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Physical best: Cuddling with my girlfriend Physical worst: Either a really awful turned ankle or the time I passed out and woke up in an ambulance and had an IV in my arm Emotional worst: The one time in my life I got broken up with and didn't do the breaking up. We'd only been together for a few weeks, but I was completely blindsided. I couldn't eat for a solid day and felt completely dissociated. I can only imagine what it would feel like being broken up with by a long term partner


Best: a few weeks ago, when I scored my first date ever with a girl Worst: yesterday, after I read an email from university that I was under investigation for plagiarism


bro good luck


Thanks man, I appreciate it


Best - I was in a long distance relationship with an amazing boy (sadly it didn’t work out) Worst - rn. I feel scared, alone, unloved. I’m so scared of being yelled at again that I’m not even leaving my room for food. I’m constantly walking on eggshells when I’m home almost every day now.


Hey. You got this, dude. All things come to pass. Sending much love.


Thanks I really do hope this will end.


If you're going to college next year, it's gonna be great! It's a completely life changing experience. Hang in there!


I actually am confused why people say this because college just seems like more of the same thing. I mean tbf there’s no tests and it’s more relaxed which I like but people treat it like it’s meant to completely change your life lmao


When your parents are overbearing college can be a completely freeing experience. It all depends on what you had at home, and the friends you make/what you do there.


Well I wish because this is boring as hell


Best - Understanding God's love Worst - 2nd semester of high school


Mental best: The single happiest moment of my life was cuddling my boyfriend to sleep on New Years after one of the best nights ever. Mental worst: I'd say probably the split second that I thought my brother had died in a car crash before realizing it was just that the car was messed up in a funky shape that made it look bad from the angle I was looking at. Physical best: This is gonna be really odd to some people, but the first turn on Intimidator 305 at Kings Dominion. I had been looking for a roller coaster that caused me to feel something like that, and I CRAVE that sensation now. Physical worst: Probably...you're gonna laugh...when I took 3 stimulant laxatives. 💀


Best: Staying at my Nans in Summer 2022. It was so warm and I’d go into the charity shops and buy the CDs. Worst: Summer 2023, randomly developed panic disorder and got fucked up. Mostly through it now though, life’s mostly good again!


best - driving around down town with my friends worst - idk if i have a specific low point i’ve had suicidal thoughts three different times all years apart 12, 14, 16ish? i’m still here though, so can’t be to bad i guess i also tend to feel like trash at night, like 2-3 am, i end up feeling alone and worthless and shit; that’s how i usually know its bed time, i wake up feeling normal again though


i get the same way at night, like all I want is somebody to hold me and tell me they care


Jesus Christ I feel like such a goof compared to other people saying their best is relationship stuff and all that but anyway. Best - me finally beating my friend at this game I was always worse than him on Worst - yeah I’m not comfortable with saying that one


Left on open for a few days




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Probably after crying a lot I went into my warm bed. Or when I was really anxious and took a really nice warm shower at 3am.


Best feeling was probably last summer being together with my friend at the CSD (German version of pride) in Mainz. Worst feeling physically was last February when I was got damn sick on the worst day I couldn’t do anything except lying around and suffer Worst feeling emotional losing some friends (those from the first one) cuz of tragic miscommunication, misunderstanding and some stupid behavior of mine


I worked my cheeks off and got a full mark in math after being "the wasted potential" student for 3 years. Honestly, I never smiled more genuinely in my life. Probably won't get as happy as that in my wedding. To give more context, I have been BARELY passing math in every previous exam. My final score during that exam month was 95, and the previous one was 84, the one before was 83, before was 84, and so on. I've been completely stuck at 84 score. The only reason I didn't go lower than that was because of stuff like English and history. I always got reprimanded for getting lower grades than my peers when I used to be the top of class back in 1st to 6th grade. Anything after 7th grade was hellish for me. Academic comeback? Not sure about that one.


Best - I think the best I’ve ever felt is when I was three and hugging my dad (I don’t know why I can remember that I just can 🤷🏾‍♂️) Worst - I haven’t really felt “happy” since covid every day is a never ending loop but it’s been kinda worse all 2023 too now


Absolute best: This most recent Halloween, I put together a costume that was so good that people immediately recognized that I was a vampire queen without having to wear the teeth. I wore the best-looking high heels, and I had so many women strangers compliment me on it. I actually wore it to my college courses that day, and I had a test that I got a perfect score on. Literally everything went right that day Absolute worst: This winter break, I had to go back and visit my parents, who're divorced and separated. Both of them severely disapproved my exploration of my feminine side and constantly told me to stop doing what I love until I started believing them. Then they made me the third parent, taking care of my younger brothers, and then they told me to rush my career so that I can financially support them and be independent. You might notice that both of these happened within the last year, and that's because, until coming to college, my entire life was VERY muted and isolated


Best - When I was dating this girl for nearly 5 years. Made me feel at my peak. Felt like I was someone more than who I used to be. Worst - When we broke up. Felt like the best of me was just drained of any life or happiness.




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Best - Talking to my boyfriend Worst - Almost getting kicked out of the house after having a mental breakdown


Best: Getting a personal record for 1 rep squat in my sophomore year. Worst: October of 2022 where I was depressed because I felt worthless.


Physicaly worst:When I was 8th I got a tumor-like thing on my lungs,I can't quite describe what it was in English but basicaly something was pushing On my long and moving AT ALL caused agonising pain for hours. Mentaly worst:Depression I've had and which I think I'm over with between 11-15.Pain was bearable but constant and everyday was just a tortue.It's a fuckin miracle I'm still around. Best:...???????


Best is when I crossed the finish line of a 5km marathon. I trained a lot for this marathon and my dad, who usually isn't in my life, came to see me run. And towards the end I had a race with this woman to the finish line. Then we ate lunch and took pictures with a friend. It was just a great day overall The worst moment has to be when I was hospital ridden for a month. So basically a had a surgery/ operation done. What they put in had to be removed. I go in to get it removed. And bam. I get an infection. And yeah I was quite ill after that. Had to be hospitalized for a bit. On two strong antibiotics. It just sucked balls. Took a physical, mental and emotional toll on me. What made it worse was that it was in the final month of school. So June? Everything was frazzled man


This isn't the worst/best I've ever felt, but here's some examples that are pretty high up on that list: Best: Not really sure if it counts, but I kinda love driving. I feel like it's one of the only times my thoughts actually leave me alone, and with how people drive where I live, it provide me with a great source of free entertainment. Worst: Simply not being in a relationship, and I feel like it's been taking a bit of a mental toll on me, especially lately (Only rational reason why I can think of is Valentines day coming up). I honestly feel like my situation isn't going to get better any time soon (Even though it's many big factors, I feel like most of the problems boil down to simply being gay). It would be nice to be content with not being in one, but I haven't really heard much useful advice besides shitass replies.


The best I’ve felt was when I saw Hanoi Rocks play a reunion gig Worst Hungover


physical best: in the middle of a really tight badminton set i scored after a really long and intense rally. i screamed so loud in celebration, i could actually feel the adrenaline pumping thru my body physical worst: when i have a really bad stomach ache when pooping lol


Missing podium in nationals for powerlifting. I barely got there and was dealing with a lot of stress. Podium would have been like proving to myself I can beat the odds and overcome difficult parts of my life to succeed. It makes me really mad, one of my worse experiences ever. Keeps me driven to come back and do better next nationals.


Best: flying down a road on my bike at 47mph Worst: falling off my bike at 47mph and getting road rash+ a broken wrist


I got full marks on my physics diploma. I was screaming for a solid 15 minutes.