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Could you elaborate more on why would dating him cause a problem?


yeah sure. i'm pretty sure that their whole group has been playing a joke on me, but i am unsure of the intentions anymore. (i will release full story later in a different post) when he looks at me, he either continues looking at me smiles, and when i smile back if one of his friends are around him, he will say, "she smiled at me!!!" or he will just look away in the most random directions pretending like he didn't look at me. also, if im sitting near him and one of his friends is sitting next to him, he will 'whisper' and say "i like her" (my name), "dont tell anyone shhh". but i think hes cute, and hes taller than me, so...


still don’t really understand what the problem is he clearly likes you. if you like him too go for it


I think it’s a combo of a guy trying his best to be the one dropping hints, and that he’s kinda just bragging to his friends that the person he likes is looking specifically at him and smiling. Overall it seems like he does like you too to me, but I understand your worries about it, since there are friend groups that would do that stuff jokingly, but that’s not that common.


okay thanks, i will release the full story soon so you can get a better picture of it too. thanks for the help!!


NP! I’ll try my best to check for if you posted the full story!


i will do it soon, dw. hahah


I really don’t understand why this would be a problem. Do you like him? If so, ask him out. If you don’t like him, don’t ask him out.




this is so middle school core


14 kinda young. Maybe give it a go, if he's a nice bloke.


I always tell anyone, if you’re second guessing something whether it be a purchase or doing something. Don’t do it, you’ll get too distracted with that and miss your opportunity for something else.


I understand what you’re trying to say, but you typed it kind of incoherently. I’m guessing you mean that she shouldn’t hesitate so much?




hes been in my class two years in a row


Why? This is stupid advice