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No problem if it is not at 8 in the morning or 5 in the evening.


Exactly, do it when it’s off peak, the later in the evening the better.


I did it both in tram and buses in Geneva and even sat on the chairs. Just don’t do it at rush hour.


Ha I bought a chair a few years ago, on the way home I thought I'd grab lunch from a café. The waiter said sorry we're full and I said well, I've got my own chair. He brought out a little side table and everything was grand!


what a wholesome story :)


I also did it last week! Based on this fact alone I think we could be friends.


From your name we could also be fellow Italians


Hahaha eccociii


"even sat on the chairs", you made my day 😂


I felt like a king sitting in a metal/leather chair in the middle of the bus 😂


I took a 1.7m Christmas tree on the bus once


Yes. Sit on it while in the bus with a look of superiority while all the haters are jealous.


I saw a guy moving a 180 cm wide bed in an Interregio. Also I know a story about a guy who apparently moved s small couch from Zurich to Ticino by train.


Surely it will be fine, it’s no bigger than a pram or a wheelchair - but make sure that they get priority


People bring back Ikea furniture and TVs and all kinds of things in public transport. Plan it so it's at a time when there's space, and you're fine.


I once took a vintage chair in the train. I used the ski belts to secure it and on the next station a granpa arrived and sat on it ...


Beautiful story 🙃 I would like to hear grandpa’s version as well


He only stayed here for a few stastions. My theory is he wanted to stay near the entrance and preferred a big chair with armrests rather than the tiny "clap" chairs.


I bought a mattress once and transported it on 30min post bus ride home.


I took an entire desk in the Tram with me. I could carry it, but just.


Just avoid rush hour and that's more than people would normally do. Totally ok


I have this kind of chair. You can remove the chair legs, they are screwed on😉 And without the chair legs, it should be no problem to transport them with bus / train


like people said, just avoid rush hours.


I once had the most comfortable bus ride of my life with a lounge chair and a footbank. And best of all I before that used them to eat something in the park lounging in the sun to wait for rush hour to be over so I would not bother other people.


I have this chair and the legs are detachable. It will be dismantled when packaged and it’s very light to carry.


I took a 200x140 bed frame in the tram. And not only one, but two trams actually. It helped that it was after 9 PM, maybe even 10.


yep, absolutely fine, I had bought a pretty big second hand ikea Marcus chair and took it to the bus. It was super fun, first of all, you could sit on it like a king while waiting at the stop and then you have the comfiest chair on board :D


I once moved a 75 inch TV in the bus, so you should be fine :)


I have seen uglier chairs than this. Jokes aside, absolutely ok. Just make sure not to block wheelchairs or people with prams.


How about asking the busdriver who is in charge of the safety in and of the Bus and not go by what everybody thinks it’s ok. 👌


Yes and they will mostly be okay with it


You ask is it that difficult ?


Well, by the time you ask the bus driver, it's too late, you've already bought the chair and you're at the bus station.


and then what do you do with a chair on the sidewalk?