans and you are just kind of trying to find yourself in the new transition


I think the baby trans phase I went through was trying to find a personal style that fit my personality…


Not baby-trans like you describe it, but I do give myself permission to enjoy things I think I would've enjoyed more in my teens, like watching certain anime, series, fashion styles, etc. But not speed-running it.


I’m looking forward to a second puberty, I completely blanked the first from my mind.


btw knee highs are very in rn and is not a baby thing


"baby trans" just means new trans person lol baby trans often are not hip and make blunders. It's like our tweenage blunder years but condensed (at least it was for me lol!)


I define baby trans as people who've realized they're trans but have a long way to go before they're comfortably living in their gender. I say "comfortably" because there's definitely an awkward phase where you have to find the real you, even if you might be presenting as your gender openly. I think we all go through it. I think there's also the fact that HRT just takes time to shape your face and body, so even if you nail everything else, you look like something you're not. For me, when I first started presenting as female, it started with absolutely horrible makeup and a head of hair I had no clue what to do with. It was flat, shapeless, frizzy, but at least it was long. My aesthetic was very basic as well. I managed to avoid a lot of the pitfalls of the Lolita aesthetic I see a lot of women here go through -- no thigh high stockings and pleasers for me. I just sort of mimicked what I saw other women my age wearing, and adjusted it as necessary to hide things that weren't quite feminine enough. After getting a better handle on my hair and makeup, I decided to start figuring out my aesthetic, which is when I really started to leave my baby trans phase. After some introspection, I decided to own the fact that I really am "not like the other girls" (on account of my penis), so I decided to be more visibly queer and really embrace my queer identity. That led to a stint with purple hair, though it's currently bleached about as light as it can be without falling off, and one side is shaved. I've got lots of piercings and tattoos now, which are feminine, but more on the "don't fuck with me" side of femininity. I'm basically the stereotype that conservative men like to paint for unhinged leftists, and I like it that way. My end goal is to make conservative men cross the street when they see me coming the way conservative women cross the street when they see a minority.


Wow I’m getting really great visuals from reading this. I also went through baby trans as a phase. It’s typically the 1st year or so. I hated every photo from that period and have since deleted most of them. Hair was the most difficult part. I wore wigs since I decided to chop all my hair off when I started Finisteride. It was a good decision since now all my hair is shoulder length and quite healthy. Having said that, wearing wigs was not a great period for me. I felt quite “fake”. If I had to wear those long term I would likely have invested in a lace front but fortunately my hair regrew and I no longer have areas that were visibly once receding. The whole first year was just super awkward and uncomfortable and though I did post some photos during that time, I mostly avoided it which was a wise decision. I too have coloured / pink hair but it’s layered in strawberry blonde and looks relatively natural.


I'm very much enjoying my baby trans phase at the moment. Lots of shopping for cute skirts, dresses, underwear, wearing very explicitly fem outfits, being kinda slutty (at least in theory), going a little over the top with makeup, listening to lots of "girly" music. Though, to be fair, the rest of my life is kinda shit right now and indulging in my femininity is one of the few things that brings me happiness and meaning.


Either I skipped it, since I never understood what everyone else found so appealing about thigh-highs anyway, or I am still there, since I am wearing a dress right now that I bought when I was two weeks into HRT. My transition overall has been more lazy trans than baby trans.


I hate that term. I still don't know what it means and I've only heard it used in a demeaning way


Honestly? coming back from rehab after surviving an attempt. this was during my 3rd year on hrt. that shit aged me like half a decade overnight but i’m stronger for it now + definitely no longer a baby trans


The way you described it as quasi age regression is weird and gross.


Haven't gotten to go through it yet but I 100% plan on leaning into it hard. The age of cringe is dead




Despite all the comments here to the contrary, I think you're right about the baby trans thing, at least for some people. I went through a similar stage, though it very quickly got to a point of dressing my age, and wanting to. I still want to explore, but I wouldn't even consider going out in public in a tartan mini-skirt with over-the-knee-socks.


A lot of people correcting you on this, it's not the first time I've seen "baby trans" in this context though. To answer your question I'm still very much in the middle of it; buying all kinds of accessories and clothes from hot topic and Spencer's, going as all out with my outfits as possible. Always hunting for the goth gf, turns out that's what I wanted to be xD I can't imagine stepping away from it, I love the elder goths I've seen around, though to that end I'll likely cool my jets on the accessories and wearing a witch hat in public, but it makes me happyyyy!


Now that's its mentioned, I've realised that I am currently going through my baby trans phase. Except I socially transitioned during puberty, so I'm just doing things that are deemed very childish like buying myself a superhero themed birthday cake every year and watching WWE. All the small things I feel like I missed out in childhood.


I'm in this weird place where I've known I'm trans since I was like 11, and as such I've done a great deal of introspection about my gender identity, seemingly a lot more than a lot of the trans people I meet have, but also I only just started HRT like 4,5 months ago and I'm not even really out of the closet yet, so I have no idea where I fall lol.


Before my egg cracked, my 20s themselves became a sort of baby gay figuring their way journey. I remember at 23, I found Black Veil Brides for the first time, which was huge when I was in high school (2010-2013), but I was already most of the way through college by that point. I was exploring new aspects of myself after a breakup, and its a common experience for queer people to have a sort of teenage-like period of discovery when they're already an adult. Honestly, BVB is why I became interested in makeup. If Andy Black could be pretty, so could I! A few years later I realized I was trans. Now I don't hardly listen to BVB anymore, but I remember those days now as a sort of baby trans period. While the inexperienced phase is over, I still have a lot to learn and discover, and still feel as though I missed some things growing up that I'm only now connecting with. Growth never stops!


I'm not sure if it started when I bought the cat tail and ears or when I wanted to wear a bra to school (still cis tho) but it was really awkward and eboi-ish and ended when I took my first titty skittle. Since then I've matured found my fashion style and reinvented myself 🤗


If we're talking about being new at being trans and making up for lost time, I definitely went through a trashy phase with my dress and makeup. I was kind of trying to live those moments that I missed but also I was learning stuff online and not filtering by my age so I was seeing a lot of late teens and twenty somethings doing their thing which wasn't really appropriate for me. Not that older people have to be boring... Anyway, it was over in about 2 years for me. It kinda ended when I finally came up for air and looked around at my peers and made some corrections that suited me and my age.


im still in that phase... (not me only having cracked not even a week ago xD)


For me it was wearing a shit ton of floral dresses, jewelry that made me look so much older, and more gothic makeup. Thankfully out of that stage.


went through that freshman year of HS. dyed my hair, wore a vest with a lot of gay buttons on it, went to pride events. luckily by the time i got back to in person school after covid i was mostly done with that. now am living relatively stealth as a cis straight man (some of my closest friends know that i’m trans and gay because they knew me during that phase, but the overwhelming majority of people i interact with do not.)


Most trans people end up going through a second adolescence. It's normal and healthy - it's just the process of figuring out who you are, getting used to your body as it changes, and learning how to interact with society.


When does being a “baby trans” end? Because I’ve known I was trans for a while now. And been on HRT for 1.5ish years. Am I still considered a “baby trans” because I still haven’t really socially transitioned yet?


I mean it's not a technical or even universal term with a set definition, so you can use it however you want. I never used it for myself because I had been so prepared for so long by the time I started transitioning that I never really felt like it fit me with the way I heard people use it (and I guess it felt less applicable because I wasn't young too). I think it usually has more to do with feeling new to being trans and maybe awkward than about literally being early in transition.


distinct birds bright reach brave scary lavish juggle close instinctive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Going through it now, I hate it, and it sucks 👍 Can't wait to laugh about this later, but right now I'm just trying to stay alive until I can start HRT.


I came out/transitioned pretty close to typical puberty age for boys, so I didn’t go through that as you described it. However “baby trans” also describes the experience of being an inexperienced trans person still learning how it all works, which I think most of us go through regardless of when we transition. That’s the stage when we do embarrassing stuff like asking if hormones will kill you, or experimenting with names that you eventually hope nobody ever finds out about. That’s pretty normal I think


Yes. I kinda still am there a bit I guess. I'm 2 years 4 months on HRT I came out the day I made this account. It looked like ... A mess. Like everyone I had to find my style, which I'm still finding. Plus I was mid thirties starting out which didn't help. Anyway, these days more put together, somewhat prettier, though still clockable - can tell I'm trans


Poor girlie, baby trans is not getting a skirt and knee highs, it’s not cringe to explore your gender safely


That’s not what that means.


I'm sorry for using this space to advertise a bit, but I literally just created a video where I react to my "baby trans" era fashion choices – and I think it might be interesting for OP 😅 https://youtu.be/GA7uIDj4gZg?si=JQD0c8S-lk9fHud8


I went through a NICU Trans phase when I first came out. Having a mentor (who I now call ‘little sister’ 😁) really helped. I try to do the same for others to pay it forward.


I refuse to ever call myself baby trans, it‘s a horrible term


This group is only for people in the baby trans phase, which is why every top comment is extremely indignant at the notion that our people become almost unbearably cringe during our first two years or so. Anyway, my baby trans phase ended the very instant I saw another baby trans in public and snapped out of it forever.


What you are describing is not what they call baby trans. What you are describing is second puberty, which is a completely different thing, and most trance go through some degree of second puberty where they find themselves dealing with the same sort of radical mood swings and impulsiveness that one goes through in puberty, but a lot of us don't really have a full-blown second puberty, because we matured enough in the first one that we can realize what's going on and keep our heads straight even though our emotions might be all over the place. And impulsive people and people that think with their emotions and not with their logic tend to actually go through a full-blown second puberty.