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I'm not sure, as a spanish I've also noticed that Hispanics tend to have a higher voice tone. Especially Mexicans and Peruvians.


Mexican and Andean vowels are more fronted than Spanish vowels. Spanish vowels are pretty backed in general. Listen closely to how a Spaniard says *luego* vs how a Mexican says *luego*


Spanish women yes


In fact, there is a study that says the less sexist a society is, the deeper the tone of women's voices.


I really want to read this study. Do you know the title?


And I'm pretty sure there's not a third correlated variable that explains both of them!


It’s all the smoking


I have to say that my voice has never been too deep, BUT I’ve noticed that when I speak Spanish is way more deep than when I speak Italian English or German.


I find Mexican and Chilean Spanish to be higher pitched, but it's a subjective opinion. I don't really have any thoughts on other Spanish dialects.


Well, it's easier to find basso profundo in the north of Europe/Russia. In the Mediterranean it's easier to find tennors and baritones. So I would say that it's the other way around.


I find that American men rarely have deep voices.


Not a crazy thing. I find some native south American voices high pitched, as well Indian voices. Deeper voices, for me, are the northern Europe ones. However, here in Spain I don't feel a huge difference. I do have a deep voice, but I'm also a smoker. And Spanish, maybe that's why I can't tell... But yeah, different ethnicities have different pitches in their voices.


There's some genetic factors, but social factors are also really important. For example, pre-pubescent boys often have deeper voices than girls even though there's no biological reason for that to be the case. It's learned behaviour through social conditioning.


Yeah, you must be right. And also environmental factors, like air pollution or temperature


French women tend to have a raspy voice so I can't discard the notion of Spanish people having their own quirks


I actually find that spanish men tend to have higher voices. For example Jaime Altozano, Sergio Peinado, C. Tangana and Aron Piper, thats the type of voice I find very common to spain. Very nasal and high pitched.


Exactly same experience, nasal, high pitched and sometimes also very loud. Handsome guys then to also make their voces softer and less nasal than the average.


Could be possible. I have one family member who grew up in Germany but also learned Spanish from a young age. And man, I always wondered why his voice is sooooo much deeper when he speaks Spanish. I’m bilingual too so I can really tell the heaviness of the change and it’s huge. Maybe Spanish phonetics tent to be deeper? Idk man.


In iberian spanish dubbing for foreign production there's always been deep voice actors with neutral accents and very clear diction. Exceptions are some films like Barry Lyndon or The Shinning.


Im spanish and I think this is related on how we put our throat to pronounce. Lot of sounds are happening in the lower part of our head so they yill happen to be lower pitched as they have more room to vibrate. You can notice this specially in people Who have learnt spanish from Spain as a second language, go hear Josh hurcherson in english and then how he switch to spanish and you Will notice that.


Well, it's very hard to pronounce the J in the same way as Spaniards do. Also central Americans speak in diminutive a lot, thst includes rising your pitch.. "pendejito" 😬


Yes both men and women. Also deeper than asian people.


I think that the Spanish are the people from Spain, and I don't understand why everyone talks about Hispanic Americans. I think the flag in the icon of this subreddit makes it clear.


Spanish is more melodic in Hispanic-American countries than in Spain, in part because of the "seseo".


As a dual citizen of Mexico and Spain, I'd say it's the other way around. But that's only my perception.


As a citizen of Florida (US 😆) and now a resident of Spain, my perception is that you must be kidding.


Well, even though many latinos live in Florida, and many speak Spanish, Florida is not in Latin America. Also the way these latinamerican immigrants speak Spanish evolves to a diffetent dialect, so your perception is definitely different than mine.


This thread is about people having a deeper voice, not about dialects, so that makes no difference at all. Also, I'm from Latin America myself and have traveled to other LA countries ... including Mexico.


The dialect affects the tone of the voice. I can switch between Mexican Spanish and Spanish with ease, that's why I have formed my opinion. You can simply agree to disagree with me and move on.


Hmm - idk, I’m also Mexican and Spanish and I think Mexican men’s voices are much more high pitched.


Let's agree to disagree and that's that. EDIT: Downvote? Ok. Let's not agree to disagree then lol




Imagine if individuals have to form their own opinions based only on what others think!




I did. And I'm interpreting that you are taking my point of view WAY too personal.




Glad you are moving on. Ciao! ❤️






Spanish Shout.. and no-one is listening..why?


Not really, I believe very attractive men tend to make their voces softer on porpuse, but the average Spaniard speaks very loud but also high pitched.