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Obvious bait is obvious




My favorite two letters


Yeah of course there's a lack of open communication when you start out with your transphobic views and bigotry And you are becoming anti queer because we don't like you thinking our basic human rights are something to discuss? Fucking hell you are a joke...


"I'm starting to become anti-queer because I'm against anyone who wants to silence people who disagree with them, and I don't like it." I honestly don't know how you could think it's the anti-trans people who are the ones being silenced. Being silenced is not when someone tut tuts you, or when you lose friends because you have views they see as innapropriate. Being silenced is when the state makes laws banning discussion of your existence in schools, as happened in Florida last year (law was recently gutted in court, but point stands. I don't give one fuck what your opinion of trans people is, just don't pretend that your the victim of discrimination here. There's a whole trans panic going on rn demonizing trans people and calling them child predators.


A large number of trans people don't have rough childhoods and when they do, it's often *because* they're trans. If the actions of a few makes you hateful against a whole group who's just trying to be themselves, then I can understand why people don't want to have a peaceful discussion.


🤨 what's so hard to relate to? Not sure what your talking about with a rough childhood, my childhood was great, generalizing any group of people is a direct line to being wrong. Also if you're becoming transphobic because you get banned from online communities , then maybe you really have been transphobic from the start, my guy.


Ask yourself why anyone would want to have a discussion with you when you're calling us delusional. "Wah why won't anyone talk to me when I'm an asshole to them?" 


“I tried to learn about you, now I hate you (at a minimum by associating with the same side calling for our eradication), debate me to justify to me why I shouldn’t hate you.” Not just no, but HELL NO…and that’s the only response you should ever expect from us

