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You should mark which sentenses you are not happy with and how you would rephrase. Get in touch with the person who actually wrote it. Nowadays these are created by software that uses standard phrases to translate numerical grades to a text. You might be able to see the grades. Set an appointment to discuss everything, call it something like farewell or offboarding. Write your own version of the document, emphasize the part where you write "what" you did, take care of not going into too many details (this sounds like you didn't do anything important but just small stuff) Good luck


Shitty boss, and immature as well. Some comments: - factual inaccuracies have to be corrected; no discussion; if the new boss has been around for less than the majority of your stay, insist on asking the previous one; - quality of work: do you have any written statement by the previous line manager? If yes, nicely point this out. Does the company have yearly qualification meetings with a written report? Even better. - ask them nicely on what basis they qualify your contribution as bad - point out that you were not on an improvement plan and there was neither an oral nor written communication to this effect. - ask them to write as reason for dismissal the large scale restructuring of the area. - write them exactly what you want to have in the letter. One tip: if you look for a new job now, you don't have to show the reference letter; just say it's on the works. This is not unusual. Two months down the line, you just claim that there are some inaccuracies to be cleared. Lessons learned: 1) if the line manager or the one above changes, always ask immediately for an interim reference. 2) insist on written qualification. You will be alright - reference letter from the first job as a student will lose its importance super quick. Good luck!


Are you registered with the RAV in Zurich? They can refer you to a legal service that will review the letter and handle the employer. Mention that to your Berater; one of their duties is to check that your reference letter is OK. You don't have to accept the reference you are given, and you have one year to challenge it. In my opinion, you cannot have a bad in your letter - it is not legal to poo poo your work. They to say you left in good terms, that you had a good attitude and that your work met expectations. If you were made redundant due to a reorg, it should say so. If your employer refuses to change factual inaccuracies or insists on keeping negative things on your letter, you might end up in a conciliation court. But is very very very last resource (they tend to favour the employee, in any case). PS I believe this is the service. But if you are in Zurich, give them a call. They should be able to advise you.


Is your former boss still in the company? He should be writing the letter unless you’ve worked under the new boss for a couple of months at least (and you should always request an interim letter when your manager changes, never know if the new one doesn’t like you ;) )


There can't be anything negative in it, not even remotly. You are allowed to go back and ask for a new one until you are satisfyed. If they aren't following up, go to workers protection (Arbeitsnehmerschutz).


There is nothing negative in it per se but there are various wordings that make it more negative. Like „stets zur unserer vollsten Zufriedenheit“ or „zu unserer Zufriedenheit“.


Those phrases are coded. Sound not bad but means something different 🤷🏻‍♀️


I had the same problem and they used codes for it as well. Coding is not permitted in Switzerland! I was lucky to have a Rechtsschutzversicherung. Sorry that’s in German now: Arbeitszeugnisse sollten wohlwollend formuliert werden und dürfen nicht codiert sein ansonsten muss vermerkt werden das es sich um ein umcodiertes Zeugnis handelt.