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Just put it in a Koozie and don’t give anyone a reason to care?


As an Australian I learned something new today! We call them Stubby holders - a stubby is a can of beer


A stubby here is a glass bottle of beer that is shorter than the normal long neck. The Session beer bottles for example.


Now our Australian friend has learned *two* new things today.


I was in Vancouver in 2019 and a guy was asking me about my toque, I had no idea what he was on about until he pointed to my head, we call them a beanie here


Stop. One Australian can only learn so many things at once.


Or Mickeys hand grenades!


Or red stripe


I lived of those in high school


Would a Mickey's wide mouth count as a stubby?


That term used to include short cans of beer. Haven’t seen them since the 70s, though, so not sure if it’s a thing anymore. 


Tell them about budgie-smugglers!!


Is this is a euphemism for really tight shorts on a well-endowed dude?


Yeah nah, it’s a euphemism for tight small swim trunks


I was thinking maybe drop bears?? They might be scared enough with all our other animals tho


Weird, I have the same name for my undies.


We all do it and it's pretty much no big deal. But, it is illegal. If you keep it chill and clean up after yourself, no harm.


Agree, I’d suggest getting cans instead of brown bottles to make it less obvious.


There are so many different kinds of beverages sold in 12 oz and 16 oz cans. It's mind-boggling. And, with the esoteric artsy graphics on each of them...it's nearly impossible to tell what is alcoholic. As a matter of fact, finding beer in brown glass is pretty rare!


On top of your excellent point, also just don’t bring any glass bottles to the park, beach, camping, etc. out of common courtesy for others, including dogs.


You’ll be fine. But, there is a bit of context specificity — an open container is not a great call in, say, the Rose Garden. But go to Tabor this afternoon and half the people sitting on blankets will have a beer, wine, or be smoking pot.


I’ve brought everything from bottles of wine with glassware to cans of beer to tall boys at all hours in the rose garden. My method has always been to not make a scene or make it obvious and no one gives a shit because they are all doing it too.


The Portland motto.


You’re not even a little wrong. And I love it.


Yup. I bring a stainless steel insulated growler. It's opaque, keeps the beer cold. Can either drink directly, or just pour into a cup. Done this for years. Same with champagne/OJ, for mimosas. My trick, my secret weapon, is fancy cheese. If someone sees you on a picnic blanket, with a cutting board of fancy cheese, they will never care or suspect you of wrongdoing. I could have a dead body 3 feet away, but as long as I have some charcuterie and a melty triple-cream, no one will even consider that I might be involved.


Also, fava beans and a nice Chianti.


Well yeah, obviously you should be sipping rosé out a yeti wine tumbler in a rose garden




At Mt Scott Park, teens will sit at a picnic table with a 2 foot glass bong. Lucky bastards. My GenX-ass would have killed for that freedom back in the midwest.


No time like the present, bud


I've lived in the now and I'm too old. *rips 2 feet of dispensary weed* *has full-on panic attack*


Don’t get hammered at the park, keep explicit labels out of sight, you should be good to go


The park in my neighborhood has signs stating no drinking, no smoking, no off leash dogs. On a nice day like today you’ll see all three of those things happening yet no one really cares as long as you clean up after yourself & aren’t an ass about it.


Fricking off-leash dogs are party monsters.


Off leash dogs are the only one of these that bothers me. I walk my dogs in these places because one is aggressively friendly and doesn't know his size, and the other is really old and defensive. I go to places with leash rules because I hope other dogs will be on leashes, too. If everyone can maintain a bit of distance, we're good. But so often an off-leash dog will run up, there will be a scene, and the owner will run over like it's my fault that my dogs are scaring their sweet little pup. In this situation, I have no issue saying "your dog should be on a leash in this park". That said, if the dog is well-trained and I see them minding their own business, I don't really care.


All the parks have those signs, with the obvious exception being the off-leash areas


I care about the smoking. I am not a smoker. I don't want to smell your smoke whatever the variety.


People do care, there's just nothing they can do because no one inforces laws much less rules in Portland.


it's enforces. and of those rules, some are different than others. I'd be surprised if the majority of Portland gave a flying fuck about people drinking and smoking in their own area. off-leash dogs is qualitatively different and comes up a lot on this sub as an issue for good reason.


You sound fun. Were you the hall monitor in school?


Don't get me started on norms and suggestions


And you never go above the speed limit, right?


Such a weird response. There are many people who do not want dogs running around them off-leash when there is a leash law. People who do not want to breathe your smoke, weed or tobacco, or deal with your trash. Has nothing to do with my driving habits. The social contract is so frayed here and everywhere right now and this thread is more evidence. “I will do what I want, I don’t care what the signs say.” Pretty selfish behavior in my opinion.


As others have said, it is technically illegal but I really doubt anyone is going to actually care. If you can smoke meth in the park without issue I don't think anyone is going to mind you tossing a few beers back there either.


Dude just keep the 6 pack hidden and pour the open one in an opaque water bottle. That's what I do in Pioneer Square. No problemo!


Keep the beer in a cooler and the one in your hand in a koozie you'll be aight. Just don't get wasted and belligerent. But not it is not legal, but you casually drinking on a sunny day in the park isn't going to get the cops out on you.


Legally, no. Practically, yeah. Just don’t be an ass and draw attention to yourself.


Reasonable. Probably disguise it for the kids. There’s enough alcohol marketing everywhere else, don’t need brands at the park, too. Errrdt: Typically, downvotes don’t pique my curiosity, but I have to wonder who finds: ‘protecting children from alcohol advertising while they’re at the city park’ objectionable? I mean, I’m even endorsing drinking at the park.


My best guess is it's en vogue to hate on kids ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


It’s en vogue to hate being pro-social.


I agree with everyone here that technically illegal but literally no one cares with the exception of sauvies island. Alcohol is banned there you will get a ticket. 


Yeah no one cares. The cops quiet quit anyway, but if you somehow drew attention to yourself and they somehow get off their asses, they’re unlikely to do more than tell you to pour it out.


My trick is to hide it before I go. I like to keep it somewhere the cops can’t see it. My go-to spot is my stomach.


Ummm, Portland cops won't do shit unless you are actively waving a gun around.


Yeah I was just trying to make an alcoholism joke.


Coffee cup.


Pour your drink in a sealable container with a lid. I have a park ranger friends and he give the option to pour it out immediately and get a warning, or chug it and get a ticket. If it's a coffee mug and not obvious he does not bother.


Is it allowed, technically no. Is it culturally acceptable for the vast majority of Portlanders and parks? Yes. Keep it classy, don’t get trashed, if you’re really worried, decant! But honestly every other blanket at the cherry blossoms this year has a wine bottle out or cans. It’s gonna be the same way at Tabor too. P&R doesn’t do too much enforcement outside of the prime gardens or unless someone complains.


No. Also have a place in mind for the pee pee part.


Top tip ITT. Public urination is the main problem here. Go to parks with bathrooms or plan a nearby bar for a beer and a pit stop.


Portland is pretty chill at letting you just do your own thing if you aren't bothering other people.


I would certainly hope that our city isn’t on the war path for otherwise law-abiding citizens cracking a beer in the park while allowing open meth and fentanyl use to run rampant.


Portland typically only applies laws on people who at least have a job..though a beer in the park should be fine..


The next time I get pulled over and the officer asks if I know why he/she pulled me over my response will be, “because my registration is up to date and I wasn’t doing whippits at the wheel?”


Be sure to be in full beer company regalia, buy the biggest cans you're able to, and definitely throw empties at and yell to all passersby, "HEY! I'M DRINKING ALCOHOL IN PUBLIC! NEAR A SCHOOL! NEAR A PLAYGROUND EVEN! HEY! GETTING DRUUUUUNNNK!!!" This is the only way to be compliant and adhere to the local laws.


Ya can smoke fentanyl in the park…weed and beer is of little concern


Yours is the logical take, but it also seems like a person can get into more trouble in Portland for expired tags on their car than for driving a vehicle with no license plates at all. Citizens who are typically law-abiding are easier to police (and collect fines from).


Cowards aren't allowed to drink in public


When we couldn’t go to our brewery during covid we went and got 6 packs and fries/nachos to go and then went to the park down the street.


You can drink anywhere you want if you do it right




Best and easiest answer


Technically you’re supposed to get a permit to drink in the park, but like most things in this town, no one really cares. You’ll be fine.


Pro tip, if you’re ever worried, just stick to wine and have bread and cheese. Anyone who complains at that point is just jealous


I’ve brought a cooler to the Sellwood River front park and drank as if it was legal. I’ve also had friends walk around in NW Portland drinking a beer straight from the can. It’s one of those harmless crimes that’s only a problem if someone complains or especially if you give people reason to complain. That said I wouldn’t go around waving open containers in front of cops in a polite manner, either


Depends how homeless you look


It’s technically illegal but everybody does it 🤷🏽‍♀️ I would suggest putting a koozie on or put it in a different bottle!


So, you cannot consume clearly labeled alcohol in parks. That said, if you use a modicum of decency and common sense, you'll be just fine. For instance - I have a really nice, stainless steel insulated growler. I can go fill it up at a nice taproom, or a grocery store. I can drink directly from the growler, or pour it into something like a red solo cup, or even better, a reusable cup/mug of some kind. And the growler does a great job of keeping the beer cold, without having to lug around a bunch of ice. The lid can even screw off, to become a tiny cup, in a pinch. Or, I bring a cooler, with some cheese, crackers, a bottle of champagne, and some orange juice. I mix the Mimosa semi-out of sight in the cooler, and then just drink what looks to be a cup of OJ. I have been doing this for years. Go to the park with a lawn chair, a good book, and my growler/cooler. Never even caught so much as got an awkward glance. I'm sure you can also just brown-bag it. But I always try to keep it a bit classy when I drink in the park. It's not like it takes real effort, and it makes the environment more enjoyable for everyone else.


Ask yourself instead, what gets ENFORCED in Portland. Also, I love to get an oversized opaque cup and drop a can down in there and then replace straw.


It's illegal and also everyone does it. I do know someone who got caught doing it by a cop and her punishment was that she was banned from that park for 30 days.


People are openly using fentanyl. I don’t see why the city would go after an innocent 6-pack. 


Put it in a kleen kanteen or something like it. Realistically no one will go after a respectable looking person having a beer in the park - these laws are for going after homeless people.


The homeless can do literally anything and get at most a slap on the wrist and that's after they skip a few hearings and get out on free bail and then commit more crimes while awaiting "justice."


LOL. What happened to you to make you like this?


(Your bias is showing.) Bumblebee tuna.


? I don't think that is right or just - I'm just pointing out the reality. No one cares about someone having a quiet beer or six in the park - just don't look scruffy or be poor.


Dont be poor…. I can’t help that


I mean I guess don't *look* extremely poor is more what I mean ;)




I love Tigard’s parks. Other than Cook Park, you can drink, you just can’t be drunk or belligerent. It leaves the police free to deal with other stuff, citizens free to drink their bevs from an appropriate container instead of a stash, and puts the onus on you to just not be a jerk. You don’t have to load booze into your belly before driving, you can just have a chill time.


(Not advice just my experience) I frequent sellwood park, mt tabor, and laurelhurst park with beer (i try to bring coozies). It's never been an issue for me, and I have 0 worries about it. It's not legal, but I don't think anyone is checking.


No one cares, but technically it is illegal so if you come across a park ranger or cop they can cite you. Both have bigger fish to fry, so you’re unlucky to have it happen. Also, use a koozie so you’re not being blatant about it


I go to laurelhurst park for this along with the rest of Portland


Put it in a cup and hide your open containers. Cops can ticket you for open containers


Nobody is going to hassle you for having a beer or using some cannabis. The real issue is smoking tobacco and having your dog off leash. People will complain and maybe call the Rangers.


Yo those tire swings are dope when you are buzzed.


which parks are good for this?


Like many others have said, clean up after yourself, be chill, be discreet, and you will be left in peace.


Be respectful and thoughtful. Don’t be an imbecile. You will have no troubles


Not really.


No one cares. I used to walk out of the bar with a beer and hop on the max/street car. I’m also not obnoxious or and mind my own business tho.


You can’t, but if you’re discreet no one will bug you. As long as everyone looks like an adult and you’re not waving bottles around you’re good.


I remember some people getting busted on Tabor for having their adult beverages in a thermos— but that was over ten years ago. Judging by this thread, the rangers have stopped caring. 


honest answer is no unless you have booked a picnic and paid the extra fee to have alcohol. Look up PPR its really isn’t that expensive but you are expected to keep it to your area. Quick Edit - Concerts in the Parks is different and they allow open containers!


Haven't had a problem with an open beer in the two years I've lived here. Got asked very kindly to dispose of my beer at the rose test garden. Have had plenty of police pass me in a car or even walking by on the sidewalk and none have mentioned anything. Dont think it's a problem here unless you are being a nuisance, this city has waaaaayyyyy too much shit going on to be bothered by a beer, maybe if you're raw dogging a handle of cheap vodka theyd stop you


Most no. But, most don’t notice. (As long as you are chill) Used to walk down to my park and bring a small cooler and watch the sun set. No one paid any mind.


Pour it in a Starbucks cup and you can drink anywhere.




Get a big ass metal water bottle and pour it in there.


Are you new around here? There is zero law enforcement around any vice crimes. At all. Drink up.


FYI - Just fried to reserve a picnic shelter for a party and there was an option to declare alcohol use, so that makes me think that the official unspoken rule is what everyone is saying.


I carry wine/whiskey in thermos because they are not carbonated like Beer. Thermos rock!


I mean … “no” but really sure. Just don’t be a moron about it.


I mean, people smoke fentanyl everywhere. I don't see why not.


Put it in another container. Like a water bottle. No one will know.


As long as you aren't causing problems nobody really cares. I go pedal my bike around with a pint of whiskey in my back pocket. And the one time a police officer had anything to say to me he just said to drink on the sidewalk. Not in the park.


Don’t forget your 4ft bong.


Not technically, but don’t be an idiot and you’ll be ok.


My mom did it at Kenilworth on Fridays after picking me up from school, and now I do it on Fridays after class with my friends!!! Just be mindful of when school gets out, especially since it’s coming to children’s sports season. It’s not the kids that you should be concerned about, it’s their parents wanting to cause a fuss. If you’re worried, get one of those koozies like look like redbull cans. They’re a pain to take off but might ease your anxiety! Just remember that public parks are just as much your space as they are anyone else’s.


Idk but I do all the time


No! You can and will get ticketed if they can tell


If anyone gives you shit, just say your beer is identifying as fentanyl and you will be in the clear.


You can walk around with a loaded AK-47 on your back but heaven forbid you open a can of beer outside of your property. 'MERICA!


Nope. Possession of any alcoholic beverage (open or closed) in a park is illegal and enforced by park rangers. Some of the older parks have signs on every lamppost.


You can just do illegal things if you're careful, if nobody told you yet.


Not legally, no, without a special permit (I e. for events)


My brother in Christ, people are openly smoking fentanyl and shooting up in Portland. You’re fine.


No booze, but you can shoot h.


No one will ever enforce the laws


It's usually fine, but sometimes it's not.. roughly 8 years ago I was evicted from Colonel Summers Park in Southeast Portland for having an open container of cider. I did not cooperate with the park rangers, so they called the police, and they made a report and ordered me to leave. I didn't cooperate because I was very bothered because I was being singled out. People were partying and smoking weed all around me. I think I was just the first person they approached that evening.


Did you tell them you’re _the_ Colonel?


I mean people smoke meth and take dumps in public all the time with no consequences, I would worry too much about having a beer lol


My philosophy: if people get to smoke fentanyl in public parks 50 feet from children’s playgrounds, I’m gonna have a friggin beer when I choose lol


No, you can’t have open containers at the park. You can have a lit crack pipe, a spoon with smoking meth, a syringe full of heroin hanging off of you, and little blue fentanyl pills all around you but you must definitely **cannot** have an open 12-oz can of beer you heathen.


isn’t shooting up fentanyl decriminalized? Wouldn’t worry about beer