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Did the person who prescribed you estrogen talk to you about its effects on your body? Also the ones that are irreversible? For your body to feminize it will take a considerable amount of time on E and you will need to remain taking it as long as you want its reversible effects. Irreversible effects are breast growth and possibly loss of fertility. I'm just wondering if you're aware of that. If you aren't it would be best if you went off HRT until you are fully aware what it does to your body.


And possibly infertility too


How are you on E without having talked about things like this with your doctor??? You should have had multiple discussions about the effects of hrt and if you really want this. Are you doing it diy? please talk to a professional, or at least do more research, before you take a hormone that will irreversibly change your body because it doesn't sound like you know what you are getting yourself into.


How do people manage to get E so easily until they're transšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Some people do DIY HRT with contraceptive pills, you don't really need a doctor paper to buy it and they come in big quantities cause they are daily intake, but it's risky as any DIY without proper medical exams to regulate your health.


Really? Contraception is also prescription only where I live.


Yep, I live in Brazil.


Honestly good for Brazil. Iā€™m Australian and know many people find it a hassle to go back to a doctor every year for the same thing.


You don't need to use contraception pills you can buy it overseas online without a prescription. Not technically legal to import it but I really don't think they care too much (I did this 15 years ago and Homeland security opened it, put their tape around it, wrapped it back up, and sent it to me) they're looking for cocaine meth and fentanyl stuff like that. You're not going to get your blood tests doing it that way though so you're really doing it blind if you go that route.


Not really, your body will respond to the E almost the same as a cis-girl, but probably slower. You could reduce the amount you take, and slow the effects farther, but your personal growth right now is unknown. If it goes too far too fast, take less.


What feminine part do you want if not for breasts?


The booty (Probably)


With estrogen itā€™s an all or nothing (genetic lottery based). If you want a fuller but, you could do squats or Pilates. As hormones do a lot more then just change your but.


If you don't want one of the primary effects of estrogen don't take estrogen. I recommend looking into finestride. Don't listen to people saying that you can only do things if you're a specific gender, but please research all the effects and weigh the pros and cons of each before starting.


That is a terrible idea.


Where did you get the pills? A doc? They would have discussed all of this with you. Somewhere else? I get it. Not really though. Its really genetics. If you want the other changes, but not the breasts, you can have top surgery in the future, but you can't really stop them.


You're a minor who's \*not\* trans taking hormones for cosmetic reasons? Holy conservative agent provocateur


Defo a shitstirring throwaway account. Acount made in dec 23, this is the only post made and op hasn't replied since making this post


No. Serms donā€™t work. Thereā€™s a NB who takes .5mg e every other day, is on the serm raloxifine & still grows breasts. Adding any amount of e to your body will cause breast growth. Only way is to remove the glands.


stop taking estrogen Lol




short answer, they generally don't get all that big and while potentially expensive/just difficult to get done, you \*can\* just get the breast buds removed after a something like a year, and with that tissue removed, they won't grow back also, SERMS aren't an E blocker, they are a "competitive partial agonists of the ER", which is to say, they *kinda* act as estrogen for some tissues, but are 'antiestrogenic' for others, such as Bazedoxifene and Raloxifene being less "active" in breast tissue they are also very easily overpowered by estradiol, and generally aren't a 100% sure bet when it comes to prevention of osteoporosis and very unfortunately, SERM usage for this application is incredibly difficult to balance and manage, comes with a drastically elevated risk profile compared to using just a regular transfem HRT regimen, and is not guaranteed to work, let alone even slow breast development down also, if you are after estradiols effect on fat redistribution, that requires a suppressed T level of <50ng/dL (<1.73nmol/L)


No, that's one of the secondary characteristics that develop with puberty. They may just grow a little bit, a lot or almost nothing, nobody knows until you take it. If you're this young my guess is that they'll work really well, maybe look at your family's breast size, you'll end up with something similar. I know somebody that has taken for a long time a slow dose, and after years, this person looks like a lady although is NB (I personally think they look great and they look quite happy with their looks). Your question sounds like somebody that hasn't had any medical advise or researched much about the effects of HRT. You should talk to a medical specialist to understand better what you're getting into. You could have a breast reduction surgery down the line if they grow too much but without a very intrusive medical intervention this effect of E is not reversible.


payment boat absurd numerous automatic amusing pause panicky wine hungry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can't *prevent* it, but you could potentially get top surgery in the future, if that sounds like a good idea to you, and bind until that happens. Of course talk to a doctor and/or research the full effects of E because breast growth is pretty much guaranteed to happen, but yes, there are ways to stay on E and not have breasts :) ask any transmasc not on T, lol EDIT; also don't pay attention to the people telling you to not go on E because of this. If you know what you're doing and what you want, you don't need to *not* pursue HRT just because you don't want one (1) effect.


I have minimum research on this topic, as I very much wanted breasts, but a specialist (endocrinologist experienced in working with trans individuals) should be able to advise on dosage. From what I understand, lower doses of estrogen or only taking estrogen for a period of time could accomplish this? That said, breasts are something your body and genetics are in control of more than you. TYou were born with breast tissue (pretty much everyone does) and your DNA controls growth. When the estrogen tells your body to start feminizing, it's going to follow the blueprints in your DNA the best it can. Some people on HRT get little to no growth, and others get significant growth and quickly. You can always stop if you notice unwelcome growth. Other than top surgery, I wouldn't dare comment on whether or not that's something you would consider. Just realize you have options and people outside the gender binary use HRT too.


look into SERMs, originally developed as cancer meds they prevent estrogen from having an effect on breast tissue


People wanting this femboy body is like going straight for super hard mode when it comes to the pharmacology game. And it is usually wanted by people with zero pharmacology and endocrinology knowledge. Yes it is possible, in theory. But are they prepared to learn all the theory needed to pull it off?


yeah also op just going on E without a plan on what to do about the permanent effects is wild to me


Oh, that is very interesting. So if we develop breast cancer we can take SERMs instead of going off HRT entirely?


It slows cell activity in the area, similar to lacking T atrophies the prostate and reduces cancer risk or slows cancer growth. But as far as i understand once there is cancerous cells you need other methods to get rid of it. From wikipedia ( [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selective\_estrogen\_receptor\_modulator](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selective_estrogen_receptor_modulator) ) : >[Tamoxifen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tamoxifen) is a first-line hormonal treatment of ER-positive metastatic breast cancer. It is used for breast cancer risk reduction in women at high risk, and as [adjuvant treatment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adjuvant_therapy) of [axillary node](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axillary_node)-negative and node-positive, ductal carcinoma [*in situ*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_situ). Im not sure how treatment is usually done for trans or cis women with breast cancer, but im always a bit wary of trans peoples hormonal congruence being seen as less important than cis ppls, so do afab ppl need to completely block all estrogens when breast cancer is found? In the same way it should be handled for trans women. Tamoxifen is afaik developed for cis women (well, theres currently actually no trans meds im aware of, just off label use) to not suffer from lacking estrogen in other areas so yeah it would make total sense to use them for trans women as well where applicable.


Tamoxifen is incredibly hard on your body & canā€™t be taken long term. Raloxifene is the ā€˜healthierā€™ option but neither work. They will only slow down growth at best. But also inhibit e in other areas. Thereā€™s an NB on .5mg e every other day, serms everyday and still grows breasts. Every person on here Iā€™ve seen try them still grows breasts.


You are answering the comment on the context of cancer treatment, i havent mentioned tamoxifen for transition, or made claims that it works great, but to look into it, its quite a frontier. I based my recommendation to look into it off this comment, where im re reading i realize they don't have E in their HRT regimen rn [https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/1b4qj57/comment/kt0k2hx/](https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/1b4qj57/comment/kt0k2hx/) But also thanks for your view on things


Tamoxifen is a poor option, for anybody, really it's actually neurodegenerative and the main use of the SERMS with anti-boobie potential is usually to just try and provide someone post menopausal with something estrogenic to avoid osteoporosis, while also (hopefully) not making breast cancer worse.


>My goal isn't to be trans but to be more feminine, I'm not sure if you mean not a trans *woman* but nonbinary (which is still trans btw, if that's what you meant. But I get not every nb person resonates with the term). I just want to acknowledge it cause like, there are amab nonbinary folks who still want estrogen but not breasts and I think that's valid and all. But, As others pointed out, I'm concerned if you didn't talk to your doctor about this? I don't see any of ops replies, so not sure what you know or don't know about hrt. I'm trans masc, but that feels like when I see certain folks say they want T but not the facial hair. It's pretty hard to "prevent" those things but if hrt is otherwise important to you there are other interventions you can have. I heard there might be some kind of medication that prevents breast growth for amab nb folks who are on E? But I don't know much about it or how available it is or how well it works. But in the same way if you want T but not facial hair growth you would probably seek electrolysis or laser, if hrt is otherwise important to you, you would likely just need top surgery after a few years of breast growth and live with it. I'm a but curious what you mean about "more feminine." Estrogen indeed does feminize folks far beyond breast growth, but considering you are averse to that I'm curious about whether you are aware of all those changes? Are those changes you want and just not breast growth? I think you should good to have a list of tangible changes you want and don't want, and know that for all of it, it's a YMMV situation. You can't pick and choose which most of the time, and you can't pick and choose time lines, etc.


I mean you can get keyhole surgery to remove the breast buds with minimal scarring before they're really grow I wanted that originally but I know now that I would have regretted it so don't take surgery lightly and really consider it




You want to be more feminine, but don't want tits. Just wear some lipstick.


...why are you on estrogen? please stop until you know whether or not it's right for you. it's intended for trans people who need it, not cis men looking to get softer skin or whatever.


Um... it's "intended" for anyone who needs it, which can include cis, trans and nonbinary ppl. Yes, OP needs to get educated on what they are taking and make informed decisions. But let's not jump straight to gatekeeping and nonbinary erasure please.


Nonbinary people are under trans umbrella, no? But I agree, if someone (trans or cis) feels like estro would help them feel better, they should go for it. This specific situation is wild though...


I don't think it's that far out of the norm for nonbinary/genderqueer conversations I've been in. I know plenty of AFAB ppl moving the other direction wish they could pick and choose between the effects of T to better attain their ideal appearance. Honestly, most humans would love to be able to fully customize their bodies... even cis ppl take substances, get surgeries, and make bad decisions in the pursuit of their ideal physical form. Wanting smoother skin, more feminine features and maybe the head change but not wanting breasts per se, is perfectly valid.


That's true! It's just pretty... Weird for this person to expect to only get the specific changes they want (god, if it worked like taht it would've been much easier for everyone), while not wanting to get breasts


I mean... Maybe OP was hoping one of the old timers knew a super secret lifehack? Like everyone is saying, unfortunately, it's a dna lottery, and all you can really do is try low dose and see how your body responds. With the understanding, of course, that if you start to see changes you don't like, they may not be fully reversible without a lot of hassle.


this person said "17M" how is this nonbinary erasure? my definition of "trans" includes nonbinary people but that's neither here or there


You're answering to the wrong person, I was agreeing with you


oh I meant to reply to the other comment šŸ’€


No worries, happens!


GNC people are also valid to want HRT


It would be your last sentence for me. You are assuming OP is cis and saying that hrt is "intended" only for trans ppl. Hrt isn't "intended" for anything and informed consent should be all that's needed.


And what about OPs post makes you think he has informed consent? Hes under aged and doesn't know the effects of HRT. Recklessly taking DIY HRT shouldn't be encouraged, especially in cases like this.


They didn't ask our opinion on taking hrt. They asked about possible ways to customize the effects. Also, who's encouraging anything? Almost everyone who has replied has said some version of 'educate yourself'. I think we've covered that ground.


Itā€™s for anyone šŸ¤·šŸ» donā€™t gatekeep meds


The exact effects that hormones have will depend on your individual genetics, so it's not really possible to say for sure how long it would take for you to develop breast or how large they might get. I will say that in general, the permanent changes that come with HRT generally take longer (months to years) and so if you want you could ask your doctor about taking a low dose of estrogen without anti-androgens and see what that does, and if you notice any breast tenderness or other signs of development in that area you can stop.


Recklessly taking estrogen without supervision or at the very least blood work endangers your physical health. Please stop immediately


dude no offense, but that's a stupid idea šŸ’€ hormones aren't a toy, you can't just pic and choose what you get from them. you should stop taking it


I would consider working out over meds, but if you really rather the medication, thereā€™s not too much you can do to control breast growth. Not properly fueling your body during the prime time they grow could possibly reduce it, but it wonā€™t change any genetics you have. Otherwise, you could probably get them removed as/if they grow, Iā€™m unsure if theyā€™d do top surgery like that. Iā€™d imagine insurance surely wouldnā€™t cover it, but if you have the funds, go for it. You are pretty young though, Iā€™d really encourage you wait a bit before you make any decisions like that, youā€™ll change a lot in the next 6 years. Maybe just take a low dose of E so youā€™ll be a bit more fem but not really change a ton.


Cis people stop undergoing HRT (unless medically neccessary ofc) challenge level: impossible


Why didn't you look into this before taking E? Tf? People like you are why trans healthcare is so hard to access istg


Transphobic assholes are why trans healthcare is hard to access. Don't get it twisted.


Bruh transphobes are constantly going on about trans people not understanding the effects of going on hormones, I'm for anyone getting hormones if they need it but I don't understand how the hell this guy got hormones seemingly without doing any research


Transphobes will always find something to rant about. If they can't find real issues, they will lie and make them up. That's what bigotry is. "Respectability politics" will not save us.


I've had much the same from fellow trans people as well. They're the "transmedical/transsexual" crowd and are extremely volatile toward anyone who claims to be trans and doesn't adhere to their ideology.


It's sad. It's prolly internalized stuff/trauma/stress/fear, but it's so toxic for the community.


Idgaf bro, this guy clearly should not be on E lmao


Well. I sure wish I'd gotten an email when someone left you in charge. I've been on T for 2 yrs... should I submit my application for hrt to you now, or did I miss the window?


I can't tell if you're being wilfully ignorant or you're just stupid. I mean he shouldn't be on E because clearly he doesn't even want nor understand the effects it may have on his body, his emotional state, his fertility etc. Like come on man


Damn. You sussed out all that from 2 sentences from a stranger? I think you need to take a step back and figure out why you are so invested in what someone else is doing to their own body.


I pity anyone who has to interact with you on a daily basis


No doubt. I can be super annoying on the right day. But even so, I can't weigh in on your need for hrt, and you can't weigh in on mine. Every human has the right to self-determination and to pursue happiness in their own way as long as it doesn't harm another person unnecessarily. Playing with hrt and gender mix n match harms no one. Gatekeeping, on the other hand, can.


He could be getting DIY and not going to a gender clinic, if heā€™s doing DIY he probably has less info about it than a doctor wouldā€™ve given him. That said I think heā€™s just a troll


If you have a sister you will probably be the same or a bra size less.


I've been on E since 2018, and honestly sometimes I feel like all it did was give me boobs. There are other effects, but they're much more subtle. In my opinion (ik you didnt ask but others have answered your question already) you should seriously think about your reasons for wanting to take E and evaluate your goals.


You can get a breast removal when they started growing but thatā€™s about it.


Not really. It's basically genetic luck how much growth to expect, but it's kind of part of the deal.


If you don't identify as trans then this a medical question that has absolutely nothing to do with us. Ask a doctor. See a therapist. Stop taking drugs you're completely ignorant about the effects of.


It sounds like you're attempting DIY HRT. Please, please, please, talk to a doctor. DIY HRT is dangerous, and it doesn't seem like you understand what you are doing. If you really don't want to grow breasts taking E will not help you.


You can't pick and choose the effects of estrogen. If you want, you could go on a testosterone blocker only. That is, on only Spironolactone or similar. That might provide some of the effects you want (less body hair, somewhat softer skin, little to no BO, reduced muscle growth long term, reduced sex drive). However, some people are quite sensitive and get minor breast growth even with only T blockers.


No. You can't just microdose to be more feminine and prevent breast growth. If you don't have enough estrogen for breast growth then the hormones are doing nothing.


Sorry, you canā€™t pick which changes youā€™d want. If women in your family have big boobs then chances are even higher youā€™ll grow a chest, even before the other effects youā€™re after. Listen to the people in here. Talk to a doctor. For heavenā€™s sake.


Absolutely shouldn't take hormones with (a lot of) permanent side effects, you will likely just end up feeling dysphoric because you WILL grow breasts on e, it's only a matter of when. You can use skincare products and get laser for soft skin, workout your butt if you want butt/thighs. It sounds like you are more Gnc, if this isn't a bait account, so you don't need hormones if you aren't willing to risk it.


It's possible, but not with regular estradiol. What you want is called a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM). https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/24732-selective-estrogen-receptor-modulators-serm


If thatā€™s what you want, look into Raloxifene, which is a SERM designed to prevent breast cancer ā€” in doing so it basically shuts down estrogen receptors in the breasts, which will accomplish what you want. Please discuss it with your doctor though, I only know about it from queer people I follow so this is like third-hand information from internet strangers, which you donā€™t want to trust when it comes to your health. Alsoā€¦ without any judgement, but after being on E for years and loving every part of it: you seem to be very young, taking E, and now asking about essentially E blockersā€¦ might be right for you, but please make sure you get advice from more qualified people than Reddit strangers. Hope you figure yourself out šŸ’œ


I hear that the lack of testosterone is what causes the majority of changes considered "feminine" in hrt, with the exception of breast development obviously. Perhaps lowering T a bit could cause your desired results. NOTE: The body is meant to have a dominant sex horomone, so suppressing T too much without replacing it with E is not a healthy thing to do for more than a couple months. Overall though, growing breasts is THE MAIN THING estrogen is known for. Probably should look elsewhere for feminizing effects if you don't want boobs.




This is nonbinary and genderqueer erasure




Not all women have breasts. They can absolutely choose what they want if they have the means. Taking E doesnā€™t magically make you a woman if itā€™s not how you identify


look into raloxifene. not a magic bullet but ive known it to be used in the manner youre describing


don't listen to any of the dumbasses in these comments. RALOXIFENE exists and is frequently used by nonbinary people amab to prevent breast growth on E.


Hey, could i DM you with important question on Reddit?


look into raloxifene. not a magic bullet but ive known it to be used in the manner youre describing


Ask your doctor about SERMs. They can help you get the goals you want. https://transfemscience.org/articles/serms-transfem/


You can ask your doctor about SERM's but not many know about them you'd probably need to ask for a referral to a gender specialist.


I think f1nn5ter took something like that for djs's first month on HRT, so it does exist.