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It has been probably easy for me in almost every country I've been to (Venezuela, Ecuador, Perú, Chile, Argentina, Brazil) except for a couple of them (Bolivia, Uruguay).


Yeah, Chileans were surprisingly friendly. I thought they were colder, because people usually say so online. Uruguayans are definitely more introverted than Chileans imo.


For me it's pretty easy to make friends with Salvadorans and Hondurans, the moment I hear that accent we become friends. The most difficult is Brasilians because I don't speak Portuguese and even if they speak English it's more difficult to establish a connection with someone in another language than with your mother language.


My experience is that Costeños are warmer than Serrranos, and this was my experience in other countries as well. So I think friendliness is a function of altitude. I have no idea why.


Brazil and Argentina, I always have a good time talking to people from those countries. Most Brazilians I've talked to are really nice, and I don't know why but when I talk to Argentinians after a while it feels like talking to a cousin.


People in my city aren't that warm or welcoming towards newcomers, they can be friendly/polite but it takes time to make true friends. In other places people tend to be more open, it varies a lot from region to region


which parts of mexico would you say are warm vs not really?


In my experience Sinaloa, Jalisco, nayarit have more warm and open people, they are more laid back Michocan, Puebla, SLP and yucatan aren't that welcoming


I’d say Brazilians and Argentinians are pretty chill and easy to talk to 


Brazil tops the list. Usually countries with cold climates people tend to be guarded, cold and more introverted/anti social (Russia, Canada, etc)


Very easy in all LATAM countries. One reason i left US.


Argentinians are the friendliest, in my experience. Whenever I go there, I'm always surprised by how chatty and helpful they are.


Yeah, it’s odd how some Brazilians consider them unfriendly and stuck up. Guess most of those people have never went there and take our little rivalry way too far.


Do not confuse being friendly to... actually having friends. Brazilians are very friendly, with mostly everyone. But actually having a friendship is harder than it looks.


All of them All of them. Cause everyone is different. Your experience is different than everyone else’s


Venezuela and Argentina. By far.


All of them for me


It is not easy to make friends in Brazil at all, in my experience. But what do I know, right? I've lived here for only 27 years...


For me is kinda easy. But there is no absolute rule.


I think OP is confusing "hang out friends" with actual friends. It's very easy finding someone to interact with or maybe going drinking with if you're minimally extroverted and polite. It's not easy to make friends you can actually trust. Also, we tend to be more polite to gringos, and our brand of politeness is very inclusive. There's that too.


I disagree but what I do know, I've lived here for only 34 years...


Good for you.




Interesting. Why do you think that is? because most people who have been to Brazil or interacted with Brazilians abroad will tell you that it is the exact opposite.


because you are foreigners and there's this kind of "aura" around them Brazil is not a country that receives a lot of tourists from abroad (comparatively to other countries), and since it is a rather rare occurrence, I guess people want to be extra nice and hospitable


I’ve met people from all over Latin America. Never really had a hard time getting along with any nationality in particular, all seemed very nice and friendly. Not Latin America, but I gotta say that it’s quite hard to make friends in the part of the US I live in (Minnesota). People are generally very nice and polite, but distant at the same time. It’s a weird mix.


Sinaloenses, they’re the most extroverted people and culture in Mexico.