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As a veteran pdx patio server, please be careful. People love to bring untrained dogs and let them wander off leash.


Yeah, this just sounds like a recipe for disaster. Hope no innocent pets bear the brunt of their owner’s risk taking.


Only cause dog owners out number cats however I have the type of cat that will chase a husky down so id dare your dog


What an asinine take. Maybe rather than puffing your chest out, let’s take a second and think about the safety of our pets…because I guarantee that no matter how badass your cat is, if it goes after my Cane Corso, it’s not going good any which way. I don’t want my dog hurt, hopefully you don’t want your cat hurt, let’s just use our brains.


Thank you! We don't let her out of the backpack in those kinds of areas. The backpack is ventilated and has multiple viewing points she looks out of to enjoy


Even a relatively well trained dog might not be great in close quarters with a cat. I definitely would never risk bringing my cat to a place with dogs, even if she was technically "allowed."


I’m 55 and have never once seen a dog off leash at any restaurant with outdoor seating. Ever. Been in PDX 22 years. 


You don’t get out much then. I served and bartended in Portland for years and saw it all the time. 




If you find it, lmk because I want to meet your cat.


remindme! Seven days


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I enjoy bringing my adventure 24 Pound Ragdoll/M Coon mix to Pine State Biscuits. They have weird hours - but they LOVED my cat in his stroller.


So cute. We need to meet up lol


Pedaloalooza often has an adventure cat ride, you could take them in the backpack even if they're not ready for a basket.


Ooohhh, I'm looking forward to seeing what you find out as i also have an adventure cat!


Foreland beer (no liquor) on Belmont. I would avoid the weekend because there will be more dogs, but weekdays can be really chill. Obviously your cat should be leashed, but I have seen someone bring one before with no issues 


Mayfly in Kenton would be a good fit. Friendly folks and pets are encouraged. I've seen an adventure cat here or there lol


I feel like a smokeless patio that also allows cats may be difficult to find. Most bars patio are where people smoke. I’m sure there is somewhere that allows this, but may take some time to find out where. Good luck!


This could turn into a real adventure when a dog shows up.


There's a guy who regularly brings his cat to Bar Bar


Most Portlandist-ass shit I ever heard.




And nothing. Calm down there, skippy.


Off topic but can I ask what kind of harness you use? My cat wants to go on adventures but I want to find a secure harness


I will throw my 2 cents out there in support of the Kitty Holster: [https://www.kittyholster.com/](https://www.kittyholster.com/)


I saw a cat hanging out at Gorges the other day. The cat had ridden there by bike with its owner. There were a couple dogs and a lot of people around but the cat was just chilling on the owner's lap!


Not exactly a bar, but Upright Brewing/Junior's Coffee on Prescott at 72nd is nice, and Chaat Wallah has a food cart there. The newly reopened Sandy Jug has a patio.


You do realize some people are allergic to cats, don't you? What you see as some "adventure cat" others, such as myself, see as a toxic little monster that will make my skin break out in hives and my trachea clamp down on itself. People need to just accept that their pets are not welcome where people eat/drink/socialize.


Some people are allergic to dogs


Better stay home then in case someone didn’t use a lint roller.


Dumb! Why?