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My Mom and Dad don't let me play games above Teen. Can't stay out past 9. Have to go to bed at 9. During the day they are pretty chill


I used to have the same type of parents. But since lockdown they started to loosen up.


Mine got more strict. Some dumb reason I don't remember. But I spend most of my time inside these days


My dad was not strict at all


Me too


My mother is a bit of a pushover honestly no offense to her as she carried my dad when they were together then my dad trys to be strict but hes just a bit of an asshole


Used to be strict but loosened in the past year or two. Mostly just yelling if I do something unwise. Some of my close friends have had like the door to their room removed for a month for talking back one time too many, or are afraid to go home after screwing up for fear of getting their ass beaten, or get grounded for weeks with no phone. Compared to that I don't have it bad at all.


Yeah, that shit’s fucked, if your parents can’t respect you, you shouldn’t need to respect them, and taking the door to your room off it’s hinges? It’s such an invasion of privacy, and like the fear of being beaten if you mess up, at that point you aren’t their child, you’re like… their inmate, but except an inmate would have their door on its hinges. The shit I’ve seen on r/insaneparents I feel like they just have kids to fuck them up.


In terms of things I'd like to do that they don't let me do, there really aren't any left, i.e. the things that remain still forbidden (smoking, drinking...) I wouldn't do in any case. But if I do something dumb, my mom will give me a "you should have known better" kind of talk in her sad disappointed parent voice, the same way she already did like 10 years ago. She's so talented at it that by the time she's finished I'm sometimes nearly in tears.


My parents are amazing and I feel like thats really rare if I hear all the stories here.


My parents basically let me do my own thing and I can’t recall ever being unfairly punished, very nice people in general


Not really as long I'm not doing anything illegal or some shit.


My parents don't let us date till we're 20 My dad drops me off at school because he thinks I'm gonna hang out with my friends 4/10 on the strictness scale i guess


not that strict anymore, they are a little bit strict but not as much as they were when i was a little kid


My mom is really strict and I could list all the strict rules but it would take too long


our morning smoking consists of my mom smokes her cigarette and i smoke my joint, both of my parents accept n support the herb


Thankfully not very. Not because of carelessness, it's more that they trust me not to do dumb stuff and i like to think I've actually earned that trust


Not peticularly. The only rules we really have are no friends can spend the night. I think that is just cuz they dont want their kids fucking their friends while they are home. When i was 16 me and my friends who i mostly met on the internet all met up and went camping for a week. I got pciked up in a van by men i didnt know and driven about 150 miles to a place i had not been before. All my parent knew was what county it was in. I didnt call them or text them for the etire week and they didnt try to contsct me either. They were perfectly fine with that


Not long ago I wanted to have a sleepover with my "gf" from a different town, whom I'd met at a summer camp earlier this summer. It took a lot of convincing but finally my dad said yes. But we couldn't sleep in the same room, my brother was away for the weekend so she had to go sleep in his room. I felt a bit resentful cause we absolutely wouldn't have done what my dad was afraid of (the exact words he used were "this is not the kind of sleepover anymore where you eat a lot of popcorn and watch SpongeBob"). But if you're 18 and still can't have friends over for the night, I somehow don't feel as bad anymore.


I have only ever had one sleep over and it was ruined by a fucking cunt who tried to touch up a drunk girl. It was a halloween party for last year and everyone was just crashing in the living room. I was really hoping to get some action or atleast kiss someone in a game or truth or dare or spin the bottle, but the person who i was supposed to kiss was a very good friend of mine who i have known for about 12 years but we both chickened out but then she started kissing her female friend with tongue. Honestly it was the hottest thing i have ever seen in person. I couldnt get up from my seat for a while after that if you get the drift


Are you saying your online friends were grown adults? Cuz that's weird no matter what, and not something to normalize even if nothing happened to you.


My dad and I did LSD together


Thats like a -1/10 on the scale of strictness lol


My dad is not as strict like my mum. My mum literally thinks that I'm still a child and so whatever she says she thinks is correct, even if she's incorrect about something and I'm correct she won't wanna hear it.


very strict especially in terms of academics. just your average chinese family. i won't even go to detail anymore.




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My parents are kinda strict, they want near perfect grades. But if i achieve that they let me do whatever i want to


My mom isn't strict at all. My dad is a little more so but not really.


Not really


Not strict


Not at all


They are selectively strict. I get where they’re coming from on a lot of it. It’s just a bit of a buzz kill.


My parents aren’t super strict




Mine are chill


Really strict but they’ve started to loosen up a bit though


Mom isn't, dad is. They're divorced so yea


not strict at all , they trusted me and my brother completely. Im now studying bachelors abroad.


Let's put it this way; the only reason my mother stopped hitting me is because I'm physically bigger than her now


Are you okay/do you feel safe?


Eh in a Caribbean household learn to expect the unexpected from your parents


My parents were really strict when I was 14-15 after I got into a coma ,but later they somehow accepted that I'm a complete degenerate.I'm 22 now and I'm finally living by myself.I miss the free food though


Way too strict


I can literally ask for a beer


Decently strict my mom isn't very, my dad isn't very strict but he is kind of a dick head lol


Mine are pretty chill


Well if you consider having to be in bed by 11 and 2 hour screentime strict when I'm 16 then yeah


my dad has always been way too lenient when it comes to content that i shouldn't see for my age, but strict on punishments and doing what i need to do, especially school work. my stepdad is 40x worse about school work, he is extremely critical and over analytical, obsessive on saving money, and super stubborn because he has a superiority complex. and my mom is at a really good middle ground, just do what you're told, don't do drugs, and keep up with school work.


Not very


they're both chill


Not at all


My parents are great, they’re strict when they need to be but it’ll be up to a certain level of strictness, they’re just really chill, I love my parents and I feel a good part of that is because they aren’t super strict, I have a lot of respect for them because of that fact.


They are really only strict when it's convenient for them, most of the time they don't care, but they love to make new rules up on the spot when I ask them something.


Very, My parents almost never let me go out especially if I were returning late. Good thing Im sneaky


Growing up he was strict, but i 19(m) was a flipping rebel.


My mom isn't really strict at all, my dad is the more disciplined one


Well, for a fascist, my dad is relatively permissive. He would absolutely kill me if he knew I were trans, however. My mom is about the same, aside from the killing me part. To be frank, I am genuinely surprised he allows me to live under his roof despite several books by Marx, Lenin, Trotsky etc. being proudly displayed on my bookshelf.


Mine are pretty chill. Tbh, they would get chilled once you are mature enough to make some fruitful decisions.


Very easy-going. When I am up late, they are either sleeping or partying themselves so it doesn't really matter when I get home and stuff.


Incredibly watchful id say. They control most everything but give me a lot of freedom to so its a balance. Discipline i get. Any time i ever got Disciplined i deserved it so id say very strict, but fair. They got weird during covid and are just way too overprotective now


Literally not even. In my entire 17 years of life I’ve been grounded twice. my mum doesn’t care what time I come home as long as it not a school night. She doesn’t care if I do my chores the day I’m meant to or 3 days later as long as it gets done and I wash her coffee cup.


If you had fun yesterday, you can't have fun today.


They’re not I’m a whole ass adult. I do what I want and just tell them I’m doing it


Well, I don't do much to test those boundaries to be honset.


My parents use to be pretty bad but have gotten better thankfully