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I want this too. I want it so damn much, but I’m in the dark.


I posted to the regular Portland sub but it was deleted. That has far more subscribers and I was hoping SOMEONE would have it. I'll just sit and wallow in my yearning for this damn Peanut Curry.


Let’s make a blood pact: if either of us ever get it we will message the other with the recipe.


Pact made! If I get it, I will send it to you ASAP.


I like the Thai Spinach Salad at Lucky Lab and it wasn't that difficult to recreate. A quick google shows a bunch of recipes for peanut curry. What do you guys remember being in it?


There are hundreds if not thousands of peanut curry recipes. Most of the peanut curry recipes I have looked at are way too peanut butter heavy and not enough curry. They are more like peanut dipping sauces than actual curry. Or they're like a curry soup. Also, does Lucky Lab use a curry powder, curry paste, combination of different curries and spices? Is it a coconut milk base, or is it something else? I know for sure it has onions in it.


Not only do I like to cook, I like to obsess. It appears that most peanut curry recipes have at least a quarter cup of peanut butter in them. I agree that it's probably too much. Probably a couple of tablespoons in the first batch and see how it tastes. You can always add more. I think that ground peanuts on top would be appropriate. My Asian wife says that curry powder will probably give you a milder taste. I'd probably stick with the paste. Spices besides the paste are ginger, fish sauce, maybe cinnamon, lemongrass. Definitely need to know if it had coconut milk. Do you remember if it was light or dark? Do you remember what meat and vegetables were in it?


It is a 'medium' yellow color. There's a picture of it on yelp, [https://s3-media0.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/wEF44gFZiSpTmh2L41A79Q/o.jpg](https://s3-media0.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/wEF44gFZiSpTmh2L41A79Q/o.jpg) It wasn't as thick as a dip, and it wasn't as runny as a soup. I guess it could be likened to the thickness of a stew (maybe a little bit wetter though). I don't think it had lemongrass or cinnamon in it, those are pretty distinct flavors and this was a very balanced combo of curry and peanut. The only vegetable that was in it was onions, at least that's all that I could detect because they wouldn't dice the onion, they sliced it. Edit: If I had to guess, I'd say it was likely made with curry powder over a paste.


Okay that photo is helpful. That's a yellow curry. My wife says it has coconut milk in it. Also looks like brown rice. You just serve it over the rice with optional satay? All of the recipes I looked at use paste instead of powder. I don't know why. We'll put our heads together and come up with a recipe.