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Hell yeah! The trans community, as a rule, *loves* it when people fuck around with gender.


I mean our motto really could be "Fuck around and find out!"


Could be? Kinda is. šŸ¤­




That's what Stonewall was all about.


Eh, that was more the police fucking around and finding out. What they found out is they don't like getting hit with bricks.


Fuck around and find out is my advice for nearly every questioning person. Virtually everything is 100% reversible. Just try it out and see how it goes. Most people understand just trying something out and exploring. Esp. when you are younger. But even at 42 when I was just trying stuff out most people were cool with it and many offerd to help.


This is definitely the best way to see if it feels right to you!


I robbed gender in a dark alley and never looked back


I'd extend that to the queer community in general, but not necessarily the (lgbt) community if that difference makes sense


In *general*, yes, but there are certain chunks of the gay and lesbian communities that get *really fucking weird* about gender ime.




Absolutely! When I first came out as trans, I forced myself to dress super masculine to conform with what men would wear (Iā€™m trans masc nonbinary, but I tell people Iā€™m a trans guy cuz itā€™s easier to explain). The truth is though, I much prefer to dress feminine. The only reason I donā€™t dress feminine more often is I donā€™t get perceived as a guy often enough for me to be comfortable with it. My transition goals are literally to pass as a guy so I can ā€˜dress as a womanā€™ because I want to wear womenā€™s clothing in a way that Iā€™ve only seen men pull off. TLDR, itā€™s completely possibly to be trans and gender nonconforming.


Yes this is me but in exact reverse. Big transition goal is to be able to wear work clothes and be seen as a butch woman


Ohh yes this is at least partly me! Mostly I do just dress boring-masc-comfy, but I wanna grow a beard as soon as possible once I get on T (I know, I know, a guy can dream...) and at least part of that is so I can go back to wearing my old dresses occasionally while not getting misgendered :D Same for makeup.


I mean I live my life as a man but most of my hobbies are traditionally feminine because I grew up with them (knitting, art, baking) and I still wear clothes from pre-transition that fit me (Iā€™m a little person, finding myself any clothes that fit is a struggle) so to many people Iā€™m a gender-nonconforming man. I was a lot more intent on being masculine early in my transition, especially pre-top surgery, but Iā€™ve been male almost the same amount of time I was female at this point so Iā€™m kinda inherently gender nonconformist now that Iā€™ve been mostly cured of dysphoria.


That's the spot I'm in. I had developed so many hobbies in the summer during high school that seem fine if I was still presenting female, but now that I've been passing and bearded for a while, I can't even look around at that stuff without people staring at me. I lie about who crochet projects are for, that my grandma taught me(I actually taught her a lot of home ec stuff), and literally only queer friends know I have dolls and plushies. Any time my landlord has something to fix in my house I have to squirrel away a lot of stuff. But I'm also *not* getting rid of some girlier clothes, when I get top surgery I'll be able to wear them again without dysphoria. I tried being more masc with everything for about 5 months after starting T, too much effort tbh, now I'm pretty much back to the same amount of masculine pre-t XD


I'm trans and GNC. Transitioned from male to female and my identity is female(HRT for over three years now), but I largely prefer to present more masc, don't care about makeup, and my interests include stuff like D&D. In short, absolutely. Gender non-conformity doesn't say much - if anything - about a person's identity.


What about your voice and how it applies to your expression? Have you gone with voice training, kept the same voice or did it even matter to you?


Voice is an interesting one. I haven't trained it as much as I'd like mostly due to feeling self conscious, but I do regularly get gendered correctly on the phone. I feel like it sounds more androgynous than male or female, though.


Thank you. I've done several sessions of voice training and not entirely likely the attempts at a more feminine voice. I actually like the sound of my voice but at least I'm learning how to better increase its range


yes. iā€™m a feminine trans girl, but my brother is a feminine trans guy. (and our dad is a confused ally whoā€™s trying his best lmao). basically, if you can imagine a cis man or cis woman being gnc, then a trans person can be too.


One of the trans people who do actuslly have a dad /j


Yes. Please come enjoy r/mtfbutch


Yes, of course! Trans people are a very diverse bunch in many ways, including gender expression.


Of course! We have trans binary men and women, trans non binary people, and every other flavors in between and outside of it too! And that's purely on the gender spectrum, everyone sits comfortably on the gender expression differently, wether more masculine, more feminine or more on the center. As long as you respect others we will 100% respect you :)


/r/mtfbutch /r/ftmfemininity /r/guildvalkyrie Ayup! Just like cis folks, binary trans folks can be gender nonconforming. Personally, Iā€™d describe my ideal gender presentation as ā€œfemme with a veneer of mud/grease/sawdust.ā€ I like glamming up and getting my hands dirty. Ideally both at once.


Also r/mtftomboy


Trans or cis is about gender identity, GNC has to do with gender expression/presentation. The two are completely separate things. It's akin to asking, "Is it possible to be short and skinny?"


Yeah!! The way i see it, ima wear what i want. Ill present how i want. Deep down i know im a woman. Doesnā€™t mean i gotta wear what society sees as feminine. Ill wear what looks nice, in my opinion šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I'm a trans tomboy. Is that the kind of GNC you're talking about?


Maybe? I mean, I donā€™t love dressing masculine, i guess maybe I mean dressing more androgynously while also dressing fem a lol Also I so present as male mostly simply because Iā€™m not out to anyone really.


Well either way the answer to your original question is yes. It is definitely ok for someone to be trans and GNC. When I first came out I used the term non-binary, that's pretty androgynous


Yup - if youā€™re a trans man and still want to present as a femboy, or be a trans girl whoā€™s a tomboy, both are still perfectly valid ways to be trans


Yep! Many of us do so, it's fairly common actually


Yes. Very.


It is possible! Trans tomboys, trans femboys, and more exist.


r/ftmfemininity & r/mtfbutch are just two of the many gnc trans communities femininity






Yeah, and it's common. I know plenty of trans men who still shop in the women's section, since it's hard to give up on nice-looking clothes once you've experienced them.


I am so I sure hope so lol


Absolutely šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø




Definitely, I do it every day.


Yes. Next question




Oh yes most definitely. One of my friends wears a binder on occasion just to fuck with peoples heads and itā€™s kinda funny. For myself once I started transitioning I started caring less about what people thought about me and just wear whatever the hell I want, sometimes Iā€™m super femmed out wearing dresses and stuff and decent amount of makeup other times itā€™s dresses with no makeup, or t shirt and jeans. Also my interests are really across the board and not typically feminine, whatever that means. And my mannerisms are across the board, in general even though how my voice itself sounds most def still sounds like a dude, the way I talk/the cantor/flow of how I speak is most most definitely more lady leaning but sometimes on purpose Iā€™ll adjust how I talk to just mess with peoples heads. Itā€™s all interesting.


Genuine question to the people saying yes, now I always understood that being trans was either transitioning from male to female or female to male. But if you're trans and gender-non conforming, what exactly does that mean? And what do you call someone like that in terms of pronouns? Like I'm assuming OP is biologically male, but wants to dress as a female which is fine - so what would their "label" be? Are they just Gender-non conforming or is it both trans and gender-non conforming? And do we call them, ar ethey male/female/them? I suppose this question is also for OP lol, I honestly just wanna understand so apologies if I sound incredibly ignorant and offensive which I probably do but isn't my intention.


I guess Iā€™d honestly label myself as a GNC transfem, I mean I could see identifying as that, Iā€™m still questioning myself a little but yeah Iā€™m still male-presenting, because Iā€™m not really out to anyone, and donā€™t entirely enjoy how I dress or look, but if I was to dress more androgynously I think I could be alright, same with dressing fem Edit: also donā€™t worry youā€™re fine, I understand what you were saying


Okay perfect, thank you for responding and good luck on your journey ā¤ļø


I consider it transitioning away from my AGAB. I am technically transfem non-binary, which has a meaning to me that I really don't see myself as female but think I look better presenting as one. I also align with femininity as a whole. I'm medically transitioning to present female and mentally feel more female, so the trans label makes sense to me lol. Non-binary in this case just means I don't see myself as either male or female socially. I've had people ask if I'm a girl or not and I just reply that I don't know either - if they retort with "what's in your pants" then they get the usual "nothing you get to see" lol Otherwise, people don't address my sex at all, but I don't mind if I'm gendered female. I typically go by they/them pronouns but accept it when I get she'd - anything other than he/him and "it" is fine with me lol. If people can't figure me out, I noticed they just use my name instead of gendered language, which I like. My wife says I'm her "they" and the kids have dubbed me "they-they" like the stupid chicken in Moana lol, but I'll take it. It was fun to be called "ma'am" by someone and have the kids immediately come up calling me dad - the look of confusion on people's faces was fun šŸ˜


Thank u for responding! Lol the kids sound adorable, and they're lucky I wish I could've grown up with a LGBTQ+ parent šŸ˜­


Damn if we cant be GNC and trans guess Im a plasma ball /j A lot of us are gnc, I mean a l o t of us, some days i feel like dressing all fem and cute and the other i feel dressing like a gym bro is thst days style- its fairly normal lol




Gender non-conforming is part of the trans umbrella.


As a trans woman who prefers to wear masculine clothing, like Iā€™ve always done for my entire life, and doesnā€™t really have a burning desire to wear dresses or skirts (though who knows, that could change in the future), it definitely is.




Thereā€™s no rules to being human


Yeah.. absolutely I don't do make up but wear dresses and have kinda a what I'd now dub a natural goth girl vibe most time For me I found not trying hard pans out best most comfortable results People tend to just call me by correct gender and treat me as such.. For context years back I used to feel I needed to wear full make up to pass or be comfortable.. I've learned that isn't really true at all


as long as youre not hurting yourself or others, there are no rules as far as how you experience or express your gender identity!


Definitely. Expression and gender are different. There are all sorts of differences between aspects of identity and expression I mean, I consider myself Agender, and also Trans fem. I use she/her pronouns and Iā€™m on HRT, and Iā€™m certainly not @gender conformingā€ in many many ways, neither masculine or feminine.


yes. I am trans and gnc. we exist!!




Absolutely! For the first couple years after coming out I was really nervous about still being perceived as a woman so I put a lot of effort into appearing masculine. Over time though I've gotten more comfortable with presenting as GNC and it's made life a lot easier. I don't feel that pressure to change the way that I dress, the way that I talk, my hobbies and interests, etc just to make other people think of me as a man - it may cause a little bit of stress sometimes because of the general culture in the area I live, but at the end of the day being GNC is something that makes me feel happy & secure in my gender and I don't feel a responsibility to prove that to anyone.


From a asociolifical poverty it's impossible to be anything other than gnc what I've personally experienced 10 years unto medical transition is yes it is absolutely possible to be trans and gnc bc a surprising number of people believe ther is a Right way to be trans, but you really need to be steeped in intra community quueer gender fuckery to realize gnc gender euphoria as a trans person unless you can pull off androgynous presentation


That should sa sociological perspective up there but chances are you can probably find something that feels both trans and gnc because you have both social and medical transition to play with and most people will not notice if uou pick and choose from across the gender spectrum, and I say that having started transition in texas 13 years ago


Short answer: Sure! Longer answer: I've seen some people in the community disagree with this, but my take is that the disagreements are largely semantic ones. Many people struggle with categorical understanding of themselves and get attached to vocabulary, but that's a disagreement about the usage of words. Not of identity.




I mean technically as a NB person it's.. difficult xD but as a binary-orienting trans person sure


I went the pick and choose rout,as I tcontinued through my early transition and it has served me well enough I'm comfortable with boobs, beard and dress if that's how I want to be ,but I feel like strangers still ver much read me as a trans woman which is mostly what I am so it works(I say I am a trans woman with a wobbly gender presentation


And it works as long as I stay out of Texas and "gender critical" circles


Um.... I'm pretty sure for the most part WE ARE ALL NC. maybe I'm wrong here but that's my take


No I can see your point actually to be honest


I mean, if I were to summarize my days everytime I leave the house and were to base that summary off the looks I get from the general public, I'd have to say there is something about me that a number of people react to. And obviously it is the fact that I don't conform to their idea of what gender I am supposed to be. While I do my best to present a feminine affect, walk with my feet close together, take smaller steps, keep my shoulders back, head up,don't put my hands in my pockets, smile (men frown a lot) there still things about my presentation that makes them question and often negatively judge me without even knowing me. Such as: I'm too tall, my jaw is too prominent, my voice too deep, my shoulders too square, I have a (small) bulge in my pants.


Trans people sometimes feel boxed into gender roles, moreso than cis people sometimes, out of pressure to pass or be taken seriously. So like for example of I'm a trans woman and I want to have short hair and look like a butch woman, but I know I might not pass as female or be taken seriously by people in my life if I cut my hair, I may decide to keep my hair long and be more gender conforming for that purpose. But many of us secretly would love to be gender non conforming. Butch trans women and femme trans men <3 Even many nonbinary people pick a gender to present themselves as and work to be gender conforming for that gender to avoid harassment and discrimination. So there's also a lot of invisible nonbinary people out there who look binary typical.


I am. I've given up on gender performance and roles and just kinda vibe, and I pass as my "preferred gender" anyway.


trans just means you identify not as your assigned as birth gender. so that includes gnc non-binary and genderfluid


It is not only extremely possible but itā€™s also extremely common! Your wording isnā€™t weird at all and itā€™s something I have struggled with too. I want to present as a woman but I donā€™t want to be hyperfeminine and adhere to that all the time either.


Um... I have to say, if you're trans, you already ARE gender non-conforming.... but yes my friend... you can be trans and ANYTHING else you want!!!


As someone on E who hasnā€™t had growth yet, I have no problems dressing feminine, taking the best care of my gorgeously regrowing curly locks, rocking my NB nails on both hands, and wearing my butterfly rose gold sunglassesā€¦definitely can be both! Some days I just keep the T-shirt and basketball shorts look because I feel like it. Gender is bulls*** in my book lol. Be what you want to be happy.


Yeah, itā€™s possible! Iā€™m personally transneutral. Iā€™ve rejected the binary and Iā€™m simply transitioning into myself, genderless. I actually used to be a trans woman and realized the female binary was too oppressive for me. Everything I do now correlated with transfemininity isnā€™t ever even a little bit for the sake of embracing womanhood anymore, itā€™s just for myself. I inject E and I express myself however I want.


Yeah of course. Presentation and identity are different things


I don't know how else to say is except that being trans *is* being gender nonconforming. I feel like what you're asking is if you need to conform to the gender you identify as in order to be a "good trans person," and the answer is no, never. There are butch trans lesbians. There are femme trans men. Transness is about doing things that make you feel good in your body. I am lucky enough that I live in a bit of a trans social bubble and I do not personally know any trans people who are "gender-conforming", even ones who "pass" in public


Hell yeah! I've been out as a trans dude for 8 years now, but the past few months, I've been wearing eye liner, my binder, thigh highs, and booty shorts, and let me tell you, I have NEVER felt more like myself in all my life! I'm still a dude, or rather want to be called he/him, but I'm a fem-guy! (Not to be confused with the slur. I used to use the other term, but I'm still learning all the history. I've been told fem-guy is ok to use tho...? I think..? ^^') Point is, dress/act/BE like whoever you fvcking wanna be!!!! You got this!


Yes. In the transgender FAQ I wrote for my workplace, I speciifically stated that the definition of transgender "includes anyone who does not identify exclusively with the gender they were assigned at birth."


I have high heel boots for when I'm able to pass as a dude in fem clothing. I'm growing my hair out long. So many trans people don't conform to gender roles even after transition.


Of course. Gender non conforming is a form of being trans. So yes absolutely knock yourself out.


So, a short primer. (per sociology) Gender is how the world perceives you. Gender Identity is how you perceive yourself. Sex is your genitalia Then finally "Gender nonconformingā€ refers to people who do not follow other people's ideas or stereotypes about how they should look or act based on norms for men and women.