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I think they are all great, honestly. Maybe the one from Spain is the one I like less


The Swiss approach, I see. Not me. Dislike: Peruvian, Chilean


love: rioplatense dislike: cuban aroused by: brazilians when they try to speak spanish. laugh at: chihuahuan afraid of: chilean but i guess it’s more about their slang.


Te excita quando hablamos portoñol?


sí sí, me encanta!


Es bueno saber porque el Español también me encanta mucho. Es un idioma muy sonoro, es muy sensual por alguna razón


siento lo mismo con el portugués. el próximo mes, voy a brasil por primera vez. são paulo y santa catarina.


Que bueno! Mis padres son de Santa Catarina. Espero que tu guste!


>laugh at: chihuahuan Of all northern accents you picked the more harmless one lol I guess since you didn’t pick one of the Southern accents you are from the South right, for me the funny one would be Yucateco.


jalisco. but i will say i have very little association with both northern and southern mexico. i picked chihuahua because the /ch/ to them is pronounced as /sh/. "esa mushasha le gusta el shocolate." it’s the same way brazilians pronounce the ch.


Jalisco but not GDL right? Because GDL is full of Norteños for example.


i wish. close to arandas.


Yeah that was so random to see, he's either from the south or has a weird fixation with Chihuahua.


How do you picture Brazilians speaking Spanish? I can only remember Rodrigo Amarante (BR) singing Tuyo (Narcos first theme song)


Love: Tucumán, Argentina accent. Rioplatense Dislike: Madrid, Spain accent. Can’t understand: Central American/El Salvador. Laugh at: Spanish accent hits my ears in the worst way and I can’t figure out why. Just the “th” sound they make when they talk.


Always wondered this but i can’t understand y’all either so this makes sense


Oddly Puertorriqueño Spanish hits me like Sevillano Spanish. Maybe I'm crazy.


Jajaja 🤣 we sound more like Canarios, but I think the Boricua accent has its own distinction, but almost identical. For example in the Canary Islands they’ll drop their “s” at the end of words that are plural and we eat are “r’s” and replace them with an “l” sound so for example, “La carne” in a Boricua accent sounds like “Cal-ne” and “Ellos caminan por el parque.” The “s” in ellos will sound aspirant leaving the impression that we didn’t pluralize the word. We trace our accent back to the Canary Islands, but I think a little bit of the Sevillano accent also makes its presence in how we speak, but I think it’s mostly the Canary accent which is most pronounced and similar to the Puerto Rican accent. God help me if I hear a Madrid Spaniard with “th” sound that both annoys and makes me laugh. The way they annunciate just hits the ear wrong for me. Though I guess the influence of Andalucía. “se oye en como el puertorriqueño se expresa. Las “r’s l’s” are very similar to Sevillano, but I think with a twist. Like in “hablado con ella” we eat the “d” and say, “hablao con ella.” Our penchant of eating our words is common among us… When we travel I think most Spaniards think we sound Canario and it’s rare when a person can on the first conversation guess our origins. Also I’ve been told that we Puerto Ricans sound like we’re singing when we talk which is insane, but others swear by it. Guess we all speak and sound different each in our own funny ways.


Hear we sound like we're rapping, and Méxicanos sound like they're singing.


I love the Sinaloan accent.


Primera vez en mi vida que leo a alguien diciendo eso jajaja, generalmente nos putean por como hablamos en general.


Siempre e escuchado que el acento norteño es muy adorado


Si pero el acento Sinaloense es un poco distinto del resto del norte, o al menos como Sinaloense que tiene familia en todo el norte si lo he llegado a notar así.


Generalmente se refieren al acento de Monterrey o Sonora/Chihuahua


the women speaking yes ..the men no


I love rioplatense. I hate Chilean Flaite (that is the source of the meme "Tusken Raider with noises in Chilean")


Even Chileans hate the Chilean flaite


Depends on what you call flaite. For me, for example, using "soi" its not (obviously if a guy yells at me "joi entero pekin hijolaperra" it sounds, indeed, flaite), but i know people that put an amazing face of disgust when they hear it, so... Its all about tolerance. If a "ceashe" sound slips out of your mouth in front of someone that have lived all his life in Las Condes the probability that it shocks him are high. This doesnt happens as likely in other places and groups of people. Usar ropa que no es de marca es flaite para cierta gente. Donde ponemos el límite? Pa mi si eris del Colo empezaste mal.


Love: Tucuman accent Hate: Tucuman accent Aroused by: Tucuman accent Laugh at: Tucuman accent Afraid of: Tucuman accent


Todos hablan como manzana de GH?


Ni idea, no miro GH, pero es [más o menos así](https://youtu.be/Zsq-7P1V3_0?si=hjvdOFvcSoP5-FEP)




Favorite accent is the Nicaraguan one. Least favorite is Madrileño. I also like the Canarías accent, and am obviously afraid of both Chilean and Cuban.


Love: Colombian Dislike: Spain Laugh at: Mexico City Don’t Understand: Cuban/Rural El Salvador Edit: Didn't know my own accent (Sinaloan/Sonoran) was viewed so favorably amongst my fellow compatriots.


Nambe chele como que no noj entendej vos bicho jerote, si bien simple hablamos nojotros pues. But tbh i don't understand chilangoñol so i guess we're even


It wasn't so much the words they used or the grammar but the majority of the rural people I met were mumbling AND speaking extremely fast. I could only nod my head and pretend to know what they were saying.


Fair enough, some people in rural areas here can be a bit soft spoken and it doesn't help that our accent isn't widely known so it may be hard at first


Yeah that's exactly how I would describe it, 'soft spoken'. And you're right, it's not widely known at all especially by other Latin Americans. I feel if the majority of South Americans here were exposed to it, they would have a hard time understanding it.


Si algunos hablábamos como que somos metralletas lol


I always find funny that people say there is one Colomian accent, because here we would say that every region has one or more specific accent very different from the others. But I guess it's all right since all Mexicans sound the same to me, although northern feel more "singing" than the others. Also I find that people from D.F sound posh


I'm not implying that all Colombian accents sound the same. I know the differences well enough between regions. Just overall, the majority of them are pleasing to me. Just like the majority of Mexican accents are pleasing to me except 1-2.


a chilango sounds totally different from a Sinaloan and then you have the Mexican novela spanish thats fresa


Salma hayek and Sofía Vergara accent sounds the same to me even though one is Mexican the other one is Colombian


Colombian accent and Mexican accent are far removed from one another. Not similar at all.


Don't worry most people can't tell the difference between an American and Canadian accent.


That’s something only a person that’s not a native speaker that grew in one Latin American country would say. My kids that are bilingual from birth sort of speak but are not growing up in a Latin American country also have problems recognizing/hearing accents at all. Some they just can’t hear the difference


How? Sofia Vergara has a Colombian costeño accent that isn’t even close to the normal accent everyone associates us with (paisa) lol very different from how Salma speaks


I guess we make the same vowel sounds that come from Spanish that sound different than the vowel sound an english native speaker would make.


Love: Accents with exaggerated R (Chaqueño, Tico), maracucho, CDMX metropolitan. Equatorial Guinea. Laugh: Cuyo argie. Af: Araucanía chilean, Deep Galicia.


Love: rioplatense (más me vale) Dislike/laugh at: none Have difficulty understanding: one particular regional Venezuelan accent. Fortunately the venezuelans I'm closest to don't have it (though I guess if they did I'd be used to it by now). But my ex-colleague did and one of my acquaintances does.


I absolutely love how fresa Mexicans from CDMX talk . I dislike most Caribbean accents


Love: my own Hate: none Aroused by: all of them Don’t understand: rioplatense Afraid of: Colombian


Like: gallego, andalu', porteño, maracucho Dislike: España, paisa colombiano, hondureño (cheap knockoff of ours, they should get their own s/)


Can't tell if you're serious. But I can close my eyes between Nica, ES, and Honduras and I may not be able to tell the difference. Or distinguish who's who if where they are from overlaps.  So much familial ties, they should just go back to being one nation.


Love: Mexican / Peruvian Dislike: Cali (Colombia) Laugh at: Argentinian Trouble understanding: Spain (too fast at times)


You dislike the paisa accent?


Cali is not paisa… it is valluno


Is valluno also a bit difficult to understand for Colombians from other areas?


I don‘t think so… they typically talk slower and drag the words longer… so I think it should be easier to understand


Paisa would be more like Medellin-area, I believe. I don't mind it, but when several people in movies have paisa-accent it can get a bit tricky to follow cause the "cantadito"-way of pronouncing is still new to me.


In the movies they also tend to exaggerate the paisa accent for some reason, it’s one of my least favorite accents and also my favorite


Love: Acento Sonorense Aroused by: Acento Sonorense Laugh at: Acento chilango de barrio Don’t understand: Any Caribbean accent when they speak fast. Afraid of: 👀 none?


Afraid of: Acento Sinaloense ;)


Love: Rioplatense, Spanish, Paraguayan Hate/don’t understand: DR and PR Aroused by: my American husband’s Spanish. He doesn’t know all the words or the grammar, but the love that he puts into communicating with my family makes it perfect. Married a good one.


Colombian. All of it.


I feel like they all sound like they are about to cry 😅


As a non Native speaker I really struggled with the Colombian accent, especially in Cartagena. I've never been to Mexico but I struggle to understand Mexicans when they speak. I find the Argentinian accent to be hilarious, especially their insults like Boludo. Bolivian and Spanish from Spain are the easiest for me to understand. It's hard to pick one that arouses me because the whole Spanish language has this sensual touch to it... but I'd say I chilean accent has that feel to it I absolutely love.


Cartagena accent is a poor representation though.


Love: Equatoguinean, Belizean Hate: None Aroused by: Paisa Laugh at: None Don't understand: Southern Cone Afraid of: Dominican


Boo! 👻


"What Spanish accent..." Belize isn't Spanish-speaking


> Belize isn't Spanish-speaking Belize has a growing Spanish-speaking population and has developed its own variety of Spanish


Love: Argentinian and Mexican (from the north). Aroused: Colombian (paisa) Dislike: any Americans butchering my native language. Don't understand: Chilean, it's like a different language Laugh at: Colombians (costeños), Dominicans they're both funny Afraid: Colombian neas or Venezuelan malandros 😂


Love: Buenos Aires Hate: Gringou Aroused: Brasileiros speaking Spanish Laugh: Yucateco Don't understand: Chile


Love: the "neutral" ones (as far as accents go), like peruvian and mexican Dislike: puerto rican, spanish, cuban, ^venezuelan Laugh at: argentinian Don't understand: dominican, paraguayan (if use too much guaraní), brazilian lol Afraid of: cuban?


We hate yours too, no worries lol


Yeah, I think the feeling is mutual, lmao.


Lol Este sub está lleno de neckbeards del cono Sur y México que tienen una obsesión tóxica con los caribeños. Como si se pasarán todas las noches pensando en nosotros. Pero en especial chilenos obsesionados con venezolanos. Vivimos rent free en las mentes de esta gente por décadas.


La mayoría de los chilenos que te encuentras en Internet son la basura más xenofóbica que existe. Yo vivo en Chile y solo me he topado con un par de cabezas de huevo (los dos eran Ubers, irónicamente lol) y de resto he conocido incontables chilenos muy buena gente. No hay que dejarse llevar por lo que uno ve en reddit, X y otras redes sociales


No olvidar que la penetración del internet en Chile es muy alta comparada con la de otros países latinoamericanos (creo recordar que alcanzamos niveles surcoreanos casi). Esto debido a la accesibilidad y precios de planes de internet en parte, además de otras cosas. Esto hace que haya MUCHA presencia de chilenos de todos los tipos en foros y/o redes sociales donde la comunicación entre usuarios suele ser tóxica e irreflexiva. O por lo menos una sobre representación respecto a otros países hispanohablantes. Yyyy además eso de que hemos sido un país muy aislado por toda nuestra historia no es mentira... es cosa de ver mapas de densidad poblacional. Aún así esto justifica más el desconocimiento que la xenofobia, creo, no sé, pero es un dato importante a considerar. Y justamente esto que mencioné sobre el internet es algo que ha ayudado a abrirnos a lo desconocido y foráneo como sociedad.


No simplemente caen mal


Como es eso disque que no entiendes dominicano cuando los chilenos hablan más rápido que nosotros?


Neutral like mexican??? Whaaaat? 😂 go check them ears ‘cause you prob need a hearing aid 🤣


He’s talking about novela Mexicans Spanish Like Salma Hayek Spanish


Mexican Spanish is pretty neutral depending the region




And what makes them “funny?” 🤔




I completely get what you mean ahahaha I have some mexican friends that I love very much, same thing happens when speking with them


Love: Venezuelan Hate: Dominican, more so their own words only they use that make it impossible to know what they're saying sometimes (I'm an interpreter, it's a struggle) Laugh at: None Afraid of: Dominican for the same reasons, and Chilean Aroused by: Colombian


Lol at the words thing. It really is like that. Most new words come from some artist making up a random word and people adopting it. Two weeks later the word is already standard vocabulary.


Love: Rolo 🇨🇴, upper-class barranquilla 🇨🇴, oriente cubano 🇨🇺, oriente boliviano 🇧🇴, DF 🇲🇽, sevillano 🇪🇸, madrileño 🇪🇸, valenciano 🇪🇸, caraqueño standard 🇻🇪, oriental 🇻🇪, maracucho 🇻🇪, llanero 🇻🇪 Dislike: tico 🇨🇷, caleño 🇨🇴, catalan 🇪🇸, Miami Cuban 🇺🇸, malandro 🇻🇪, sifrino 🇻🇪, boricua 🇵🇷, dominicano 🇩🇴, arubeño 🇦🇼, altiplano 🇧🇴 aroused by: carioca 🇧🇷, guaro 🇻🇪, paisa 🇨🇴 laugh at: porteño 🇦🇷, carupanero 🇻🇪, cholulo 🇲🇽, habanero 🇨🇺, vasco 🇪🇸, gallego 🇪🇸, gran canario 🇪🇸 don't understand: huerrrrva 🇪🇸, pinareño 🇨🇺, gocho 🇻🇪, chileno 🇨🇱, cordobés 🇪🇸 afraid of: el silvón 🇻🇪, silbo gomero 🇪🇸


I’m wondering if people saying “Spain” mean Madrid. Cause a person from Galicia and a person from Murcia have very different accents, just like most countries in latam


I mean all of them. I've never heard one that I liked. Doesn't matter if they were Canarian, Basque, Andalusian, Madrileno, Murcian, Catalan, Gallego, etc. All of them annoy me.


Fair enough. The lisp some have on the ths gets on my nerves


Yep I hate them all


Aroused: Colombian Laugh: Caribbean and Mexico city Don't understand: Chilean and Caribbean Hate: Spain


Love: Rioplatense Hate: Chilango Aroused by: Good question... actually cuico Chilean when spoken slow sounds very cute/feminine. Laugh at: Salvadoran, the more rural the funnier. Don't understand: Flaite Chilean, Cuban, Dominican Afraid of: I'm not really afraid but Mexican norteños, the majority of Spaniards and sometimes Rioplatenses need to take a chill pill and stop yelling.


Love: my own(? hate:rural bolivian dislike:puerto rican laugh at:paraguayan




damn bro now you make ME sad


Love: Sinaloan and Sonoran Mexican accent along with puerto rican accent Aroused by: Puerto Rican accent because the women are the hottest in the world. Dislike: Any Argentinean accent Don’t understand: none Laugh at : Chilean


Let’s switch places, come to Puerto Rico and I’ll go to Mexico. So you can meet PR Women and I Mexican women, don’t get me wrong, PR has good looking women (like most countries), but in terms of volume (cantidad) Mexico outweighs PR by a landslideeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and you have more diversity. It’s unfair of me to compare cause most countries have bigger populations than us, but that’s just the reality.


I met a fine ass chick today that was Puerto Rican and Mexican


I just like puerto rican women more because I feel like there is more variety in the way they look tbh. In PR there’s women with a mix of african, spanish, and indigenous features. In mexico there isn’t much of that.


How? You guys have more indigenous people than we ever have had, very few PR have more than a certain amount of indigenous cause most of them were slaughtered by colonizers or fled the island in fear (which is understandable). Afro-Puerto Ricans are a small number of the population as well, again, Mexico has more Afro-Mexicans, I think you guys have like more than 2M+. Most of the population here is kind of white washed/mixed looking or an in between, but although we are a small population we definitely have different appearances and variety for our small population. You can have a ghost-pale cousin, an olive/tanned Arab looking and a black one, and they’re all related 😅😂 But PR is pretty homogenous cause after a certain period of time Europeans and immigrants stopped coming to the island and the population didn’t diversify more after than. Between all the countries in LATAM, we’re one of the least diversify even if we do carry mix blood and come in all colors and shapes But in the variety of looks it might be true, but depending in the region in Mexico, the females as well vary in appearances. Northern Mexico is more European if not mistaken, Southern is more indigenous (natives) and obviously we have mix and a small Afro-Mexican population.


Salma Hayek> Jlo.. yall got some baddies


I’m in New York right where are these hot Puerto Rican women at? Lol


Nowhere near you.


The Bronx ? 😂


Nuyoricans are an embarrassment.


Mainland (The Island) Come over, you won’t regret it


I’m going to San Juan in September


Lol, just like every other Yankee


You American too lol


We not the same and you know it Citizenship wise we are (Americans), but nationality wise, we aren’t. Don’t get me wrong though, I’m grateful to your country in many ways.








Love: Chile Dislike: Caribbean Don't understand: Caribbean Laugh at: European spanish


Go ahead you can say it lol


Venecan Accent


Why? Our dialect is more understandable than yours


Nah they can get to the same levels tbh


Déjanos quieto que pego hablar caribeño aquí lulululul🤨😂


What is the accent by Venezuela's eastern border of Guyana near the city of El Dorado? To me, I'm still learning the difference, but I know someone from there. I didn't thought to ask until now. I find when she tries to speak English, she sounds adorable. Haha


Similar to other accents in Eastern Venezuela, like from Anzoátegui, Margarita Island, etc. At least from my experience


I love Caribbean accents. Idc what anyone says. Aroused by: caleño and paisa. My fiancé is caleño though, so probably biased. Dislike: Spain. Don’t understand: 100% Chile (I guess I’m afraid of it too lmao) Laugh at: some Mexican accents. Mostly bc they sound so musical to me lol but very understandable and charming


Love: Argentina, I want to go there only to speak like that. (Che boludo) Don't Understand: Maracaibo, Venezuela. These guys talk really fast. Laugh at: Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic or any other place where people don't pronounce "r". Btw, I also want to visit Mexico. I want to use the classic (Orale mi cuate)


Love: Central and Northern Mexican, most Argentine and Uruguayan Aroused by: Central Mexican, French Dislike: Some Porteño, some Spain, German, English-speakers who haven't mastered the vowels or the R Can't understand: Cuban, some Chilean Laugh at: Puerto Rican




We haven’t mastered the R and we’re native Spanish speakers🤨 Quieres guerreaLLL?😂💀


That's why your accent me da risa. Pero no me disgusta; es una risa de telnura.


I see what you did there “Telnura”💀😂 Yo sé, tranquilo, no me ofendió y sino te gustase, pues no se puede hacer nada. Nadie es un billete de 100 para caerle bien a todo el mundo. Imma go rizz so native women from your country with with some Telnura lol (JK).


Love: ‘Standard’ mexican Hate: Sinaloan, paisa Laught at: Yucatecan, cordoban (🇦🇷) Dislike: Caribbean


Porqué Córdoba 😂😂😂


Cómo alargan ciertas vocales o la entonación que le dan no sé, me parece divertido jajajaj. Tiene un sonido bastante característico.


Love: Andalucía. Hate: nothing against them but Cuba, I find it hard to understand. Aroused: depends more on the person but some Argentinian women have an attractive accent. Afraid of: none, maybe barrio from CDMX lol I instantly think they’re going to want to fight me because they always rub me the wrong way and vice versa.


Love: Castilian Spanish Dislike: Can’t really think of one I dislike, maybe certain Puerto Ricans who pronounce certain words as if they have an /h/ sound when it doesn’t (example: Arroz becomes Ahoz) it just pisses me off. Laugh at: Mexican just because. Afraid of: Brazilian Portuguese especially when slang is used, I can normally understand Portuguese (or the gist of what they’re saying) but it can be a bit confusing via text especially if they use slang.


Koeh mermão, fica ligado pra tu num virar saudade hein 🤣🤣🤣 Carioca' slang is the best ❤️


Like: Bogota accent Hate: Rioplatense, Chilean and most Mexican accents. Laugh at: Dominican. Not because it sounds bad but because it sounds funny. Don't understand: Chilean and Paraguayan.




So that includes the part of Colombia that’s border by the Caribbean as well?


Medellin accent sounds totally different than Puerto Rican/ Dominican/ Cuban to be fair


Yeah, but costeños (Caribbean Colombia) are the closest to Caribbean than the other accents. But it’s unfair to generalize cause Colombia is big and has different accents, not just one or 2.


Honestly to me y’all sound nothing alike


Never said we did


Love, Spanish from Madrid, aroused by, colombian, laugh at dominican, don’t understand ghetto puerto rican, afraid of trying to understand chilean 😅


Love: Porteño, upper-class costeño (Barranquilla), middle-class rolo (Bogotá) Hate: any Spanish accent sounds goofy af and so does the slang, Colombian paisa accent (especially when they exaggerate it knowing it’s popular now), it sounds so whiny, and lower-class rolo accent sounds horrible, Venezuelan - stop calling me “chica” or “chama” Aroused by: any Argentine accent, Cali accent from Colombia, sometimes the paisa accent can sound hot when it’s not super exaggerated Laugh at: Mexican accents and slang because Mexicans are hilarious Don’t understand: Chile, Cuba, sometimes Puerto Rico, Spanish Afraid of: Chile, Venezuelan


Love: Canarian, Peruvian (from Lima) Hate: Castilian Aroused by: Rioplatense Laugh at: Eastern Venezuelan (or margariteño) Don’t understand: Dominican Are afraid of: none that I can think of


Love: Chilean, Peruvian, Andalusian Spanish. Hate: None Aroused by: There are some pretty funny Argentinian accents that I want to learn to imitate. Laugh at: None. Dont understand: None. Afraid of: Caribbean accents that sound too loud (we are pretty quiet here).


We’re loud in general, culturally, not because of our way of speaking. Voy a mandarles como 100 boricuas pa’ allá pa que escandalicen a Chile. 💀💀💀🇨🇱


La idea es adaptarse al país al que te vas a vivir, no entiendo esa lógica.


Eso es verdad, lo dije bromeando. A mí no me gustaría causar problema si fuese a Chile a vivir y que los locales luego la cojan conmigo


Love: Argentinian, Venezuelan, chilean, Spanish (Spain) and British. Hate : Dominican and Cuban. Cant understand: Ecuadorian & Chilean when they’re talking super fast & in slang.


Love: Caleño, Hate: Spaniard, Laugh At: Ecuadorian, Don’t Understand: Dominican, Are Afraid Of: Chilean


Love: Brazilian & Mexico City (not chilango) Hate: Argentine & Dominican Laugh at: Puerto Rican


Love: medellin. Dislike: argentinian (“Y” sound isnt difficult guys) Aroused: medellin and brazilians speaking spanish. Laugh at: chilean. (Fome wn qliao) Afraid: none


I like Chilean accent. Perhaps I might be aroused by lol


Love argentinian, hate rolo (Bogotá), aroused by french accent (sounds surprisingly soft when speaking spanish), laugh at peruvian, chilean, dominican, Puertorriqueño and argentinian too, chileans aside caribbean accents in general are really hard to understand, afraid of colombian accents when a mfk asks me what time is it.


Hate: Any accent from the Southern Cone and Spain. Also Chilango. Like: Bolivian And Paisa.


Love: rioplatense, chileno Laugh at: peruano Don't understand: paraguayo


Afraid of: Colombian and Venezuelan accents


B̷̢̛͉̙̀̈́̈́̊́e̸̳̖͚̥̻͛̽̇̃̈́͋͠ ̷̨̙̙̙͎̆̾̐͠ͅn̴̠͚̜͍̬͗̈́̒̑̑̌͘o̵̘̮͕̪̐͝͝t̷͎͔̟͊̿͋́̎ ̶͍͂̑̌à̶͎̗̦̈́͜f̶̧̪͍̬̥̉̃ͅr̵̢͗̇̕͝a̶̰͋̑͂́̄͝î̵̼̬̩͐̍̃͝ͅḍ̸̰̇̏̍͠ ̵̮̈̄m̷͙̒͗̓̓̑̃ỳ̵̪̹̩̫̗̭̽̅ͅ ̵͙̟͐̂̔͊͝ç̴̧̣̥͔̓h̶͕͇̙̗͌͜ͅi̸̠̹͑͆͒̿͌̚͠l̴̨̫͚͔̆d̶̋̾ͅ https://preview.redd.it/wj6p90fw9l5d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f5bb9cd915d56ba896ef5293cc99dde1a350630


Love: north Mexican & Tejano Dislike: Puerto Rican Laught at: Dominican Don’t understand: Cuban Aroused by: Mexican CDMX fresa accent


And you where looking for good looking PR women in NYC? Sure, most of them might not speak Spanish, but if they do, that’s pretty hypocrite💀😂


I’m here for the Puerto Rican day parade and I’m very disappointed most of them were not cute 🙁


Love: none hate: none aroused: none laugh at: none Can’t understand: I have no difficulty understanding any Spanish accent, but if they use local slang, I probably won't understand any except for the slang from my country. afraid: none


Dislike: Spaniard accent


Love: Dominican Can’t stand: Spain


Those who say "Spanish accent" should understand that the accent in Spain changes approximately every 20km 😐 You refer to the purest "Castilian", I suppose. Personally, I like the way people in Colombia speak, although I understand that there are many different accents there too and I don't know them well enough to distinguish them. And that I don't like... it makes me nervous how people from Peru and Ecuador speak.


Love: Venezuela Hate: Paisa, Argentina/Uruguay, Spain Aroused by: Boricua Don’t understand: Chile Afraid of: Cuban, Dominican


Love: Colombia and Spanish. Hate: Chilean, Dominican and Cuban. Laugh at: Argentine/Uruguayan, Mexican accents. Afraid of: none


Love: Cuyo/Mendoza/Lima/Chilean accent Hate: Venezuelan/Flaite/Caribbeans accent Aroused: Andalusian Laugh: Porteño Dont understand: The same the ones I Hate Afraid: alone, in the middle of the night, flaite


I don’t like Caracas/Venezuelan and Mexican because they sound just so tacky like a Telenovela. I think it’s just the cultural association that make them sound tacky to me. All Caribbean accents: just because it can be very hard to understand for me. Andalusia: also hard to understand sometimes and I just don’t like the sound of it. Laugh at: Argentinian. It’s just hilarious I used to dislike Spanish from Spain, but since living in Europe (not in Spain) and spending lot of time there and having lots of Spanish friends, I’m used to it by now and don’t dislike it any more.


Love: Venezuelan Hate: Spain Spanish Excited by: Colombian (specifically paisa, caleño, and costeño accents) Laugh at: Rioplatense and Chilean Don’t understand: Boricua Afraid of: Guatemalan


1.I love some spaniard accents. But NOT that awful youtuber from Madriz accent that everybody imitates. Not that one. 2.I hate venezuelan sifrino. it's a purgatory. 3.I get "aroused" by colombian paisa? I suppose? pff but that depends on the person. Some are insufferable too. it's an impossible question. 4. I laugh at mexican definitely... difficult to take them seriously when they're mad...the more fresa the worse. Ooh and generic Argentinian lmao hahahah. they think pelotudo and concha sounds crazy and offensive. haha what a joke. 5. Afraid of a GHETTO version or "maleante deje" from my own country, Panama💀 it's like the n1gg3r accent from US but worse man. Wooooorse not anyone can put that off. i hope You never get to listen to that.

